Nunes Memo is Obstruction of Justice in itself

The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.

Time has completely lost all journalistic integrity. From the article:

Nunes’s allegations have already been extensively reported, and the memo itself offers no surprises. It centers around the so-called “Steele dossier” — a detailed account of contacts between Trump associates and Russian operatives before the 2016 election.

The reality is the vast majority of the dossier was fabricated in relation to Carter Page. It included meetings that never occurred and financial deals with people he never met. If that crap was presented to a court as fact, some folks need to go to jail.


And Mueller goes on....:aargh:Donald is desperately trying to stop him.


You funny GI.

Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

Yes. we get that was the "premise"…. but here's the thing the memo left out how completely fucking impossible it is and how the FISA extensions REQUIRE proof that previous FISA warrants yielded tangible results.

In other words -- NO FISA extension is granted unless they can show previous wire taps in fact yielded foreign intelligence substantiating the original probable cause alleging that the target is engaging in clandestine intelligence activity on behalf of a foreign power. If the FBI cannot show this evidence, the surveillance is terminated.

Politics is so fucking laughable, the party that pushed for 702 extension "to keep us safe" is now the party slamming it because their own President is under investigation...

Yet Carter Page is walking around a free man with no charges even rumored, go figure.

The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.

Time has completely lost all journalistic integrity. From the article:

Nunes’s allegations have already been extensively reported, and the memo itself offers no surprises. It centers around the so-called “Steele dossier” — a detailed account of contacts between Trump associates and Russian operatives before the 2016 election.

The reality is the vast majority of the dossier was fabricated in relation to Carter Page. It included meetings that never occurred and financial deals with people he never met. If that crap was presented to a court as fact, some folks need to go to jail.


And Mueller goes on....:aargh:Donald is desperately trying to stop him.


You funny GI.


Really? What is Donald trying to hide? Has he told you?
The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.

Time has completely lost all journalistic integrity. From the article:

Nunes’s allegations have already been extensively reported, and the memo itself offers no surprises. It centers around the so-called “Steele dossier” — a detailed account of contacts between Trump associates and Russian operatives before the 2016 election.

The reality is the vast majority of the dossier was fabricated in relation to Carter Page. It included meetings that never occurred and financial deals with people he never met. If that crap was presented to a court as fact, some folks need to go to jail.


And Mueller goes on....:aargh:Donald is desperately trying to stop him.


You funny GI.


Really? What is Donald trying to hide? Has he told you?

Yep, absofuckinglutely NOTHING.

Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

Yes. we get that was the "premise"…. but here's the thing the memo left out how completely fucking impossible it is and how the FISA extensions REQUIRE proof that previous FISA warrants yielded tangible results.

In other words -- NO FISA extension is granted unless they can show previous wire taps in fact yielded foreign intelligence substantiating the original probable cause alleging that the target is engaging in clandestine intelligence activity on behalf of a foreign power. If the FBI cannot show this evidence, the surveillance is terminated.

Politics is so fucking laughable, the party that pushed for 702 extension "to keep us safe" is now the party slamming it because their own President is under investigation...

Yet Carter Page is walking around a free man with no charges even rumored, go figure.


Who cares? Mueller has the people he wants. He is getting lots of felonious details.
The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.

Time has completely lost all journalistic integrity. From the article:

Nunes’s allegations have already been extensively reported, and the memo itself offers no surprises. It centers around the so-called “Steele dossier” — a detailed account of contacts between Trump associates and Russian operatives before the 2016 election.

The reality is the vast majority of the dossier was fabricated in relation to Carter Page. It included meetings that never occurred and financial deals with people he never met. If that crap was presented to a court as fact, some folks need to go to jail.


And Mueller goes on....:aargh:Donald is desperately trying to stop him.


You funny GI.


Really? What is Donald trying to hide? Has he told you?

Yep, absofuckinglutely NOTHING.


You think Papadopoulos and Flynn got off easy cause they gave up "nothing?" I don't think so....
Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

Yes. we get that was the "premise"…. but here's the thing the memo left out how completely fucking impossible it is and how the FISA extensions REQUIRE proof that previous FISA warrants yielded tangible results.

In other words -- NO FISA extension is granted unless they can show previous wire taps in fact yielded foreign intelligence substantiating the original probable cause alleging that the target is engaging in clandestine intelligence activity on behalf of a foreign power. If the FBI cannot show this evidence, the surveillance is terminated.

Politics is so fucking laughable, the party that pushed for 702 extension "to keep us safe" is now the party slamming it because their own President is under investigation...

Yet Carter Page is walking around a free man with no charges even rumored, go figure.


Who cares? Mueller has the people he wants. He is getting lots of felonious details.

I think your definition of "lots" is much different than mine. LMAO

Time has completely lost all journalistic integrity. From the article:

Nunes’s allegations have already been extensively reported, and the memo itself offers no surprises. It centers around the so-called “Steele dossier” — a detailed account of contacts between Trump associates and Russian operatives before the 2016 election.

The reality is the vast majority of the dossier was fabricated in relation to Carter Page. It included meetings that never occurred and financial deals with people he never met. If that crap was presented to a court as fact, some folks need to go to jail.


And Mueller goes on....:aargh:Donald is desperately trying to stop him.


You funny GI.


Really? What is Donald trying to hide? Has he told you?

Yep, absofuckinglutely NOTHING.


You think Papadopoulos and Flynn got off easy cause they gave up "nothing?" I don't think so....

They may get off scott free, they're saying Flynn's lawyers are going to request dismissal because of prosecutorial misconduct.

Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.
The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.
C'mon. This is bullshit.

An Obstruction of Justice criminal charge against a sitting president is bullshit. It is constitutionally impossible. The only remedy is impeachment, which you lefties have been masturbating about and claiming since BEFORE Trump even took office.

Either way, releasing information is NOT obstruction. Withholding it is.

what is the definition of obstruction of justice.

it is the effort to impede an investigation.

I'm pretty sure I've never seen an example of it as clear as what nunes did.

it is not constitutionally impossible.

you and your boy nunes don't care what Donald did or does. why Donn't you just say that because he says all the disgusting things you want said that you don't care what he's done with Russia, don't care if he laundered money for Russian plutocrats... don't care that four of his lieutenants have pled guilty...

you must be dense if you think this is partisan BS like what was done to Hillary.... something you never made a squeak about.

Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

like everything else trumptards say, you have that backwards too....

more like Loooooooooooooser.
Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

Yes. we get that was the "premise"…. but here's the thing the memo left out how completely fucking impossible it is and how the FISA extensions REQUIRE proof that previous FISA warrants yielded tangible results.

In other words -- NO FISA extension is granted unless they can show previous wire taps in fact yielded foreign intelligence substantiating the original probable cause alleging that the target is engaging in clandestine intelligence activity on behalf of a foreign power. If the FBI cannot show this evidence, the surveillance is terminated.

Politics is so fucking laughable, the party that pushed for 702 extension "to keep us safe" is now the party slamming it because their own President is under investigation...

Yet Carter Page is walking around a free man with no charges even rumored, go figure.


Who cares? Mueller has the people he wants. He is getting lots of felonious details.
Mueller has a Poisoned Tree and worthless warrant... and all of the evidence he has now collected is suspected fruit of the poisons tree... In other words HE HAS ABSOLUTLY FUCKING NOTHING!
The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

Yes. we get that was the "premise"…. but here's the thing the memo left out how completely fucking impossible it is and how the FISA extensions REQUIRE proof that previous FISA warrants yielded tangible results.

In other words -- NO FISA extension is granted unless they can show previous wire taps in fact yielded foreign intelligence substantiating the original probable cause alleging that the target is engaging in clandestine intelligence activity on behalf of a foreign power. If the FBI cannot show this evidence, the surveillance is terminated.

Politics is so fucking laughable, the party that pushed for 702 extension "to keep us safe" is now the party slamming it because their own President is under investigation...

Yet Carter Page is walking around a free man with no charges even rumored, go figure.


Who cares? Mueller has the people he wants. He is getting lots of felonious details.
Mueller has a Poisoned Tree and worthless warrant... and all of the evidence he has now collected is suspected fruit of the poisons tree... In other words HE HAS ABSOLUTLY FUCKING NOTHING!

Just how stupid are you. Mueller had nothing to do with the Page FISA renewal. Grow a Brain!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

Yes. we get that was the "premise"…. but here's the thing the memo left out how completely fucking impossible it is and how the FISA extensions REQUIRE proof that previous FISA warrants yielded tangible results.

In other words -- NO FISA extension is granted unless they can show previous wire taps in fact yielded foreign intelligence substantiating the original probable cause alleging that the target is engaging in clandestine intelligence activity on behalf of a foreign power. If the FBI cannot show this evidence, the surveillance is terminated.

Politics is so fucking laughable, the party that pushed for 702 extension "to keep us safe" is now the party slamming it because their own President is under investigation...

Yet Carter Page is walking around a free man with no charges even rumored, go figure.


Who cares? Mueller has the people he wants. He is getting lots of felonious details.
Mueller has a Poisoned Tree and worthless warrant... and all of the evidence he has now collected is suspected fruit of the poisons tree... In other words HE HAS ABSOLUTLY FUCKING NOTHING!

Just how stupid are you. Mueller had nothing to do with the Page FISA renewal. Grow a Brain!

No he just inherited bogus BS form Comey and has been acting on it, now that he's aware of that fact, he'll have to regroup and find what is tainted.

The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.
I don't think the memo was obstruction, but as moonglow posted, the intent is to decredit the investigation. And as your link said, the FBI has a history of "stretching" or dirty play with gathering information. Ironically, mafiaosos drug dealers terrorists kidporn stockswindle people used to complain. Now the gop is decrying "those liberals" in the DOJ. LOL. FBI agents are careerists, but they ain't libs. And people have written about Mueller's past heavyhandedness with prosecutions.

But assuming Gowdy is right and the tap on Carter Page would not have been extended without Steele's "dossier (who the fuck came up with that name for his memo LOL) ..... [edit, and not telling the court the dossier was paid for partially with dem money made the warrant invalid] legally that might mean that any information coming from that wiretap is off limits for Mueller. Page hasn't been charged nor is he talking. Anything Mueller has from other sources is not affected.
it's not even a memo, it's 19 field reports.... ;)

the court WAS TOLD it was paid for opposition research....even Nunes came out and admitted that was true... but even that really did not matter....because most all sources and snitches are done for BIASED reasons....the Judge is required to evaluate all of the collaborated information and evidence, to see if there is ''probable cause'' for the surveillance...

This might help....

The Dubious Legal Claim Behind #ReleaseTheMemo

Franks generates a lot of cases on informant bias. They typically run something like this. The government will get a warrant based in part on the statements or claims of an informant. The affidavit won't give specific reasons to doubt that the informant is credible. Down the road, the warrant will be challenged on the ground that the affidavit failed to tell the judge of good reasons to think the informant was biased and unreliable. Maybe the informant was facing criminal charges and had every incentive to manufacture evidence that others were involved in crimes to strike a better deal for himself. Maybe the informant was the suspect's estranged spouse in the middle of a bitter divorce battle, and she was trying to get him arrested to help get custody of the kids. In each of the cases, the defendant claims that the warrant should be voided because the government failed to disclose the informant's bias. If the government hadn't misled the court, the argument runs, no warrant would have issued because the judge would have seen that the informant could not be trusted.

How has this argument fared? It depends on the case. Most of the time, though, it hasn't fared very well.

Part of the problem is that judges figure that of course informants are often biased. Informants usually have ulterior motives, and judges don't need to be told that. A helpful case is United States v. Strifler, 851 F.2d 1197, 1201 (9th Cir. 1988), in which the government obtained a warrant to search a house for a meth lab inside. Probable cause was based largely on a confidential informant who told the police that he had not only seen a meth lab in the house but had even helped others to try to manufacture meth there. The magistrate judge issued the warrant based on the informant's detailed tip. The search was successful and charges followed.

The defendants challenged the warrant on the ground that the affidavit had failed to mention the remarkable ulterior motives of the informant. The affidavit didn't mention that the "informant" was actually a married couple that had been in a quarrel with the defendants; that the couple was facing criminal charges themselves and had been "guaranteed by the prosecutor that they would not be prosecuted if they provided information"; and that they had been paid by the government for giving the information. The affidavit didn't mention any of that. A big deal, right?

According to the court, no. "It would have to be a very naive magistrate who would suppose that a confidential informant would drop in off the street with such detailed evidence and not have an ulterior motive," Judge Noonan wrote. "The magistrate would naturally have assumed that the informant was not a disinterested citizen." The fact that the magistrate wasn't told that the "informant" was guaranteed to go free and paid for the information didn't matter, as "the magistrate was given reason to think the informant knew a good deal about what was going on" inside the house.

In some cases, omitted information about a witnesses's bias is irrelevant because there is enough evidence of the crime so that probable cause was not really in question. Consider Smith v. Edwards, 175 F.3d 99 (2d Cir. 1999) (Sotomayor. J.), a horrible case involving alleged abuse of a child. A mother reported that her husband had sexually abused their daughter, and the judge issued the warrant for the husband's arrest. The husband was arrested but the charges were later dropped. The husband then sued the officer who obtained the warrant, claiming that the officer had obtained the warrant only because he had left out critical information in the affidavit. In particular, the affidavit did not inform the magistrate that the mother had instituted divorce proceedings against her husband, and it did not state that she had come to the police only after having tried unsuccessfully to obtain a restraining order to bar him from contacting her or her daughter. In the husband's telling, you needed to understand the wife's bias to know that she had made up the claims about him to get custody of their daughter.

The court held that the failure to disclose this information was irrelevant. The undisclosed information "was not material because there would have been probable cause to arrest" the husband even if the officer had included the omitted information. Even if the affidavit been "corrected" by including the omitted information, "nothing in the outcome of the Superior Court proceedings that would have negated probable cause."

Importantly, that doesn't mean that an informant's bias never needs to be disclosed. It just depends on facts of the case. It depends on how important the informant's information was to establish probable cause, and it depends on how much the alleged bias makes the information unreliable in context. If there are reasons to credit the informant despite the bias, based on the detail of the tip, the informant's history of providing reliable tips, or other information, then the background informantion about bias isn't particularly relevant. But if an affidavit hinged on an informant's claim and bias would have fatally undercut probable cause, then it has to be included in the affidavit.
Nixon spied on McGovern’s campaign and he was vilified for 40 years.
Obama illegally used our own FBI to spy upon Trump’s campaign and he is being defended by the Press.

Dems motto on obama from the get go: can't let the first black president fail. When (if) everything comes to light, it will point back to obama.
The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.
I don't think the memo was obstruction, but as moonglow posted, the intent is to decredit the investigation. And as your link said, the FBI has a history of "stretching" or dirty play with gathering information. Ironically, mafiaosos drug dealers terrorists kidporn stockswindle people used to complain. Now the gop is decrying "those liberals" in the DOJ. LOL. FBI agents are careerists, but they ain't libs. And people have written about Mueller's past heavyhandedness with prosecutions.

But assuming Gowdy is right and the tap on Carter Page would not have been extended without Steele's "dossier (who the fuck came up with that name for his memo LOL) ..... [edit, and not telling the court the dossier was paid for partially with dem money made the warrant invalid] legally that might mean that any information coming from that wiretap is off limits for Mueller. Page hasn't been charged nor is he talking. Anything Mueller has from other sources is not affected.
Do not forget Steele told us Russian agents wrote much of his report. Then there is the Sid problem. Surprised the Clinton's didn't arrage two shots to the head or a crushed throat.
Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
It needs to be mentioned again and again. Steele himself in the Vanity article and others, admitted he sourced material from Russian intelligence.
You cannot obstruct justice by fulling your constitutional duties. Congress has a duty of oversight.

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