Nunes Memo is Obstruction of Justice in itself

And Mueller goes on....:aargh:Donald is desperately trying to stop him.


You funny GI.


Really? What is Donald trying to hide? Has he told you?

Yep, absofuckinglutely NOTHING.


You think Papadopoulos and Flynn got off easy cause they gave up "nothing?" I don't think so....

They may get off scott free, they're saying Flynn's lawyers are going to request dismissal because of prosecutorial misconduct.

That might be why Mueller has not set a sentencing date. That guilty plea might be withdrawn yet.
What is clear is that the FBI knew that Steele was a foreign intelligence agent for the UK, a monarchy whose best interests very often clash with the best interests of the USA. The FBI also knew that Trump was running on a strong platform of always advancing America's best interests first, regardless of the UK's best interests.

The FBI also knew that the so-called "dossier" was paid for by the political enemies of the candidate who vowed to put America's interests above the UK's interests.

Trump is right, they should be ashamed for using the specious claims of a foreign intelligence agent in order to obtain a warrant to spy on an American citizen.

Heads should roll.
Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

Bullshit! Obama didn't control every little thing the FBI did. It is not against the law for a source to be biased. The FBI uses biased sources to get FISA warrants all the time and 99.9% are approved.
What is clear is that the FBI knew that Steele was a foreign intelligence agent for the UK, a monarchy whose best interests very often clash with the best interests of the USA. The FBI also knew that Trump was running on a strong platform of always advancing America's best interests first, regardless of the UK's best interests.

The FBI also knew that the so-called "dossier" was paid for by the political enemies of the candidate who vowed to put America's interests above the UK's interests.

Trump is right, they should be ashamed for using the specious claims of a foreign intelligence agent in order to obtain a warrant to spy on an American citizen.

Heads should roll.

The UK is not a monarchy, you is a parliamentary democracy. Their interests align the U.S.'s interests more often than not.
Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.
I challenge any leftart in here to give us the evidence for the mueller appointment if it wasn't that dossier and warrant. Please, enlighten the class.

What's a leftart? Mueller was appointed because Trump fired Comey. Man, you are dumb.
The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.

What is the Obstruction of Justice?

Nunes' memo give Trump a bogus excuse to fire Mueller, thus impeding his investigation. Jeez, read the linked article, you lazy dumbass.
Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

And that premise is false. Carter Paige wasn’t even a member of the Trump campaign when the FBI obtained their FISA warrant, but Paige was a target of FBI concern from 2013, having nothing to Trump.

Trump has been pushing this false narrative that the Obama Administration spied on his campaign since the Inauguration. Repeating this lie endlessly doesn’t make it true.

The only crime here is the Russian government’s meddling in the election to get Trump elected. Why doesn’t Trump want this investigated?
The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
First off, it's not a "VISA" court, it's FISA court. FISA is an acronym for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Also, Propagating* Secondly...

Christopher Steele was paid $160,000 to create the Trump dossier for Fusion GPS. The Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and Democratic National Committee financed the work. So the FBI and Justice Department used opposition research from a presidential campaign to launch an investigation into that campaign's political opponent, a likely illegal use of federal government surveillance for political purposes.


The FBI also agreed to pay Steele for his dossier and other research, but rescinded the offer in October of 2016, shortly before the presidential election, after discovering that Steele had shared the dossier's contents with journalists in a number of briefings, a violation of FBI rules. But neither the FBI nor Justice informed FISC that the information had in fact been paid for by the Democrats, which would have immediately raised doubts about the surveillance request's legitimacy.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Memo: FBI Used Tainted Steele Dossier, Paid For By Hillary Clinton, As Reason To Spy On Trump
Memo: FBI Used Tainted Steele Dossier, Paid For By Hillary Clinton, As Reason To Spy On Trump | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

The FBI wasn't investigating a campaign's political opponent. They were investigating a man who admitted he was working with Russian spies. The Trump campaign just happened to hire him, even though they knew he was working with Russian spies. The dossier has nothing to do with why the FISA warrant was granted. The judge rejected it on those grounds but granted it on probable cause based on other reasons.
Mueller should be put on a time table to provide some proof or start paying for the investigation himself instead of sticking the taxpayer with it. Why should the American people continue to pay for his fruitless fishing expedition?

Sounds like a Nixon argument....Congratulations!
Sounds like you're rapidly running out of argument.

Trump is running out if time. Mueller has him figured out...and a subpoena will get the Orange Clown before a Grand Jury. Better he agrees to the interview. Then he will only lie to FBI agents and government officials.
What is the crime?

There will be multiple crimes and Mueller will have them all tied up in a big red bow....:113:
In you're delusional little mind.
Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

Yes. we get that was the "premise"…. but here's the thing the memo left out how completely fucking impossible it is and how the FISA extensions REQUIRE proof that previous FISA warrants yielded tangible results.

In other words -- NO FISA extension is granted unless they can show previous wire taps in fact yielded foreign intelligence substantiating the original probable cause alleging that the target is engaging in clandestine intelligence activity on behalf of a foreign power. If the FBI cannot show this evidence, the surveillance is terminated.

Politics is so fucking laughable, the party that pushed for 702 extension "to keep us safe" is now the party slamming it because their own President is under investigation...

Yet Carter Page is walking around a free man with no charges even rumored, go figure.


Who cares? Mueller has the people he wants. He is getting lots of felonious details.
Kangaroo Court led by an incompetent fool.
The only crime here is the Russian government’s meddling in the election to get Trump elected.
Sure, that's why the Russians helped out Hillary with the fake dossier. You still can't come to terms with the fact that the underhanded bitch lost, can you?

Why doesn’t Trump want this investigated?
You keep saying that, and you keep saying he's gonna fire Mueller, but he hasn't done anything to stop him, despite all your hyperbolic claims of "obstruction of justice". Nothing but a distraction from the fact that Mueller can't find any wrong doing by Trump.
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You funny GI.


Really? What is Donald trying to hide? Has he told you?

Yep, absofuckinglutely NOTHING.


You think Papadopoulos and Flynn got off easy cause they gave up "nothing?" I don't think so....

They may get off scott free, they're saying Flynn's lawyers are going to request dismissal because of prosecutorial misconduct.

That might be why Mueller has not set a sentencing date. That guilty plea might be withdrawn yet.

May be, now they're reporting maobama was in the middle of everything, getting briefings from Comey.

The only crime here is the Russian government’s meddling in the election to get Trump elected.
Sure, that's why the Russians helped out Hillary with the fake dossier. You still can't come to terms with the fact that the underhanded bitch lost, can you?

Why doesn’t Trump want this investigated?
You keep saying that, and you keep saying he's gonna fire Mueller, but he hasn't done anything to stop him, despite all your hyperbolic claims of "obstruction of justice". Nothing but a distraction from the fact that Mueller can't find any wrong doing by Trump.

Putin wanted Donald elected....Why?
What does Putin have on Trump?
Why is Trump throwing so many distractions out there?
Why do Trump's attorneys NOT want him to testify for Mueller?

The only crime here is the Russian government’s meddling in the election to get Trump elected.
Sure, that's why the Russians helped out Hillary with the fake dossier. You still can't come to terms with the fact that the underhanded bitch lost, can you?

Why doesn’t Trump want this investigated?
You keep saying that, and you keep saying he's gonna fire Mueller, but he hasn't done anything to stop him, despite all your hyperbolic claims of "obstruction of justice". Nothing but a distraction from the fact that Mueller can't find any wrong doing by Trump.

The only reason he hasn't is his staff talked him out of it.
The only crime here is the Russian government’s meddling in the election to get Trump elected.
Sure, that's why the Russians helped out Hillary with the fake dossier. You still can't come to terms with the fact that the underhanded bitch lost, can you?

Why doesn’t Trump want this investigated?
You keep saying that, and you keep saying he's gonna fire Mueller, but he hasn't done anything to stop him, despite all your hyperbolic claims of "obstruction of justice". Nothing but a distraction from the fact that Mueller can't find any wrong doing by Trump.

The only reason he hasn't is his staff talked him out of it.
How about if you provide some facts instead of speculation? 2 posts in a row that lack any substance, just your idiotic opinions. You're a monumental waste of time.
The only crime here is the Russian government’s meddling in the election to get Trump elected.
Sure, that's why the Russians helped out Hillary with the fake dossier. You still can't come to terms with the fact that the underhanded bitch lost, can you?

Why doesn’t Trump want this investigated?
You keep saying that, and you keep saying he's gonna fire Mueller, but he hasn't done anything to stop him, despite all your hyperbolic claims of "obstruction of justice". Nothing but a distraction from the fact that Mueller can't find any wrong doing by Trump.

Putin wanted Donald elected....Why?
What does Putin have on Trump?
Why is Trump throwing so many distractions out there?
Why do Trump's attorneys NOT want him to testify for Mueller?

Are you this stupid to keep up the lies? Obviously, yes.... you are really stupid.
The only crime here is the Russian government’s meddling in the election to get Trump elected.
Sure, that's why the Russians helped out Hillary with the fake dossier. You still can't come to terms with the fact that the underhanded bitch lost, can you?

Why doesn’t Trump want this investigated?
You keep saying that, and you keep saying he's gonna fire Mueller, but he hasn't done anything to stop him, despite all your hyperbolic claims of "obstruction of justice". Nothing but a distraction from the fact that Mueller can't find any wrong doing by Trump.

The only reason he hasn't is his staff talked him out of it.
How about if you provide some facts instead of speculation? 2 posts in a row that lack any substance, just your idiotic opinions. You're a monumental waste of time.

Like I associate tying everything up in a bow. It is going to be Epic!

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