NY attorney general fires back at Trump's defense of financial statements

(ps...the poster is referencing OJ Simpson)
He's not so far left that he cannot read or comprehend what is written:
OJ simpson was found not guilty by a jury of his peers which is the holy high ground for the innocent in America and the left went
I would demur about "the left went after him".
Actually, I'd demur quite a bit.
Who went after him ---in the civil trial-----were the parents of the kid that was stabbed,slashed and butchered to death.

I really, honestly, sincerely, thought that was widely accepted.
Much like your post the parents were just used by political/legal hucksters as a shameless guise who believed he/OJ should have been found guilty. [by the way this is referencing OJ simpson]
my claim just deals with the motivation [right or wrong] by others behind the suit

ps....I have no idea of the political juxtaposition (right/left) of the parents.
Neither do I, and I'll go a step further and say they have no place in this conversation because this was about the skirting of the law/constitution by those we trust to enforce it, not the grieving parents who are marched out every time someone who wants to convict an innocent man needs a place to hide [except as a shield for a lack of counterpoint otherwise]
But, without further research, I, at first blush, seriously doubt that there was a political motivation in their lawsuit to hold OJ Simpson accountable for slaughtering their treasured son.

You too?
you are the only one who has even mentioned them, I don't think they should be in this conversation... and I think I know why you do it, lets find out...
2 of the easiest questions an honest person will ever have to answer "yes" or "no" to
A. Is a person innocent until proven guilty?
B. is OJ innocent? [not guilty of murder]
No one on the left can answer question B with a "YES"...can you do it? [Hint: the answer is in the questions]...I smell an excuse

[btw, I'm referencing OJ Simpson again]

Ya might wanna march the rest of the family out now
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Meanwhile DJT is playing golf at world-class resorts, sleeping with a supermodel and counting his billions.... and smothering you in your sleep with those night terrors you have.

While you're.... well.... staring at the sink trying to decide whether to take the dishes out before you piss in it?

You're not even the same species as President Trump.

Well done.
"But it is truly rare for a party to publicly disagree with statements submitted by his own attorneys in a signed pleading -- let alone one day after the pleading was filed."

And that, dear reader, is why Don Trump stable of legal talent includes the likes of Rudy G., Jenna Ellis, KrakenPot Powell.

The top-enders won't touch him.

He says he is a 'stable genius'.
His lawyers file on Monday.
He contradicts them on Tuesday.
As such, it is likely, not all agree with Don Trump's assessment of himself.
Probably many of his current and former lawyers, for one.

It has also been said....tho not by me.....but it has been said that Don Trump is perfect proof that one need not be poor to be white trash.


Well, TommyT, I have gathered in various threads you are a Brit, or Welsh, or Scots, or Irish? At least, UK.

And, it must be said, I kinda like your postings. You show an education level....or, at any rate, an ability with this laguage.....that some who are seemingly native-born Americans do not match.

And therein, lies the conflict. The friciton. The push-back.

Here in America, the land of HoneyBooBoo, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, there has always been a constituentcy that has an ingrained resentment towards those who can use grammar, spelling, punctuation, and...... hold for it, thoughtfulness. And they don't like those with a gooder education than they possess.

Accordingly, you will always have that current to swim against on a gossipboard such as this, which has a low bar for entry. If any at all.

Nonetheless, my avatar encourages you to persevere. To continue. Because......
Well first, because I like your stuff better than I like their stuff. That's binary.

And second, your participation here 'averages up'.....the clientele base.

And that's not a bad thing. All hail Brittanica.

You must be a real hoot at parties.
Much like your post the parents were just shameless guise to get OJ.
So, the father, Frederic Goldman was merely used as an excuse to get at OJ?
Am I getting that right?
That the parents had no agency in bringing the lawsuit?

I demur.

From my personal observation (through the telly) I concluded that Mr.Goldman and his accompanying daughter were grief stricken.
Grief stricken by the death of the treasured son/brother; grief-stricken over the verdict in the criminal trial.

If the poster is suggesting that they were then cynically, unknowingly, used by third parties as a ruse to 'get to OJ'.......well, I say "posh".
Watching how you jerk off and salivate at anything remotely negative about Trump is fucking fascinating.

I honestly cannot imagine ever being that obsessed about someone I will never, ever meet...
For your information, and for all Trump Cult Members, Trump is campaigning and running for the office of POTUS in the 2024 election. Since he is a mentally deficient numb skull on steroids, he must be defeated at all costs. Since he is running, as evidenced by his many public comments and his holding of campaign rallies, those of us opposed to him, the majority of Americans and all patriotic Americans, must practice due diligence and stay on top of this fool constantly. The future of our country depends on it. Bigly!!!
Josef Stolen shit his pants at the Vatican..... that's a pretty low bar.

daddy get your hand out of my pants.jpg
So, the father, Frederic Goldman was merely used as an excuse to get at OJ?
Am I getting that right?
Merely!?!? I wouldn't call that merely, I would call it a callously shameful excuse to get at OJ, so you didn't just get it wrong you got it shamefully wrong

That the parents had no agency in bringing the lawsuit?
Matters not one way or the other where it concerns my point , the parents do not even belong in this discussion, they're grief stricken and that is now being used to hide your objection to my claim

I think ya got the vapors
From my personal observation (through the telly) I concluded that Mr.Goldman and his accompanying daughter were grief stricken.
Grief stricken by the death of the treasured son/brother; grief-stricken over the verdict in the criminal trial.
Yeah it's the vapors alright
If the poster is suggesting that they were then cynically, unknowingly, used by third parties as a ruse to 'get to OJ'....
No, no ruse, it was pretty blatant and quite obvious to those without a left wing social education
...well, I say "posh".
If you really had a say OJ would be on the business end of your daddies buggy whip [black man-white woman and all]
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wow.... that's a lot of crybabies in half a sentence....

Shitting your pants in public hit a nerve? I get it.... sorry about that.
Haha, crybaby cultist uses the line from the old AOL chat rooms. Why haven't pussy ass trolls invented any new material in 25 years? Too stupid, I guess.
Nah.... he doesn't fucking OWN you. What normal human being wouldn't be clinically obsessed with what comes out of a man's asshole? I assume you're reading the book about what they almost found rummaging through Trump's raw sewage too.... hmm?

Or at least looking at the pictures.

Sounds healthy.
Haha, crybaby cultist uses the line from the old AOL chat rooms. Why haven't pussy ass trolls invented any new material in 25 years? Too stupid, I guess.
Wow.... you owned me with that stuff! Who helped you? That's top-tier shit there!!

Now go drink a quart of LiquidPlumr and slowly slip back up satan's asshole. Put it on TikTok if you don't mind.

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