NY Times Claims Obama Lied Only 18 Times During His 8 Year Presidency

Ooooh a graph! It looks so sciencey, it must be true then...


1,366 well sourced examples of Barack Obama’s lies, lawbreaking, corruption, etc.

Graph denier!

Oh the shame!
Even if he told even 6 lies, they would be far worse than the silly lies and deflection that Trump uses. Trump says silly things to get his competition off balance such as Cruz when he suggested his dad was involved with JFK. Cruz didn't even go off too hard on it because he KNEW he was playing into Trumps hands (Cruz is no choir boy in this regard you can be sure).

Consider these doozies:

"this is a red line for America, if it is crossed we will act"
"you can keep your existing doctor"
"the Iran deal makes us safer and more secure".

Hell, these three alone are massively more damaging than Trumps.

None of those are lies
At best, they are predictions of future events that did not come true

Trump lies continually and blatantly. He lies about accepted facts and sells conspiracy theories as truth

Progressives never lie, they just enhance the truthiness.
If Obama told so many lies, why have the ODS'ers always had to resort to only citing the keep your plan lie whenever the subject of lies comes up?
Even if he told even 6 lies, they would be far worse than the silly lies and deflection that Trump uses. Trump says silly things to get his competition off balance such as Cruz when he suggested his dad was involved with JFK. Cruz didn't even go off too hard on it because he KNEW he was playing into Trumps hands (Cruz is no choir boy in this regard you can be sure).

Consider these doozies:

"this is a red line for America, if it is crossed we will act"
"you can keep your existing doctor"
"the Iran deal makes us safer and more secure".

Hell, these three alone are massively more damaging than Trumps.
"this is a red line for America, if it is crossed we will act"
Obama did act, he bent over and took it up the ass...
Using a narrow set of criteria, the Times reduced Trump's lies from a thousand or so, to a hundred.
you can always ask yourself how many of Obamas staff members got indicted by a Grand Jury for lying

you can always ask yourself how many of Obamas staff members got indicted by a Grand Jury for lying


I can always ask myself how many members of Obama's administration should have been indicted by a Grand Jury, and would have been if the DOJ wasn't owned by the Democrats. And the IRS, State Dept, and many other federal agencies.
WTF? Obama lied more than 18 times during a single election just on the if you like your doctor and plan you can keep them BS.
'NY Times Claims Obama Lied Only 18 Times During His 8 Year Presidency'

Obama lied 18 times about his 'Stimulus Bill' alone....


I got a secret to tell you.

Obama's gone!

No, really. See for yourself!

We have a much bigger liar, a much more corrupt piece of shit, in office now.
MAYBE, like Comey said of Hillary, Obama was just too stupid to know he was doing it...so they really didn't count as lies?! :p
MAYBE, like Comey said of Hillary, Obama was just too stupid to know he was doing it...so they really didn't count as lies?! :p

He knew, just like Hillary did that they were lying. Neither one cared, for them it's not about what's right or wrong, it's about getting caught or convicted. As long as you destroy the evidence then it's just a matter of politics. For them it's only wrong if it doesn't work.

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