Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.

Its timeline shows that the United States was one of the slowest countries to respond and was late in ramping up its efforts. Its most recent data (as of April 5) puts the U.S. response in last place among the six nations. As a result, we are now first place in the number of Covid-19 deaths.

Our poor response to Covid-19 reflects weaknesses in long-term preparation and planning as well as a failure of current leadership.

Mr. Trump’s only aggressive actions to date have been downplaying the risk, peddling unproven cures, blaming the Chinese, spreading false hope of quickly reopening the economy and giving himself high marks despite his own negligence.


See new Tweets

Donald J. Trump


Nov 8, 2013

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.
Remember Hillary and Obama hid what happened in Benghazi because it might be politically damaging? That's what Trump did with corona and 80,000 people have died.

As far as information goes we see Bush lied and Trump hide.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
Yea, and notice how they are now being super careful in the white house now that someone internal got it.

Now that it's hit home, he's taking it more seriously. But only fort he white house. Not for us

Bullshit! The dude has been on top of it since before dems called him xenophobic and racist for being on top of it! Dem locales quit carrying his briefings. You’re lying.
No he stopped giving briefings

And he was not on top of it. In January he was warned and didn't act.

Just stopping flights in from China wasn't enough.

And then he told us to inject bleach and ultraviolet light. You couldn't handle this any worse than Trump has.

Lets compare how Trump handled it vs Trudeau

If you knew before he, why didn’t you warn him? If you didn’t then you’re a hypocrite.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.

Its timeline shows that the United States was one of the slowest countries to respond and was late in ramping up its efforts. Its most recent data (as of April 5) puts the U.S. response in last place among the six nations. As a result, we are now first place in the number of Covid-19 deaths.

Our poor response to Covid-19 reflects weaknesses in long-term preparation and planning as well as a failure of current leadership.

Mr. Trump’s only aggressive actions to date have been downplaying the risk, peddling unproven cures, blaming the Chinese, spreading false hope of quickly reopening the economy and giving himself high marks despite his own negligence.


See new Tweets

Donald J. Trump

Nov 8, 2013

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.
Where’s your link to the alleged slow response? Again, why didnt you or any democrats warn him instead of obsessing with impeachment?
You’re a phony and a liar. Just another democrat shill.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.
Remember Hillary and Obama hid what happened in Benghazi because it might be politically damaging? That's what Trump did with corona and 80,000 people have died.

As far as information goes we see Bush lied and Trump hide.
Trump discussed Wuhan at the SOU address. Pelosi ripped up the speech. You’re a liar.
Obama, Hillary and the media all attempted to cover up Benghazi.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
Yea, and notice how they are now being super careful in the white house now that someone internal got it.

Now that it's hit home, he's taking it more seriously. But only fort he white house. Not for us

Bullshit! The dude has been on top of it since before dems called him xenophobic and racist for being on top of it! Dem locales quit carrying his briefings. You’re lying.
No he stopped giving briefings

And he was not on top of it. In January he was warned and didn't act.

Just stopping flights in from China wasn't enough.

And then he told us to inject bleach and ultraviolet light. You couldn't handle this any worse than Trump has.

Lets compare how Trump handled it vs Trudeau

If you knew before he, why didn’t you warn him? If you didn’t then you’re a hypocrite.
Why did he Trump fire the scientist who warned him?
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.

Its timeline shows that the United States was one of the slowest countries to respond and was late in ramping up its efforts. Its most recent data (as of April 5) puts the U.S. response in last place among the six nations. As a result, we are now first place in the number of Covid-19 deaths.

Our poor response to Covid-19 reflects weaknesses in long-term preparation and planning as well as a failure of current leadership.

Mr. Trump’s only aggressive actions to date have been downplaying the risk, peddling unproven cures, blaming the Chinese, spreading false hope of quickly reopening the economy and giving himself high marks despite his own negligence.


See new Tweets

Donald J. Trump

Nov 8, 2013

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.
Where’s your link to the alleged slow response? Again, why didnt you or any democrats warn him instead of obsessing with impeachment?
You’re a phony and a liar. Just another democrat shill.
He’s the president. The buck stops here.

do you think you wouldn’t be scrutinizing Hillary’s decisions this closely? Of course you would.

and you would have said the 20,000 who died on her watch were too many lives. That’s what you’d be saying if Hillary was president. But wha5 do you say about trumps 80,000?
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.
Remember Hillary and Obama hid what happened in Benghazi because it might be politically damaging? That's what Trump did with corona and 80,000 people have died.

As far as information goes we see Bush lied and Trump hide.
Trump discussed Wuhan at the SOU address. Pelosi ripped up the speech. You’re a liar.
Obama, Hillary and the media all attempted to cover up Benghazi.
The media helped cover up the fact bush lied us into iraq. The corporate media is controlled by mega corporations who have corporations interests over yours.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.
Remember Hillary and Obama hid what happened in Benghazi because it might be politically damaging? That's what Trump did with corona and 80,000 people have died.

As far as information goes we see Bush lied and Trump hide.
Trump discussed Wuhan at the SOU address. Pelosi ripped up the speech. You’re a liar.
Obama, Hillary and the media all attempted to cover up Benghazi.
To this day trump is still not handling this well.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
Yea, and notice how they are now being super careful in the white house now that someone internal got it.

Now that it's hit home, he's taking it more seriously. But only fort he white house. Not for us

Bullshit! The dude has been on top of it since before dems called him xenophobic and racist for being on top of it! Dem locales quit carrying his briefings. You’re lying.
No he stopped giving briefings

And he was not on top of it. In January he was warned and didn't act.

Just stopping flights in from China wasn't enough.

And then he told us to inject bleach and ultraviolet light. You couldn't handle this any worse than Trump has.

Lets compare how Trump handled it vs Trudeau

If you knew before he, why didn’t you warn him? If you didn’t then you’re a hypocrite.
Why did he Trump fire the scientist who warned him?
Who would that be? Dr Faustus said no threat to the US.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.

Its timeline shows that the United States was one of the slowest countries to respond and was late in ramping up its efforts. Its most recent data (as of April 5) puts the U.S. response in last place among the six nations. As a result, we are now first place in the number of Covid-19 deaths.

Our poor response to Covid-19 reflects weaknesses in long-term preparation and planning as well as a failure of current leadership.

Mr. Trump’s only aggressive actions to date have been downplaying the risk, peddling unproven cures, blaming the Chinese, spreading false hope of quickly reopening the economy and giving himself high marks despite his own negligence.


See new Tweets

Donald J. Trump

Nov 8, 2013

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.
Where’s your link to the alleged slow response? Again, why didnt you or any democrats warn him instead of obsessing with impeachment?
You’re a phony and a liar. Just another democrat shill.
He’s the president. The buck stops here.

do you think you wouldn’t be scrutinizing Hillary’s decisions this closely? Of course you would.

and you would have said the 20,000 who died on her watch were too many lives. That’s what you’d be saying if Hillary was president. But wha5 do you say about trumps 80,000?
Hillary would have allowed a million deaths because she would not have restricted travel from China.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.
Remember Hillary and Obama hid what happened in Benghazi because it might be politically damaging? That's what Trump did with corona and 80,000 people have died.

As far as information goes we see Bush lied and Trump hide.
Trump discussed Wuhan at the SOU address. Pelosi ripped up the speech. You’re a liar.
Obama, Hillary and the media all attempted to cover up Benghazi.
To this day trump is still not handling this well.
He’s doing way better CB than a dem would.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.

Its timeline shows that the United States was one of the slowest countries to respond and was late in ramping up its efforts. Its most recent data (as of April 5) puts the U.S. response in last place among the six nations. As a result, we are now first place in the number of Covid-19 deaths.

Our poor response to Covid-19 reflects weaknesses in long-term preparation and planning as well as a failure of current leadership.

Mr. Trump’s only aggressive actions to date have been downplaying the risk, peddling unproven cures, blaming the Chinese, spreading false hope of quickly reopening the economy and giving himself high marks despite his own negligence.


See new Tweets

Donald J. Trump

Nov 8, 2013

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.
Where’s your link to the alleged slow response? Again, why didnt you or any democrats warn him instead of obsessing with impeachment?
You’re a phony and a liar. Just another democrat shill.
He’s the president. The buck stops here.

do you think you wouldn’t be scrutinizing Hillary’s decisions this closely? Of course you would.

and you would have said the 20,000 who died on her watch were too many lives. That’s what you’d be saying if Hillary was president. But wha5 do you say about trumps 80,000?
We would, but the fake news media wouldn't.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.

Its timeline shows that the United States was one of the slowest countries to respond and was late in ramping up its efforts. Its most recent data (as of April 5) puts the U.S. response in last place among the six nations. As a result, we are now first place in the number of Covid-19 deaths.

Our poor response to Covid-19 reflects weaknesses in long-term preparation and planning as well as a failure of current leadership.

Mr. Trump’s only aggressive actions to date have been downplaying the risk, peddling unproven cures, blaming the Chinese, spreading false hope of quickly reopening the economy and giving himself high marks despite his own negligence.


See new Tweets

Donald J. Trump

Nov 8, 2013

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.
Where’s your link to the alleged slow response? Again, why didnt you or any democrats warn him instead of obsessing with impeachment?
You’re a phony and a liar. Just another democrat shill.
He’s the president. The buck stops here.

do you think you wouldn’t be scrutinizing Hillary’s decisions this closely? Of course you would.

and you would have said the 20,000 who died on her watch were too many lives. That’s what you’d be saying if Hillary was president. But wha5 do you say about trumps 80,000?
We would, but the fake news media wouldn't.
You know what Trump should do? He should make fun of an asian reporter or start a twitter war with Jimmy Kimmel.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Notice who you hypocrites went running to first in your time of need.

it wasn’t church or charity. It was government

They closed down the churches you ignorant baboon.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Thank you for pointing out the reason why Democratic governors were sending healthy seniors to COVID infested nursing homes in NM and COVID infected seniors to COVID free nursing homes in NY. Always knew liberals were scum.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.

Its timeline shows that the United States was one of the slowest countries to respond and was late in ramping up its efforts. Its most recent data (as of April 5) puts the U.S. response in last place among the six nations. As a result, we are now first place in the number of Covid-19 deaths.

Our poor response to Covid-19 reflects weaknesses in long-term preparation and planning as well as a failure of current leadership.

Mr. Trump’s only aggressive actions to date have been downplaying the risk, peddling unproven cures, blaming the Chinese, spreading false hope of quickly reopening the economy and giving himself high marks despite his own negligence.


See new Tweets

Donald J. Trump

Nov 8, 2013

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.
Where’s your link to the alleged slow response? Again, why didnt you or any democrats warn him instead of obsessing with impeachment?
You’re a phony and a liar. Just another democrat shill.
He’s the president. The buck stops here.

do you think you wouldn’t be scrutinizing Hillary’s decisions this closely? Of course you would.

and you would have said the 20,000 who died on her watch were too many lives. That’s what you’d be saying if Hillary was president. But wha5 do you say about trumps 80,000?
We would, but the fake news media wouldn't.
You know what Trump should do? He should make fun of an asian reporter or start a twitter war with Jimmy Kimmel.
You know what you should do? Try posting something that isn't pure idiocy.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.

Its timeline shows that the United States was one of the slowest countries to respond and was late in ramping up its efforts. Its most recent data (as of April 5) puts the U.S. response in last place among the six nations. As a result, we are now first place in the number of Covid-19 deaths.

Our poor response to Covid-19 reflects weaknesses in long-term preparation and planning as well as a failure of current leadership.

Mr. Trump’s only aggressive actions to date have been downplaying the risk, peddling unproven cures, blaming the Chinese, spreading false hope of quickly reopening the economy and giving himself high marks despite his own negligence.


See new Tweets

Donald J. Trump

Nov 8, 2013

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.
Where’s your link to the alleged slow response? Again, why didnt you or any democrats warn him instead of obsessing with impeachment?
You’re a phony and a liar. Just another democrat shill.
He’s the president. The buck stops here.

do you think you wouldn’t be scrutinizing Hillary’s decisions this closely? Of course you would.

and you would have said the 20,000 who died on her watch were too many lives. That’s what you’d be saying if Hillary was president. But wha5 do you say about trumps 80,000?
What would I say about science fiction? Yours is amusing.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Notice who you hypocrites went running to first in your time of need.

it wasn’t church or charity. It was government

They closed down the churches you ignorant baboon.
You could still call your church and ask them to help you out before you cash that stimulus check.
Here's the dirty little shutdown secret. That vast majority of COVID deaths are in nursing homes or with nursing home residents who were brought to the hospital. The average age of people who die from COVID is 78. That's higher than the average lifespan for Americans. COVID is not a disease that the vast majority of Americans have to be concerned about.

The true extent of the problem is explained in an audio program here:

‎Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz: Ep 634 | Simple Arithmetic Proves the Lockdown Was Built on a Lie on Apple Podcasts

This nespaper article goes over some of the statistics, but the problem is actually far worse than what it describes.

Nursing homes account for major share of coronavirus deaths

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities account for a major share of COVID-19 deaths, a tragedy that appears to be attributable to the vulnerability of the population, poor conditions at facilities, and a series of policy failures.

Data from the health departments of six states with the highest number of coronavirus deaths shows that a large percentage occurred in long-term care facilities. In Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, the percentage of coronavirus deaths occurring in nursing homes and other facilities is 37%, 32%, 57%, 32%, 13%, and 57%, respectively.

Altogether, more than 14,000 residents and employees at such facilities have died from COVID-19, which amounts to nearly one-quarter of total deaths from the virus, according to data from the New York Times.

Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are highly susceptible to the coronavirus because residents often have weakened immune systems, and close interaction is required between the residents and staff members.
This is great. No more social security and Medicare payments to 80,000 people.
Now you worthless fucks can give out more drugs, alcohol, weed, and hotel rooms to more homeless illegals who dont and never have been producing persons in our economy... Lets kill some more people who payed into Social Security so we can redistribute their productive behaviors to more democrat hand out voters.

We were all working before this virus. Feel free to go back to your job. I was only off 2 days. They called me back as essential. Sorry your company doesn’t consider you essentiall.

And don’t wear masks or social distance. Go to trump rallies. Inject bleach and ultraviolet light
I don't have the option of going back to work, douchebag.

You're liberal compassion is heartwarming.
Now is when I get to rub your own words back in your republican face.

1. who’s fault is that you chose the profession you are in?

2. why don’t you have savings to get you through the tough times?

i remember your compassion for people during the bush Great Recession. Now we have the trump Great Depression. And it’s his fault. He fired the scientist who warned him in January.

All you proved is that your an uncaring TDS douchebag.
The Trump plan is to open up the economy and just let the old people die. How caring.
Really? Trump is an old guy.
according to bripat he has outlived the average lifespan of the average American so it's ok if he gets it and dies.

Could you imagine if Hillary were president? Republicans would be saying she's responsible for the 20,000 deaths and that if they were running things they would have cut that number in half.
If Hillary was potus there would be way more deaths because dems called the China ban racist. You’re lying again.

Its timeline shows that the United States was one of the slowest countries to respond and was late in ramping up its efforts. Its most recent data (as of April 5) puts the U.S. response in last place among the six nations. As a result, we are now first place in the number of Covid-19 deaths.

Our poor response to Covid-19 reflects weaknesses in long-term preparation and planning as well as a failure of current leadership.

Mr. Trump’s only aggressive actions to date have been downplaying the risk, peddling unproven cures, blaming the Chinese, spreading false hope of quickly reopening the economy and giving himself high marks despite his own negligence.


See new Tweets

Donald J. Trump

Nov 8, 2013

Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.
Where’s your link to the alleged slow response? Again, why didnt you or any democrats warn him instead of obsessing with impeachment?
You’re a phony and a liar. Just another democrat shill.
He’s the president. The buck stops here.

do you think you wouldn’t be scrutinizing Hillary’s decisions this closely? Of course you would.

and you would have said the 20,000 who died on her watch were too many lives. That’s what you’d be saying if Hillary was president. But wha5 do you say about trumps 80,000?
What would I say about science fiction? Yours is amusing.
Well lets compare Trump to another socialist, Trudeau.

5049 for Canada
$82,000 for Trump

You do the math.

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