Nunes Memo is Obstruction of Justice in itself

I can't show you what the Russian Investigators or the Mueller prosecutors have and you know that so why ask? I can show you what all of the investigative reporters have pieced together that is public now....but 90% is hidden from us because it is what the Russian Investigators on the special counsels team are finding and processing and determining what is or is not illegal....

Collusion is not a legal term....but there is lots of evidence that the Trump team conspired or colluded with an enemy foreign nation during their campaign and transition....what has not been shown, in the public, is whether there was a definitive, quid pro quo....

As far as the money laundering stuff with the Russians, that hasn't been shown in the public, it is behind Mueller's doors if he has anything...other than what the press has been able to show like Trump's and son in law's real estate transactions with the Russians that reek of money laundering....and his Duetsche Bank connections....

So what you're telling me is all these definitive statements you've been making are nothing but speculation and supposition. GOT IT!

Yep, just like your statements and proclamations.

Other than what has been reported in the press....I know a tenth of what Mueller knows, and it ain't looking good for Team Trump with just that.... imo :D

SO yes, absolutely, it is speculation, on both my and your end.... it would be foolish to think otherwise!

OK, so, the tenth that you know, what is it that makes you think it ain't looking good?
We know a lot about the Obstruction of Justice investigation on Trump, because we can see what Trump has done and said via twitter, or him just opening his mouth, like in the interview with Lester Holt, and seen his continual, non stop actions to discredit, muddy the waters, and to try to stop this official investigation through firing the people who were involved in investigating. We have Trump crafting a letter for Don Junior that was a cover up and PURE LIES....all meant to deceive.

As far as Trump Team connections and collusion with the Russians, there are the countless meetings and connections with the Trump Team and Russians, yet with no other Nation....

we have Don Junior and Manafort and Kushner's meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower for dirt on Hillary, we have Papadopolis's meetings with Russians and in April, 3 months before they were released, he was told that the Russians have thousands of stolen Clinton Campaign emails, Papadopolis notified Team Trump with nearly 10 different emails to different Trump Team heads, yet team trump did nothing, and did not notify the FBI and didn't even consider it....

We have Flynn, working a quid pro quo, for Trump's payment for the Russian help, by promising them he would remove sanctions on them...and even Trump himself, when asked what his talks were about when he met Putin at some overseas conference, he said believe it or not, we talked about "Russian adoptions", well talking about Russian Adoptions is code word for talking about the Russian sanctions we put on them....

We have 40 different meetings of the Trump campaign with the Russians, of which every single person involved meeting with them, LIED ABOUT IT, including Trump.... not one single Trump campaign person, told the truth when asked, not even Jeff Sessions....WHY DID THEY ALL LIE?

We have very strange real estate transactions, like Trump selling a home he bought for 50 million and shortly afterwards sold it for $100 million to a Russian oligarch who works with Putin....and similar transactions by Kusner in New York....we have Kushner secretly meeting with a Russian Banker that our Nation had Sanctions on....that Kushner lied about it even taking place....

we have the head of Blackwater, Betsy Devos's brother also involved with meetings with the Russians in the Seychelle Islands for Team Trump,

we have Kushner trying to set up back door communications with the Russians, to keep it from the American citizens and our own govt, through the Russian embassy....

We have Gordan and Manafort on Team Trump, changing the Republican platform, so that we favor Russia and not the Ukraine....and everyone on team trump that lied about that....until they finally admitted it....

We've got Roger Stone working with wikileaks to disseminate the stolen emails, we also have the Trump Campaign's marketing pac, trying to get julian Assange to let them help him choose how to sort through and release the stolen DNC and Podesta emails

Gawd, there is so much more and all of that is just at the top of my head....

AND special counsel MUELLER was charged with investigating all of those things and knows 90 % MORE, than we do...

Let alone the other crimes he may come across, like all of the Manafort and Gates stuff with Russian Money Laundering as just one of the charges of criminality...

All of the things I have mentioned above have all been reported's part of what we, the public, knows....

Analysis | All the known times the Trump campaign met with Russians

Who's who in Trump-Russia saga - CNNPolitics
what a complete stack of whooie

what a complete stack of whooie

Hooey, maybe?
So what you're telling me is all these definitive statements you've been making are nothing but speculation and supposition. GOT IT!

Yep, just like your statements and proclamations.

Other than what has been reported in the press....I know a tenth of what Mueller knows, and it ain't looking good for Team Trump with just that.... imo :D

SO yes, absolutely, it is speculation, on both my and your end.... it would be foolish to think otherwise!

OK, so, the tenth that you know, what is it that makes you think it ain't looking good?
We know a lot about the Obstruction of Justice investigation on Trump, because we can see what Trump has done and said via twitter, or him just opening his mouth, like in the interview with Lester Holt, and seen his continual, non stop actions to discredit, muddy the waters, and to try to stop this official investigation through firing the people who were involved in investigating. We have Trump crafting a letter for Don Junior that was a cover up and PURE LIES....all meant to deceive.

As far as Trump Team connections and collusion with the Russians, there are the countless meetings and connections with the Trump Team and Russians, yet with no other Nation....

we have Don Junior and Manafort and Kushner's meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower for dirt on Hillary, we have Papadopolis's meetings with Russians and in April, 3 months before they were released, he was told that the Russians have thousands of stolen Clinton Campaign emails, Papadopolis notified Team Trump with nearly 10 different emails to different Trump Team heads, yet team trump did nothing, and did not notify the FBI and didn't even consider it....

We have Flynn, working a quid pro quo, for Trump's payment for the Russian help, by promising them he would remove sanctions on them...and even Trump himself, when asked what his talks were about when he met Putin at some overseas conference, he said believe it or not, we talked about "Russian adoptions", well talking about Russian Adoptions is code word for talking about the Russian sanctions we put on them....

We have 40 different meetings of the Trump campaign with the Russians, of which every single person involved meeting with them, LIED ABOUT IT, including Trump.... not one single Trump campaign person, told the truth when asked, not even Jeff Sessions....WHY DID THEY ALL LIE?

We have very strange real estate transactions, like Trump selling a home he bought for 50 million and shortly afterwards sold it for $100 million to a Russian oligarch who works with Putin....and similar transactions by Kusner in New York....we have Kushner secretly meeting with a Russian Banker that our Nation had Sanctions on....that Kushner lied about it even taking place....

we have the head of Blackwater, Betsy Devos's brother also involved with meetings with the Russians in the Seychelle Islands for Team Trump,

we have Kushner trying to set up back door communications with the Russians, to keep it from the American citizens and our own govt, through the Russian embassy....

We have Gordan and Manafort on Team Trump, changing the Republican platform, so that we favor Russia and not the Ukraine....and everyone on team trump that lied about that....until they finally admitted it....

We've got Roger Stone working with wikileaks to disseminate the stolen emails, we also have the Trump Campaign's marketing pac, trying to get julian Assange to let them help him choose how to sort through and release the stolen DNC and Podesta emails

Gawd, there is so much more and all of that is just at the top of my head....

AND special counsel MUELLER was charged with investigating all of those things and knows 90 % MORE, than we do...

Let alone the other crimes he may come across, like all of the Manafort and Gates stuff with Russian Money Laundering as just one of the charges of criminality...

All of the things I have mentioned above have all been reported's part of what we, the public, knows....

Analysis | All the known times the Trump campaign met with Russians

Who's who in Trump-Russia saga - CNNPolitics
what a complete stack of whooie

what a complete stack of whooie

Hooey, maybe?
thank you. got your attention.
So exposing corruption and abuse of power, which the Nunes memo most certainly does, is "obstruction of justice" now.

You guys would have made great Nazis and Soviets.

When the McCabe transcript is released, we'll see what we'll see.
So exposing corruption and abuse of power, which the Nunes memo most certainly does, is "obstruction of justice" now.

You guys would have made great Nazis and Soviets.

When the McCabe transcript is released, we'll see what we'll see.
I would just like some leftist jamoke explain what was obstructed?
So exposing corruption and abuse of power, which the Nunes memo most certainly does, is "obstruction of justice" now.

You guys would have made great Nazis and Soviets.

When the McCabe transcript is released, we'll see what we'll see.
But how does it do that? It's incomplete and out of context, through cherry picking for pure partisan posturing?

It was a planned partisan propaganda campaign from the BEGINNING.

All the Fox news and right wing media blitz for the week or two before, about how this memo was going to be the end of the Trump investigation and Mueller/Rosenstein and would lock people up, people would be going to jail....

to the whole hashtag #releasethememo propaganda campaign, with the Russian bot help....on the internet....

As if the Democrats could stop the memo from being released?

When the Democrats could NEVER stop the memo from being released....

they were in the MINORITY in the House Intelligence Select Committee and did not have enough votes to ever be able to stop it....

And the President was in on it, from the beginning, and already told them he would release it, before he even reviewed it.

This was all a propaganda campaign, that WORKED on the Trump followers.

The Intelligence Committee was NOT made a part of this investigation, Nunes and his staffers and the white house created this propaganda campaign,

by not including the committee members from the beginning...they created the situation of distrust by not having both Democratic members and Republican members of the whole committee,

As it had been for the Intelligence committee with every single investigation they handled since its inception, as an investigative COMMITTEE.....

by doing such, by breaking protocol, going outside of the committee and working in secret without even letting the Minority leader of the committee even know about this alleged investigation...

Set up from the beginning a situation where no liberal or independent citizen would ever believe what they were presenting.

Surely Nunes KNEW THIS from the very start, and did not give a FLYING HOOT about that....

which tells me, it was only meant to muddy the waters, and fool the Trump followers,

and put division between us.... to once again divide us, as a nation.
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How does a memo obstruct justice? Good Lord, you can't make this shit up.
No critical thinking ability?

Answer this question and then I'll explain it to you.

Do you believe the memo brought the motives of Rosenstein in to question? Should he be forced out?
How does a memo obstruct justice? Good Lord, you can't make this shit up.
If the out of context memo was used by President Trump to fire Rosenstein, who controls the Russian investigator, Mueller....and the asst deputy director were fired too, then Trump could appoint a new Deputy director and get the new one to be Trump's "man" to fire or curtail Mueller's investigation.
How does a memo obstruct justice? Good Lord, you can't make this shit up.
No critical thinking ability?

Answer this question and then I'll explain it to you.

Do you believe the memo brought the motives of Rosenstein in to question? Should he be forced out?

Of course it did. And his motives should be looked into. Funny, the "dossier", which is for the most part a work of fiction, is embraced as the word of God. Anything from the other side is immediately dismissed.

Answer this question, do you really believe Trump hired hookers to pee on his bed?
How does a memo obstruct justice? Good Lord, you can't make this shit up.
If the out of context memo was used by President Trump to fire Rosenstein, who controls the Russian investigator, Mueller....and the asst deputy director were fired too, then Trump could appoint a new Deputy director and get the new one to be Trump's "man" to fire or curtail Mueller's investigation.

Rosenstein has not been fired.
How does a memo obstruct justice? Good Lord, you can't make this shit up.
No critical thinking ability?

Answer this question and then I'll explain it to you.

Do you believe the memo brought the motives of Rosenstein in to question? Should he be forced out?

Of course it did. And it should be looked into though. Funny, the "dossier", which is for the most part a work of fiction, is embraced as the word of God. Anything from the other side is immediately dismissed.

Answer this question, do you really believe Trump hired hookers to pee on his bed?

Do you honestly believe that is in any way relevant to a warrant that is specific to Page?
How does a memo obstruct justice? Good Lord, you can't make this shit up.
If the out of context memo was used by President Trump to fire Rosenstein, who controls the Russian investigator, Mueller....and the asst deputy director were fired too, then Trump could appoint a new Deputy director and get the new one to be Trump's "man" to fire or curtail Mueller's investigation.

Rosenstein has not been fired.

His deputy just stepped down leaving an opening for a Trump appointee who would take Rosenstein's place if he were fired.

Rachel Brand resigns from Justice Department - CNNPolitics
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How does a memo obstruct justice? Good Lord, you can't make this shit up.
If the out of context memo was used by President Trump to fire Rosenstein, who controls the Russian investigator, Mueller....and the asst deputy director were fired too, then Trump could appoint a new Deputy director and get the new one to be Trump's "man" to fire or curtail Mueller's investigation.

Rosenstein has not been fired.

His deputy just stepped down leaving an opening for a Trump appointee who would take Rosenstein's place if he were fired.
Holy Smokes! When did that happen?
How does a memo obstruct justice? Good Lord, you can't make this shit up.
If the out of context memo was used by President Trump to fire Rosenstein, who controls the Russian investigator, Mueller....and the asst deputy director were fired too, then Trump could appoint a new Deputy director and get the new one to be Trump's "man" to fire or curtail Mueller's investigation.

Rosenstein has not been fired.

His deputy just stepped down leaving an opening for a Trump appointee who would take Rosenstein's place if he were fired.
Holy Smokes! When did that happen?

Just heard in the last 30 min or so.

Rachel Brand resigns from Justice Department - CNNPolitics
What in the world is president Trump so afraid of us finding out, for him to be so hell bent on getting this Russian Investigation to disappear?

I just do not understand how any innocent man could act like him, and go through the hoops like him to stop us from having the Mueller special counsel investigation come to its completion and end?

everyone can see this, even the Trump supporters, though they are mum...
How does a memo obstruct justice? Good Lord, you can't make this shit up.
If the out of context memo was used by President Trump to fire Rosenstein, who controls the Russian investigator, Mueller....and the asst deputy director were fired too, then Trump could appoint a new Deputy director and get the new one to be Trump's "man" to fire or curtail Mueller's investigation.
Did he?when?
How does a memo obstruct justice? Good Lord, you can't make this shit up.
If the out of context memo was used by President Trump to fire Rosenstein, who controls the Russian investigator, Mueller....and the asst deputy director were fired too, then Trump could appoint a new Deputy director and get the new one to be Trump's "man" to fire or curtail Mueller's investigation.
Did he?when?
He hasn't, just saying he could, if his goal is to rid himself of Rosenstein and get someone in there to cover his ass of his alleged crimes.
How does a memo obstruct justice? Good Lord, you can't make this shit up.
If the out of context memo was used by President Trump to fire Rosenstein, who controls the Russian investigator, Mueller....and the asst deputy director were fired too, then Trump could appoint a new Deputy director and get the new one to be Trump's "man" to fire or curtail Mueller's investigation.

Rosenstein has not been fired.

His deputy just stepped down leaving an opening for a Trump appointee who would take Rosenstein's place if he were fired.

Rachel Brand resigns from Justice Department - CNNPolitics

But, they claimed Rosenstein was fired. Oh, so if he were fired.
How does a memo obstruct justice? Good Lord, you can't make this shit up.
If the out of context memo was used by President Trump to fire Rosenstein, who controls the Russian investigator, Mueller....and the asst deputy director were fired too, then Trump could appoint a new Deputy director and get the new one to be Trump's "man" to fire or curtail Mueller's investigation.
Did he?when?
He hasn't, just saying he could, if his goal is to rid himself of Rosenstein and get someone in there to cover his ass of his alleged crimes.
He could do anything. It would be legal

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