Nursing homes: Vax all employees or lose federal funding!

No, as I said, some hospitals are taking people off the transplant list meaning they will die because they didn't follow the orders of Big Brother. I bet if the Soviet Union was still around, even they wouldn't do this.

As I mentioned earlier, this gives us a great insight into government healthcare and a taste of what it would be like if it ever happened. No thank you. We are not even close to government healthcare and they already have death panels.

Yes, it means employers set the employment conditions such as who gets promoted, who they can hire, who they can fire, which they never should have lost power of in the first place. Right to work brings us back to normalcy where the unions don't run the company, and the company runs the company.
People are dying because people like you are acting like idiots and doing your best to kill as many as possible.

And your the ones bitching about employers using the power you so stupidly gave them.
Congratulation on signing your own termination slip.

That's not what this topic is about. It's about government "forcing" the employer to do their bidding.
No, they're not.

They're saying that they will withhold funding.

The hypocrisy is just breathtaking!
You're really confused.. If 20% of a nursing home's nurse have natural immunity then they dont need to get vaccinated.. You worried about variants, mutations? There's about 8 of them.. Swinging open the Southern border is gonna bring in some ones from south.. You dont GIVE A CRAP about that do you?

And natural immunity is derived from the body fighting the ENTIRE VIRUS.. Not just the mRNA code from one of it;s little suckers.. I suppose it's way past your grade to discuss that..

The rest of your SPEW is crap.. Right to work laws are about freedom from 3rd parties enforcing shit on you and your wallet. THIS COVID thing is just between YOU and your employer.. And SHAME ON YOUR EMPLOYER -- if they operate a medical facility and DENY THE medical science behind natural immunity. Or the same supposedly educated employer doesn't ALLOW drugs to be in their facility that are NOT FULLY FDA approved -- but only experimental emergency use -- which is pretty standard stuff.. And then forces YOU to take an unregistered experimental emergency drug as a CONDITION OF YOUR FUCKING EMPLOYMENT..

Fuck them. They are playing games to avoid GOVT AND MEDIA WRATH -- not practicing medicine.
You are one ignorant Tiny Minded "conservative."

Please post your college work in immunology, your degrees, published works so we can judge your creds.

Till then we'll just assume you're some idiot reading crap on NEWSMAX.
You are one ignorant Tiny Minded "conservative."

Please post your college work in immunology, your degrees, published works so we can judge your creds.

Till then we'll just assume you're some idiot reading crap on NEWSMAX.

It's "tiny minded" people who could never WIN arguments, so that they just spew and make little squeaky noises. You have ANY IDEA how to discuss? I could replace your responses to my posts with about 8 lines of code and short library of 25 leftist favorite words...

Seriously Dude/Dudette -- YOUR PARTY NEEDS YOU to defend them.. I'd give up one of my expensive hobbies to find JUST ONE LEFTIST that couldn't be replaced by an automated message machine..
No, they're not.

They're saying that they will withhold funding.

The hypocrisy is just breathtaking!

Yes, withholding funds which means institutions that depend on those funds will have to close down, bringing harm to our senior citizens. Not that it matters to you all that much. You and your ilk defended Cuomo until his hanky panky came out after killing hundreds of senior citizens.
People are dying because people like you are acting like idiots and doing your best to kill as many as possible.

And your the ones bitching about employers using the power you so stupidly gave them.
Congratulation on signing your own termination slip.

I never had a termination slip because I never worked for a real union company. You see, terminations by an employer is determined by the worth of the employee to the company. With unions, it doesn't matter their worth. They were in the union for the least amount of time, so they are the first to go even if they were great workers.

Dementia is letting tens of thousands of infected illegals into our country from over 100 other countries every month, and you say "I'm" doing my best to kill as many as possible?
It's "tiny minded" people who could never WIN arguments, so that they just spew and make little squeaky noises. You have ANY IDEA how to discuss? I could replace your responses to my posts with about 8 lines of code and short library of 25 leftist favorite words...

Seriously Dude/Dudette -- YOUR PARTY NEEDS YOU to defend them.. I'd give up one of my expensive hobbies to find JUST ONE LEFTIST that couldn't be replaced by an automated message machine..
"And SHAME ON YOUR EMPLOYER -- if they operate a medical facility and DENY THE medical science behind natural immunity. Or the same supposedly educated employer doesn't ALLOW drugs to be in their facility that are NOT FULLY FDA approved -- but only experimental emergency use -- which is pretty standard stuff.. And then forces YOU to take an unregistered experimental emergency drug as a CONDITION OF YOUR FUCKING EMPLOYMENT.."

Your supposed expertise in immunology aside,
You don't know the science and OANN won't tell you and
It's called "RIGHT TO WORK"

It's the foundation of the GOP's hatred of working people.
You asked for it, live with your unintended consequences.

Oh, and based on your response I stand by the Tiny Brained Theory and you are a bold example.
Yes, withholding funds which means institutions that depend on those funds will have to close down, bringing harm to our senior citizens. Not that it matters to you all that much. You and your ilk defended Cuomo until his hanky panky came out after killing hundreds of senior citizens.

Again, the Tiny Minded blame others for their stupidity.

If you dumbasses would stop playing "own the libs" and get vaccinated these decisions would never have had to be made.
If you had followed just plain common sense in summer 20 none of this would be needed.

It's not the government's fault that you don't mind killing thousands of Americans to make a stupid political point.
Look in the mirror,
I never had a termination slip because I never worked for a real union company. You see, terminations by an employer is determined by the worth of the employee to the company. With unions, it doesn't matter their worth. They were in the union for the least amount of time, so they are the first to go even if they were great workers.

Dementia is letting tens of thousands of infected illegals into our country from over 100 other countries every month, and you say "I'm" doing my best to kill as many as possible?
Never been in a union
Been laid off a couple of times
Fired once
Each and every time I visited with HR and signed the termination papers.

Obviously KWIK-E-MART doesn't have the same processes.

Your second paragraph is evidence in my favor.

If the fantasy your dreaming of were real it would make for even MORE reason for vaccine mandates.
"And SHAME ON YOUR EMPLOYER -- if they operate a medical facility and DENY THE medical science behind natural immunity. Or the same supposedly educated employer doesn't ALLOW drugs to be in their facility that are NOT FULLY FDA approved -- but only experimental emergency use -- which is pretty standard stuff.. And then forces YOU to take an unregistered experimental emergency drug as a CONDITION OF YOUR FUCKING EMPLOYMENT.."

Your supposed expertise in immunology aside,
You don't know the science and OANN won't tell you and
It's called "RIGHT TO WORK"

It's the foundation of the GOP's hatred of working people.
You asked for it, live with your unintended consequences.

Oh, and based on your response I stand by the Tiny Brained Theory and you are a bold example.

It AINT "right to work".. THe decision on Covid mandates is between YOU and YOUR employer. Right to work is to reject the idea of a THIRD PARTY forcibly putting THEMSELVES BETWEEN you and your employer...

I'm not GOP.. You have NO FUCKING IDEA where I stand on things. I want BOTH AGED INEPT PARTIES TO DIE FASTER then they are. My business for 40 years was the science/engineering behind all KINDS of medical devices and lab equipment. There's one or two of my group's products in virtually every hospital..

And NOW -- my BUSINESS is to promote Indy candidates for office and TRAIN THEM to discuss and debate against Dem/Rep simpleton "one note" parrots like yourself..

Great to meet ya Dado -- :abgg2q.jpg:
Last edited:
Never been in a union
Been laid off a couple of times
Fired once
Each and every time I visited with HR and signed the termination papers.

Obviously KWIK-E-MART doesn't have the same processes.

Your second paragraph is evidence in my favor.

If the fantasy your dreaming of were real it would make for even MORE reason for vaccine mandates.

If you were terminated by a non-union company, more than likely you were not valued by your employer. You either were a slacker, constantly gave them a hard time, couldn't catch on to the job, or something where they didn't value your employment. Companies don't get rid of great employees unless there is a union involved. Same thing with getting laid off. Non-union companies usually get rid of the problem makers first over the good workers when things get slow.

What does right-to-work mean to me? It takes me back to a lad in the 70's where I was looking for a job right out of high school during the big union days. When I applied at union run shops, I expressed my objection to joining the union, and was told if you don't want to join the union, you can't work here because they call the shots--not us. I found it totally un-American.
My second paragraph is only displaying the hypocrisy expressed by your side. You're fine with Americans being forced to wearing masks, forced to take vaccines, but no problem when tens of thousands of infected illegals gain entry to the country by your leaders glee every month. How about instead of attacking Americans, the commies attack the foreigners and stop them from invading our country like Trump did?

Nah. Can't have that. Democrats are against Americans and for these invading foreigners. My signature holds more truth today than when I put it there a few years ago.

Again, the Tiny Minded blame others for their stupidity.

If you dumbasses would stop playing "own the libs" and get vaccinated these decisions would never have had to be made.
If you had followed just plain common sense in summer 20 none of this would be needed.

It's not the government's fault that you don't mind killing thousands of Americans to make a stupid political point.
Look in the mirror,

For one, I am vaccinated. Two, you buy into the bullshit that this is all the Republicans fault to transfer the blame from your incompetent President like you always do. Forget that blacks (who mostly vote Democrat) are the most lagging group to be vaccinated. Forget that the Republican states that are having problems are within 200 miles or so of the southern border. Forget about all that.

Huge increase in gasoline prices--it's Trump's fault.
Out of control inflation--it's Trumps fault.
Border the worst it's been in over 20 years--Trump's fault.
The Afghanistan disaster--it was Trump's deal.
Huge violent crime spikes since the De-fund the police movement started--It was Trump's racism that's responsible.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
Your comment is as stupid as saying you didn't have to give your wallet to the guy with the gun. You could have refused, have him shoot you, and he would have taken it anyway.

Depriving Americans from healthcare, employment and general social engagements is as un-American as it can get. Now we have hospitals that are taking people off the transplant list who refuse to get the vaccination. That makes total sense. Get the vax or die MFr. But oh, according to you, our personal freedoms are protected.
THEIR choice to die & nobody else’s pal.
Some choice. Take a weak tested vaccine, chance perhaps huge health risks, or risk dying of covid. The former Soviet Union would have been so proud of the Democrats today.

Ray, suggesting that the vaccine is “weak or untested” is ignorant. New data just in says that unvaxed are 29 times more likely to end up in the hospital.

And 350 million jabs makes it among the most tested vaccines in US history.

Be smart - Not an idiot like DeSandToes & Fappit. :rolleyes:
THEIR choice to die & nobody else’s pal.
In the UK, National Health England stats are showing that the greater percentage of people dying have been vaccinated.

Also, Scotland kept the mask law where you must wear a mask in a shop etc .. but not in England. Vindaflu (Delta Flu) cases are going through the ceiling in Scotland, the government are considering tougher measures.

I thought vaccinations and masks were working, what's going wrong?
Ray, suggesting that the vaccine is “weak or untested” is ignorant. New data just in says that unvaxed are 29 times more likely to end up in the hospital.

And 350 million jabs makes it among the most tested vaccines in US history.

Be smart - Not an idiot like DeSandToes & Fappit.

But there is still no long term history of what it can do to us down the road. No studies on the effects of newborns. No idea how long it would last, if it would last, or if boosters are needed or do any good.

We don't know a lot of things about the vaccines because it was rushed through so quickly, and I respect anybody that doesn't want it for that reason.
But there is still no long term history of what it can do to us down the road. No studies on the effects of newborns. No idea how long it would last, if it would last, or if boosters are needed or do any good.

We don't know a lot of things about the vaccines because it was rushed through so quickly, and I respect anybody that doesn't want it for that reason.
Scientists got it wrong with Thalidomide, makes you wonder
In the UK, National Health England stats are showing that the greater percentage of people dying have been vaccinated.
If nearly everyone is vaccinated and SOME people still stands to reason that the percentage of those vaxxed and dying would increase.

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