NWO blackmailing: To embrace the 'vaccine' of the Bill ( Gates) the Savior or continue to be a slave for ever


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
No counterarguments are accepted by NWO.

Lock-downs stay until 99% of humans get be vaccinated by the special vaccine of the Bill the Savior ( and to die within one year )
Otherwise you must wear the muzzle, be thrown to prison or suffer health deceases from permanent wearing of the salve muzzle ( so - called 'mask' )
In the first case you will die within one -latest two years, in the second a little bit later.

What will happen to remaining 1%.
Nothing, they will receive vitamins or just water in syringes to deceive gullible idiots.
Is this in the Conspiracy Theory section?
That could be the plan.
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Is this in the Conspiracy Theory section?

It is the Truth Section-
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