Nunes Memo is Obstruction of Justice in itself

DOJ bribery and extortion, got to love it.

90% of crimes never go to court and are decided with plea deals

I guess that would be great for someone who actually did something wrong. Kind of makes you wonder how many didn't actually commit a crime but are caught in some instigators perjury trap because they miss a couple of details.

are talking about Flynn? Or others?

Both, what crime did Flynn commit related to collusion with the Russians on the campaign? Surely you have something.

why does it matter? HINT, it doesn't.

and, Flynn lied to the FBI about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador about not worrying about the Sanctions put on them for interfering in our democratic election process because once Trump became president, Trump would remove them... AND a promise to remove sanctions (code: Russian Adoption)was the alleged quid pro quo between the Trump team and Putin/the Russians for the Russian help in getting him elected....

so what Flynn lied about had EVERYTHING to do with the Russian Interference investigation.

Really, that's not what it says in the plea agreement. How did they get that official court document so wrong?

90% of crimes never go to court and are decided with plea deals

I guess that would be great for someone who actually did something wrong. Kind of makes you wonder how many didn't actually commit a crime but are caught in some instigators perjury trap because they miss a couple of details.

are talking about Flynn? Or others?

Both, what crime did Flynn commit related to collusion with the Russians on the campaign? Surely you have something.

why does it matter? HINT, it doesn't.

and, Flynn lied to the FBI about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador about not worrying about the Sanctions put on them for interfering in our democratic election process because once Trump became president, Trump would remove them... AND a promise to remove sanctions (code: Russian Adoption)was the alleged quid pro quo between the Trump team and Putin/the Russians for the Russian help in getting him elected....

so what Flynn lied about had EVERYTHING to do with the Russian Interference investigation.

Really, that's not what it says in the plea agreement. How did they get that official court document so wrong?

they didn't get it it again.... it says right in their plea agreement that it did not list all that they know and have against Flynn...they listed only enough to show he committed a crime, all else was held back from the public plea agreement, that BOTH the prosecutors AND DEFENSE team were made aware of....
like everything else trumptards say, you have that backwards too....

more like Loooooooooooooser.

Sheriff Schiff is about to shoot himself in the foot. Again.

I guess that would be great for someone who actually did something wrong. Kind of makes you wonder how many didn't actually commit a crime but are caught in some instigators perjury trap because they miss a couple of details.

are talking about Flynn? Or others?

Both, what crime did Flynn commit related to collusion with the Russians on the campaign? Surely you have something.

why does it matter? HINT, it doesn't.

and, Flynn lied to the FBI about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador about not worrying about the Sanctions put on them for interfering in our democratic election process because once Trump became president, Trump would remove them... AND a promise to remove sanctions (code: Russian Adoption)was the alleged quid pro quo between the Trump team and Putin/the Russians for the Russian help in getting him elected....

so what Flynn lied about had EVERYTHING to do with the Russian Interference investigation.

Really, that's not what it says in the plea agreement. How did they get that official court document so wrong?

they didn't get it it again.... it says right in their plea agreement that it did not list all that they know and have against Flynn...they listed only enough to show he committed a crime, all else was held back from the public plea agreement, that BOTH the prosecutors AND DEFENSE team were made aware of....

What? Show it has anything to do with collusion on the election.

are talking about Flynn? Or others?

Both, what crime did Flynn commit related to collusion with the Russians on the campaign? Surely you have something.

why does it matter? HINT, it doesn't.

and, Flynn lied to the FBI about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador about not worrying about the Sanctions put on them for interfering in our democratic election process because once Trump became president, Trump would remove them... AND a promise to remove sanctions (code: Russian Adoption)was the alleged quid pro quo between the Trump team and Putin/the Russians for the Russian help in getting him elected....

so what Flynn lied about had EVERYTHING to do with the Russian Interference investigation.

Really, that's not what it says in the plea agreement. How did they get that official court document so wrong?

they didn't get it it again.... it says right in their plea agreement that it did not list all that they know and have against Flynn...they listed only enough to show he committed a crime, all else was held back from the public plea agreement, that BOTH the prosecutors AND DEFENSE team were made aware of....

What? Show it has anything to do with collusion on the election.

I can't show you what the Russian Investigators or the Mueller prosecutors have and you know that so why ask? I can show you what all of the investigative reporters have pieced together that is public now....but 90% is hidden from us because it is what the Russian Investigators on the special counsels team are finding and processing and determining what is or is not illegal....

Collusion is not a legal term....but there is lots of evidence that the Trump team conspired or colluded with an enemy foreign nation during their campaign and transition....what has not been shown, in the public, is whether there was a definitive, quid pro quo....

As far as the money laundering stuff with the Russians, that hasn't been shown in the public, it is behind Mueller's doors if he has anything...other than what the press has been able to show like Trump's and son in law's real estate transactions with the Russians that reek of money laundering....and his Duetsche Bank connections....
Both, what crime did Flynn commit related to collusion with the Russians on the campaign? Surely you have something.

why does it matter? HINT, it doesn't.

and, Flynn lied to the FBI about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador about not worrying about the Sanctions put on them for interfering in our democratic election process because once Trump became president, Trump would remove them... AND a promise to remove sanctions (code: Russian Adoption)was the alleged quid pro quo between the Trump team and Putin/the Russians for the Russian help in getting him elected....

so what Flynn lied about had EVERYTHING to do with the Russian Interference investigation.

Really, that's not what it says in the plea agreement. How did they get that official court document so wrong?

they didn't get it it again.... it says right in their plea agreement that it did not list all that they know and have against Flynn...they listed only enough to show he committed a crime, all else was held back from the public plea agreement, that BOTH the prosecutors AND DEFENSE team were made aware of....

What? Show it has anything to do with collusion on the election.

I can't show you what the Russian Investigators or the Mueller prosecutors have and you know that so why ask? I can show you what all of the investigative reporters have pieced together that is public now....but 90% is hidden from us because it is what the Russian Investigators on the special counsels team are finding and processing and determining what is or is not illegal....

Collusion is not a legal term....but there is lots of evidence that the Trump team conspired or colluded with an enemy foreign nation during their campaign and transition....what has not been shown, in the public, is whether there was a definitive, quid pro quo....

As far as the money laundering stuff with the Russians, that hasn't been shown in the public, it is behind Mueller's doors if he has anything...other than what the press has been able to show like Trump's and son in law's real estate transactions with the Russians that reek of money laundering....and his Duetsche Bank connections....

So what you're telling me is all these definitive statements you've been making are nothing but speculation and supposition. GOT IT!

why does it matter? HINT, it doesn't.

and, Flynn lied to the FBI about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador about not worrying about the Sanctions put on them for interfering in our democratic election process because once Trump became president, Trump would remove them... AND a promise to remove sanctions (code: Russian Adoption)was the alleged quid pro quo between the Trump team and Putin/the Russians for the Russian help in getting him elected....

so what Flynn lied about had EVERYTHING to do with the Russian Interference investigation.

Really, that's not what it says in the plea agreement. How did they get that official court document so wrong?

they didn't get it it again.... it says right in their plea agreement that it did not list all that they know and have against Flynn...they listed only enough to show he committed a crime, all else was held back from the public plea agreement, that BOTH the prosecutors AND DEFENSE team were made aware of....

What? Show it has anything to do with collusion on the election.

I can't show you what the Russian Investigators or the Mueller prosecutors have and you know that so why ask? I can show you what all of the investigative reporters have pieced together that is public now....but 90% is hidden from us because it is what the Russian Investigators on the special counsels team are finding and processing and determining what is or is not illegal....

Collusion is not a legal term....but there is lots of evidence that the Trump team conspired or colluded with an enemy foreign nation during their campaign and transition....what has not been shown, in the public, is whether there was a definitive, quid pro quo....

As far as the money laundering stuff with the Russians, that hasn't been shown in the public, it is behind Mueller's doors if he has anything...other than what the press has been able to show like Trump's and son in law's real estate transactions with the Russians that reek of money laundering....and his Duetsche Bank connections....

So what you're telling me is all these definitive statements you've been making are nothing but speculation and supposition. GOT IT!

More precisely working for Media Splatters, CNN or MSDNC... And saying what she is told to say.. In an effort to throw those who don't know the law well off the liberal trail...
Why can’t Mueller prove that there is collusion between Trump and the Russians?
Put-up or shut-up.
Mueller should be put on a time table to provide some proof or start paying for the investigation himself instead of sticking the taxpayer with it. Why should the American people continue to pay for his fruitless fishing expedition?

Sounds like a Nixon argument....Congratulations!
Sounds like you're rapidly running out of argument.

Trump is running out if time. Mueller has him figured out...and a subpoena will get the Orange Clown before a Grand Jury. Better he agrees to the interview. Then he will only lie to FBI agents and government officials.
the subpoena will need to mention what the reason is and what he's found. I think that is advantage to trump.
The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.

Time has completely lost all journalistic integrity. From the article:

Nunes’s allegations have already been extensively reported, and the memo itself offers no surprises. It centers around the so-called “Steele dossier” — a detailed account of contacts between Trump associates and Russian operatives before the 2016 election.

The reality is the vast majority of the dossier was fabricated in relation to Carter Page. It included meetings that never occurred and financial deals with people he never met. If that crap was presented to a court as fact, some folks need to go to jail.


The Nunes Memo Doesn’t Reveal an Abuse of Power. It Is One

1 of Nixon's lawyers wrote a similar memo and ended up in jail for 4 months.

Wouldn't it be funny if Trump's lap dog in Congress went to jail for this?

The memo was deliberately misleading to obscure Trump's obstruction of justice.

Time has completely lost all journalistic integrity. From the article:

Nunes’s allegations have already been extensively reported, and the memo itself offers no surprises. It centers around the so-called “Steele dossier” — a detailed account of contacts between Trump associates and Russian operatives before the 2016 election.

The reality is the vast majority of the dossier was fabricated in relation to Carter Page. It included meetings that never occurred and financial deals with people he never met. If that crap was presented to a court as fact, some folks need to go to jail.


And Mueller goes on....:aargh:Donald is desperately trying to stop him.


Come on Texas, you expect a 15yr old paid poster for the Socialists to answer your question-)

Again, I hate to beat a dead horse but--------->No matter what Jimi, or Silly Jilly, or Snakey Jakey say, the Democrats are screwed! There is no reason to argue with them, we have all the cards, and they have a narrative, lol.

These people are either dumb, or are aware that they are in the throes of death politically speaking. Let them perish with the honor of having a political sword in their hand, screaming OBAMA as they assume room temperature.......politically of course-)
exactly, they are all irrational folks. their stories are closed. no bit of evidence will ever change their position. we know it. we also know they fking never answer questions. never answer cause you don't get trapped.
why does it matter? HINT, it doesn't.

and, Flynn lied to the FBI about his conversation with the Russian Ambassador about not worrying about the Sanctions put on them for interfering in our democratic election process because once Trump became president, Trump would remove them... AND a promise to remove sanctions (code: Russian Adoption)was the alleged quid pro quo between the Trump team and Putin/the Russians for the Russian help in getting him elected....

so what Flynn lied about had EVERYTHING to do with the Russian Interference investigation.

Really, that's not what it says in the plea agreement. How did they get that official court document so wrong?

they didn't get it it again.... it says right in their plea agreement that it did not list all that they know and have against Flynn...they listed only enough to show he committed a crime, all else was held back from the public plea agreement, that BOTH the prosecutors AND DEFENSE team were made aware of....

What? Show it has anything to do with collusion on the election.

I can't show you what the Russian Investigators or the Mueller prosecutors have and you know that so why ask? I can show you what all of the investigative reporters have pieced together that is public now....but 90% is hidden from us because it is what the Russian Investigators on the special counsels team are finding and processing and determining what is or is not illegal....

Collusion is not a legal term....but there is lots of evidence that the Trump team conspired or colluded with an enemy foreign nation during their campaign and transition....what has not been shown, in the public, is whether there was a definitive, quid pro quo....

As far as the money laundering stuff with the Russians, that hasn't been shown in the public, it is behind Mueller's doors if he has anything...other than what the press has been able to show like Trump's and son in law's real estate transactions with the Russians that reek of money laundering....and his Duetsche Bank connections....

So what you're telling me is all these definitive statements you've been making are nothing but speculation and supposition. GOT IT!

Yep, just like your statements and proclamations.

Other than what has been reported in the press....I know a tenth of what Mueller knows, and it ain't looking good for Team Trump with just that.... imo :D

SO yes, absolutely, it is speculation, on both my and your end.... it would be foolish to think otherwise!
Really, that's not what it says in the plea agreement. How did they get that official court document so wrong?

they didn't get it it again.... it says right in their plea agreement that it did not list all that they know and have against Flynn...they listed only enough to show he committed a crime, all else was held back from the public plea agreement, that BOTH the prosecutors AND DEFENSE team were made aware of....

What? Show it has anything to do with collusion on the election.

I can't show you what the Russian Investigators or the Mueller prosecutors have and you know that so why ask? I can show you what all of the investigative reporters have pieced together that is public now....but 90% is hidden from us because it is what the Russian Investigators on the special counsels team are finding and processing and determining what is or is not illegal....

Collusion is not a legal term....but there is lots of evidence that the Trump team conspired or colluded with an enemy foreign nation during their campaign and transition....what has not been shown, in the public, is whether there was a definitive, quid pro quo....

As far as the money laundering stuff with the Russians, that hasn't been shown in the public, it is behind Mueller's doors if he has anything...other than what the press has been able to show like Trump's and son in law's real estate transactions with the Russians that reek of money laundering....and his Duetsche Bank connections....

So what you're telling me is all these definitive statements you've been making are nothing but speculation and supposition. GOT IT!

More precisely working for Media Splatters, CNN or MSDNC... And saying what she is told to say.. In an effort to throw those who don't know the law well off the liberal trail...

I always speak for myself! And have done so the last 11 years on this board!!! ;)
Really, that's not what it says in the plea agreement. How did they get that official court document so wrong?

they didn't get it it again.... it says right in their plea agreement that it did not list all that they know and have against Flynn...they listed only enough to show he committed a crime, all else was held back from the public plea agreement, that BOTH the prosecutors AND DEFENSE team were made aware of....

What? Show it has anything to do with collusion on the election.

I can't show you what the Russian Investigators or the Mueller prosecutors have and you know that so why ask? I can show you what all of the investigative reporters have pieced together that is public now....but 90% is hidden from us because it is what the Russian Investigators on the special counsels team are finding and processing and determining what is or is not illegal....

Collusion is not a legal term....but there is lots of evidence that the Trump team conspired or colluded with an enemy foreign nation during their campaign and transition....what has not been shown, in the public, is whether there was a definitive, quid pro quo....

As far as the money laundering stuff with the Russians, that hasn't been shown in the public, it is behind Mueller's doors if he has anything...other than what the press has been able to show like Trump's and son in law's real estate transactions with the Russians that reek of money laundering....and his Duetsche Bank connections....

So what you're telling me is all these definitive statements you've been making are nothing but speculation and supposition. GOT IT!

Yep, just like your statements and proclamations.

Other than what has been reported in the press....I know a tenth of what Mueller knows, and it ain't looking good for Team Trump with just that.... imo :D

SO yes, absolutely, it is speculation, on both my and your end.... it would be foolish to think otherwise!
which means you just doubled down on stupid? got it.
Really, that's not what it says in the plea agreement. How did they get that official court document so wrong?

they didn't get it it again.... it says right in their plea agreement that it did not list all that they know and have against Flynn...they listed only enough to show he committed a crime, all else was held back from the public plea agreement, that BOTH the prosecutors AND DEFENSE team were made aware of....

What? Show it has anything to do with collusion on the election.

I can't show you what the Russian Investigators or the Mueller prosecutors have and you know that so why ask? I can show you what all of the investigative reporters have pieced together that is public now....but 90% is hidden from us because it is what the Russian Investigators on the special counsels team are finding and processing and determining what is or is not illegal....

Collusion is not a legal term....but there is lots of evidence that the Trump team conspired or colluded with an enemy foreign nation during their campaign and transition....what has not been shown, in the public, is whether there was a definitive, quid pro quo....

As far as the money laundering stuff with the Russians, that hasn't been shown in the public, it is behind Mueller's doors if he has anything...other than what the press has been able to show like Trump's and son in law's real estate transactions with the Russians that reek of money laundering....and his Duetsche Bank connections....

So what you're telling me is all these definitive statements you've been making are nothing but speculation and supposition. GOT IT!

Yep, just like your statements and proclamations.

Other than what has been reported in the press....I know a tenth of what Mueller knows, and it ain't looking good for Team Trump with just that.... imo :D

SO yes, absolutely, it is speculation, on both my and your end.... it would be foolish to think otherwise!

So why are you ignoring political leaders from both parties saying they have see NO evidence of coordination between the campaign and Russia? Is it they just don't play to your personal bias?

Really, that's not what it says in the plea agreement. How did they get that official court document so wrong?

they didn't get it it again.... it says right in their plea agreement that it did not list all that they know and have against Flynn...they listed only enough to show he committed a crime, all else was held back from the public plea agreement, that BOTH the prosecutors AND DEFENSE team were made aware of....

What? Show it has anything to do with collusion on the election.

I can't show you what the Russian Investigators or the Mueller prosecutors have and you know that so why ask? I can show you what all of the investigative reporters have pieced together that is public now....but 90% is hidden from us because it is what the Russian Investigators on the special counsels team are finding and processing and determining what is or is not illegal....

Collusion is not a legal term....but there is lots of evidence that the Trump team conspired or colluded with an enemy foreign nation during their campaign and transition....what has not been shown, in the public, is whether there was a definitive, quid pro quo....

As far as the money laundering stuff with the Russians, that hasn't been shown in the public, it is behind Mueller's doors if he has anything...other than what the press has been able to show like Trump's and son in law's real estate transactions with the Russians that reek of money laundering....and his Duetsche Bank connections....

So what you're telling me is all these definitive statements you've been making are nothing but speculation and supposition. GOT IT!

Yep, just like your statements and proclamations.

Other than what has been reported in the press....I know a tenth of what Mueller knows, and it ain't looking good for Team Trump with just that.... imo :D

SO yes, absolutely, it is speculation, on both my and your end.... it would be foolish to think otherwise!

OK, so, the tenth that you know, what is it that makes you think it ain't looking good?
they didn't get it it again.... it says right in their plea agreement that it did not list all that they know and have against Flynn...they listed only enough to show he committed a crime, all else was held back from the public plea agreement, that BOTH the prosecutors AND DEFENSE team were made aware of....

What? Show it has anything to do with collusion on the election.

I can't show you what the Russian Investigators or the Mueller prosecutors have and you know that so why ask? I can show you what all of the investigative reporters have pieced together that is public now....but 90% is hidden from us because it is what the Russian Investigators on the special counsels team are finding and processing and determining what is or is not illegal....

Collusion is not a legal term....but there is lots of evidence that the Trump team conspired or colluded with an enemy foreign nation during their campaign and transition....what has not been shown, in the public, is whether there was a definitive, quid pro quo....

As far as the money laundering stuff with the Russians, that hasn't been shown in the public, it is behind Mueller's doors if he has anything...other than what the press has been able to show like Trump's and son in law's real estate transactions with the Russians that reek of money laundering....and his Duetsche Bank connections....

So what you're telling me is all these definitive statements you've been making are nothing but speculation and supposition. GOT IT!

Yep, just like your statements and proclamations.

Other than what has been reported in the press....I know a tenth of what Mueller knows, and it ain't looking good for Team Trump with just that.... imo :D

SO yes, absolutely, it is speculation, on both my and your end.... it would be foolish to think otherwise!

So why are you ignoring political leaders from both parties saying they have see NO evidence of coordination between the campaign and Russia? Is it they just don't play to your personal bias?

Because both sides ARE NOT SAYING THAT.... it's a twisted right wing talking point, that is not truthful when you examine what they have fully said about it in context.
What? Show it has anything to do with collusion on the election.

I can't show you what the Russian Investigators or the Mueller prosecutors have and you know that so why ask? I can show you what all of the investigative reporters have pieced together that is public now....but 90% is hidden from us because it is what the Russian Investigators on the special counsels team are finding and processing and determining what is or is not illegal....

Collusion is not a legal term....but there is lots of evidence that the Trump team conspired or colluded with an enemy foreign nation during their campaign and transition....what has not been shown, in the public, is whether there was a definitive, quid pro quo....

As far as the money laundering stuff with the Russians, that hasn't been shown in the public, it is behind Mueller's doors if he has anything...other than what the press has been able to show like Trump's and son in law's real estate transactions with the Russians that reek of money laundering....and his Duetsche Bank connections....

So what you're telling me is all these definitive statements you've been making are nothing but speculation and supposition. GOT IT!

Yep, just like your statements and proclamations.

Other than what has been reported in the press....I know a tenth of what Mueller knows, and it ain't looking good for Team Trump with just that.... imo :D

SO yes, absolutely, it is speculation, on both my and your end.... it would be foolish to think otherwise!

So why are you ignoring political leaders from both parties saying they have see NO evidence of coordination between the campaign and Russia? Is it they just don't play to your personal bias?

Because both sides ARE NOT SAYING THAT.... it's a twisted right wing talking point, that is not truthful when you examine what they have fully said about it in context.

Or it was said a year ago. Their talking point is woefully out of date.
they didn't get it it again.... it says right in their plea agreement that it did not list all that they know and have against Flynn...they listed only enough to show he committed a crime, all else was held back from the public plea agreement, that BOTH the prosecutors AND DEFENSE team were made aware of....

What? Show it has anything to do with collusion on the election.

I can't show you what the Russian Investigators or the Mueller prosecutors have and you know that so why ask? I can show you what all of the investigative reporters have pieced together that is public now....but 90% is hidden from us because it is what the Russian Investigators on the special counsels team are finding and processing and determining what is or is not illegal....

Collusion is not a legal term....but there is lots of evidence that the Trump team conspired or colluded with an enemy foreign nation during their campaign and transition....what has not been shown, in the public, is whether there was a definitive, quid pro quo....

As far as the money laundering stuff with the Russians, that hasn't been shown in the public, it is behind Mueller's doors if he has anything...other than what the press has been able to show like Trump's and son in law's real estate transactions with the Russians that reek of money laundering....and his Duetsche Bank connections....

So what you're telling me is all these definitive statements you've been making are nothing but speculation and supposition. GOT IT!

Yep, just like your statements and proclamations.

Other than what has been reported in the press....I know a tenth of what Mueller knows, and it ain't looking good for Team Trump with just that.... imo :D

SO yes, absolutely, it is speculation, on both my and your end.... it would be foolish to think otherwise!

OK, so, the tenth that you know, what is it that makes you think it ain't looking good?
We know a lot about the Obstruction of Justice investigation on Trump, because we can see what Trump has done and said via twitter, or him just opening his mouth, like in the interview with Lester Holt, and seen his continual, non stop actions to discredit, muddy the waters, and to try to stop this official investigation through firing the people who were involved in investigating. We have Trump crafting a letter for Don Junior that was a cover up and PURE LIES....all meant to deceive.

As far as Trump Team connections and collusion with the Russians, there are the countless meetings and connections with the Trump Team and Russians, yet with no other Nation....

we have Don Junior and Manafort and Kushner's meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower for dirt on Hillary, we have Papadopolis's meetings with Russians and in April, 3 months before they were released, he was told that the Russians have thousands of stolen Clinton Campaign emails, Papadopolis notified Team Trump with nearly 10 different emails to different Trump Team heads, yet team trump did nothing, and did not notify the FBI and didn't even consider it....

We have Flynn, working a quid pro quo, for Trump's payment for the Russian help, by promising them he would remove sanctions on them...and even Trump himself, when asked what his talks were about when he met Putin at some overseas conference, he said believe it or not, we talked about "Russian adoptions", well talking about Russian Adoptions is code word for talking about the Russian sanctions we put on them....

We have 40 different meetings of the Trump campaign with the Russians, of which every single person involved meeting with them, LIED ABOUT IT, including Trump.... not one single Trump campaign person, told the truth when asked, not even Jeff Sessions....WHY DID THEY ALL LIE?

We have very strange real estate transactions, like Trump selling a home he bought for 50 million and shortly afterwards sold it for $100 million to a Russian oligarch who works with Putin....and similar transactions by Kusner in New York....we have Kushner secretly meeting with a Russian Banker that our Nation had Sanctions on....that Kushner lied about it even taking place....

we have the head of Blackwater, Betsy Devos's brother also involved with meetings with the Russians in the Seychelle Islands for Team Trump,

we have Kushner trying to set up back door communications with the Russians, to keep it from the American citizens and our own govt, through the Russian embassy....

We have Gordan and Manafort on Team Trump, changing the Republican platform, so that we favor Russia and not the Ukraine....and everyone on team trump that lied about that....until they finally admitted it....

We've got Roger Stone working with wikileaks to disseminate the stolen emails, we also have the Trump Campaign's marketing pac, trying to get julian Assange to let them help him choose how to sort through and release the stolen DNC and Podesta emails

Gawd, there is so much more and all of that is just at the top of my head....

AND special counsel MUELLER was charged with investigating all of those things and knows 90 % MORE, than we do...

Let alone the other crimes he may come across, like all of the Manafort and Gates stuff with Russian Money Laundering as just one of the charges of criminality...

All of the things I have mentioned above have all been reported's part of what we, the public, knows....

Analysis | All the known times the Trump campaign met with Russians

Who's who in Trump-Russia saga - CNNPolitics
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What? Show it has anything to do with collusion on the election.

I can't show you what the Russian Investigators or the Mueller prosecutors have and you know that so why ask? I can show you what all of the investigative reporters have pieced together that is public now....but 90% is hidden from us because it is what the Russian Investigators on the special counsels team are finding and processing and determining what is or is not illegal....

Collusion is not a legal term....but there is lots of evidence that the Trump team conspired or colluded with an enemy foreign nation during their campaign and transition....what has not been shown, in the public, is whether there was a definitive, quid pro quo....

As far as the money laundering stuff with the Russians, that hasn't been shown in the public, it is behind Mueller's doors if he has anything...other than what the press has been able to show like Trump's and son in law's real estate transactions with the Russians that reek of money laundering....and his Duetsche Bank connections....

So what you're telling me is all these definitive statements you've been making are nothing but speculation and supposition. GOT IT!

Yep, just like your statements and proclamations.

Other than what has been reported in the press....I know a tenth of what Mueller knows, and it ain't looking good for Team Trump with just that.... imo :D

SO yes, absolutely, it is speculation, on both my and your end.... it would be foolish to think otherwise!

OK, so, the tenth that you know, what is it that makes you think it ain't looking good?
We know a lot about the Obstruction of Justice investigation on Trump, because we can see what Trump has done and said via twitter, or him just opening his mouth, like in the interview with Lester Holt, and seen his continual, non stop actions to discredit, muddy the waters, and to try to stop this official investigation through firing the people who were involved in investigating. We have Trump crafting a letter for Don Junior that was a cover up and PURE LIES....all meant to deceive.

As far as Trump Team connections and collusion with the Russians, there are the countless meetings and connections with the Trump Team and Russians, yet with no other Nation....

we have Don Junior and Manafort and Kushner's meeting with the Russians in Trump Tower for dirt on Hillary, we have Papadopolis's meetings with Russians and in April, 3 months before they were released, he was told that the Russians have thousands of stolen Clinton Campaign emails, Papadopolis notified Team Trump with nearly 10 different emails to different Trump Team heads, yet team trump did nothing, and did not notify the FBI and didn't even consider it....

We have Flynn, working a quid pro quo, for Trump's payment for the Russian help, by promising them he would remove sanctions on them...and even Trump himself, when asked what his talks were about when he met Putin at some overseas conference, he said believe it or not, we talked about "Russian adoptions", well talking about Russian Adoptions is code word for talking about the Russian sanctions we put on them....

We have 40 different meetings of the Trump campaign with the Russians, of which every single person involved meeting with them, LIED ABOUT IT, including Trump.... not one single Trump campaign person, told the truth when asked, not even Jeff Sessions....WHY DID THEY ALL LIE?

We have very strange real estate transactions, like Trump selling a home he bought for 50 million and shortly afterwards sold it for $100 million to a Russian oligarch who works with Putin....and similar transactions by Kusner in New York....we have Kushner secretly meeting with a Russian Banker that our Nation had Sanctions on....that Kushner lied about it even taking place....

we have the head of Blackwater, Betsy Devos's brother also involved with meetings with the Russians in the Seychelle Islands for Team Trump,

we have Kushner trying to set up back door communications with the Russians, to keep it from the American citizens and our own govt, through the Russian embassy....

We have Gordan and Manafort on Team Trump, changing the Republican platform, so that we favor Russia and not the Ukraine....and everyone on team trump that lied about that....until they finally admitted it....

We've got Roger Stone working with wikileaks to disseminate the stolen emails, we also have the Trump Campaign's marketing pac, trying to get julian Assange to let them help him choose how to sort through and release the stolen DNC and Podesta emails

Gawd, there is so much more and all of that is just at the top of my head....

AND special counsel MUELLER was charged with investigating all of those things and knows 90 % MORE, than we do...

Let alone the other crimes he may come across, like all of the Manafort and Gates stuff with Russian Money Laundering as just one of the charges of criminality...

All of the things I have mentioned above have all been reported's part of what we, the public, knows....

Analysis | All the known times the Trump campaign met with Russians

Who's who in Trump-Russia saga - CNNPolitics
what a complete stack of whooie

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