NWO WATCH: Trump's America First Agenda Wins Trade Dispute With United Arab Emirates...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
A US President actually putting American Citizens' interests first? Man, we haven't seen that in a long time. Good on ya Trump. :thup:

President Donald Trump’s State Department will reportedly announce a new trade agreement with United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Monday, scoring a victory in a trade dispute over UAE’s subsidizing its two state-owned airlines to the detriment of U.S. airlines and workers.

Several foreign nations – including the UAE – have been subsidizing their nation’s state-owned airlines to the tune of $52 billion, in violation of “Open Skies” executive agreements that those nations have with the United States. For the UAE, the two carriers are Emirates Airlines and Etihad Airways. Those “Open Skies” trade agreements are designed to ensure free market competition between airlines, without government support.

The Trump administration acted on the issue with the State Department and Transportation Department pushing through an agreement that will protect U.S. workers and bolster America’s economy...

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Trump’s America First Agenda Wins Trade Dispute with United Arab Emirates
I also like what I seen from trump HOWEVER he gots just a little over two years to PROVE for sure he is for the people by doing what our last GREAT president kennedy tried to do,get rid of the CIA,FBI,IRS,and FED,THEY are the reason the country AND the world is in the mess it is. word is he is going to do that so I am giving him that chance this first term to do so and word also is as you probably know, is that BECAUSE he is planning on this,there is an assassination plot by the deep state to kill him same as they did JFK.
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I also like what I see from trump HOWEVER he gots just a little over two years to PROVE for sure he is for the people by doing what our last GREAT president kennedy tried to do,get rid of the CIA,FBI,IRS,and FED,THEY are the reason the country AND the world is in the mess it is. word is he is going to do that so I am giving him that chance this first term to do so and word also is as you probably know, is that BECAUSE he is planning on this,there is an assassination plot by the deep state to kill him same as they did JFK.

Well, he's already under siege. He's fighting off a Coup-attempt. If he tries what Kennedy tried, he'll end up like Kennedy. It's about survival.
I also like what I see from trump HOWEVER he gots just a little over two years to PROVE for sure he is for the people by doing what our last GREAT president kennedy tried to do,get rid of the CIA,FBI,IRS,and FED,THEY are the reason the country AND the world is in the mess it is. word is he is going to do that so I am giving him that chance this first term to do so and word also is as you probably know, is that BECAUSE he is planning on this,there is an assassination plot by the deep state to kill him same as they did JFK.

Well, he's already under siege. He's fighting off a Coup-attempt. If he tries what Kennedy tried, he'll end up like Kennedy. It's about survival.

This time i think they would do it in a more covert way though like poison his food. Trump is aware of that because there have been reports that since he is aware of that,he eats at mcdonalds a lot and has his own chef make his food.
I also like what I see from trump HOWEVER he gots just a little over two years to PROVE for sure he is for the people by doing what our last GREAT president kennedy tried to do,get rid of the CIA,FBI,IRS,and FED,THEY are the reason the country AND the world is in the mess it is. word is he is going to do that so I am giving him that chance this first term to do so and word also is as you probably know, is that BECAUSE he is planning on this,there is an assassination plot by the deep state to kill him same as they did JFK.

Well, he's already under siege. He's fighting off a Coup-attempt. If he tries what Kennedy tried, he'll end up like Kennedy. It's about survival.

This time i think they would do it in a more covert way though like poison his food. Trump is aware of that because there have been reports that since he is aware of that,he eats at mcdonalds a lot and has his own chef make his food.

Surviving this Coup-attempt is priority #1. That has to be accomplished first.
Awesome . So the top rated airlines of the Mid East can now become garbage cattle call crappy service Airlines like the US carriers !
Awesome . So the top rated airlines of the Mid East can now become garbage cattle call crappy service Airlines like the US carriers !

It wasn't about that. It was about helping American Workers.
Awesome . So the top rated airlines of the Mid East can now become garbage cattle call crappy service Airlines like the US carriers !

It wasn't about that. It was about helping American Workers.

Any other industry I would agree . Airlines are scum. They will just line their pockets with any extra they get .
Awesome . So the top rated airlines of the Mid East can now become garbage cattle call crappy service Airlines like the US carriers !

It wasn't about that. It was about helping American Workers.

Any other industry I would agree . Airlines are scum. They will just line their pockets with any extra they get .

I hear ya. US airlines have received $Billions in Taxpayer Bailouts over the years. They do represent Corporate Welfare at its worst. But at least Trump is trying to help the workers out a bit.
It’s UAE not Saudi . They have two airlines. Et ahad? And emerits Air.

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