NY governor orders flags to half staff for Insurrection Day

This would be nice if it was anything but political theater. Claiming that a riot was something new when we had BLM rioting in lots of cities. We had the left attempting to become their own government with autonomous zones. You had New York trying to kill off as many people as possible with their COVID response.
So once again to distract from the real problems they play political theater.
Your arguments are weak, and they suck.
Protesting the stolen election was a great success. January 6th will go down in history as the day Americans stood for fair and honest elections, and reject corruption and lies of the media.
We're protesting you as a proven liar. There was no stolen election. And you are a coward for lying about it. Where is your dignity and self respect, because you've got none?
150 police officers sustained injuries. You come off it. Are you so fixated on your own self interests, so as to be blind about what this actually was?

Any trespass on government property, destroying that property, and delivering injuries to police officers, deserves one thing, a bullet between the eyes. These folks aren't through. Officers should have taken them out the first time. These folks are part of a cult, they are mentally disturbed, they are not Americans, they are liars, and they are sore losers.
Please. You’re coming off more grandiose and delusional than usual. Come off it.

You can’t handle two separate thoughts simultaneously. But others can. Believe it or not, it is entirely possible to SUPPORT the prosecution of the 1/6 protestors who committed criminal acts (like assaulting the police officers) while still denying that there was an “insurrection” because one doesn’t depend on the other. Plus, there was no insurrection.

The closest the protestors who trespassed that day came to being armed was the use of some poles and fire extinguishers. If a white cop had shot an unarmed black protestor in Kenosha under similar circumstances, you’d be insisting that there was no legal justification for the cop to fire the gun. (You’d be right.)

But you dispense with consistency when it gets in the way of your shrill pontifications and cheap ass hyperbole.
I don't think so, or not enough of them that would have mattered given the other officers advancing on the position at the instant of the murder.

If you will observe that part of the video where they were coming up the stairs you will note everyone below them had more or less calmed down due to the mere show of force by trained professionals. They did not think there was need to open fire on those at the door so how do you square that?

Now I'm willing to concede that BLM guy had been dealing with the situation longer and was amped-up but that by no means excuses his final actions.
You are devoid of critical thinking skills, you are a coward, and you are a liar.
Please. You’re coming off more grandiose and delusional than usual. Come off it.

You can’t handle two separate thoughts simultaneously. But others can. Believe it or not, it is entirely possible to SUPPORT the prosecution of the 1/6 protestors who committed criminal acts (like assaulting the police officers) while still denying that there was an “insurrection” because one doesn’t depend on the other. Plus, there was no insurrection.

The closest the protestors who trespassed that day came to being armed was the use of some poles and fire extinguishers. If a white cop had shot an unarmed black protestor in Kenosha under similar circumstances, you’d be insisting that there was no legal justification for the cop to fire the gun. (You’d be right.)

But you dispense with consistency when it gets in the way of your shrill pontifications and cheap ass hyperbole.
I've maintained it was an attempted coup since day one. And that's exactly what it was. You were given the links and video proving that point.

The rest of your gibberish means nothing.

You seem to want to create this picture in your mind, that somehow shooting these people down with fire extinguishers, poles, and the like, is not justified. They broke into a federal building, injured around 150 police officers, destroyed government property, and committed criminal trespassing.

There was an attack instigated by Donald Trump. And there was a coup attempt authorized by Donald Trump courtesy of Peter Navarro. And you can bet your sweet ass, justice is coming for them, along with Trumps other butt boys who were involved. Those are the two thoughts you can't handle.
These folks have this one day. One.

Tomorrow, they go back to the reality that Joe Biden is STILL their president and he is failing on every single issue. Every. Single. One.

And still, tomorrow will not be even ONE YEAR into his term.

The Vice President is even a bigger failure than he is.

They look to be absolutely routed in the mid-terms.

So today is what they have. I do not see anyone except political-head, far leftists paying much if any attention to this day. Mostly, people are trying to figure out where to get tested for the Covid Joe was supposed to defeat. No tests. No good masks. Schools closing. Economy tanked. Inflation. Gas prices. The border disaster. Etc.

So I look at this absolute obsession with January 6th as what it is: a tacit admission of utter failure. Not on Republicans' part, no.

Funny how life works sometimes.
Thanks for exposing yourself as a coward, a liar, and anti-American.
Not at all. But I do like the idea of shooting someone trying to break through a barricade at the front of a mob chanting for the death of the people being protected by said barricade.

I do not care what sex they are, that has nothing to do with the equation at all.
Bust their ass. Drop them where they stand. To hell with anyone attacking the country and the Capitol.
The Wild,Wild Left. The most shameful, dishonest, corrupt, anti-American band of politicians, media types and citizens in the history of this nation. You know better.... you simply do not care. How do you sleep at night knowing one day we will be before God?
So many lies, where does one begin? How about you just prove the dishonesty and corruption?
I've maintained it was an attempted coup since day one. And that's exactly what it was. You were given the links and video proving that point.

The rest of your gibberish means nothing.

You seem to want to create this picture in your mind, that somehow shooting these people down with fire extinguishers, poles, and the like, is not justified. They broke into a federal building, injured around 150 police officers, destroyed government property, and committed criminal trespassing.

There was an attack instigated by Donald Trump. And there was a coup attempt authorized by Donald Trump courtesy of Peter Navarro. And you can bet your sweet ass, justice is coming for them, along with Trumps other butt boys who were involved. Those are the two thoughts you can't handle.
It wasn’t an attempted coup at all. You may continue to hold your breath until you turn blue. That won’t change anything. It was not a coup, a coup attempt, an insurrection nor an attempted insurrection.

Navarro also didn’t say or “admit” that it was a coup. That was the spin put on what Navarro did say by some fake ass purveyor of propaganda masked as a journalist. .
It wasn’t an attempted coup at all. You may continue to hold your breath until you turn blue. That won’t change anything. It was not a coup, a coup attempt, an insurrection nor an attempted insurrection.

Navarro also didn’t say or “admit” that it was a coup. That was the spin put on what Navarro did say by some fake ass purveyor of propaganda masked as a journalist. .
It was already proven, and there is nothing you will be able to do to change that fact. History will make sure everyone knows it, and it won't be forgotten.

Navarro's explanation is going to be used to describe a textbook attempt at a coup when this is over. You can piss and moan all you want. It still isn't going to change anything. You can run around like the mentally challenged chicken with the head cut off, and it's never going to help you.

Every time I listen to Navarro explain to Melber how this was supposed to go down, and the details, I realize Navarro doesn't even know he is explaining a text book example of a coup attempt.
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It's not a calling. It's an accurate label.

Joe Biden is a horrid president and you all are looking to get routed in the midterms

True yesterday

True today

Almost 100% likely to be true tomorrow

No go cry about it
Joe Biden is a horrid president and you all are looking to get routed in the midterms

True yesterday

True today

Almost 100% likely to be true tomorrow

No go cry about it

Joe Biden is a horrid president and you all are looking to get routed in the midterms

True yesterday

True today

Almost 100% likely to be true tomorrow

No go cry about it
Apparently you do not understand how debate works. Here's a clue. It involves documented facts, it involves sources, it involves honesty, it involves critical thinking, and it involves courage. This post of yours is a rant, that has no meat on the bones. This is what separates myself from you.
Apparently you do not understand how debate works. Here's a clue. It involves documented facts, it involves sources, it involves honesty, it involves critical thinking, and it involves courage. This post of yours is a rant, that has no meat on the bones. This is what separates myself from you.

You started with name calling, so the level of self-awareness here is less than zero.

Enjoy your failed president and your failed ideology
So you support the killing of an unarmed woman.
The killing of the leading edge breaking thru a window into the House chambers. Absolutely. What would YOU do if she was the leading edge of a mob breaking into your home or business?

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