Nunes Memo is Obstruction of Justice in itself

Really? What is Donald trying to hide? Has he told you?

Yep, absofuckinglutely NOTHING.


You think Papadopoulos and Flynn got off easy cause they gave up "nothing?" I don't think so....

They may get off scott free, they're saying Flynn's lawyers are going to request dismissal because of prosecutorial misconduct.

That might be why Mueller has not set a sentencing date. That guilty plea might be withdrawn yet.
depends on how much Flynn is helping Mueller....on whether all the other crimes he and his son committed will come back to life.... he will be indicted for those too if Flynn is not cooperating with useful information....

i don't think the guilty plea can be ''taken back'', he's already been CONVICTED....

Wrong most usually a guilty plea can be withdrawn anytime before sentencing.

Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

You got it half right. The premise was that it was politically motivated because the dossier was used and that the origins of the dossier were kept from the court. That has since been revealed to be wrong.

The memo says nothing about framing a presidential candidate.
Clearly the emails between Page and Strzok reveal an intent to frame the President.

There are no emails in the Nunes memo, dope.

FOX devotees are not so smart....
Yep, absofuckinglutely NOTHING.


You think Papadopoulos and Flynn got off easy cause they gave up "nothing?" I don't think so....

They may get off scott free, they're saying Flynn's lawyers are going to request dismissal because of prosecutorial misconduct.

That might be why Mueller has not set a sentencing date. That guilty plea might be withdrawn yet.
depends on how much Flynn is helping Mueller....on whether all the other crimes he and his son committed will come back to life.... he will be indicted for those too if Flynn is not cooperating with useful information....

i don't think the guilty plea can be ''taken back'', he's already been CONVICTED....

Wrong most usually a guilty plea can be withdrawn anytime before sentencing.


Help me understand how pleading guilty to lying to the FBI has ANYTHING to do with a FISA renewal application. Flynn IS NOT withdrawing his guilty plea. Mueller is milking the snake for everything he can get.
Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

You got it half right. The premise was that it was politically motivated because the dossier was used and that the origins of the dossier were kept from the court. That has since been revealed to be wrong.

The memo says nothing about framing a presidential candidate.
Clearly the emails between Page and Strzok reveal an intent to frame the President.

There are no emails in the Nunes memo, dope.
What's your point, dope? Does that somehow make the emails not exist? Do you think if you split enough hairs on a message board everyone will forget that Obama and Hillary used government agencies to frame a political opponent and the whole thing will go away?
You think Papadopoulos and Flynn got off easy cause they gave up "nothing?" I don't think so....

They may get off scott free, they're saying Flynn's lawyers are going to request dismissal because of prosecutorial misconduct.

That might be why Mueller has not set a sentencing date. That guilty plea might be withdrawn yet.
depends on how much Flynn is helping Mueller....on whether all the other crimes he and his son committed will come back to life.... he will be indicted for those too if Flynn is not cooperating with useful information....

i don't think the guilty plea can be ''taken back'', he's already been CONVICTED....

Wrong most usually a guilty plea can be withdrawn anytime before sentencing.


Help me understand how pleading guilty to lying to the FBI has ANYTHING to do with a FISA renewal application. Flynn IS NOT withdrawing his guilty plea. Mueller is milking the snake for everything he can get.

Where did I say it had anything to do with it, it has everything to do with abuse of power and prosecutorial misconduct before Mueller took over the investigation.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

You got it half right. The premise was that it was politically motivated because the dossier was used and that the origins of the dossier were kept from the court. That has since been revealed to be wrong.

The memo says nothing about framing a presidential candidate.
Clearly the emails between Page and Strzok reveal an intent to frame the President.

There are no emails in the Nunes memo, dope.
What's your point, dope? Does that somehow make the emails not exist? Do you think if you split enough hairs on a message board everyone will forget that Obama and Hillary used government agencies to frame a political opponent and the whole thing will go away?

Splitting hairs?

This is what you posted, dope.

No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.
They may get off scott free, they're saying Flynn's lawyers are going to request dismissal because of prosecutorial misconduct.

That might be why Mueller has not set a sentencing date. That guilty plea might be withdrawn yet.
depends on how much Flynn is helping Mueller....on whether all the other crimes he and his son committed will come back to life.... he will be indicted for those too if Flynn is not cooperating with useful information....

i don't think the guilty plea can be ''taken back'', he's already been CONVICTED....

Wrong most usually a guilty plea can be withdrawn anytime before sentencing.


Help me understand how pleading guilty to lying to the FBI has ANYTHING to do with a FISA renewal application. Flynn IS NOT withdrawing his guilty plea. Mueller is milking the snake for everything he can get.

Where did I say it had anything to do with it, it has everything to do with abuse of power and prosecutorial misconduct before Mueller took over the investigation.


And the dairy farmer knows what that is? Obstruction of Justice is all but proven. Anything else Mueller finds will be icing on the cake.
Yep, absofuckinglutely NOTHING.


You think Papadopoulos and Flynn got off easy cause they gave up "nothing?" I don't think so....

They may get off scott free, they're saying Flynn's lawyers are going to request dismissal because of prosecutorial misconduct.

That might be why Mueller has not set a sentencing date. That guilty plea might be withdrawn yet.
depends on how much Flynn is helping Mueller....on whether all the other crimes he and his son committed will come back to life.... he will be indicted for those too if Flynn is not cooperating with useful information....

i don't think the guilty plea can be ''taken back'', he's already been CONVICTED....

Wrong most usually a guilty plea can be withdrawn anytime before sentencing.

ty, just looked that up....

but what is going on here is what is in their plea agreement, which says a delay of sentencing will happen and is agreed to by Flynn, until the prosecutor has what he wants and needs in his investigation... look at 'G'


Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents
That might be why Mueller has not set a sentencing date. That guilty plea might be withdrawn yet.
depends on how much Flynn is helping Mueller....on whether all the other crimes he and his son committed will come back to life.... he will be indicted for those too if Flynn is not cooperating with useful information....

i don't think the guilty plea can be ''taken back'', he's already been CONVICTED....

Wrong most usually a guilty plea can be withdrawn anytime before sentencing.


Help me understand how pleading guilty to lying to the FBI has ANYTHING to do with a FISA renewal application. Flynn IS NOT withdrawing his guilty plea. Mueller is milking the snake for everything he can get.

Where did I say it had anything to do with it, it has everything to do with abuse of power and prosecutorial misconduct before Mueller took over the investigation.


And the dairy farmer knows what that is? Obstruction of Justice is all but proven. Anything else Mueller finds will be icing on the cake.

Yeah, any day now, LMAO.

You think Papadopoulos and Flynn got off easy cause they gave up "nothing?" I don't think so....

They may get off scott free, they're saying Flynn's lawyers are going to request dismissal because of prosecutorial misconduct.

That might be why Mueller has not set a sentencing date. That guilty plea might be withdrawn yet.
depends on how much Flynn is helping Mueller....on whether all the other crimes he and his son committed will come back to life.... he will be indicted for those too if Flynn is not cooperating with useful information....

i don't think the guilty plea can be ''taken back'', he's already been CONVICTED....

Wrong most usually a guilty plea can be withdrawn anytime before sentencing.

ty, just looked that up....

but what is going on here is what is in their plea agreement, which says a delay of sentencing will happen and is agreed to by Flynn, until the prosecutor has what he wants and needs in his investigation... look at 'G'


Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

DOJ bribery and extortion, got to love it.

At least we know know the real reason that bum at the FBI ran away like a chicken shit.

"The sources said that when asked when he learned that the dossier had been funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, McCabe claimed he could not recall – despite the reported existence of documents with McCabe’s own signature on them establishing his knowledge of the dossier’s financing and provenance."

McCabe lied to Congress. No wonder he had to run away.

Andrew McCabe Denies the Most Amazing Thing in His Under-Oath Testimony
They may get off scott free, they're saying Flynn's lawyers are going to request dismissal because of prosecutorial misconduct.

That might be why Mueller has not set a sentencing date. That guilty plea might be withdrawn yet.
depends on how much Flynn is helping Mueller....on whether all the other crimes he and his son committed will come back to life.... he will be indicted for those too if Flynn is not cooperating with useful information....

i don't think the guilty plea can be ''taken back'', he's already been CONVICTED....

Wrong most usually a guilty plea can be withdrawn anytime before sentencing.

ty, just looked that up....

but what is going on here is what is in their plea agreement, which says a delay of sentencing will happen and is agreed to by Flynn, until the prosecutor has what he wants and needs in his investigation... look at 'G'


Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

DOJ bribery and extortion, got to love it.

90% of crimes never go to court and are decided with plea deals
At least we know know the real reason that bum at the FBI ran away like a chicken shit.

"The sources said that when asked when he learned that the dossier had been funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, McCabe claimed he could not recall – despite the reported existence of documents with McCabe’s own signature on them establishing his knowledge of the dossier’s financing and provenance."

McCabe lied to Congress. No wonder he had to run away.

Andrew McCabe Denies the Most Amazing Thing in His Under-Oath Testimony

You realise everyone is laughing at the dairy farmer's memo? He has shown himself to be a Trump stooge.
That might be why Mueller has not set a sentencing date. That guilty plea might be withdrawn yet.
depends on how much Flynn is helping Mueller....on whether all the other crimes he and his son committed will come back to life.... he will be indicted for those too if Flynn is not cooperating with useful information....

i don't think the guilty plea can be ''taken back'', he's already been CONVICTED....

Wrong most usually a guilty plea can be withdrawn anytime before sentencing.

ty, just looked that up....

but what is going on here is what is in their plea agreement, which says a delay of sentencing will happen and is agreed to by Flynn, until the prosecutor has what he wants and needs in his investigation... look at 'G'


Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

DOJ bribery and extortion, got to love it.

90% of crimes never go to court and are decided with plea deals

I guess that would be great for someone who actually did something wrong. Kind of makes you wonder how many didn't actually commit a crime but are caught in some instigators perjury trap because they miss a couple of details.

The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.
I don't think the memo was obstruction, but as moonglow posted, the intent is to decredit the investigation. And as your link said, the FBI has a history of "stretching" or dirty play with gathering information. Ironically, mafiaosos drug dealers terrorists kidporn stockswindle people used to complain. Now the gop is decrying "those liberals" in the DOJ. LOL. FBI agents are careerists, but they ain't libs. And people have written about Mueller's past heavyhandedness with prosecutions.

But assuming Gowdy is right and the tap on Carter Page would not have been extended without Steele's "dossier (who the fuck came up with that name for his memo LOL) ..... [edit, and not telling the court the dossier was paid for partially with dem money made the warrant invalid] legally that might mean that any information coming from that wiretap is off limits for Mueller. Page hasn't been charged nor is he talking. Anything Mueller has from other sources is not affected.
what the memo told us all was how the trump spying began. finally. after two years I think it was time. now everyone knows that everyone on the seventh floor in the fbi and Leadership of the DOJ were creating a coup about the trump presidency. Can't get any clearer than a circular scheme. Hire a foreign agent, fire him, then use him trough another colleagues wife through the firm back through the media, back to the fired guy to the FBI. holy fk, what a rouse.

Honest americans would be outraged at such an attempt to commit a coup
Honest Americans wouldn't have voted for a morally bankrupt scalawag like T- rump in the first place.
Sounds like you're rapidly running out of argument.

Trump is running out if time. Mueller has him figured out...and a subpoena will get the Orange Clown before a Grand Jury. Better he agrees to the interview. Then he will only lie to FBI agents and government officials.
What is the crime?

There will be multiple crimes and Mueller will have them all tied up in a big red bow....:113:

What are they?

Mueller will be letting you know soon..

So, you are just talking out of your ass.
That might be why Mueller has not set a sentencing date. That guilty plea might be withdrawn yet.
depends on how much Flynn is helping Mueller....on whether all the other crimes he and his son committed will come back to life.... he will be indicted for those too if Flynn is not cooperating with useful information....

i don't think the guilty plea can be ''taken back'', he's already been CONVICTED....

Wrong most usually a guilty plea can be withdrawn anytime before sentencing.

ty, just looked that up....

but what is going on here is what is in their plea agreement, which says a delay of sentencing will happen and is agreed to by Flynn, until the prosecutor has what he wants and needs in his investigation... look at 'G'


Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

DOJ bribery and extortion, got to love it.

90% of crimes never go to court and are decided with plea deals
And we know who. the 10% who do go to court are.:lol:
depends on how much Flynn is helping Mueller....on whether all the other crimes he and his son committed will come back to life.... he will be indicted for those too if Flynn is not cooperating with useful information....

i don't think the guilty plea can be ''taken back'', he's already been CONVICTED....

Wrong most usually a guilty plea can be withdrawn anytime before sentencing.

ty, just looked that up....

but what is going on here is what is in their plea agreement, which says a delay of sentencing will happen and is agreed to by Flynn, until the prosecutor has what he wants and needs in his investigation... look at 'G'


Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

DOJ bribery and extortion, got to love it.

90% of crimes never go to court and are decided with plea deals

I guess that would be great for someone who actually did something wrong. Kind of makes you wonder how many didn't actually commit a crime but are caught in some instigators perjury trap because they miss a couple of details.

are talking about Flynn? Or others?
Wrong most usually a guilty plea can be withdrawn anytime before sentencing.

ty, just looked that up....

but what is going on here is what is in their plea agreement, which says a delay of sentencing will happen and is agreed to by Flynn, until the prosecutor has what he wants and needs in his investigation... look at 'G'


Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

DOJ bribery and extortion, got to love it.

90% of crimes never go to court and are decided with plea deals

I guess that would be great for someone who actually did something wrong. Kind of makes you wonder how many didn't actually commit a crime but are caught in some instigators perjury trap because they miss a couple of details.

are talking about Flynn? Or others?

Both, what crime did Flynn commit related to collusion with the Russians on the campaign? Surely you have something.

ty, just looked that up....

but what is going on here is what is in their plea agreement, which says a delay of sentencing will happen and is agreed to by Flynn, until the prosecutor has what he wants and needs in his investigation... look at 'G'


Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

DOJ bribery and extortion, got to love it.

90% of crimes never go to court and are decided with plea deals

I guess that would be great for someone who actually did something wrong. Kind of makes you wonder how many didn't actually commit a crime but are caught in some instigators perjury trap because they miss a couple of details.

are talking about Flynn? Or others?

Both, what crime did Flynn commit related to collusion with the Russians on the campaign? Surely you have something.

why does it matter? HINT, it doesn't.

and, Flynn lied to the FBI about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador about not worrying about the Sanctions put on them for interfering in our democratic election process because once Trump became president, Trump would remove them... AND a promise to remove sanctions (code: Russian Adoption)was the alleged quid pro quo between the Trump team and Putin/the Russians for the Russian help in getting him elected....

so what Flynn lied about had EVERYTHING to do with the Russian Interference investigation.

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