NY Times Admits the Hunter Biden Emails from his Laptop are Real

So we never heard about the media stories that Fox told you all about? You're an idiot lol. Yes we know he took his brother's death hard. Now Fuque yourself....Change the channel, hater dupe.

What stories you're talking about? And what makes you think I watch Fox?

I don't have a cable for over two years now, since I don't see a point financing networks I don't watch.
IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!! With no evidence except Murdoch/internet/Trump/Putin "pundits" repeating bs endlessly. CHANGE THE GD CHANNEL super dupe.....

Hillary, is that you?

What media do you tune into?
Lately none, I’ll jump on here see what issues people are talking about and then research individual topics from a variety of sources. During the Trump circus I would bounce around between the network news stations mostly Fox and CNN, but I watched those like I was watching reality TV. They were all just stirring up drama and it was entertaining but not serious
Even hunter didnt deny it was his laptop.
YOU cultists were the one that was denying it.
Like good little lackeys.
Fucking shit stains.
Lately none, I’ll jump on here see what issues people are talking about and then research individual topics from a variety of sources. During the Trump circus I would bounce around between the network news stations mostly Fox and CNN, but I watched those like I was watching reality TV. They were all just stirring up drama and it was entertaining but not serious
You are a fucking Moon Bat moron so it doesn't matter where you get your news from you will always be low information
Lately none, I’ll jump on here see what issues people are talking about and then research individual topics from a variety of sources. During the Trump circus I would bounce around between the network news stations mostly Fox and CNN, but I watched those like I was watching reality TV. They were all just stirring up drama and it was entertaining but not serious


Listen to the most recent Ben Shapiro Sunday convo. He speaks with Bill Maher. It’s good.
The only lies are coming from you leftist scum.

In October of 2020, the New York Post broke the Hunter's laptop story and they were promptly being blacked out from the internet with the type of censorship typically reserved for porn. Soon thereafter conga line was formed with everyone from Joe Biden, to MSM, parroting the same script that Hunter's laptop was "Russian misinformation", and even intel community said so.

Even if you voted for Joe Biden, and think that Hunter Biden is second coming of Van Gogh, does this type of brazen censorship bothers you, as an American? You may say "hey, when it comes to Trump, burn the boat, whatever it takes to get this guy out of office", and that's fine... but you should know, if you sitting around today totally unfazed by partisan censorship, you're not allowed to wear your Ukraine pin and tell us all about democracy, freedom and sovereignty, because clearly, you don't believe in any of those.
My point is and always has been, every outlet has babbled about this got 18 months and not one has every proved he did anything illegal. Got that? What has he done wrong?

If this is the same laptop as before the election, why have charges not been laid? Its that simple.

Now you grab a unsupported piece by an opposition left wing rag and run with it as if it is gospel but still no evidence. How bloody desperate and hypocritical are you people? Youre all chortling with glee you have the info that will destroy the Biden dynasty.
Grow up.
Even hunter didnt deny it was his laptop.
YOU cultists were the one that was denying it.
Like good little lackeys.
Fucking shit stains.
Some people want more than wild charges lol. You finally got one right lol. It IS his lol. And the NYT says it helps his case greatly.
Laptop from Hell!

The media lying their asses off!

That's what the media today does non stop! SHAME on the fake news media!:mad:
My point is and always has been, every outlet has babbled about this got 18 months and not one has every proved he did anything illegal. Got that? What has he done wrong?

Except, it didn't. Every MSM outlet marked story about Hunter's laptop as Russian disinformation. New York Times first, followed by everyone else. In second presidential debate, Joe Biden himself, labeled is as Russian misinformation, and you can see it in video provided above.

If this is the same laptop as before the election, why have charges not been laid? Its that simple.

There is no "if". This is the same laptop, and New York Times confirmed it 18 months after they denied it. But you know what also happened in those 18 months? The shop owner who revealed the story was targeted by DOJ, and by IRS, they have driven him into bankruptcy. The paper that originally published the story, The New York Post, was banned from Twitter and other social media, along with everyone who dared to talk about the laptop.

Now you grab a unsupported piece by an opposition left wing rag and run with it as if it is gospel but still no evidence. How bloody desperate and hypocritical are you people? Youre all chortling with glee you have the info that will destroy the Biden dynasty.
Grow up.

The piece you call "unsupported" was supported by everyone leftist outlet, and every leftist on this board, since it became public. Now, 18 months later, when story changed, it's suddenly unsupported, because it proves that lies told were lies, and what scum you all are.

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