NY Post calls NRA Leader Jihadi Wayne

Evidently nobody has taken the time to read the bill.

Break it down for us Lass:eusa_think:

You should have read it before whining about it, the bill calls for someone being "suspected" of terrorist ties to be denied gun ownership, you can't deny someone ownership over suspicions. Any first year law student knows that. The bill has promise but needs to be reworded. It would be the same as someone being "suspected" of domestic violence and being denied, you can't do that

But it's okay to deny asylum to 3 year olds from Syria because you 'suspect' they might grow up to be a terrorist.

Goddam! you people are fucked in the head.

No Gilligan, it's OK to deny asylum to 3 year olds from Syria, because Syrian refugees lack the qualifications to be considered for such: Specifically that they're culture runs antithetical to the US Culture and is otherwise hostile to such. It's called DISCRIMINATION... and its a vital trait, essential to promoting survival.
Regardless, the NRA is correct on the issue, you cannot deny due to suspicions, Thank me later for informing you what you obviously didn't know.

Yeah, So when they put suspected terrorist in jail do they let them keep their guns then lol

You are either arrested and in jail, or convicted and in PRISON, in those two cases, you have been brought in front of a judge, and either arraigned, or convicted. In both cases you have gotten due process, and the government can restrict your access to weapons as per local laws.

GITMO is saying "hey what am I chopped liver?"

There are American citizens at GITMO? Name one

No but there was one in the US

Jose Padilla.

From wikipedia:

Padilla was arrested in Chicago on May 8, 2002, on suspicion of plotting a radiological bomb ("dirty bomb") attack. He was detained as a material witness until June 9, 2002, when PresidentGeorge W. Bush designated him an enemy combatant and, arguing that he was not entitled to trial in civilian courts, had him transferred to a military prison. Padilla was held for three and a half years as an "enemy combatant." He alleged that he was subjected to what were calledenhanced interrogation techniques. After pressure from civil liberties groups, the charge was dropped, and his case was moved to a civilian court.

he was arrested, and then held as an enemy combatant. Then civil groups, as is their right pressured to have him tried as a civilian, which he was, and of which he was convicted.
Yeah, So when they put suspected terrorist in jail do they let them keep their guns then lol

You are either arrested and in jail, or convicted and in PRISON, in those two cases, you have been brought in front of a judge, and either arraigned, or convicted. In both cases you have gotten due process, and the government can restrict your access to weapons as per local laws.

GITMO is saying "hey what am I chopped liver?"

There are American citizens at GITMO? Name one

No but there was one in the US

Jose Padilla.

From wikipedia:

Padilla was arrested in Chicago on May 8, 2002, on suspicion of plotting a radiological bomb ("dirty bomb") attack. He was detained as a material witness until June 9, 2002, when PresidentGeorge W. Bush designated him an enemy combatant and, arguing that he was not entitled to trial in civilian courts, had him transferred to a military prison. Padilla was held for three and a half years as an "enemy combatant." He alleged that he was subjected to what were calledenhanced interrogation techniques. After pressure from civil liberties groups, the charge was dropped, and his case was moved to a civilian court.

he was arrested, and then held as an enemy combatant. Then civil groups, as is their right pressured to have him tried as a civilian, which he was, and of which he was convicted.

Yeah, remember you mentioned that whole due process thingy? Yeah, didnt happen...unless a 3 year wait is what you meant.
You are either arrested and in jail, or convicted and in PRISON, in those two cases, you have been brought in front of a judge, and either arraigned, or convicted. In both cases you have gotten due process, and the government can restrict your access to weapons as per local laws.

GITMO is saying "hey what am I chopped liver?"

There are American citizens at GITMO? Name one

No but there was one in the US

Jose Padilla.

From wikipedia:

Padilla was arrested in Chicago on May 8, 2002, on suspicion of plotting a radiological bomb ("dirty bomb") attack. He was detained as a material witness until June 9, 2002, when PresidentGeorge W. Bush designated him an enemy combatant and, arguing that he was not entitled to trial in civilian courts, had him transferred to a military prison. Padilla was held for three and a half years as an "enemy combatant." He alleged that he was subjected to what were calledenhanced interrogation techniques. After pressure from civil liberties groups, the charge was dropped, and his case was moved to a civilian court.

he was arrested, and then held as an enemy combatant. Then civil groups, as is their right pressured to have him tried as a civilian, which he was, and of which he was convicted.

Yeah, remember you mentioned that whole due process thingy? Yeah, didnt happen...unless a 3 year wait is what you meant.

actually the process started much earlier than that.

again, from wikipedia.

Because Padilla was being detained without any criminal charges being formally made against him, he, through his lawyer, made a petition for a writ of habeas corpus to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, naming then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld as the respondent to this petition. The government filed a motion to dismiss the petition on the grounds that

  1. Padilla's lawyer was not a proper "next Friend" to sign and file the petition on Padilla's behalf.
  2. Commander Marr of the South Carolina brig, and not U.S. Secretary Rumsfeld, should have been named as the respondent to the petition.
  3. The New York court lacked personal jurisdiction over the named respondent Secretary Rumsfeld who resides in Virginia.
The New York District Court disagreed with the government's arguments and denied its motion. However, the court declared that President Bush had constitutional and statutory authority to designate and detain American citizens as "enemy combatants." It held that Padilla had the right to challenge his "enemy combatant" designation and detention in the course of his habeas corpus petition, although immediate release was denied. Both Padilla and the government made an interlocutory appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.
Regardless, the NRA is correct on the issue, you cannot deny due to suspicions, Thank me later for informing you what you obviously didn't know.

Yeah, So when they put suspected terrorist in jail do they let them keep their guns then lol

You are either arrested and in jail, or convicted and in PRISON, in those two cases, you have been brought in front of a judge, and either arraigned, or convicted. In both cases you have gotten due process, and the government can restrict your access to weapons as per local laws.

GITMO is saying "hey what am I chopped liver?"

There are American citizens at GITMO? Name one

No but there was one in the US

Jose Padilla.

The Democrat (Ideological Leftist) Jose Padilla was not sent to Gitmo. You're likely conflating his claims of torture with Gitmo. But the debriefing techniques he defined as torture were implemented when he was in the brig, after his arrest for attempting to make a nuclear "Dirty Bomb"... so as to murder and seriously injure as many US Citizens as possible. He of course SHOULD have gone to Gitmo and should remain there for the rest of his natural life.
Regardless, the NRA is correct on the issue, you cannot deny due to suspicions, Thank me later for informing you what you obviously didn't know.

Yeah, So when they put suspected terrorist in jail do they let them keep their guns then lol

You are either arrested and in jail, or convicted and in PRISON, in those two cases, you have been brought in front of a judge, and either arraigned, or convicted. In both cases you have gotten due process, and the government can restrict your access to weapons as per local laws.

GITMO is saying "hey what am I chopped liver?"

There are American citizens at GITMO? Name one

No but there was one in the US

Jose Padilla.

He was convicted and is serving time, no gun for him :)
Evidently nobody has taken the time to read the bill.

Break it down for us Lass:eusa_think:

You should have read it before whining about it, the bill calls for someone being "suspected" of terrorist ties to be denied gun ownership, you can't deny someone ownership over suspicions. Any first year law student knows that. The bill has promise but needs to be reworded. It would be the same as someone being "suspected" of domestic violence and being denied, you can't do that

But it's okay to deny asylum to 3 year olds from Syria because you 'suspect' they might grow up to be a terrorist.

Goddam! you people are fucked in the head.

That three year old did not come to America by himself.
Goddan! You are fucked in the head.
Evidently nobody has taken the time to read the bill.

Break it down for us Lass:eusa_think:

You should have read it before whining about it, the bill calls for someone being "suspected" of terrorist ties to be denied gun ownership, you can't deny someone ownership over suspicions. Any first year law student knows that. The bill has promise but needs to be reworded. It would be the same as someone being "suspected" of domestic violence and being denied, you can't do that

But it's okay to deny asylum to 3 year olds from Syria because you 'suspect' they might grow up to be a terrorist.

Goddam! you people are fucked in the head.

That three year old did not come to America by himself.
Goddan! You are fucked in the head.

LOL If that 3 y/o can come to America and function all by it's lonesome, go for it
You are either arrested and in jail, or convicted and in PRISON, in those two cases, you have been brought in front of a judge, and either arraigned, or convicted. In both cases you have gotten due process, and the government can restrict your access to weapons as per local laws.

GITMO is saying "hey what am I chopped liver?"

There are American citizens at GITMO? Name one

No but there was one in the US

Jose Padilla.

From wikipedia:

Padilla was arrested in Chicago on May 8, 2002, on suspicion of plotting a radiological bomb ("dirty bomb") attack. He was detained as a material witness until June 9, 2002, when PresidentGeorge W. Bush designated him an enemy combatant and, arguing that he was not entitled to trial in civilian courts, had him transferred to a military prison. Padilla was held for three and a half years as an "enemy combatant." He alleged that he was subjected to what were calledenhanced interrogation techniques. After pressure from civil liberties groups, the charge was dropped, and his case was moved to a civilian court.

he was arrested, and then held as an enemy combatant. Then civil groups, as is their right pressured to have him tried as a civilian, which he was, and of which he was convicted.

Yeah, remember you mentioned that whole due process thingy? Yeah, didnt happen...unless a 3 year wait is what you meant.

Some processes take longer than others, in the end he was convicted...and rightfully so
Yeah, So when they put suspected terrorist in jail do they let them keep their guns then lol

You are either arrested and in jail, or convicted and in PRISON, in those two cases, you have been brought in front of a judge, and either arraigned, or convicted. In both cases you have gotten due process, and the government can restrict your access to weapons as per local laws.

GITMO is saying "hey what am I chopped liver?"

There are American citizens at GITMO? Name one

No but there was one in the US

Jose Padilla.

The Democrat (Ideological Leftist) Jose Padilla was not sent to Gitmo.

Thats what I said, Is there a echo in here?

You're likely conflating his claims of torture with Gitmo.

No, that would be you. I clearly said he was NOT in GITMO. Hence the words "In the US"

New York City tabloid is continuing its battle with the National Rifle Association, calling NRA honcho Wayne LaPierre “Jihadi Wayne” on the cover of Monday morning’s edition for opposing sensible gun laws that could prevent terrorists from purchasing high-powered weapons.

The New York Daily News screaming headline “Nowhere To Hide, Jihadhi Wayne” on Monday morning comes on the heels of a similar headline last Wednesday reading: “NRA’s Sick Jihad.”

At issue is the NRA using their overwhelming influence with lawmakers to block a law that would ban anyone on the terrorist watch list from purchasing a gun.

The bill, known as the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act, was proposed in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris that left 129 people in Paris dead and hundreds more injured. Gun control advocates say that a legal loophole allows suspects on the terrorist watch list to purchase guns while the same list prevents them from flying on U.S. airlines.

The bill was originally proposed in 2007, but has been blocked by conservative lawmakers who are heavily backed by the NRA.

According GOP House member and bill co-sponsor Rep. Peter King of Long Island, the NRA is opposed to any bills that might stop anyone from purchasing a gun.

“Anything which they feel restricts the use or the ability to retain a gun they’re opposed to,” King said.

I hate the NY Post for their "Click Bait" styled titles but they have a point

Ok, so take them to court, show probable cause and let a judge take away their rights. That's the way OUR SYSTEM WORKS! No need for a new law, that can be done right now.
Wow the paranoid conservatives who want to deny refugees the ability to come here want terrorists to have guns.

Which makes all their whining and crying about terrorists nothing but a bunch of garbage lies.

They once again show their hate for America and desire for Americans to be murdered by terrorists.

None of them are true Americans who love our nation and constitution. Anyone who wants a terrorist to legally get a weapon here in America is no real American and is actually an enemy of our nation.
‘Nowhere to hide, Jihadi Wayne’: NY Daily News declares war on the NRA for blocking terrorist gun law

NRA = NAMBLA of the 2nd Amendment.

These really are filthy, disgusting people--the NRA spokespersons etc. The membership of the NRA supports banning guns for Terrorists in U.S. but this would cut into profits so... the NRA says no--Terrorists get guns.

New York City tabloid is continuing its battle with the National Rifle Association, calling NRA honcho Wayne LaPierre “Jihadi Wayne” on the cover of Monday morning’s edition for opposing sensible gun laws that could prevent terrorists from purchasing high-powered weapons.

The New York Daily News screaming headline “Nowhere To Hide, Jihadhi Wayne” on Monday morning comes on the heels of a similar headline last Wednesday reading: “NRA’s Sick Jihad.”

Wow the paranoid conservatives who want to deny refugees the ability to come here want terrorists to have guns.

Which makes all their whining and crying about terrorists nothing but a bunch of garbage lies.

They once again show their hate for America and desire for Americans to be murdered by terrorists.

None of them are true Americans who love our nation and constitution. Anyone who wants a terrorist to legally get a weapon here in America is no real American and is actually an enemy of our nation.

So your post is an example of the critical thinking skills learned in today's public system?

Oy vey ...

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