Nursing homes: Vax all employees or lose federal funding!

Because the stupid is on you just like it was on Trump.

You and yours are still practicing Trumpism. That's why you're dying in droves.
If you were practicing Bidenism you'd be safe and cuddled.

Make your choice.
Dead or snuggles.
Up to you.

You really live in your dream world, don't you? Blacks are the largest group to resist the vaccine and the largest Democrat voting group as well. Even before the vaccine, blacks were dying from covid at a 2 to 1 ratio of whites. So if anything, it's wiping out Democrats which is a good thing.
Trumpidity? I propose that we make it a real new word! :D
Btw - 200,000 Donnie deaths is a lowball number. 3-350k is far more likely.
I think every death after he denounced the lockdowns is right on Trump's head.
That may lean a little negatively Trump's way but, only a little.
I think every death after he denounced the lockdowns is right on Trump's head.
That may lean a little negatively Trump's way but, only a little.

Is it our fault Trump understands freedom and the Constitution? Well.......he's not the only one.

Who cares? 97% of those being hospitalized are unvaccinated.
If you can’t catch a clue from that, then maybe you deserve to catch the COVIDS.
Lotta Darwin Awards left to be had!

I think we are all going about this all wrong. What is being slowly discovered is that those who did catch Covid have much stronger resistance into catching it again than those vaccinated. Given the fact a lot of people still don't trust these vaccines, maybe the solution is offer them blood from people that recovered from Covid. No vaccine involved, and they'd have more natural protection than anybody who took the vaccine.
I think we are all going about this all wrong. What is being slowly discovered is that those who did catch Covid have much stronger resistance into catching it again than those vaccinated. Given the fact a lot of people still don't trust these vaccines, maybe the solution is offer them blood from people that recovered from Covid. No vaccine involved, and they'd have more natural protection than anybody who took the vaccine.

Did you have a link on this “stronger resistance” claim, or is it just a butthunch?

Aha - Butthunch as I suspected ;)

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Who cares? 97% of those being hospitalized are unvaccinated.
If you can’t catch a clue from that, then maybe you deserve to catch the COVIDS.
Lotta Darwin Awards left to be had! :)
Who cares? Those that know Biden has and is fucking up American Covid response.
Uncle Joe may have f’d up the withdrawal but on target here! :D

The withdrawal is what was expected and it could be much worse. With the Vietnam situation the war had not yet been lost.
This war in Afghanistan is lost and there will be nobody left behind to ensure departing aircraft aren't shot down as they attempt to leave.

The latest US attack against ISIS may very well have upped the ante.

The Afghan government was meant to ensure the defeated forces would be able to leave in safety. Will the US need to carpet bomb the airport perimeter?

Blame Joe now or wait until later and blame whatever president decides to end that war.
It's about time normal people just start to ignore the anti-vaxxers. They've done enough harm already, along with Trump's downplaying of the seriousness of Covid.
The withdrawal is what was expected and it could be much worse. With the Vietnam situation the war had not yet been lost.
This war in Afghanistan is lost and there will be nobody left behind to ensure departing aircraft aren't shot down as they attempt to leave.

The latest US attack against ISIS may very well have upped the ante.

The Afghan government was meant to ensure the defeated forces would be able to leave in safety. Will the US need to carpet bomb the airport perimeter?

Blame Joe now or wait until later and blame whatever president decides to end that war.

What don't you people get about it's not us leaving, it's the totally stupid way Dementia did it? That's the issue here.
Did you have a link on this “stronger resistance” claim, or is it just a butthunch?

Aha - Butthunch as I suspected

I was making reference to interviews of doctors on Fox talk shows. One was on Laura (I believe) last night. I don't know that it's out this soon, but if I find it, I'll post it.
What don't you people get about it's not us leaving, it's the totally stupid way Dementia did it? That's the issue here.
I'm sorry you feel that way Ray.
The fact is, there was no smart way or safe way to leave. And success can't be measured in the number of people who have been evacuated. If it could then over 100,000 would have to be a success.

Think about it Ray. Would the allied forces have allowed Nazis to fly out of Berlin at the end of WW2? Or would the allies have destroyed the air fields and killed the Nazis attempting to escape?

You, and many others aren't accepting the meaning of 'lost' war.

Try attaching blame on whoever was responsible for not strengthening the Afghan government forces to a level at which they would have been confident enough to hold some ground.

Or maybe even consider that they really felt no loyalty to the US occupiers?

Americans trying to put a domestic political spin on this situation are ignoring reality.
I'm sorry you feel that way Ray.
The fact is, there was no smart way or safe way to leave. And success can't be measured in the number of people who have been evacuated. If it could then over 100,000 would have to be a success.

Of course there was a smart way to leave. It was in President Trump's plan. First you get out all the American citizens, then you get out all the Afghan people who helped us throughout this mess, then you remove our military equipment, then the military leaves last. That's the way to do it.

The Taliban have been gaining ground ever since Dementia took over.

Of course there was a smart way to leave. It was in President Trump's plan. First you get out all the American citizens, then you get out all the Afghan people who helped us throughout this mess, then you remove our military equipment, then the military leaves last. That's the way to do it.

The Taliban have been gaining ground ever since Dementia took over.

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There was nothing smart about Trump or his plan. How many more thousands of Afghanistan's people must be evacuated to be enough?

Americans have already been evacuated.

If the US military wasn't largely evacuated by Biden then the US would still be fighting the war.
When was the US going to stop fighting that war?

The plain fact is Ray, the US military didn't ensure that the government forces had the capability or the will to hold their country from the Taliban.

Neither Trump or Biden could create a situation similar to Vietnam in which the defeat wasn't completely established.

In truth, Biden's plan has proven to be a huge success unmatched in any history of evacuating forces and civilian population. That, at the mercy of the Taliban. It can be speculated that the Taliban would have been either 'more' or 'less' merciful under the Trump regime?
There was nothing smart about Trump or his plan. How many more thousands of Afghanistan's people must be evacuated to be enough?

Americans have already been evacuated.

If the US military wasn't largely evacuated by Biden then the US would still be fighting the war.
When was the US going to stop fighting that war?

The plain fact is Ray, the US military didn't ensure that the government forces had the capability or the will to hold their country from the Taliban.

Neither Trump or Biden could create a situation similar to Vietnam in which the defeat wasn't completely established.

In truth, Biden's plan has proven to be a huge success unmatched in any history of evacuating forces and civilian population. That, at the mercy of the Taliban. It can be speculated that the Taliban would have been either 'more' or 'less' merciful under the Trump regime?

You don't seem to understand. Dementia has a mind like a child. He will not do anything Trump did, and in fact reverse all the good things President Trump accomplished for this country. So he looked at Trump's plan and said "I'm doing the exact opposite. I'm not doing anything that Trump may get credit for." Because of that, 13 military men lost their lives to this arrogant buffoon.

Trumps plan was ground based. In other words nothing written in stone. He wanted to make moves when it was safe enough to do so. First, evacuate all Americans from the country. Secondly, get all the Afghan people who helped us all these years to other Muslim countries for their own safety. Third, remove all military equipment and bomb all US military bases. Finally, our military leaves.

But like I pointed out, Dementia was going to have his "I'll show you" moment by doing everything the exact opposite, and now we have another tragedy on our hands.
I was making reference to interviews of doctors on Fox talk shows. One was on Laura (I believe) last night. I don't know that it's out this soon, but if I find it, I'll post it.

Laura? You HAVE to be fucking kidding me. She (& Tucker) have been promoting stupid cures infinity.

First there was hydroxychloroquine and now a horsey dewormer.

Ray Ray RAY - you are smarter than this shit. STOP!!
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