Nunes Memo is Obstruction of Justice in itself

Yep, just like your statements and proclamations.

Other than what has been reported in the press....I know a tenth of what Mueller knows, and it ain't looking good for Team Trump with just that.... imo :D

SO yes, absolutely, it is speculation, on both my and your end.... it would be foolish to think otherwise!

So why are you ignoring political leaders from both parties saying they have see NO evidence of coordination between the campaign and Russia? Is it they just don't play to your personal bias?

Because both sides ARE NOT SAYING THAT.... it's a twisted right wing talking point, that is not truthful when you examine what they have fully said about it in context.

Feel free to look up the multiple times Diane Feinstein said it to Wolf Blitzer, hell even Maxine (impeach 45) Waters said it.

is maxine or diane doing a criminal investigation, where they would know one way or another?

And Diane is always RESERVED and cautious on how she answers because she is sworn to secrecy on what her intel committee knows and does behind closed door sessions....and can not interfere with the Criminal special counsel investigation...

Certainly YOU know that.....

Great walk back, movement of the goal posts and intellectual dishonesty, all in one post. We're done.

it's not a walk back? it's a fact.
The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.


What a fucking retard.

You Communists crack me up, and the more you panic, the funnier you tget.
we are not panicked at all....what's there to be panicked about? truth will prevail....

the only ones panicked seem to be Trump and followers, and it would be interesting to find out WHY?
Why?? because an election is coming soon and they're scared shitless that they'lose congress ,,, making trump a president with no dick to wave around
Trump the coward
Double Standard’
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, blasted Trump’s decision.

“The president’s double standard when it comes to transparency is appalling,” he said in a statement late Friday. “The rationale for releasing the Nunes memo, transparency, vanishes when it could show information that’s harmful to him.”

Adam Schiff of California, the panel’s top Democrat who wrote the memo, which is about 10 pages long, said that Trump was treating it differently from the four-page Republican version commissioned by Nunes that was released last week. He said the committee would review the concerns expressed by the FBI and Justice Department.

“After ignoring urging of FBI & DOJ not to release misleading Nunes memo because it omits material facts, @POTUS now expresses concerns over sharing precisely those facts with public and seeks to send it back to the same Majority that produced the flawed Nunes memo to begin with,” Schiff tweeted late Friday.

Nunes said in a statement that “Intelligence Committee Republicans encourage the minority to accept the DOJ’s recommendations and make the appropriate technical changes and redactions so that no sources and methods are disclosed and their memo can be declassified as soon as possible.”

Political Gamble
The decision to block the Democratic memo is a political risk for Trump, who claimed the Republican-authored version vindicated his claims of unfair political influence in investigations at the Justice Department. He approved the release of the GOP memo over the objections of FBI Director Christopher Wray, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Schiff had submitted the memo to the FBI and Justice Department so they could vet it for sensitive information.

The White House released a letter from Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that said they have given details to the intelligence panel about which portions of the Democratic memo are too sensitive to release.
The DOJ wants the redactions
how did they feel about repub memo? how did the FBI
They were outed
The crazy left used to parade in the streets for "open government" but when they get it during a republican administration they want to put people in freaking jail. You almost gotta laugh that lefties celebrated the theft of the Pentagon Papers by left wing operatives during a republican administration but a single freaking memo sends them into a tailspin.
You almost gotta laugh that the crazy angry left becomes hysterical about a single memo legitimately released to the American people but they forget what went on in the 60's when the only information available to Americans was filtered through the left wing media. Woodward and Bernstein got away with an unverified unidentified alleged informant leaking information every freaking day. The informant wasn't identified until he died and obviously could not verify information that made W&B famous. That's how the left works. A neat little movie called "Three Days of the Condor" starring Robert Redford centered around a rogue former CIA drone releasing information to the N.Y. Times. It received rave reviews. The theft of the Pentagon Papers was celebrated as a victory for the 1st Amendment during the Nixon administration. Former president Barry Hussein kept his IRS chief from testifying about allegations of the IRS punishing political enemies and the left seemed to be fine with the concept as long as the MSM is determined to keep embarrassing moments of a democrat administration from the probing minds of American citizens.
So why are you ignoring political leaders from both parties saying they have see NO evidence of coordination between the campaign and Russia? Is it they just don't play to your personal bias?

Because both sides ARE NOT SAYING THAT.... it's a twisted right wing talking point, that is not truthful when you examine what they have fully said about it in context.

Feel free to look up the multiple times Diane Feinstein said it to Wolf Blitzer, hell even Maxine (impeach 45) Waters said it.

is maxine or diane doing a criminal investigation, where they would know one way or another?

And Diane is always RESERVED and cautious on how she answers because she is sworn to secrecy on what her intel committee knows and does behind closed door sessions....and can not interfere with the Criminal special counsel investigation...

Certainly YOU know that.....

Great walk back, movement of the goal posts and intellectual dishonesty, all in one post. We're done.

truth too much for republicans

Nope, just too much bullshit, I tend to cut it off before it hits the top of my waders. When you start trying to spin what people plainly said and pretend they didn't really say it, I get my fill pretty quickly. I backed the idiot in a corner and then they come back with a little diatribe claiming it really doesn't matter.

The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.

The lies are in the dossier that was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the SNC.

That is the crime.


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