Nunes Memo is Obstruction of Justice in itself

Why can’t Mueller prove that there is collusion between Trump and the Russians?
Put-up or shut-up.
Mueller should be put on a time table to provide some proof or start paying for the investigation himself instead of sticking the taxpayer with it. Why should the American people continue to pay for his fruitless fishing expedition?

Sounds like a Nixon argument....Congratulations!
Sounds like you're rapidly running out of argument.
Why can’t Mueller prove that there is collusion between Trump and the Russians?
Put-up or shut-up.
Mueller should be put on a time table to provide some proof or start paying for the investigation himself instead of sticking the taxpayer with it. Why should the American people continue to pay for his fruitless fishing expedition?

Sounds like a Nixon argument....Congratulations!
Sounds like you're rapidly running out of argument.

Trump is running out if time. Mueller has him figured out...and a subpoena will get the Orange Clown before a Grand Jury. Better he agrees to the interview. Then he will only lie to FBI agents and government officials.
Why can’t Mueller prove that there is collusion between Trump and the Russians?
Put-up or shut-up.
Mueller should be put on a time table to provide some proof or start paying for the investigation himself instead of sticking the taxpayer with it. Why should the American people continue to pay for his fruitless fishing expedition?

Sounds like a Nixon argument....Congratulations!
Sounds like you're rapidly running out of argument.

Trump is running out if time. Mueller has him figured out...and a subpoena will get the Orange Clown before a Grand Jury. Better he agrees to the interview. Then he will only lie to FBI agents and government officials.
What is the crime?
Why can’t Mueller prove that there is collusion between Trump and the Russians?
Put-up or shut-up.
Mueller should be put on a time table to provide some proof or start paying for the investigation himself instead of sticking the taxpayer with it. Why should the American people continue to pay for his fruitless fishing expedition?

Sounds like a Nixon argument....Congratulations!
Sounds like you're rapidly running out of argument.

Trump is running out if time. Mueller has him figured out...and a subpoena will get the Orange Clown before a Grand Jury. Better he agrees to the interview. Then he will only lie to FBI agents and government officials.
What is the crime?
There isn't one, they're just stalling for time to keep the focus off of Hillary and Barack.
Why can’t Mueller prove that there is collusion between Trump and the Russians?
Put-up or shut-up.
Mueller should be put on a time table to provide some proof or start paying for the investigation himself instead of sticking the taxpayer with it. Why should the American people continue to pay for his fruitless fishing expedition?

Sounds like a Nixon argument....Congratulations!
Sounds like you're rapidly running out of argument.

Trump is running out if time. Mueller has him figured out...and a subpoena will get the Orange Clown before a Grand Jury. Better he agrees to the interview. Then he will only lie to FBI agents and government officials.
What is the crime?

There will be multiple crimes and Mueller will have them all tied up in a big red bow....:113:
The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.

Time has completely lost all journalistic integrity. From the article:

Nunes’s allegations have already been extensively reported, and the memo itself offers no surprises. It centers around the so-called “Steele dossier” — a detailed account of contacts between Trump associates and Russian operatives before the 2016 election.

The reality is the vast majority of the dossier was fabricated in relation to Carter Page. It included meetings that never occurred and financial deals with people he never met. If that crap was presented to a court as fact, some folks need to go to jail.

The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.

Time has completely lost all journalistic integrity. From the article:

Nunes’s allegations have already been extensively reported, and the memo itself offers no surprises. It centers around the so-called “Steele dossier” — a detailed account of contacts between Trump associates and Russian operatives before the 2016 election.

The reality is the vast majority of the dossier was fabricated in relation to Carter Page. It included meetings that never occurred and financial deals with people he never met. If that crap was presented to a court as fact, some folks need to go to jail.


And Mueller goes on....:aargh:Donald is desperately trying to stop him.

Mueller should be put on a time table to provide some proof or start paying for the investigation himself instead of sticking the taxpayer with it. Why should the American people continue to pay for his fruitless fishing expedition?

Sounds like a Nixon argument....Congratulations!
Sounds like you're rapidly running out of argument.

Trump is running out if time. Mueller has him figured out...and a subpoena will get the Orange Clown before a Grand Jury. Better he agrees to the interview. Then he will only lie to FBI agents and government officials.
What is the crime?

There will be multiple crimes and Mueller will have them all tied up in a big red bow....:113:

What are they?
The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.

Time has completely lost all journalistic integrity. From the article:

Nunes’s allegations have already been extensively reported, and the memo itself offers no surprises. It centers around the so-called “Steele dossier” — a detailed account of contacts between Trump associates and Russian operatives before the 2016 election.

The reality is the vast majority of the dossier was fabricated in relation to Carter Page. It included meetings that never occurred and financial deals with people he never met. If that crap was presented to a court as fact, some folks need to go to jail.


The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.

Time has completely lost all journalistic integrity. From the article:

Nunes’s allegations have already been extensively reported, and the memo itself offers no surprises. It centers around the so-called “Steele dossier” — a detailed account of contacts between Trump associates and Russian operatives before the 2016 election.

The reality is the vast majority of the dossier was fabricated in relation to Carter Page. It included meetings that never occurred and financial deals with people he never met. If that crap was presented to a court as fact, some folks need to go to jail.


And Mueller goes on....:aargh:Donald is desperately trying to stop him.


Come on Texas, you expect a 15yr old paid poster for the Socialists to answer your question-)

Again, I hate to beat a dead horse but--------->No matter what Jimi, or Silly Jilly, or Snakey Jakey say, the Democrats are screwed! There is no reason to argue with them, we have all the cards, and they have a narrative, lol.

These people are either dumb, or are aware that they are in the throes of death politically speaking. Let them perish with the honor of having a political sword in their hand, screaming OBAMA as they assume room temperature.......politically of course-)
Sounds like a Nixon argument....Congratulations!
Sounds like you're rapidly running out of argument.

Trump is running out if time. Mueller has him figured out...and a subpoena will get the Orange Clown before a Grand Jury. Better he agrees to the interview. Then he will only lie to FBI agents and government officials.
What is the crime?

There will be multiple crimes and Mueller will have them all tied up in a big red bow....:113:

What are they?

Mueller will be letting you know soon..
Sounds like you're rapidly running out of argument.

Trump is running out if time. Mueller has him figured out...and a subpoena will get the Orange Clown before a Grand Jury. Better he agrees to the interview. Then he will only lie to FBI agents and government officials.
What is the crime?

There will be multiple crimes and Mueller will have them all tied up in a big red bow....:113:

What are they?

Mueller will be letting you know soon..
Translation: I have no idea but I hate Trump so I'm hoping Mueller finds something, anything.
Sounds like you're rapidly running out of argument.

Trump is running out if time. Mueller has him figured out...and a subpoena will get the Orange Clown before a Grand Jury. Better he agrees to the interview. Then he will only lie to FBI agents and government officials.
What is the crime?

There will be multiple crimes and Mueller will have them all tied up in a big red bow....:113:

What are they?

Mueller will be letting you know soon..
Why don't YOU tell us? You're so sure there IS one, what is it?
The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.

It's definitely part of the bigger attempt to obstruct justice -- though it was so pathetic poorly executed that one might be able to convince a judge it was crazy little Devin off on his own tangent.

"Your honor, no reasonable person could believe that this memo would work."

Then the prosecutor calls Sean Hannity as a rebuttal witness.
The libs have been wrong for two years...guess that will not be changing anytime soon....
Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

Yes. we get that was the "premise"…. but here's the thing the memo left out how completely fucking impossible it is and how the FISA extensions REQUIRE proof that previous FISA warrants yielded tangible results.

In other words -- NO FISA extension is granted unless they can show previous wire taps in fact yielded foreign intelligence substantiating the original probable cause alleging that the target is engaging in clandestine intelligence activity on behalf of a foreign power. If the FBI cannot show this evidence, the surveillance is terminated.

Politics is so fucking laughable, the party that pushed for 702 extension "to keep us safe" is now the party slamming it because their own President is under investigation...
The FISA clearly notes the dossier was developed as a political document. The little weasel Page had been under surveillance since 2013. The FISA request was for RENEWAL!
And there would have been no RENEWAL without the dossier. Thank you. They couldn't nail Page because he was not a Russian spy. Without the dossier their surveillance would have ended before Trump took office. McCabe already admitted the dossier was key to getting the FISA warrant. You're not very bright, are you?

The FISA court KNEW that the dossier had been developed by a Political opponent. Page us sum and you are nuts if u think Page wasn't going to stay under surveillance.

Page us not Trump's problem. What has Flynn told Mueller to enable him to get off so easily? Think about it....who can Mueller nail that is higher than Flynn was? That narrows the list to very few and most have the name Trump.

I am waiting for the Trump-Mueller interview. It will be great!
except you don't know. thanks,
The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
First off, it's not a "VISA" court, it's FISA court. FISA is an acronym for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Also, Propagating* Secondly...

Christopher Steele was paid $160,000 to create the Trump dossier for Fusion GPS. The Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and Democratic National Committee financed the work. So the FBI and Justice Department used opposition research from a presidential campaign to launch an investigation into that campaign's political opponent, a likely illegal use of federal government surveillance for political purposes.


The FBI also agreed to pay Steele for his dossier and other research, but rescinded the offer in October of 2016, shortly before the presidential election, after discovering that Steele had shared the dossier's contents with journalists in a number of briefings, a violation of FBI rules. But neither the FBI nor Justice informed FISC that the information had in fact been paid for by the Democrats, which would have immediately raised doubts about the surveillance request's legitimacy.

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Memo: FBI Used Tainted Steele Dossier, Paid For By Hillary Clinton, As Reason To Spy On Trump
Memo: FBI Used Tainted Steele Dossier, Paid For By Hillary Clinton, As Reason To Spy On Trump | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
Oh yeah, it's obstruction of justice to expose obstruction of justice (as well as treason). Gimme a break.

The main premise of the memo, that the VISA court was not told the dossier was a political document, has been shown a LIE. Stop propogating more lies!
No, dummy. The main premise of the memo was that the Obama administration DECEIVED the court to FRAME a presidential candidate. You don't want to admit that a crime was committed. Man up.

Yes. we get that was the "premise"…. but here's the thing the memo left out how completely fucking impossible it is and how the FISA extensions REQUIRE proof that previous FISA warrants yielded tangible results.

In other words -- NO FISA extension is granted unless they can show previous wire taps in fact yielded foreign intelligence substantiating the original probable cause alleging that the target is engaging in clandestine intelligence activity on behalf of a foreign power. If the FBI cannot show this evidence, the surveillance is terminated.

Politics is so fucking laughable, the party that pushed for 702 extension "to keep us safe" is now the party slamming it because their own President is under investigation...

Yes...the law and order party is now the one slamming the FBI. WHY, you might ask?

Because the Orange Clown is desperate to stop the Russian investigation. He is pulling out the stops trying to stop Mueller. But what the last attempt showed was how hopelessly clueless these idiots are.

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