Nursing homes: Vax all employees or lose federal funding!

His threats were to get states to take action against their rioters which Democrats obviously couldn't do. What this bozo is doing is threatening funds to health facilities to force individuals to use an experimental vaccine against their will in order to keep their jobs. Like I said, apples and oranges.
Apple and oranges are both fruits. They both come from trees.

Federal government arm-twisting by withholding funds is bullying, and just as wrong, regardless of the party affiliation.
His threats were to get states to take action against their rioters which Democrats obviously couldn't do. What this bozo is doing is threatening funds to health facilities to force individuals to use an experimental vaccine against their will in order to keep their jobs. Like I said, apples and oranges.
Equivocation Alert! ^ :icon_rolleyes:
How many would you like?

None of which has anything to do with you Nazis and your mandates. You cried and bitched when Trump withheld money from cities violating federal immigration law, yet cheer mandating people to take an experimental drug. Epic fail. Again.
Hey Dumberass - Minimally 90% of health care workers are vaxed. We’re talking about an idiot minority who don’t belong in the business.

Hey pentultimate dumb ass role model -- I just explained to you how dumb and anti-science it is to focus SOLELY on vaccination ratios and IGNORE natural immunity.. petro fixed your silly misconception pretty well and YOU STILL ARE doing this.. Why?

Let's get something straight. Nursing homes are NOT fully qualified medical care facilities. The LEAD nurse MIGHT be an RN, but there's generally ONE DOCTOR -- who's not REALLY on call that handles maybe 60 patients and only checks them (as minimally required by a dumbass law) every TEN DAYS.. It's a horrible place to PLACE victims of pandemic.. And petro is correct.. I had my deviant dying bro in law in a couple during the pandemic peak.. They screwed up EVERY aspect of his medical care. After 6 or 8 phone conferences with their "best and brightest" we determined that there's maybe ONE semi-competent nurse on any shift.

And they DID operate without full containment gowns and pandemic supplies. Were put at the lowest priority for distribution of that.. Not only that -- but a lot of WHAT THEY GOT was stolen and fenced for money by the staff because they are so poorly run and staffed. So there's PLENTY of naturally immune nursing home attendants who dont need a vaccination right now.. THEY KNOW IT.. SCIENCE RECOGNIZES THIS.. It's only squeaky partisan hacks who cant seem remember this..

And you DID pull the 90% out of your anal orifice and release it thru your vocal orifices without any pathway thru the brain..

Today, the hospital said 74% of its staff -- 5,300 of 7,200 workers -- are now vaccinated.

Oswalt's case illustrates the threat of health care-acquired COVID-19, a danger that lurks in American hospitals where significant numbers of health care workers are still not vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

In fact, nationwide, 1 in 4 hospital workers who have direct contact with patients had not received a single dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of May, according to a WebMD and Medscape Medical News analysis of data collected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from 2,500 hospitals across the U.S

The HHS system designed to amass hospital data was set up quickly to respond to an emergency. For that reason, experts say the information hasn't been as carefully collected or vetted as it normally would have been. Some hospitals may have misunderstood how to report their vaccination numbers.

What's ironic here is that you're probably right about 90%.. But only because probably at least 15% (probably 20%) of front line health workers GOT COVID and have natural immunity.. But you MISS this important nuance because all you can do is parrot "vaccination percentages"...
If we are to reach 70% or so to achieve herd immunity, vaccinations are necessary.
Vaccines are how we get there - period.

Go talk to the black community and ask them why they are LARGEST cohort of unvaxxed hands down.. Go argue with THEM about herd immunity.. Fauci has changed the number 2 or 3 times according to how HARD they want to push the unvaxxed.. I believe that 50 or 60% vaxxed and INCLUDING natural immunity should pretty much satisfy the CLASSICAL NUMBERS for herd immunity...
Hey pentultimate dumb ass role model -- I just explained to you how dumb and anti-science it is to focus SOLELY on vaccination ratios and IGNORE natural immunity.. petro fixed your silly misconception pretty well and YOU STILL ARE doing this.. Why?

Let's get something straight. Nursing homes are NOT fully qualified medical care facilities. The LEAD nurse MIGHT be an RN, but there's generally ONE DOCTOR -- who's not REALLY on call that handles maybe 60 patients and only checks them (as minimally required by a dumbass law) every TEN DAYS.. It's a horrible place to PLACE victims of pandemic.. And petro is correct.. I had my deviant dying bro in law in a couple during the pandemic peak.. They screwed up EVERY aspect of his medical care. After 6 or 8 phone conferences with their "best and brightest" we determined that there's maybe ONE semi-competent nurse on any shift.

And they DID operate without full containment gowns and pandemic supplies. Were put at the lowest priority for distribution of that.. Not only that -- but a lot of WHAT THEY GOT was stolen and fenced for money by the staff because they are so poorly run and staffed. So there's PLENTY of naturally immune nursing home attendants who dont need a vaccination right now.. THEY KNOW IT.. SCIENCE RECOGNIZES THIS.. It's only squeaky partisan hacks who cant seem remember this..

And you DID pull the 90% out of your anal orifice and release it thru your vocal orifices without any pathway thru the brain..

Today, the hospital said 74% of its staff -- 5,300 of 7,200 workers -- are now vaccinated.

Oswalt's case illustrates the threat of health care-acquired COVID-19, a danger that lurks in American hospitals where significant numbers of health care workers are still not vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

In fact, nationwide, 1 in 4 hospital workers who have direct contact with patients had not received a single dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of May, according to a WebMD and Medscape Medical News analysis of data collected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from 2,500 hospitals across the U.S

The HHS system designed to amass hospital data was set up quickly to respond to an emergency. For that reason, experts say the information hasn't been as carefully collected or vetted as it normally would have been. Some hospitals may have misunderstood how to report their vaccination numbers.

What's ironic here is that you're probably right about 90%.. But only because probably at least 15% (probably 20%) of front line health workers GOT COVID and have natural immunity.. But you MISS this important nuance because all you can do is parrot "vaccination percentages"...

Yes, Texas is less than 90%. Did I say they weren’t? Get real man :rolleyes-41:
Go talk to the black community and ask them why they are LARGEST cohort of unvaxxed hands down.. Go argue with THEM about herd immunity.. Fauci has changed the number 2 or 3 times according to how HARD they want to push the unvaxxed.. I believe that 50 or 60% vaxxed and INCLUDING natural immunity should pretty much satisfy the CLASSICAL NUMBERS for herd immunity...
Ooops :D

I believe the CDC has indeed broached that subject. Of course I’d rather have natural immunity than nothing. But please be aware that there are people who had Alpha & no vaccine who then got Delta, same as those who’ve been vaccinated. In both cases their outcomes are generally better.

Only way to DETERMINE natural immunity after 6 or 8 months of infection is take bone marrow samples. Would be UNETHICAL to force this on a big enough population.. In FACT -- I have NO IDEA how they are determining immunity by the vaccine without doing the same studies.

The 2 studies I've read that had small # of candidates found ROBUST immunity to alpha, delta, etc.

What I'm pretty sure is happening is that they are looking at the 45% efficacy studies coming out of more scientifically rigorous countries like Israel.. THAT NUMBER only applies to preventing infection TOTALLY.. Realize that the ORIGINAL Pfizer/Moderna 90 or 94% number was not about "INFECTIONS".. Those numbers refer to preventing hospitalization and/or death.. BOTH HERE AND IN ISRAEL.. And to my knowledge -- those MORE IMPORTANT hospital/death numbers still hold.

The push for boosters/3rd shots without DIRECTLY STUDYING bone marrow storage of anti- bodies is more about trying to get lower "break thru infection rates.. Because this nation doesn't have SCIENCE driving the bus. We have PUBLIC HEALTH driving the bus.. And those in charge want to see NO ONE noticing that they are covid infected after 2 shots of Pfizer or Moderna.. And they're lazy enough to do it for THEIR convenience, not ours. So now we're into boosters and 3rd shots that WILL NOT EFFECT the hospitalization and death rates in ANY MEANINGFUL way..

Edited -- The 3rd shots (for immuno-compromised) MAY have a good effect on long term death/hospitalization. That's a very small percentage of the vulnerable tho.. But booster shots is for making "public health" messaging about Covid prevention dumbed down to 4th grade level which is only in countries with failing public schools and tanking academic understanding of science, math and biology..
Last edited:
Only way to DETERMINE natural immunity after 6 or 8 months of infection is take bone marrow samples. Would be UNETHICAL to force this on a big enough population.. In FACT -- I have NO IDEA how they are determining immunity by the vaccine without doing the same studies.

The 2 studies I've read that had small # of candidates found ROBUST immunity to alpha, delta, etc.

What I'm pretty sure is happening is that they are looking at the 45% efficacy studies coming out of more scientifically rigorous countries like Israel.. THAT NUMBER only applies to preventing infection TOTALLY.. Realize that the ORIGINAL Pfizer/Moderna 90 or 94% number was not about "INFECTIONS".. Those numbers refer to preventing hospitalization and/or death.. BOTH HERE AND IN ISRAEL..

The push for boosters without DIRECTLY STUDYING bone marrow storage of anti- bodies is more about trying to get lower "break thru infection rates.. Because this nation doesn't have SCIENCE driving the bus. We have PUBLIC HEALTH driving the bus.. And those in charge want to see NO ONE noticing that they are covid infected after 2 shots of Pfizer or Moderna.. And they're lazy enough to do it for THEIR convenience, not ours. So now we're into boosters and 3rd shots that WILL NOT EFFECT the hospitalization and death rates in ANY MEANINGFUL way..

Edited -- The 3rd shots (for immuno-compromised) MAY have a good effect on long term death/hospitalization. That's a very small percentage of the vulnerable tho.. But 3rd shots is for making "public health" messaging about Covid prevention dumbed down to 4th grade level which is only in countries with failing public schools and tanking academic understanding of science, math and biology..

We’ll check in with Rand Paul, Dr Oz, MrPillow & Dr Phil. Then get back to ya ;)
Yes, Texas is less than 90%. Did I say they weren’t? Get real man :rolleyes-41:

Nope.. Here's what you said in a really low effort squeaky voice post..

DrLove said:
Hey Dumberass - Minimally 90% of health care workers are vaxed. We’re talking about an idiot minority who don’t belong in the business.

You want to BELIEVE the frauds and the hype about Trumpsters are the "great unvaxxed" when this is patently not true.. But you're lingering TDS deficits wont allow you to adjust to things like numbers and facts..
If you think "gotcha moments" like that are funny, dont be surprised if people just start ignoring you as unsalvageable..

Not a “gotcha moment” my friend. Why do you hate facts?

African Americans, who have had lower rates of vaccinations, make up about 13 percent of the state population and about 16 percent of cases, while whites and Hispanics, who make up more than 80 percent of the population, have accounted for about 70 percent of cases, according to statistics from the Texas Department of State Health Services.
Not a “gotcha moment” my friend. Why do you hate facts?

Because you're not handling facts properly.. The open border IS A SUPER SPREADER event. And BLACKS are the largest anti-vax cohort of our population for REASONS that I tend to understand, but that Dems will never even mention..

So Abbott MIGHT be correct about the border issue.. Fully 15% of CBP is OUT OF COMMISSION as covid cases right now in Texas.. It's COMING to a hamburger joint near you soon..

That's how you separate "2 facts" that have no bearing on each other other than rabid partisan hate..
Nope.. Here's what you said in a really low effort squeaky voice post..

DrLove said:
Hey Dumberass - Minimally 90% of health care workers are vaxed. We’re talking about an idiot minority who don’t belong in the business.

You want to BELIEVE the frauds and the hype about Trumpsters are the "great unvaxxed" when this is patently not true.. But you're lingering TDS deficits wont allow you to adjust to things like numbers and facts..

I referred to NATIONAL numbers. It’s somehow a surprise to anyone that Texas numbers would be slightly lower :confused-84:
Because you're not handling facts properly.. The open border IS A SUPER SPREADER event. And BLACKS are the largest anti-vax cohort of our population for REASONS that I tend to understand, but that Dems will never even mention..

So Abbott MIGHT be correct about the border issue.. Fully 15% of CBP is OUT OF COMMISSION as covid cases right now in Texas.. It's COMING to a hamburger joint near you soon..

That's how you separate "2 facts" that have no bearing on each other other than rabid partisan hate..
I just proved you wrong and yet you hang on like a starfish. Sad man!
I referred to NATIONAL numbers. It’s somehow a surprise to anyone that Texas numbers would be slightly lower :confused-84:

You miss the article I just posted about 25% NATIONALLY unvaxxed hospital workers? Of course you did.. Even IF ANY number out of Washington D.C. is unreliable and subject to idiotcy or hanky pankyt..

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