Nursing homes: Vax all employees or lose federal funding!

If nearly everyone is vaccinated and SOME people still stands to reason that the percentage of those vaxxed and dying would increase.
No, you would need a study to back that opinion, which is pretty thin to say the least.
Uncle Joe may have f’d up the withdrawal but on target here! :D

Yes, let's take an industry that was short staffed before anyone even heard of Covid, lose all kinds of personnel during Covid, and then force a policy on them that will lead to even more short staffing. About 100% of the patients are vaccinated. Don't vaccines work?
And trying to get others not to get vaccinated.


Show me one post where I ever tried that. I hold and have always held the position that if you want the vaccine, then I highly recommend you get one. If you don't want the vaccine, I highly recommend you don't get one because if you get one with question, any ailment or condition you develop in the future, you will be regretting your decision even if there is no evidence the vaccine had anything to do with it.

I do what I believe is in my own best interest. It's the Republican way. Democrats believe if they want something, everybody should want it too. If they are against something, everybody else should be against it too.

Yes I am vaccinated. But just because I am vacccinated doesn't mean I can't point out the potential problems of getting the vaccine, and when I do, it doesn't mean I'm trying to convince anybody of anything. Unlike you, I'm much more understanding of other peoples positions and concerns. If I were younger, didn't have all these major medical problems, I probably wouldn't have gotten the shot either.
Scientists got it wrong with Thalidomide, makes you wonder

I had to take my annual blood test ordered by my doctor. Never a problem. This year I went for blood work about a week after my first shot. One test, the Alkaline Phospatase test was 15 points off the acceptable high. My doctor said she wanted a second test about a month later which I did. The second test was two weeks after my second vaccine shot. Now the test showed those numbers 75 points higher.

Can I say it had anything to do with the vaccine? Not with any certainty. I asked my doctor if she thought it had anything to do with it. She just shrugged her shoulders and said "it might!"

The truth of the matter is I don't know, she didn't know, nobody knows because these vaccines have not been thoroughly tested under every circumstance. If it did undergo the same scrutiny that every other vaccine went through, then my doctor could say "No, it has nothing to do with the vaccine" or "yes, it's a rare but known to happen with people like you with X conditions."

Yes, let's take an industry that was short staffed before anyone even heard of Covid, lose all kinds of personnel during Covid, and then force a policy on them that will lead to even more short staffing. About 100% of the patients are vaccinated. Don't vaccines work?

“About 100% of COVID hospitalizations and deaths are vaccinated”?

Did you learn this on Facebook, YouTube, InfoWars or Gateway Pundit?

Well whatever dude. Another fucking idiot has chimed in! :rolleyes-41:
But there is still no long term history of what it can do to us down the road. No studies on the effects of newborns. No idea how long it would last, if it would last, or if boosters are needed or do any good.

We don't know a lot of things about the vaccines because it was rushed through so quickly, and I respect anybody that doesn't want it for that reason.

Ray, you are not as dumb as some of the clowns around here. Didn’t you say you were vaxed? So why repeat conspiracy theories & stupid shit?

Now you’re starting to remind me of Ingraham & Carlson. What next - Injecting disinfectants, lights up butts, horsey dewormers and hydroxychloroqine??

Or you could promote your own miracle “cure” like Alex Jones and make BERZILLIONS???

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In the UK, National Health England stats are showing that the greater percentage of people dying have been vaccinated.

Also, Scotland kept the mask law where you must wear a mask in a shop etc .. but not in England. Vindaflu (Delta Flu) cases are going through the ceiling in Scotland, the government are considering tougher measures.

I thought vaccinations and masks were working, what's going wrong?

Hillarious! Links support your bogus contentions please :heehee:
It AINT "right to work".. THe decision on Covid mandates is between YOU and YOUR employer. Right to work is to reject the idea of a THIRD PARTY forcibly putting THEMSELVES BETWEEN you and your employer...

I'm not GOP.. You have NO FUCKING IDEA where I stand on things. I want BOTH AGED INEPT PARTIES TO DIE FASTER then they are. My business for 40 years was the science/engineering behind all KINDS of medical devices and lab equipment. There's one or two of my group's products in virtually every hospital..

And NOW -- my BUSINESS is to promote Indy candidates for office and TRAIN THEM to discuss and debate against Dem/Rep simpleton "one note" parrots like yourself..

Great to meet ya Dado -- :abgg2q.jpg:
I know who you are.
Your Tiny Minded "conservatism" stinks like a 3 day dead hog.

do you know why cities and businesses with unions have delayed mandating?
BECAUSE, my Tiny Minded moron the UNIONS were there to have their say.
In laces like where you live the employer can make any demand reasonable or not and failure to comply? GONE.
It's the world you begged for. Enjoy.
Show me one post where I ever tried that. I hold and have always held the position that if you want the vaccine, then I highly recommend you get one. If you don't want the vaccine, I highly recommend you don't get one because if you get one with question, any ailment or condition you develop in the future, you will be regretting your decision even if there is no evidence the vaccine had anything to do with it.

I do what I believe is in my own best interest. It's the Republican way. Democrats believe if they want something, everybody should want it too. If they are against something, everybody else should be against it too.

Yes I am vaccinated. But just because I am vacccinated doesn't mean I can't point out the potential problems of getting the vaccine, and when I do, it doesn't mean I'm trying to convince anybody of anything. Unlike you, I'm much more understanding of other peoples positions and concerns. If I were younger, didn't have all these major medical problems, I probably wouldn't have gotten the shot either.

Nope. You vaxed and yet still promote junk science. Go Fish, as you are no longer permitted to promote junk science :nono:
If you were terminated by a non-union company, more than likely you were not valued by your employer. You either were a slacker, constantly gave them a hard time, couldn't catch on to the job, or something where they didn't value your employment. Companies don't get rid of great employees unless there is a union involved. Same thing with getting laid off. Non-union companies usually get rid of the problem makers first over the good workers when things get slow.

What does right-to-work mean to me? It takes me back to a lad in the 70's where I was looking for a job right out of high school during the big union days. When I applied at union run shops, I expressed my objection to joining the union, and was told if you don't want to join the union, you can't work here because they call the shots--not us. I found it totally un-American.
My second paragraph is only displaying the hypocrisy expressed by your side. You're fine with Americans being forced to wearing masks, forced to take vaccines, but no problem when tens of thousands of infected illegals gain entry to the country by your leaders glee every month. How about instead of attacking Americans, the commies attack the foreigners and stop them from invading our country like Trump did?

Nah. Can't have that. Democrats are against Americans and for these invading foreigners. My signature holds more truth today than when I put it there a few years ago.

No one is attacking you, fool!
The complaints you're whining about apply to everyone.
Masks apply to everyone not just Tiny Minded "conservatives"
Vaccines apply to everyone, not just Tiny Minded "conservatives"
Now if you don't WANT the vaccine or you don't WANT the mask, DON'T
As with what USED to be the GOP way, the Party of Personal Responsibility
YOU are responsible for what happens next.
You get sick, on you.
You make others sick, on you.
People die? On you.
You get fired, on you.
You get denied medical service, on you.
You die, on you.

My god you are the whiniest bunch of diaper full babies the planet's ever seen.

What with all those workers you dumbasses are killing off, 600+k how are we supposed to fill the void?
That's right fool.
The plan all along to kill off GOP fools and replace them with lower wage immigrants.
Dems and GOP working together to get what both want.
And you fools are falling for it like turds out of a horse's ass' ass.
For one, I am vaccinated. Two, you buy into the bullshit that this is all the Republicans fault to transfer the blame from your incompetent President like you always do. Forget that blacks (who mostly vote Democrat) are the most lagging group to be vaccinated. Forget that the Republican states that are having problems are within 200 miles or so of the southern border. Forget about all that.

Huge increase in gasoline prices--it's Trump's fault.
Out of control inflation--it's Trumps fault.
Border the worst it's been in over 20 years--Trump's fault.
The Afghanistan disaster--it was Trump's deal.
Huge violent crime spikes since the De-fund the police movement started--It was Trump's racism that's responsible.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
Blacks and Vaccinations????

Let's look here in Florida at Brevard County.
The county has three significant Black populations.
Titusville North
Cocoa N Central
Melbourne-Palm Bay
Do you know where the good Governor placed the county's ONLY vaccination center?
Viera. Richest community in the county and at least a 20 minute drive for 95% of the county's Black residents.
Also, it wasn't get appt, park walk inside...
It was get appt, drive as many as 40 miles, get in line in your car for as much as 2 hours...

No popup sites in the North or South
No temp sites at the pee-wee football or little league locations

So, as you were saying about the reason Blacks are lagging is????

As for the rest of the diatribe...
You're right on every point.
Trump's fault.
Welcome to the light.
Blacks and Vaccinations????

Let's look here in Florida at Brevard County.
The county has three significant Black populations.
Titusville North
Cocoa N Central
Melbourne-Palm Bay
Do you know where the good Governor placed the county's ONLY vaccination center?
Viera. Richest community in the county and at least a 20 minute drive for 95% of the county's Black residents.
Also, it wasn't get appt, park walk inside...
It was get appt, drive as many as 40 miles, get in line in your car for as much as 2 hours...

No popup sites in the North or South
No temp sites at the pee-wee football or little league locations

So, as you were saying about the reason Blacks are lagging is????

As for the rest of the diatribe...
You're right on every point.
Trump's fault.
Welcome to the light.

All bullshit because as I posted before, DeSantis's goal was to vaccinate as many vulnerable as possible which were senior citizens. After the vaccine was out, he targeted those areas that had the least vaccinated seniors in the state. So he setup a vaccination site and it worked out quite successfully.

Blacks are not lagging in Florida alone, but all across the country. Hispanics are also behind whites in vaccinations.

Trump's fault? Since Dementia took office, over 200,000 Americans have died from Covid, and that's having three vaccines most of his seven months. Trump had one vaccine in over a little of his last month.
What with all those workers you dumbasses are killing off, 600+k how are we supposed to fill the void?
That's right fool.
The plan all along to kill off GOP fools and replace them with lower wage immigrants.
Dems and GOP working together to get what both want.
And you fools are falling for it like turds out of a horse's ass' ass.

Well WTF do you think the plan is by the commies with these illegals? Why are they paying people more money to stay home than work? If you guessed so they can make the case for bringing in these illegals to do the job, you win the cupie doll.

HTF do we have a high unemployment rate at the same time a huge labor shortage? Is that some sort of accident I've never seen in my life before? Of course not. It's deliberate. And fools like you that refuse to look at the man behind the curtain buy the entire boatload of bullshit.
Nope. You vaxed and yet still promote junk science. Go Fish, as you are no longer permitted to promote junk science

So what junk science have I promoted? I guess I'll get the same answer as the claim I promoted people not getting vaccinated.
Ray, you are not as dumb as some of the clowns around here. Didn’t you say you were vaxed? So why repeat conspiracy theories & stupid shit?

Now you’re starting to remind me of Ingraham & Carlson. What next - Injecting disinfectants, lights up butts, horsey dewormers and hydroxychloroqine??

Or you could promote your own miracle “cure” like Alex Jones and make BERZILLIONS???

We on the right are not like you commies. I got the vaccine based on my age and medical situation. Because I did, I don't expect everybody to follow me in lockstep. As I told you in before, we on the right don't believe if we want something, everybody should want it too, nor do we believe if we are against something, everybody should be against it as well. We believe in making whatever personal choices are good for us in our own situation which is what I did.

I'm not going to make the slightest attempt to convince people to get vaxed, and do us a favor, don't you do it either. If you are an anti-vaxer, don't annoy people trying to convince them to not getting the vaccine. That's how I believe.
We on the right are not like you commies. I got the vaccine based on my age and medical situation. Because I did, I don't expect everybody to follow me in lockstep. As I told you in before, we on the right don't believe if we want something, everybody should want it too, nor do we believe if we are against something, everybody should be against it as well. We believe in making whatever personal choices are good for us in our own situation which is what I did.

I'm not going to make the slightest attempt to convince people to get vaxed, and do us a favor, don't you do it either. If you are an anti-vaxer, don't annoy people trying to convince them to not getting the vaccine. That's how I believe.

Mad respect for taking the jab and for what appears to be genuine core beliefs as to individual freedom.

NO respect for propagating what are clearly obvious falsehoods.
Mad respect for taking the jab and for what appears to be genuine core beliefs as to individual freedom.

NO respect for propagating what are clearly obvious falsehoods.

Right. So obvious that you can't name one.

What drives you nuts is that there are people like me out here who got the vaccine but still very skeptical about it. With people like you there is no middle ground. You are either totally pro-vax or totally anti-vax.
“About 100% of COVID hospitalizations and deaths are vaccinated”?

Did you learn this on Facebook, YouTube, InfoWars or Gateway Pundit?

Well whatever dude. Another fucking idiot has chimed in! :rolleyes-41:
Do you have reading comprehension problem? I never said that. I said about 100% of nursing home patients have been vaccinated. So, if the vaccines work, then why is it so important for all of the staff to be vaccinated if they don't want to be?
Do you have reading comprehension problem? I never said that. I said about 100% of nursing home patients have been vaccinated. So, if the vaccines work, then why is it so important for all of the staff to be vaccinated if they don't want to be?
We have discussed these things infinity and you still don’t get it so … meh.
Suffice to say that anyone in the health care industry who refuses to vax should find a job doing something else

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