Nursing homes: Vax all employees or lose federal funding!

You claim that some moron had a headache and that was Covid… without testing?

Read slower. I said people I knew that had it had nothing more than a headache for a few days. I also said there are probably a lot of people that didn't have nothing but a headache, didn't think much of it, and was covid.
Most nursing home administrators are against this.
Force mandates, lose possibly 30% of workforce when already short workers, putting residents at risk.

Another stupid liberal example of what will become unintended, but easily predicted consequences.
Dumb, just dumb.
Nobody really can tell what could happen in ten years from now, but we don't have ten years to spare. The vaccine and how it manipulates the body is safe and effective for 95% of the people as far as her research goes. That was her point. As an expert in that field, even she knows it would be stupid to say nobody will see any negative effects years down the road. We just don't know.
And what of one of the inventors of mRNA who says it will have terrible effects in a few years? He should just be ignored?
Read slower. I said people I knew that had it had nothing more than a headache for a few days. I also said there are probably a lot of people that didn't have nothing but a headache, didn't think much of it, and was covid.
Oh Ray, how would we survive without your super-scientific anecdotal evidence! :laughing0301:
Most nursing home administrators are against this.

Did you take a poll of nursing home administrators?
Did you take a poll of nursing home administrators?

However, the policy is getting pushback from facilities around the country, as many fear staff will quit and there won't be enough employees to care for residents.

LeadingAge Minnesota is an association that represents about 1,000 assisted living and nursing homes in the state. They strongly believe in COVID-19 vaccinations for nursing home staff, but a federal mandate puts them in a bind.

"But the concern that we have about this mandate is that it has the potential to make worse a very severe workforce crisis that we already have in our settings," said Kvenvold.


Hey Dumberass - Minimally 90% of health care workers are vaxed. We’re talking about an idiot minority who don’t belong in the business.

I have Docs appointments in Boise next week. That’s IDAHO - Reddest of red.

St Luke’s is largest provider in state. Two offices sent me texts today reminding me to mask and letting me know that their offices are 100% vaxed.

Get the poke or be a joke (and find a new damn job)
Hey Dumberass - Minimally 90% of health care workers are vaxed. We’re talking about an idiot minority who don’t belong in the business.

I have Docs appointments in Boise next week. That’s IDAHO - Reddest of red.

St Luke’s is largest provider in state. Two offices sent me texts today reminding me to mask and letting me know that their offices are 100% vaxed.

Get the poke or be a joke (and find a new damn job)
You pull that 90% out of your ass?

Hilarious and sad that you constantly contradicting morons celebrated healthcare workers who dealt without proper PPE and were unvaccinated during the peak of the pandemic now say the "heros" should find another job.

Simply pathetic and further undermines your constantly changing narrative. The mandate is stupid policy, that will inevitably hurt the elderly as homes are already shortstaffed.

Grandma may not get Covid, but will more likely get abused or suffer a life threatening fall.
Outliers should ALWAYS be ignored.

So who is the outlier here?

You people on the left act as if this vaccine is unquestionable. Israel will tell you differently. Now your leaders are telling us in spite of taking the risk to get this shot, we need to take more shots when they promised us this would be the panacea to our problems. Now they want vaccine cards, people with the vaccine to mask up, creating measures so draconian that some hospitals are taking patients off their transplant list and allowing them to die because they felt the vaccine would compromise their already terrible health problems. Hey, Biden is bringing back the death panels again. Vax up or lose government money that will cause layoffs and inadequate care for the elderly.

All that aside, the most important thing is how this reflects on those who promote government healthcare on the left. This is only one small faction of it, and with this power, they are already deciding which Americans can live and which Americans should die. No thank you.
Ok so let me get this straight.

For the last year or so republicans have been attacking cuomo for the deaths at the nursing homes at the beginning of the pandemic.

Now these same people don't want people who work at nursing homes to be vaccinated.

The republicans don't give a rat's ass about people in nursing homes beyond using them to attack democrats.

The hypocrisy is disgusting.
Shut up ignoramus. It’s called personal choice you Nazi hag. And you vaccinated people are spreading Delta all over. Go ahead, fire the nursing home workers. Then hire Cletus off the street and let him give YOUR relative medication with zero knowledge. Hey stupid, forcing nursing homes to accept Covid positive patients has nothing to do with this.
The administer of vaccine conflicts with their BS beliefs? I bet those are a laugh riot on par with Rudy’s famous affidavits :lol:
SO this derpster now mocks religious objections. Remember to salute before making your nightly satanic sacrifices.

You pull that 90% out of your ass?

Hilarious and sad that you constantly contradicting morons celebrated healthcare workers who dealt without proper PPE and were unvaccinated during the peak of the pandemic now say the "heros" should find another job.

Simply pathetic and further undermines your constantly changing narrative. The mandate is stupid policy, that will inevitably hurt the elderly as homes are already shortstaffed.

Grandma may not get Covid, but will more likely get abused or suffer a life threatening fall.

WTF are you yammering about now .. Who celebrated health care workers without proper PPE or the ones who weren’t vaxed?

Pull ya head outta ya ass ;)

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