NY Times "All The News that's Fit To Print"...NOT


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
TWA Flight 800: 16 Years and Still No Questions

Of the 270 eyewitnesses who told the FBI they saw what looked like a missile strike on TWA Flight 800, the Times would interview exactly none. Fearing perhaps the loss of their privileged status and trusting the FBI more than they should have, the Times people followed the FBI lead. The other media, some grudgingly, followed the Times."


Depends on their definition of "fit to print."

"To control the information flow, the White House hit upon a strategy that dazzled in its simplicity and in its sheer nerve. The Clintons' trusted point person, Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, took the investigation away from the professionals in the National Transportation Safety Board and gave it to the amateurs of the FBI. There was one reason why. The FBI reported to Gorelick. The NTSB did not.

This was illegal, of course, but the media had a president to re-elect soon enough, and they were not about to scruple over details. The second part of the strategy was as simple as the first. The FBI would talk only to The New York Times. This essentially made the Times Gorelick's Ministry of Truth.

Fearing perhaps the loss of their privileged status and trusting the FBI more than they should have, the Times people followed the FBI lead.

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