Nursing homes: Vax all employees or lose federal funding!

Just another made to order disaster for Sleepy Joe.. He's not respecting medical personnel that object to the fact that their NATURAL IMMUNITY is science fact.. And this Admin has done EVERYTHING to avoid that discussion... MANY stories this week about nurses threatening or walking out.. They WERE our heroes in the front lines and NOW -- it's the Biden Admin DISSING THEIR EXPERTISE on the subject...

SO -- if this tiny peak DOES build -- you're gonna be short a shit load of nurses... What will Sleepy Joe do then?
Non vaccinated people in places where COVID is rampant?

If these people believe their crazy "Own the Lib" crap is worth it then, GOOD! We don't need these idiots in medical services.

Better they go to Wal Mart and practice their greeting.
You miss the article I just posted about 25% NATIONALLY unvaxxed hospital workers? Of course you did.. Even IF ANY number out of Washington D.C. is unreliable and subject to idiotcy or hanky pankyt..

Mea culpa, you are correct. It’s around 75% nationally - A disturbing percentage. So wazza problem?

Personnel in all three of these groups are already required to receive seasonal flu shots and other routine vaccines.

Non vaccinated people in places where COVID is rampant?

If these people believe their crazy "Own the Lib" crap is worth it then, GOOD! We don't need these idiots in medical services.

Better they go to Wal Mart and practice their greeting.

They still are heroes in my book.. BTW -- what does the science say about the Natural Immunity being as good or better than a vaccine.. And A LOT OF hospital and nursing home personnel have purple hearts in the war on Covid by GETTING it now being immune..

But you just keep that parrot head fuzzy thinking on this.. Thanks for playing your hardest. Here's your participation trophy..

3600 DIED in the fight.. And probably 100s of thousands that HAVE natural immunity.. These are not your AVERAGE leftist know-nothings. They've been there to watch people die.. Leftist warriors really lack principles to stand for... So you're excused from understanding their valid objections..
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NOBODY is forcing anyone.
Want the job? Get the vax.
Want to go to school?
get the vax.

Your personal freedoms are protected.
Your ability to kill the innocent is not.

Your comment is as stupid as saying you didn't have to give your wallet to the guy with the gun. You could have refused, have him shoot you, and he would have taken it anyway.

Depriving Americans from healthcare, employment and general social engagements is as un-American as it can get. Now we have hospitals that are taking people off the transplant list who refuse to get the vaccination. That makes total sense. Get the vax or die MFr. But oh, according to you, our personal freedoms are protected.
Only way to DETERMINE natural immunity after 6 or 8 months of infection is take bone marrow samples. Would be UNETHICAL to force this on a big enough population.. In FACT -- I have NO IDEA how they are determining immunity by the vaccine without doing the same studies.

The 2 studies I've read that had small # of candidates found ROBUST immunity to alpha, delta, etc.

What I'm pretty sure is happening is that they are looking at the 45% efficacy studies coming out of more scientifically rigorous countries like Israel.. THAT NUMBER only applies to preventing infection TOTALLY.. Realize that the ORIGINAL Pfizer/Moderna 90 or 94% number was not about "INFECTIONS".. Those numbers refer to preventing hospitalization and/or death.. BOTH HERE AND IN ISRAEL.. And to my knowledge -- those MORE IMPORTANT hospital/death numbers still hold.

The push for boosters/3rd shots without DIRECTLY STUDYING bone marrow storage of anti- bodies is more about trying to get lower "break thru infection rates.. Because this nation doesn't have SCIENCE driving the bus. We have PUBLIC HEALTH driving the bus.. And those in charge want to see NO ONE noticing that they are covid infected after 2 shots of Pfizer or Moderna.. And they're lazy enough to do it for THEIR convenience, not ours. So now we're into boosters and 3rd shots that WILL NOT EFFECT the hospitalization and death rates in ANY MEANINGFUL way..

Edited -- The 3rd shots (for immuno-compromised) MAY have a good effect on long term death/hospitalization. That's a very small percentage of the vulnerable tho.. But booster shots is for making "public health" messaging about Covid prevention dumbed down to 4th grade level which is only in countries with failing public schools and tanking academic understanding of science, math and biology..
Well they don't seem bashful at all about claiming immunity with the shot despite the lack of real clinical truth they have no idea....and the Texas numbers you posted show the anti-vax minorities and the pro vax majorities being infected at roughly the same rate per ( sub set ) capita...not a very convenient piece of data for the pro-shot nazis.

Nope.. Here's what you said in a really low effort squeaky voice post..

DrLove said:
Hey Dumberass - Minimally 90% of health care workers are vaxed. We’re talking about an idiot minority who don’t belong in the business.

You want to BELIEVE the frauds and the hype about Trumpsters are the "great unvaxxed" when this is patently not true.. But you're lingering TDS deficits wont allow you to adjust to things like numbers and facts..
I find it nearly awesome that they can insert themselves into a completely impenetrable information cube like that and become totally insulated from anything that does not support the narrative du jour. It's fun to watch....more or less like a ballet on the edge of an active volcano.
Just DAYUM - You are chockfull of goofy propaganda huh? Of course the flu shot wouldn't come with a guarantee. In a good year it's around 80%. They have to guess at the strains most likely to show up and sometimes they guess wrong.

Did you attend public school? Did you ever go to a summer camp?? Then you had to prove that you had 5-6 different vaccines. Of course, I'm betting you were homeskooked and rarely ventured out in the real world.

Anti-Vaxers are idiots.
How many vaccines are kids required to take now as opposed to when we went to school? It has already been proven that vaccines for those under 12 has led to the huge rise in autism? Face the fact that you are one of the drones in the hive parroting what the lamestream media spews 24/7. You are a fucking fool if you really believe you can sway, convince or "shame" anyone into taking a jab for an illness with a 99 percent survival rate. Go get the shots and all the can have mine so you can be REALLY safe! You have got nothing of worth to this debate but temper tantrum throwing and sticking out your lower lip.

They still are heroes in my book.. BTW -- what does the science say about the Natural Immunity being as good or better than a vaccine.. And A LOT OF hospital and nursing home personnel have purple hearts in the war on Covid by GETTING it now being immune..

But you just keep that parrot head fuzzy thinking on this.. Thanks for playing your hardest. Here's your participation trophy..

3600 DIED in the fight.. And probably 100s of thousands that HAVE natural immunity.. These are not your AVERAGE leftist know-nothings. They've been there to watch people die.. Leftist warriors really lack principles to stand for... So you're excused from understanding their valid objections..
I dunno
What does science say about evolving versions that would render your claimed immunity moot?
NOW because this is the good ol USA these people have a choice
Unlike the people to whom they expose themselves
They can

The american way. Very "conservative." Let the employer make the call under those lovely Right To work laws.

it truly is a hoot watching you people walk around in your own crap.
Your comment is as stupid as saying you didn't have to give your wallet to the guy with the gun. You could have refused, have him shoot you, and he would have taken it anyway.

Depriving Americans from healthcare, employment and general social engagements is as un-American as it can get. Now we have hospitals that are taking people off the transplant list who refuse to get the vaccination. That makes total sense. Get the vax or die MFr. But oh, according to you, our personal freedoms are protected.
The only people threatened with death are those exposed to the fools you're defending.

A big thing for you and yours
The employer sets the employment conditions.

You asked for it
You got it
A face full of your own crap.
The only people threatened with death are those exposed to the fools you're defending.

No, as I said, some hospitals are taking people off the transplant list meaning they will die because they didn't follow the orders of Big Brother. I bet if the Soviet Union was still around, even they wouldn't do this.

As I mentioned earlier, this gives us a great insight into government healthcare and a taste of what it would be like if it ever happened. No thank you. We are not even close to government healthcare and they already have death panels.

A big thing for you and yours
The employer sets the employment conditions.

You asked for it
You got it
A face full of your own crap.

Yes, it means employers set the employment conditions such as who gets promoted, who they can hire, who they can fire, which they never should have lost power of in the first place. Right to work brings us back to normalcy where the unions don't run the company, and the company runs the company.
I dunno
What does science say about evolving versions that would render your claimed immunity moot?
NOW because this is the good ol USA these people have a choice
Unlike the people to whom they expose themselves
They can

The american way. Very "conservative." Let the employer make the call under those lovely Right To work laws.

it truly is a hoot watching you people walk around in your own crap.

You're really confused.. If 20% of a nursing home's nurse have natural immunity then they dont need to get vaccinated.. You worried about variants, mutations? There's about 8 of them.. Swinging open the Southern border is gonna bring in some ones from south.. You dont GIVE A CRAP about that do you?

And natural immunity is derived from the body fighting the ENTIRE VIRUS.. Not just the mRNA code from one of it;s little suckers.. I suppose it's way past your grade to discuss that..

The rest of your SPEW is crap.. Right to work laws are about freedom from 3rd parties enforcing shit on you and your wallet. THIS COVID thing is just between YOU and your employer.. And SHAME ON YOUR EMPLOYER -- if they operate a medical facility and DENY THE medical science behind natural immunity. Or the same supposedly educated employer doesn't ALLOW drugs to be in their facility that are NOT FULLY FDA approved -- but only experimental emergency use -- which is pretty standard stuff.. And then forces YOU to take an unregistered experimental emergency drug as a CONDITION OF YOUR FUCKING EMPLOYMENT..

Fuck them. They are playing games to avoid GOVT AND MEDIA WRATH -- not practicing medicine.

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