NY City to give "free" full preschool to all 3 year olds.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Free if you're black or illegal since they don't pay taxes. Only whites pay taxes and they're being screwed again by de blasio.

New York City Will Offer Free Preschool for All 3-Year-Olds

april 24 2017 Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Monday that New York City would offer free, full-day preschool to all 3-year-olds within four years, saying that he was building on the success of the city’s prekindergarten program for 4-year-olds and that it was time to go further.

New York would be one of few cities in the country to offer free preschool to every 3-year-old, including Washington. But New York’s program would dwarf that city’s effort, which enrolls only 5,700 3-year-olds. In New York, officials expect to serve 62,000 children a year.

Implementing the universal prekindergarten program for 4-year-olds was the centerpiece of Mr. de Blasio’s campaign for mayor four years ago and is considered to be one of the biggest accomplishments of his first term. So it is not surprising that, with his re-election effort starting, he is seeking to amplify the achievement.
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I see lots of problems with such a program for SEVERAL reasons. ---among them---
three year old kids need LOTS OF HANDS ON CARE------not a situation of "one teacher
and 30 kids in a big room with little chairs" (like my kindergarten class way back) ---I think
they will need at least one caretaker for every 8 kids----and even that is a bit of a stretch. ALSO--
VIRUS INFECTIONS--------the little ones are susceptible to every bug each one schleps into the
class. Their little hands are ALL OVER THE PLACE ------from each other and back to their own
little mouths.------sore throats, tummy virus, pink eye-------EPIDEMICS. ALSO ---the little creatures
do not have much concept of just what a hard object can do to the relatively soft head of the other
kid.. Di Blasi is skating on thin ice-------the costs cannot be predicted-----think LAW SUITS for
injuries and sicknesses
That's not preschool. That's daycare.

yes it is-------but the dear leader is DRESSING IT UP as ----"education". He is making
out like failure to PLACE three year olds in SCHOOL will render them idiot illiterates with
NO FUTURES (he is doing it on commercial time). I am leery. The care-givers
are not likely to be "teachers" -----they will be more like baby sitters. "G-d" only
knows what they will DO to the little fragile creatures. I was a baby sitter as an adolescent.
One baby was a breeze, three was ok. Five was a NITEMARE (sometimes my clients decided
to SHARE me) I have a sense that the workers will be OVERSTRETCHED

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