Nursing homes: Vax all employees or lose federal funding!

We have discussed these things infinity and you still don’t get it so … meh.
Suffice to say that anyone in the health care industry who refuses to vax should find a job doing something else
If the vaccines work and every patient in nursing homes has been vaccinated then why is it so important that all workers need to be vaccinated? Does the vaccine work or not? The nursing home industry was short staffed and pathetic before Covid, got even more short staffed during Covid, and this policy will lead to nursing homes even being further understaffed. Why don't you want the elderly to get the quality care they deserve?
All bullshit because as I posted before, DeSantis's goal was to vaccinate as many vulnerable as possible which were senior citizens. After the vaccine was out, he targeted those areas that had the least vaccinated seniors in the state. So he setup a vaccination site and it worked out quite successfully.

Blacks are not lagging in Florida alone, but all across the country. Hispanics are also behind whites in vaccinations.

Trump's fault? Since Dementia took office, over 200,000 Americans have died from Covid, and that's having three vaccines most of his seven months. Trump had one vaccine in over a little of his last month.
Finish with a lie? As your final exclamation point? Way to lose an argument!

200K Americans have died from Trumpidity.
Knowing what you know you argue against vaccines
Knowing what you know you argue against masks and distancing

Trumpidity? Insane acts performed by people.
You know damned well who is responsible for these death, Trump. and by extension, you.

Congratulations. You're doing what Hitler only dreamed of. Getting them in the chamber voluntarily.

But not to worry. The GOP DEM plan to get rid of you and yours and replacing them with cheap labor is coming along fine.
Well WTF do you think the plan is by the commies with these illegals? Why are they paying people more money to stay home than work? If you guessed so they can make the case for bringing in these illegals to do the job, you win the cupie doll.

HTF do we have a high unemployment rate at the same time a huge labor shortage? Is that some sort of accident I've never seen in my life before? Of course not. It's deliberate. And fools like you that refuse to look at the man behind the curtain buy the entire boatload of bullshit.
GOP gets cheap labor
DEMs get cheap votes
'ceptn you
You be dead.
Sorry 'bout that.
Finish with a lie? As your final exclamation point? Way to lose an argument!

200K Americans have died from Trumpidity.
Knowing what you know you argue against vaccines
Knowing what you know you argue against masks and distancing

Trumpidity? Insane acts performed by people.
You know damned well who is responsible for these death, Trump. and by extension, you.

Congratulations. You're doing what Hitler only dreamed of. Getting them in the chamber voluntarily.

But not to worry. The GOP DEM plan to get rid of you and yours and replacing them with cheap labor is coming along fine.

No, if Trump is responsible for the 600,000 that died while he was President, why isn't Dementia responsible for the 200,000 that died since he was President? I guess it goes back to Rush Limbaugh's theory: "Liberals have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for everybody else."

When have I argued against the vaccines? I'm merely being optimistic. Why would I argue against something I've taken myself? Just because I took it doesn't mean I trust it 100%, nor does it mean I should support the vaccines no matter what. I don't believe that forcing people to take an experimental vaccine is American at all. That would be what Hitler or Biden would do.
GOP gets cheap labor
DEMs get cheap votes
'ceptn you
You be dead.
Sorry 'bout that.

Right, because only Republicans own businesses, correct? The top leaders in business are mostly Democrat. How do you suppose Hillary and DumBama raised records amount of cash, from the homeless? Think before you write.
Finish with a lie? As your final exclamation point? Way to lose an argument!

200K Americans have died from Trumpidity.
Knowing what you know you argue against vaccines
Knowing what you know you argue against masks and distancing

Trumpidity? Insane acts performed by people.
You know damned well who is responsible for these death, Trump. and by extension, you.

Congratulations. You're doing what Hitler only dreamed of. Getting them in the chamber voluntarily.

But not to worry. The GOP DEM plan to get rid of you and yours and replacing them with cheap labor is coming along fine.
Trumpidity? I propose that we make it a real new word! :D
Btw - 200,000 Donnie deaths is a lowball number. 3-350k is far more likely.
No, if Trump is responsible for the 600,000 that died while he was President, why isn't Dementia responsible for the 200,000 that died since he was President? I guess it goes back to Rush Limbaugh's theory: "Liberals have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for everybody else."

When have I argued against the vaccines? I'm merely being optimistic. Why would I argue against something I've taken myself? Just because I took it doesn't mean I trust it 100%, nor does it mean I should support the vaccines no matter what. I don't believe that forcing people to take an experimental vaccine is American at all. That would be what Hitler or Biden would do.

Biden inherited Donnie’s out of control pandemic. And idiots who refused to vax thanks to the horrible example set by Dotardo are responsible for the current spike.
Biden inherited Donnie’s out of control pandemic. And idiots who refused to vax thanks to the horrible example set by Dotardo are responsible for the current spike.

How about the fact blacks (who mostly vote Democrat) lag every other group in the US for getting vaccines? How about your dementia patient allowing people from over 100 different countries to enter ours by the tens of thousands every month, many of them infected and then flying or busing them across the country coast to coast?

Nah, that has nothing to do with it. It's those evil Republicans. We have polls stating so, and we all know how fair polls are to Republicans. Right?
How about the fact blacks (who mostly vote Democrat) lag every other group in the US for getting vaccines? How about your dementia patient allowing people from over 100 different countries to enter ours by the tens of thousands every month, many of them infected and then flying or busing them across the country coast to coast?

Nah, that has nothing to do with it. It's those evil Republicans. We have polls stating so, and we all know how fair polls are to Republicans. Right?

Oh Ray. Unvaxed whites outnumber unvaxed blacks by 3-1.

And your “open borders” talking point is BS and ya know it.

In addition, very few crossing our southern border illegally are testing positive.

But I’ll only count that as two strikes. Wanna take one more swing? :)
Hillarious! Links support your bogus contentions please :heehee:
Yes, certainly -

Report from Public Health England

163 of the 257 people (63.4%) who died of the delta variant within 28 days of a positive COVID test had received at least one dose of the vaccine

So, "Hillarious! Links support your bogus contentions please
", back at you
Last edited:
Yes, certainly -

Report from Public Health England

163 of the 257 people (63.4%) who died of the delta variant within 28 days of a positive COVID test had received at least one dose of the vaccine

So, "Hillarious! Links support your bogus contentions please
", back at you

One dose doesn’t cut it sorry. It may have additionally been the case that many hadn’t even hit the 2 week point after 1st dose needed to provide partial protection.

Fun Fact: In the US, over 90% of those being hospitalized and 95% of those dying are unvaxed.
Oh Ray. Unvaxed whites outnumber unvaxed blacks by 3-1.

And your “open borders” talking point is BS and ya know it.

In addition, very few crossing our southern border illegally are testing positive.

But I’ll only count that as two strikes. Wanna take one more swing?

Would you like reputable sites stating you are a liar? I have them. Would you like to see interviews with former Border Patrol leaders? Easily found. But I'm not going to do the work if you're not going to learn something and just say they're all bullshit. Then again not much work at all. It's all over the internet.


Would you like reputable sites stating you are a liar? I have them. Would you like to see interviews with former Border Patrol leaders? Easily found. But I'm not going to do the work if you're not going to learn something and just say they're all bullshit. Then again not much work at all. It's all over the internet.


Kudos - Border Report has a centrist rating and high in factual content. But your story is dated (March 3rd). Fixes to that problem have been implemented.

Remember, Trump left Uncle Joe a total clusterfuck at the border that took more than a month to fix. He had a lot on his plate at that time and he did make mistakes prior to saying “don’t come”.

But nobody testing positive is being bussed anymore and judge just ruled that asylum seekers must stay on Mexico side until processed. Illegal crossings have slowed to a crawl.

But yes, blacks do represent the largest single unvaxed group by percentage - I recognize that. Can you say Tuskegee? :confused-84:
One dose doesn’t cut it sorry. It may have additionally been the case that many hadn’t even hit the 2 week point after 1st dose needed to provide partial protection.

Fun Fact: In the US, over 90% of those being hospitalized and 95% of those dying are unvaxed.
Come on, where are your links to the shite you talk!!

Whether you agree or disagree with the UK's stats, that's the UK government's figures.
Kudos - Border Report has a centrist rating and high in factual content. But your story is dated (March 3rd). Fixes to that problem have been implemented.

Remember, Trump left Uncle Joe a total clusterfuck at the border that took more than a month to fix. He had a lot on his plate at that time and he did make mistakes prior to saying “don’t come”.

But nobody testing positive is being bussed anymore and judge just ruled that asylum seekers must stay on Mexico side until processed. Illegal crossings have slowed to a crawl.

But yes, blacks do represent the largest single unvaxed group by percentage - I recognize that. Can you say Tuskegee?

We have no idea that Dementia will even obey the court or what results may take place, but thank God we have judges to do a job that an incompetent President can't do.

Dementia rescinded most of all of Trump's great ideas like applying for asylum at your US embassy, yes, stay in Mexico, catch and release, except now the commies call it process and release; the same thing.

It's not just the border either. Dementia has the mentality of a little child. So his "I'll show him!" attitude is he is going to do the exact opposite of Trump on everything, and he did. That's why we have 13 dead American solders today.
We have no idea that Dementia will even obey the court or what results may take place, but thank God we have judges to do a job that an incompetent President can't do.

Dementia rescinded most of all of Trump's great ideas like applying for asylum at your US embassy, yes, stay in Mexico, catch and release, except now the commies call it process and release; the same thing.

It's not just the border either. Dementia has the mentality of a little child. So his "I'll show him!" attitude is he is going to do the exact opposite of Trump on everything, and he did. That's why we have 13 dead American solders today.

Sheesh, my response was polite & respectful and you had to start in again HuH? :rolleyes-41:

Thirteen dead soldiers are a result of 20 years of failed policy. But I HAVE been critical of Uncle Joe’s withdrawal. We should have planned better & quietly/ slowly begun flying out US citizens & Afghan allies way back in March.

Much of the problem however? Our failed immigration policies and red tape. That shit goes back decades. Talk to your House Reps and Senators.
Sheesh, my response was polite & respectful and you had to start in again HuH? :rolleyes-41:

Thirteen dead soldiers are a result of 20 years of failed policy. But I HAVE been critical of Uncle Joe’s withdrawal. We should have planned better & quietly/ slowly begun flying out US citizens & Afghan allies way back in March.

Much of the problem however? Our failed immigration policies and red tape. That shit goes back decades. Talk to your House Reps and Senators.

You need to follow the history. Whatever Trump tried to do, if the Democrats in the House couldn't stop him, their commie judges did, at least temporarily. When he fought through all that and was able to implement most of his policies, we had real results.

The last article was a hit piece on Trump, not a compliment. They were trying to show that our border crossings were so low, a wall really wasn't needed but Trump was going to build it anyway. Truth of the matter is in 2019 thanks to Trump's policies, he reduced border crossings by 90%. It made no sense to come here knowing that you couldn't get in, so they stopped coming.

As for Afghanistan, I suggest you dig up the interview between Trump and Hannity on his show. His plans clearly included getting Americans out first, Afghan people who helped us out, then our equipment, then our military. Yes, those 13 solders are dead today (one from my area) because Biden refused to follow Trump's plan so he could never get credit for it's success.
No, if Trump is responsible for the 600,000 that died while he was President, why isn't Dementia responsible for the 200,000 that died since he was President? I guess it goes back to Rush Limbaugh's theory: "Liberals have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for everybody else."

When have I argued against the vaccines? I'm merely being optimistic. Why would I argue against something I've taken myself? Just because I took it doesn't mean I trust it 100%, nor does it mean I should support the vaccines no matter what. I don't believe that forcing people to take an experimental vaccine is American at all. That would be what Hitler or Biden would do.
Because the stupid is on you just like it was on Trump.

You and yours are still practicing Trumpism. That's why you're dying in droves.
If you were practicing Bidenism you'd be safe and cuddled.

Make your choice.
Dead or snuggles.
Up to you.
Right, because only Republicans own businesses, correct? The top leaders in business are mostly Democrat. How do you suppose Hillary and DumBama raised records amount of cash, from the homeless? Think before you write.
GOP gets cheap labor.
Dems get cheap votes
Not to worry, won't matter to you Trumpists.
You'll be dead.

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