NY attorney general fires back at Trump's defense of financial statements

"But it is truly rare for a party to publicly disagree with statements submitted by his own attorneys in a signed pleading -- let alone one day after the pleading was filed."

And that, dear reader, is why Don Trump stable of legal talent includes the likes of Rudy G., Jenna Ellis, KrakenPot Powell.

The top-enders won't touch him.

He says he is a 'stable genius'.
His lawyers file on Monday.
He contradicts them on Tuesday.
As such, it is likely, not all agree with Don Trump's assessment of himself.
Probably many of his current and former lawyers, for one.

It has also been said....tho not by me.....but it has been said that Don Trump is perfect proof that one need not be poor to be white trash.


You're not even the same species as President Trump.
waging a political Jihad against the president
but not the wacko black Dimmer DA
Well, TommyT, I have gathered in various threads you are a Brit, or Welsh, or Scots, or Irish? At least, UK.

And, it must be said, I kinda like your postings. You show an education level....or, at any rate, an ability with this laguage.....that some who are seemingly native-born Americans do not match.

And therein, lies the conflict. The friciton. The push-back.

Here in America, the land of HoneyBooBoo, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, there has always been a constituentcy that has an ingrained resentment towards those who can use grammar, spelling, punctuation, and...... hold for it, thoughtfulness. And they don't like those with a gooder education than they possess.

Accordingly, you will always have that current to swim against on a gossipboard such as this, which has a low bar for entry. If any at all.

Nonetheless, my avatar encourages you to persevere. To continue. Because......
Well first, because I like your stuff better than I like their stuff. That's binary.

And second, your participation here 'averages up'.....the clientele base.

And that's not a bad thing. All hail Brittanica.

"It is not unusual for parties to a legal proceeding to disagree about the facts," the attorney general's office wrote in a letter filed in New York state court. "But it is truly rare for a party to publicly disagree with statements submitted by his own attorneys in a signed pleading -- let alone one day after the pleading was filed."

I have only ever been involved in one legal dispute and my Solicitor asked to me to observe a press and social media silence until the matter was setttled. I am sure that Donnys people have done the same. What is he playing at ? Nobody is this stupid.
Trump's stupidity is boundless. I hope readers will pay close attention to the details.
"But it is truly rare for a party to publicly disagree with statements submitted by his own attorneys in a signed pleading -- let alone one day after the pleading was filed."

And that, dear reader, is why Don Trump stable of legal talent includes the likes of Rudy G., Jenna Ellis, KrakenPot Powell.

The top-enders won't touch him.

He says he is a 'stable genius'.
His lawyers file on Monday.
He contradicts them on Tuesday.
As such, it is likely, not all agree with Don Trump's assessment of himself.
Probably many of his current and former lawyers, for one.

It has also been said....tho not by me.....but it has been said that Don Trump is perfect proof that one need not be poor to be white trash.


Well, TommyT, I have gathered in various threads you are a Brit, or Welsh, or Scots, or Irish? At least, UK.

And, it must be said, I kinda like your postings. You show an education level....or, at any rate, an ability with this laguage.....that some who are seemingly native-born Americans do not match.

And therein, lies the conflict. The friciton. The push-back.

Here in America, the land of HoneyBooBoo, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, there has always been a constituentcy that has an ingrained resentment towards those who can use grammar, spelling, punctuation, and...... hold for it, thoughtfulness. And they don't like those with a gooder education than they possess.

Accordingly, you will always have that current to swim against on a gossipboard such as this, which has a low bar for entry. If any at all.

Nonetheless, my avatar encourages you to persevere. To continue. Because......
Well first, because I like your stuff better than I like their stuff. That's binary.

And second, your participation here 'averages up'.....the clientele base.

And that's not a bad thing. All hail Brittanica.
Many thanks. Welsh actually.
There are stupid people all over the world and they have the rest of us surrounded. The courts should be a protection for our civilisation and in the US , and the UK, might be our only hope.
Many thanks. Welsh actually.
There are stupid people all over the world and they have the rest of us surrounded. The courts should be a protection for our civilisation and in the US , and the UK, might be our only hope.
Yes, you truly have yourselves surrounded...plenty of brainless Dimmers just like you.
Well the Judge hs just ruled agin Trump. He can now give evidence or plead the 5th. what do you think he will do ?
Disregard this idiot judge, appeal it to a higher court conservative judge who supports the law instead of making up their own. Why, did you think he was going to listen to these wacko libbers?
tik tik tik
Now you have it.....that Dimmer clock is ticking away. Of course, I am speaking of the changeover of Congress in a few months. You, for some reason, are still preoccupied with someone who has nothing to do with the Republican takeover. Why is that Commie?
I am sure that Donnys people have done the same. What is he playing at ? Nobody is this stupid.
This is a civil case so If he wants to keep something out of the public eye but his lawyers are duti-bound to do otherwise they have to act like they want to obey the court ruling but their first obligation is to their client not the court..
If they/lawyers do not act in their clients best interest he can have this thrown out and the process begins anew...[I'm only offering up a possibility, there are many other factors here to be considered]...
this is a perjury trap, get sworn testimony in a civil case and then work the language into a semantical criminal case, it is how liberals get around this portion of the constitution [5th amendment]...
OJ simpson was found not guilty by a jury of his peers which is the holy high ground for the innocent in America and the left went after him with fury and a vengeance [a lot of folks on the right aided and abetted in this as well], they charged him in civil court with violating the civil rights of either his wife and ron goldman or there families or both and the left now claim he was convicted of murder in court...
The only parts of our constitution the left has a use for are the parts that aren't actually in the constitution
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staring at the sink trying to decide whether to take the dishes out before you piss in it?
Nobody cares Commie.....try ranting about your boyfriend
See, Tommy T?
Here in HoneyBooBoo-slovakia, or MarjorieGreen-istan.
America's 'Big Tent' rubric persists.

I mean by that ----
All are welcome.
Despite being freighted with, ummm, 'deficiencies'.
Nobody is perfect.
Everybody can contribute something.

We believe, that America's diversity averages out the nutters, the loonies, goonies, and whackaloons, the Marjorie Taylor Greens, the Matt Gaetz's and the Don Trumps.

We believe our nearly 250 year old Constitution and Bill of Rights is flexible enough, encompassing enough, right enough......to blend the good and the bad, the right and the left, the nutters and the not-so....into a healthful-enough smoothie that will allow, and nourish, a great society.

So far, it seems to have worked. For 250 years.

Oh sure, there have been some turnips, or anchovies, or kohlrabi-types that left lumps, didn't blend smoothly, were too salty. But by and large those HoneyBooBoo-types, those MAGAHat-types, have been accomadated.


America and the left went after him with fury and a vengeance
(ps...the poster is referencing OJ Simpson)
I would demur about "the left went after him".
Actually, I'd demur quite a bit.

Who went after him ---in the civil trial-----were the parents of the kid that was stabbed,slashed and butchered to death.

I really, honestly, sincerely, thought that was widely accepted.

ps....I have no idea of the political juxtaposition (right/left) of the parents. But, without further research, I, at first blush, seriously doubt that there was a political motivation in their lawsuit to hold OJ Simpson accountable for slaughtering their treasured son.

You too?

"It is not unusual for parties to a legal proceeding to disagree about the facts," the attorney general's office wrote in a letter filed in New York state court. "But it is truly rare for a party to publicly disagree with statements submitted by his own attorneys in a signed pleading -- let alone one day after the pleading was filed."

I have only ever been involved in one legal dispute and my Solicitor asked to me to observe a press and social media silence until the matter was setttled. I am sure that Donnys people have done the same. What is he playing at ? Nobody is this stupid.
STFU retarded Brit.

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