Nursing homes: Vax all employees or lose federal funding!

WTF are you yammering about now .. Who celebrated health care workers without proper PPE or the ones who weren’t vaxed?

Pull ya head outta ya ass ;)
Couldn't have gone any further over your simple head.
The heros were celebrated for dealing with shortages of PPE and No One was fucking vaxxed during the peak.
Christ, you are stupid.
The miracle cure that you idiots think will eradicate Covid will simply not happen. This will be endemic mutating every year like most respiratory viruses that can host in the animal world.

Now as medical labor shortages become worse, because of stupid feel good policy, enjoy your wait times at the clinic, and granny can just sit in her shitty Depends.
Couldn't have gone any further over your simple head.
The heros were celebrated for dealing with shortages of PPE and No One was fucking vaxxed during the peak.
Christ, you are stupid.
The miracle cure that you idiots think will eradicate Covid will simply not happen. This will be endemic mutating every year like most respiratory viruses that can host in the animal world.

Now as medical labor shortages become worse, because of stupid feel good policy, enjoy your wait times at the clinic, and granny can just sit in her shitty Depends.
Of course this virus will mutate, that is what it was intended to do when these vials of this flu strain was sent to Wuhan in 2016. That is why the necessity for "booster shots" that will further damage one's DNA. The flu (of which there are 48 plus different strains of) all have the same thing in common....the Achilles Heel is heat. By heating up your sinuses to over 140 degrees will kill the bacteria. I did it in February of 2019 when I started coming done with flu-like symptoms. I went to CVS and bought a saline spray to flush out my sinuses and then boiled a huge pot of water and used a towel as a tent and breathed in the vapors for fifteen minutes......took a 30 minute break and did it for another 15 minutes. The next morning I was fine. The last time I got the flu was in 1999 when I got a flu shot. A month later I came down with it and it took a solid month before I felt 100%. Read the pamphlet that comes with a flu doesn't make any promises or guarantees that it will prevent you getting sick or that if you do get the flu that the symptoms will not be as severe had you not taken the shot.
Or they figure they're at the end of their life anyway, and waking up in a nursing home instead of a house or apartment you might as well not be around very long anyhow. if the shot kills you, so what. That's the way my father now 90 year old father looked at it along with my mother, so they got the shot.

A healthy 24 year old is on a different line of thinking. What will this stuff do to me in seven or ten years? What can it do to my children that they don't know about?

In my situation I'm in my early 60's with a few serious medical conditions. That's the only reason I got it. If I were 30 years old today and healthy, I would have said to hell with it as well.
Youth is wasted on the young. They can't imagine they would ever get sick or die, just way too much fun stuff going on. And responsibilities, go out the window too.
Anyone else notice that when "DrLove gets pinned into a corner that he bails like the coward that he is? I made some very salient points for him to address and he folded like a cheap tent.....imagine that?
You couldn’t pin a tail on a donkey without a blindfold on :heehee:
Of course this virus will mutate, that is what it was intended to do when these vials of this flu strain was sent to Wuhan in 2016. That is why the necessity for "booster shots" that will further damage one's DNA. The flu (of which there are 48 plus different strains of) all have the same thing in common....the Achilles Heel is heat. By heating up your sinuses to over 140 degrees will kill the bacteria. I did it in February of 2019 when I started coming done with flu-like symptoms. I went to CVS and bought a saline spray to flush out my sinuses and then boiled a huge pot of water and used a towel as a tent and breathed in the vapors for fifteen minutes......took a 30 minute break and did it for another 15 minutes. The next morning I was fine. The last time I got the flu was in 1999 when I got a flu shot. A month later I came down with it and it took a solid month before I felt 100%. Read the pamphlet that comes with a flu doesn't make any promises or guarantees that it will prevent you getting sick or that if you do get the flu that the symptoms will not be as severe had you not taken the shot.

Just DAYUM - You are chockfull of goofy propaganda huh? Of course the flu shot wouldn't come with a guarantee. In a good year it's around 80%. They have to guess at the strains most likely to show up and sometimes they guess wrong.

Did you attend public school? Did you ever go to a summer camp?? Then you had to prove that you had 5-6 different vaccines. Of course, I'm betting you were homeskooked and rarely ventured out in the real world.

Anti-Vaxers are idiots.
Sure. When you're young, you are 8 feet tall and bulletproof. Why get a shot for something that most likely won't kill you?
There's a 1.7 to 2 in 100 chance that you will die if you are tested positive for COVID Ray. Flu shots? I haven't missed one since 1992 when I nearly died and was down/ unable to work for 2 weeks. You got two weeks to spare? I didn't then and still don't.
Ya got a lotta nerve whining about holding back federal funding.
It was an every other week bully move by The Former Guy ;)
You seem to assume I'm a Trumpster. HINT: not everyone is a brainwashed partisan.
What's the point in federal funding if you can't use it to bully people?

This is a great example why our founders never wanted the country TO depend on the federal government. See how much control it gives them? What the federal government were to provide is listed in the US Constitution. Had we only adhered to it they wouldn't have this power over us today.
It was? Care to give an apples to apples comparison?
How many would you like?

How many would you like?

What part about my request confused you, the apples to apples part?

I asked for a comparison and you give me disputes between Trump and the states, not withholding funds to force individuals into federal compliance. You see, this is called apples and oranges.
What part about my request confused you, the apples to apples part?

I asked for a comparison and you give me disputes between Trump and the states, not withholding funds to force individuals into federal compliance. You see, this is called apples and oranges.

So when Trump Dumpster asked for compliance to his demands - That wasn't federal compliance? Okay :rolleyes-41:
So when Trump Dumpster asked for compliance to his demands - That wasn't federal compliance? Okay :rolleyes-41:
Yes, it was the same bullshit. This is why it baffles me that people who like to think of themselves as conservatives are still riding his crazy train.
So when Trump Dumpster asked for compliance to his demands - That wasn't federal compliance? Okay

His threats were to get states to take action against their rioters which Democrats obviously couldn't do. What this bozo is doing is threatening funds to health facilities to force individuals to use an experimental vaccine against their will in order to keep their jobs. Like I said, apples and oranges.

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