Ny man arrested for corralling kids who ransacked his house

He should have shot them, and then claimed he feared for his life.

See, this actually might have worked for him if he could have articulated those facts to a Police Officer and a Judge.

"After further investigation we've found that this is a case of self defense (or justifiable Homicide) and no charges will be brought".

This is what George Zimmerman is gonna' have to do at his Trial.
Threatening them with a Hammer and forcing them in a closet is called "False Imprisonment". Cops can't do it, the average person can't either.

This is what happens when Americans know more about Lebron James than the Law.

I live in PA and I know exactly what I can and cannot do when some azzhole breaks in, attacks me and/or or refuses to leave my property, day AND night. Yes, there's different laws for day and night here in PA.

False imprisonment only applies if there is no criminal act ongoing. Plus the intention was not imprisionment but detaining four underage suspects who just ranascked a house. If it was adult involved he could have forced the aduit to the ground and then restrained said adult. He was dealing with kids and he didnt want to touch them.

he actually showed restraint and is being punished for it. Sad.
What he did was illegal in today's climate of punishing law abiding citizens. Next time, these kids will do the same thing hoping to sting another homeowner.

Oh bullshit. An adult threatening an 8 year old with a hammer being illegal is not something new.

Its four 8-10 years olds in the middle of comissioning a crime.

and what do you think THEY were using to dismantle the interior of the house?

I think the key phrase there is 8 - 10 year olds. Unless they had a gun, they posed no danger to the guy. Apparently, they didn't have a gun. He shouldn't have threatened them with a hammer.
Threatening them with a Hammer and forcing them in a closet is called "False Imprisonment". Cops can't do it, the average person can't either.

This is what happens when Americans know more about Lebron James than the Law.

I live in PA and I know exactly what I can and cannot do when some azzhole breaks in, attacks me and/or or refuses to leave my property, day AND night. Yes, there's different laws for day and night here in PA.

False imprisonment only applies if there is no criminal act ongoing. Plus the intention was not imprisionment but detaining four underage suspects who just ranascked a house. If it was adult involved he could have forced the aduit to the ground and then restrained said adult. He was dealing with kids and he didnt want to touch them.

he actually showed restraint and is being punished for it. Sad.

Showed restraint? You mean what he should have done is actually beat them to death?
Call the police and seek restitution from the parents. What he shouldn't have done is threaten children with a hammer.

If he was doing it in the street for no reason, I could see this being a crime. But they were trespassing inside a house.

He detained suspects with the threat of force, but used no force to do it.

He should not have even been charged.

I understand the point. However, he was threatening children with a hammer. He was not protecting himself or the house at the time. Further, there was no point to it. He knew who the kids were and where they lived. So whether this is seen as just or not, what he did was illegal and he opened himself up to charges when he did it.

That is debatable if he threatened them! He seeked to detain them until the police arrived. This is a rural community, so it could have taken a long time.

By detaining them in the closet he adverted the chases of anyone being harmed. The kids might have tried to flee and he might have had to tackle them.

I see nothing wrong with what he had done. Look at the damage to the house. These kids need to be punished hard and get a good dosage of reality. That much heartless, cruel and destructive behavior at such a young age will not slow down when they are adults. Just a lack of morals now, will be disasterous later!
I had a conversation with a cop last week about what "menacing" is. Out jogging, I'm often charged by a large and very aggressive Chow dog a woman walks nearby. It's leash is just long enough to get within a few feet of me....there's another Chow with it, not as aggressive but I'm sure it would join in an attack on me. So, last time I produced a knife that I intended her to see and know I would take out her dog's eyes with if attacked. I kept it by my side, didn't wave it at her or point it at her. The cop told me what I'd done was perfectly legal and no different than putting my hand on the pistol I'm now carrying when I run through that area. Since I showed her the knife I haven't seen her and her Chows. I'd like to think I played it perfectly.

p.s. He also told me because it's a fast-opening (one hand) blade, in Kalifornia I could have done a year in state prison for "brandishing" it. I laughed. He looked at me and said he wasn't kidding. Little wonder the normal Kalis are fleeing that gulag in droves.
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Threatening them with a Hammer and forcing them in a closet is called "False Imprisonment". Cops can't do it, the average person can't either.

This is what happens when Americans know more about Lebron James than the Law.

I live in PA and I know exactly what I can and cannot do when some azzhole breaks in, attacks me and/or or refuses to leave my property, day AND night. Yes, there's different laws for day and night here in PA.

False imprisonment only applies if there is no criminal act ongoing. Plus the intention was not imprisionment but detaining four underage suspects who just ranascked a house. If it was adult involved he could have forced the aduit to the ground and then restrained said adult. He was dealing with kids and he didnt want to touch them.

he actually showed restraint and is being punished for it. Sad.

Showed restraint? You mean what he should have done is actually beat them to death?

he could have tried to aprhend them physically (or at least one of them). he was a citizen in witness of a crime, and citizens are allowed to detain suspected criminals and then turn them over to the police.
If he was doing it in the street for no reason, I could see this being a crime. But they were trespassing inside a house.

He detained suspects with the threat of force, but used no force to do it.

He should not have even been charged.

I understand the point. However, he was threatening children with a hammer. He was not protecting himself or the house at the time. Further, there was no point to it. He knew who the kids were and where they lived. So whether this is seen as just or not, what he did was illegal and he opened himself up to charges when he did it.

That is debatable if he threatened them! He seeked to detain them until the police arrived. This is a rural community, so it could have taken a long time.

By detaining them in the closet he adverted the chases of anyone being harmed. The kids might have tried to flee and he might have had to tackle them.

I see nothing wrong with what he had done. Look at the damage to the house. These kids need to be punished hard and get a good dosage of reality. That much heartless, cruel and destructive behavior at such a young age will not slow down when they are adults. Just a lack of morals now, will be disasterous later!

According to the story, he threatened them. I'm not saying the kids don't need to be punished or that the parents aren't fully responsible for all of the damage. The question was asked, what the man should have done instead. What he should have done was not threaten the kids with a hammer.
Oh bullshit. An adult threatening an 8 year old with a hammer being illegal is not something new.

Its four 8-10 years olds in the middle of comissioning a crime.

and what do you think THEY were using to dismantle the interior of the house?

I think the key phrase there is 8 - 10 year olds. Unless they had a gun, they posed no danger to the guy. Apparently, they didn't have a gun. He shouldn't have threatened them with a hammer.

Danger has nothing to do with a citizen's arrest. he saw a crime in progress and detained the supsects awaiting arrival of the police.
I understand the point. However, he was threatening children with a hammer. He was not protecting himself or the house at the time. Further, there was no point to it. He knew who the kids were and where they lived. So whether this is seen as just or not, what he did was illegal and he opened himself up to charges when he did it.

That is debatable if he threatened them! He seeked to detain them until the police arrived. This is a rural community, so it could have taken a long time.

By detaining them in the closet he adverted the chases of anyone being harmed. The kids might have tried to flee and he might have had to tackle them.

I see nothing wrong with what he had done. Look at the damage to the house. These kids need to be punished hard and get a good dosage of reality. That much heartless, cruel and destructive behavior at such a young age will not slow down when they are adults. Just a lack of morals now, will be disasterous later!

According to the story, he threatened them. I'm not saying the kids don't need to be punished or that the parents aren't fully responsible for all of the damage. The question was asked, what the man should have done instead. What he should have done was not threaten the kids with a hammer.

The threat was not carried through, the kids were detained and turned over to the authorities.
False imprisonment only applies if there is no criminal act ongoing. Plus the intention was not imprisionment but detaining four underage suspects who just ranascked a house. If it was adult involved he could have forced the aduit to the ground and then restrained said adult. He was dealing with kids and he didnt want to touch them.

he actually showed restraint and is being punished for it. Sad.

Showed restraint? You mean what he should have done is actually beat them to death?

he could have tried to aprhend them physically (or at least one of them). he was a citizen in witness of a crime, and citizens are allowed to detain suspected criminals and then turn them over to the police.

He did apprehend them. He stuck them in a closet. You said that was showing restraint, so the only thing else he could have done was actually hit them with the hammer. The man did not show restraint. He was understandably angry, but you can't threaten a child like that. It's illegal.
Showed restraint? You mean what he should have done is actually beat them to death?

he could have tried to aprhend them physically (or at least one of them). he was a citizen in witness of a crime, and citizens are allowed to detain suspected criminals and then turn them over to the police.

He did apprehend them. He stuck them in a closet. You said that was showing restraint, so the only thing else he could have done was actually hit them with the hammer. The man did not show restraint. He was understandably angry, but you can't threaten a child like that. It's illegal.

No, you tackle one of the bastards and hold them down using the knee to the back, arm twisted to the back hand on the head move.

THATS apprehending someone phyisically. Saying "go in the closet or ill pop ya with a hammer" is not phyisical in any way, and is fine by me.

The little bastards deserved it.

And you cant threaten a child like that in the middle of the street for no reason. here there was a damn good reason, and the little punks were in the commission of a crime.
The children were having fun. They didn't think that what they were doing was wrong.

Now they know it wasn't wrong and it's okay for them to have fun.

He should have shot them, and then claimed he feared for his life.


Very unlikely that would work. (1) These were young children, (2) They had a hammers, not guns or knives, (3) The 'Castle' defense wouldn't work because it wasn't his home, (4) The kids were fleeing, (5) Children, even if they are unlawful trepassers, are still provided a duty of care and (6) Again they were children, public opinion would have have sunk this guy.

Just imagine if Zimmerman was able to get the better of Martin and broke Martin's jaw or arm, public opinion wouldn't have been so strong. The story wouldn't have even made the newspaper. But when the story is about a fatality, the public perception changes!
he could have tried to aprhend them physically (or at least one of them). he was a citizen in witness of a crime, and citizens are allowed to detain suspected criminals and then turn them over to the police.

He did apprehend them. He stuck them in a closet. You said that was showing restraint, so the only thing else he could have done was actually hit them with the hammer. The man did not show restraint. He was understandably angry, but you can't threaten a child like that. It's illegal.

No, you tackle one of the bastards and hold them down using the knee to the back, arm twisted to the back hand on the head move.

THATS apprehending someone phyisically. Saying "go in the closet or ill pop ya with a hammer" is not phyisical in any way, and is fine by me.

The little bastards deserved it.

And you cant threaten a child like that in the middle of the street for no reason. here there was a damn good reason, and the little punks were in the commission of a crime.

Well, it may be fine by you but it is illegal nonetheless. He shouldn't have done it.
He did apprehend them. He stuck them in a closet. You said that was showing restraint, so the only thing else he could have done was actually hit them with the hammer. The man did not show restraint. He was understandably angry, but you can't threaten a child like that. It's illegal.

No, you tackle one of the bastards and hold them down using the knee to the back, arm twisted to the back hand on the head move.

THATS apprehending someone phyisically. Saying "go in the closet or ill pop ya with a hammer" is not phyisical in any way, and is fine by me.

The little bastards deserved it.

And you cant threaten a child like that in the middle of the street for no reason. here there was a damn good reason, and the little punks were in the commission of a crime.

Well, it may be fine by you but it is illegal nonetheless. He shouldn't have done it.

No jury will convict him of it, and i have to assume the statue is up to interpretation.

The kids were in the middle of a commission of a crime, i doubt the writers of the statue had that as the intent.

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