Nutty McMullin at it again


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Hey evan, you lost.

Hey evan, you lost.


Well, when the judiciary branch completely ignores the constitution and other laws and acts established since, and imposes arbitrary injunctions based on subjectivism, than undermining is necessary. The judiciary has entirely too much power to stall things just because they want to.

Glad I didn't vote for that twit.

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McMullin knows what he is talking about, tyrone, and you don't, and he is a better Mormon, OK.

You voted for the man who is trying to destroy the Republic.
McMullin knows what he is talking about, tyrone, and you don't, and he is a better Mormon, OK.

You voted for the man who is trying to destroy the Republic.
Well that's an interesting paradox jeane.
McNutty likes to kiss up to the brethren of a religion you basically despise.
Since evan like yourself has no moral compass this is just ### kissing. Your boy wants to be a mission president or the like that's what this is all about.
Trump is already prez and he knows he can do nothing about it.
But you're not smart enough to see that.
I happen to like most Mormons, but I do despise so called Mormon hypocrites like you, yes. You are not a real one at all.

McMullin wants to be President.

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