Nunes- It's Possible the Russians have Dirt on James Comey


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
This is really starting to get interesting


Devin Nunes: ā€˜Itā€™s possibleā€™ the Russians have dirt on James Comey

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., took a rhetorical jab at James Comey on Tuesday, responding to the former FBI directorā€™s open-ended suggestion that it was ā€œpossibleā€ that the Russians have dirt on President Trump.

During an interview on Fox News with host Sean Hannity, the California Republican said, ā€œThe irony here is quite frankly hard to believe.ā€

ā€œWell, itā€™s certainly possible that the Russians could have information on Comey,ā€ Nunes suggested. ā€œItā€™s certainly possible that the Russians could have information on Hillary Clinton. It is certainly possible that they have information on all kinds of people.ā€ ā€“ READ MORE
LOL Devin Nunes is a complete dunce and the conservative snowflakes who listen to his stupid talk should eat fish daily in hopes their brain is not completely gone. Too too funny, where do these sycophantic people come from, Americans are supposed to be strong and independent, Nunes is a Trump puppet. The republican base scares the pants off these weak men and they are afraid that the next election will end their government meal ticket. Have any of these sycophants ever held a real job?
LOL Devin Nunes is a complete dunce and the conservative snowflakes who listen to his stupid talk should eat fish daily in hopes their brain is not completely gone. Too too funny, where do these sycophantic people come from, Americans are supposed to be strong and independent, Nunes is a Trump puppet. The republican base scares the pants off these weak men and they are afraid that the next election will end their government meal ticket. Have any of these sycophants ever held a real job?

Nobody who has followed politics since the last presidential election takes anything Nunes says seriously. He is just a rear guard sycophant of the Trump faction Republican Party.

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I like how Nunes enrages the Troglocrats.


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