NY governor orders flags to half staff for Insurrection Day

Not at all. But I do like the idea of shooting someone trying to break through a barricade at the front of a mob chanting for the death of the people being protected by said barricade.

I do not care what sex they are, that has nothing to do with the equation at all.
Progs have set the bar for that to happen when things get bad enough. Many women will not be protected like in the past. Mostly Progs. You need to pay attention to your delirious agendas.
OK, never mind, some people you just can't reach and I will no longer try as it's right there for all to see.

You are correct, you are not going to change my mind any more than I am going to change yours.

only one of us has their panties in a wad over this fact.
You are correct, you are not going to change my mind any more than I am going to change yours.

only one of us has their panties in a wad over this fact.
Well pardon me all to hell for not condoning .gov sanctioned murder.

NY governor orders flags to half staff for Insurrection Day​

She is only NY Governor because Cuomo had to resign. I am inclined to raise the flag at full staff today as a token of my disrespect for the Governor’s misuse of her office for partisan political theater. But I won’t. That would sink me down to her base level.

NY governor orders flags to half staff for Insurrection Day​

She is only NY Governor because Cuomo had to resign. I am inclined to raise the flag at full staff today as a token of my disrespect for the Governor’s misuse of her office for partisan political theater. But I won’t. That would sink me down to her base level.

I actually agree with you here. This is a misuse of her office and is being done 100% for political reasons.
Neither do I. But you just cannot accept that anyone is allowed to have a different view of things than you
A different view is just fine, lord knows I can piss off the left or right with equal enthusiasm at times but to disallow the evidence placed before your eyes must speak to something else.

Are you a LEO or former LEO? I'd understand it more since cops have been taking it on the chin of late. I, like my dad before me was in law enforcement so something has to be really off-kilter for me to throw rocks at members of the LEO community.
I actually agree with you here. This is a misuse of her office and is being done 100% for political reasons.
I’m probably as shocked to read that first sentence as you were to even think it. I will go one step further: I respect you for having the gonadal fortitude to state such a thing when it even temporarily aligns us on any topic.
Are you a LEO or former LEO? I'd understand it more since cops have been taking it on the chin of late. I, like my dad before me was in law enforcement so something has to be really off-kilter for me to throw rocks at members of the LEO community.

I am not LEO or former LEO, but I am a retired Marine who spent 20 years on active duty and probably got deadly force training 15 of those years.

I know you do not agree, but I would have taken that shot as well. Had she made it through and opened the door the entire mob would have followed.
I’m probably as shocked to read that first sentence as you were to even think it. I will go one step further: I respect you for having the gonadal fortitude to state such a thing when it even temporarily aligns us on any topic.

The good thing about not belonging to either party is I can remain consistent in my views and not worry about keeping anyone happy
What a POS......A young woman was murdered and she wants to commemorate that.

She wasn't murdered. She was shot for breaking and entering. They should have shot everyone of them. They attacked our country.
The good thing about not belonging to either party is I can remain consistent in my views and not worry about keeping anyone happy
It isn’t even just about Party. For example, you could have just kept your agreement with my view of that matter silent. Instead, you “voiced” your agreement. I’m not as impressed with the fact of your agreement as I am with the fact that you’re forthright enough to speak it aloud.
She wasn't murdered. She was shot for breaking and entering. They should have shot everyone of them. They attacked our country.
Oh come off it. Even you can’t be serious in contending that such a trespass was a scenario allowing a cop to use deadly physical force.
Oh come off it. Even you can’t be serious in contending that such a trespass was a scenario allowing a cop to use deadly physical force.
150 police officers sustained injuries. You come off it. Are you so fixated on your own self interests, so as to be blind about what this actually was?

Any trespass on government property, destroying that property, and delivering injuries to police officers, deserves one thing, a bullet between the eyes. These folks aren't through. Officers should have taken them out the first time. These folks are part of a cult, they are mentally disturbed, they are not Americans, they are liars, and they are sore losers.
You're just upset it FAILED.
Protesting the stolen election was a great success. January 6th will go down in history as the day Americans stood for fair and honest elections, and reject corruption and lies of the media.
I am not LEO or former LEO, but I am a retired Marine who spent 20 years on active duty and probably got deadly force training 15 of those years.

I know you do not agree, but I would have taken that shot as well. Had she made it through and opened the door the entire mob would have followed.
I don't think so, or not enough of them that would have mattered given the other officers advancing on the position at the instant of the murder.

If you will observe that part of the video where they were coming up the stairs you will note everyone below them had more or less calmed down due to the mere show of force by trained professionals. They did not think there was need to open fire on those at the door so how do you square that?

Now I'm willing to concede that BLM guy had been dealing with the situation longer and was amped-up but that by no means excuses his final actions.

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