NY Times: Donald Trump Will Be Our Best President

Dateline 1984.

Our best president? You are demonstrating clearly what "Fake News" means.
He already is the best one since 100 years.

If he wants to reach true greatness, "BUILD THAT WALL!".
If you take away the emotional impact of Hillary losing the election what's not to like about the Trump administration? President Trump handled two disasterous hurricanes last year and the attempted assassination of an entire Republican baseball team. The GDP at 4.1, the DOW at around 25,000, unemployment not just at a record low but an historic low, the North Koreans engaging in negotiations and sending the remains of Americans home after Harry Truman abandoned them 65 years ago and illegal entry into the U.S. down about 80%
If you take away the emotional impact of Hillary losing the election what's not to like about the Trump administration? President Trump handled two disasterous hurricanes last year and the attempted assassination of an entire Republican baseball team. The GDP at 4.1, the DOW at around 25,000, unemployment not just at a record low but an historic low, the North Koreans engaging in negotiations and sending the remains of Americans home after Harry Truman abandoned them 65 years ago and illegal entry into the U.S. down about 80%
Let's subtract the election, it's "emotional" impact and the rants of Trump before a vote was cast that the election was rigged. Let's set aside all that andconsider The out of the gate lies about his inaugural crowds. Let's consider the Flynn appointment and subsequent firing. Let's consider the politic behind the Comey firing. Let's consider Trump's equivocation about Charlottesville. Let's consider the corruption of Pruitt, Carson, Vinke and deVos. Let's consider the removal of healthcare for millions of Americans. Let's consider the impact of the zero tolerance immigration policy. And let's consider the Mueller probe, obstruction of that probe and the obsequious policy toward Russia. Let's consider the fact that Teump imposed tariffs on Canada due to strategic threats from Canada.

Let's consider Trump's peccadilloes and his shady practices of paying off women to silence them. Let's consider the name calling, the falsity of fake news and his further attacks on private citizens from Gold Star families to the physically disabled.

Now answer your question. What's not to like about Trump? I see plenty.
Now answer your question. What's not to like about Trump? I see plenty.

You missed the essence of the question. What's not to like about Trump's policies?

I support at least 90% of what President Trump is doing or trying to do. That's good enough for me. MAGA
Now answer your question. What's not to like about Trump? I see plenty.

You missed the essence of the question. What's not to like about Trump's policies?

I support at least 90% of what President Trump is doing or trying to do. That's good enough for me. MAGA
I clearly pointed out the Charlottesville equivocation, the impact of zero tolerance immigration, his denial of healthcare to Americans and his attitude toward Putin. I failed to mention his impact on environmental policy that directly effects the health and safety of American citizens and their property.

I wonder how his comportment weighs in the balance?
If you take away the emotional impact of Hillary losing the election what's not to like about the Trump administration? President Trump handled two disasterous hurricanes last year and the attempted assassination of an entire Republican baseball team. The GDP at 4.1, the DOW at around 25,000, unemployment not just at a record low but an historic low, the North Koreans engaging in negotiations and sending the remains of Americans home after Harry Truman abandoned them 65 years ago and illegal entry into the U.S. down about 80%
Let's subtract the election, it's "emotional" impact and the rants of Trump before a vote was cast that the election was rigged. Let's set aside all that andconsider The out of the gate lies about his inaugural crowds. Let's consider the Flynn appointment and subsequent firing. Let's consider the politic behind the Comey firing. Let's consider Trump's equivocation about Charlottesville. Let's consider the corruption of Pruitt, Carson, Vinke and deVos. Let's consider the removal of healthcare for millions of Americans. Let's consider the impact of the zero tolerance immigration policy. And let's consider the Mueller probe, obstruction of that probe and the obsequious policy toward Russia. Let's consider the fact that Teump imposed tariffs on Canada due to strategic threats from Canada.

Let's consider Trump's peccadilloes and his shady practices of paying off women to silence them. Let's consider the name calling, the falsity of fake news and his further attacks on private citizens from Gold Star families to the physically disabled.

Now answer your question. What's not to like about Trump? I see plenty.
The question should be rephrased. What's American values Constitution loving Americans not to like about Trump?
Now answer your question. What's not to like about Trump? I see plenty.

You missed the essence of the question. What's not to like about Trump's policies?

I support at least 90% of what President Trump is doing or trying to do. That's good enough for me. MAGA
I clearly pointed out the Charlottesville equivocation, the impact of zero tolerance immigration, his denial of healthcare to Americans and his attitude toward Putin. I failed to mention his impact on environmental policy that directly effects the health and safety of American citizens and their property.

I wonder how his comportment weighs in the balance?
Charlottesville, the anti free speach event?
No healthcare to Americans? Why do illegals get healthcare?
Love of Putin? Like Obama letting Putin annex two regions without a peep, disbanded our 2nd fleet to let the Russian Navy rule the North Atlantic (which Trump reversed)?
If you take away the emotional impact of Hillary losing the election what's not to like about the Trump administration? President Trump handled two disasterous hurricanes last year and the attempted assassination of an entire Republican baseball team. The GDP at 4.1, the DOW at around 25,000, unemployment not just at a record low but an historic low, the North Koreans engaging in negotiations and sending the remains of Americans home after Harry Truman abandoned them 65 years ago and illegal entry into the U.S. down about 80%
Let's subtract the election, it's "emotional" impact and the rants of Trump before a vote was cast that the election was rigged. Let's set aside all that andconsider The out of the gate lies about his inaugural crowds. Let's consider the Flynn appointment and subsequent firing. Let's consider the politic behind the Comey firing. Let's consider Trump's equivocation about Charlottesville. Let's consider the corruption of Pruitt, Carson, Vinke and deVos. Let's consider the removal of healthcare for millions of Americans. Let's consider the impact of the zero tolerance immigration policy. And let's consider the Mueller probe, obstruction of that probe and the obsequious policy toward Russia. Let's consider the fact that Teump imposed tariffs on Canada due to strategic threats from Canada.

Let's consider Trump's peccadilloes and his shady practices of paying off women to silence them. Let's consider the name calling, the falsity of fake news and his further attacks on private citizens from Gold Star families to the physically disabled.

Now answer your question. What's not to like about Trump? I see plenty.

You can say that about ANY President back to, and Including, our Greatest President (and perhaps the greatest Human) of all time. George Washington.

JFK was boinking anything that moved, LBJ was a War Profiteer, Clinton is a proven rapist, obama is a fag, a liar, a shadow muslim and a hater of America.

Trump has his problems, that is certain.

But I don't look for personal excellence in a man or a woman when I ask them to do a job for me.

I don't hire a person because of his or her looks, I don't ask into the marital background of my Accountant or my Doctor.

And I don't care about Trump's. Or, frankly, even obama's or Ubercunt's.

I care about the job I hired them to do and whetheer they can do it.

dimocrap scum got shit. You got nothing, not even a dick to hold in your hand.

Trump is doing his job.

You don't like it? Try nominating a less abhorrent candidate next time
If you take away the emotional impact of Hillary losing the election what's not to like about the Trump administration? President Trump handled two disasterous hurricanes last year and the attempted assassination of an entire Republican baseball team. The GDP at 4.1, the DOW at around 25,000, unemployment not just at a record low but an historic low, the North Koreans engaging in negotiations and sending the remains of Americans home after Harry Truman abandoned them 65 years ago and illegal entry into the U.S. down about 80%
Let's subtract the election, it's "emotional" impact and the rants of Trump before a vote was cast that the election was rigged. Let's set aside all that andconsider The out of the gate lies about his inaugural crowds. Let's consider the Flynn appointment and subsequent firing. Let's consider the politic behind the Comey firing. Let's consider Trump's equivocation about Charlottesville. Let's consider the corruption of Pruitt, Carson, Vinke and deVos. Let's consider the removal of healthcare for millions of Americans. Let's consider the impact of the zero tolerance immigration policy. And let's consider the Mueller probe, obstruction of that probe and the obsequious policy toward Russia. Let's consider the fact that Teump imposed tariffs on Canada due to strategic threats from Canada.

Let's consider Trump's peccadilloes and his shady practices of paying off women to silence them. Let's consider the name calling, the falsity of fake news and his further attacks on private citizens from Gold Star families to the physically disabled.

Now answer your question. What's not to like about Trump? I see plenty.
The question should be rephrased. What's American values Constitution loving Americans not to like about Trump?
Are you clumsily trying to frame me as an anti-American values constitutionally loving American? Or are you trying to claim constitutionally loving American values as an exclusive Provence of a Trumpian? Either way, you've failed.

I've outlined Trump policies that are shameful. If you want to defend those polices, go ahead. But don't use some ham handed equivocation to marginalized me. I reject that inept premise.
Now answer your question. What's not to like about Trump? I see plenty.

You missed the essence of the question. What's not to like about Trump's policies?

I support at least 90% of what President Trump is doing or trying to do. That's good enough for me. MAGA
I clearly pointed out the Charlottesville equivocation, the impact of zero tolerance immigration, his denial of healthcare to Americans and his attitude toward Putin. I failed to mention his impact on environmental policy that directly effects the health and safety of American citizens and their property.

I wonder how his comportment weighs in the balance?
Charlottesville, the anti free speach event?
No healthcare to Americans? Why do illegals get healthcare?
Love of Putin? Like Obama letting Putin annex two regions without a peep, disbanded our 2nd fleet to let the Russian Navy rule the North Atlantic (which Trump reversed)?
Charlottesville was a chance for Trump to cast racists aside. Rather, he embraced them. "Good people".

He tried to take health care from Americans. You cannot run and hide under your xenophobic blanket and whine about immigrants.

And standing on foreign soil and side by side with the Russian dictator, Trump sided with him over his own intel community. Tell me why that isn't treason.
All the news that's fit to print.


They've known for awhile.
Yet, somehow, everyonme at this sports function was drawn to Donald Trump, the 37-year-old owner of the New Jersey Generals, a franchise in the upstart United States Football League.

Here is to hoping that Don the Con doesn't manage the United States as well a he managed the New Jersey Generals.
If you take away the emotional impact of Hillary losing the election what's not to like about the Trump administration? President Trump handled two disasterous hurricanes last year and the attempted assassination of an entire Republican baseball team. The GDP at 4.1, the DOW at around 25,000, unemployment not just at a record low but an historic low, the North Koreans engaging in negotiations and sending the remains of Americans home after Harry Truman abandoned them 65 years ago and illegal entry into the U.S. down about 80%
Let's subtract the election, it's "emotional" impact and the rants of Trump before a vote was cast that the election was rigged. Let's set aside all that andconsider The out of the gate lies about his inaugural crowds. Let's consider the Flynn appointment and subsequent firing. Let's consider the politic behind the Comey firing. Let's consider Trump's equivocation about Charlottesville. Let's consider the corruption of Pruitt, Carson, Vinke and deVos. Let's consider the removal of healthcare for millions of Americans. Let's consider the impact of the zero tolerance immigration policy. And let's consider the Mueller probe, obstruction of that probe and the obsequious policy toward Russia. Let's consider the fact that Teump imposed tariffs on Canada due to strategic threats from Canada.

Let's consider Trump's peccadilloes and his shady practices of paying off women to silence them. Let's consider the name calling, the falsity of fake news and his further attacks on private citizens from Gold Star families to the physically disabled.

Now answer your question. What's not to like about Trump? I see plenty.

You can say that about ANY President back to, and Including, our Greatest President (and perhaps the greatest Human) of all time. George Washington.

JFK was boinking anything that moved, LBJ was a War Profiteer, Clinton is a proven rapist, obama is a fag, a liar, a shadow muslim and a hater of America.

Trump has his problems, that is certain.

But I don't look for personal excellence in a man or a woman when I ask them to do a job for me.

I don't hire a person because of his or her looks, I don't ask into the marital background of my Accountant or my Doctor.

And I don't care about Trump's. Or, frankly, even obama's or Ubercunt's.

I care about the job I hired them to do and whetheer they can do it.

dimocrap scum got shit. You got nothing, not even a dick to hold in your hand.

Trump is doing his job.

You don't like it? Try nominating a less abhorrent candidate next time

Spoken like a true Trumpkin.

If Don the Con was handing our nuclear codes to Putin you would be applauding his unique approach to national security.
If you take away the emotional impact of Hillary losing the election what's not to like about the Trump administration? President Trump handled two disasterous hurricanes last year and the attempted assassination of an entire Republican baseball team. The GDP at 4.1, the DOW at around 25,000, unemployment not just at a record low but an historic low, the North Koreans engaging in negotiations and sending the remains of Americans home after Harry Truman abandoned them 65 years ago and illegal entry into the U.S. down about 80%
Let's subtract the election, it's "emotional" impact and the rants of Trump before a vote was cast that the election was rigged. Let's set aside all that andconsider The out of the gate lies about his inaugural crowds. Let's consider the Flynn appointment and subsequent firing. Let's consider the politic behind the Comey firing. Let's consider Trump's equivocation about Charlottesville. Let's consider the corruption of Pruitt, Carson, Vinke and deVos. Let's consider the removal of healthcare for millions of Americans. Let's consider the impact of the zero tolerance immigration policy. And let's consider the Mueller probe, obstruction of that probe and the obsequious policy toward Russia. Let's consider the fact that Teump imposed tariffs on Canada due to strategic threats from Canada.

Let's consider Trump's peccadilloes and his shady practices of paying off women to silence them. Let's consider the name calling, the falsity of fake news and his further attacks on private citizens from Gold Star families to the physically disabled.

Now answer your question. What's not to like about Trump? I see plenty.

You can say that about ANY President back to, and Including, our Greatest President (and perhaps the greatest Human) of all time. George Washington.

JFK was boinking anything that moved, LBJ was a War Profiteer, Clinton is a proven rapist, obama is a fag, a liar, a shadow muslim and a hater of America.

Trump has his problems, that is certain.

But I don't look for personal excellence in a man or a woman when I ask them to do a job for me.

I don't hire a person because of his or her looks, I don't ask into the marital background of my Accountant or my Doctor.

And I don't care about Trump's. Or, frankly, even obama's or Ubercunt's.

I care about the job I hired them to do and whetheer they can do it.

dimocrap scum got shit. You got nothing, not even a dick to hold in your hand.

Trump is doing his job.

You don't like it? Try nominating a less abhorrent candidate next time

Spoken like a true Trumpkin.

If Don the Con was handing our nuclear codes to Putin you would be applauding his unique approach to national security.
so what is it when you just hand them uranium?
All the news that's fit to print.


They've known for awhile.
That's an article extolling Trump's USFL.

The USFL crashed and burned.

It also mentions Trump's marriage to Ivana.

Trump's marriage crashed and burned.

It also mentions Trump Plaza Casino.

The Trump Plaza Casino crashed and burned.

Trump has a poisonous touch.


Oh whatthefuckever. The USFL failed because of a variety of reasons, including the NFL hampering them on stadium use. As for his marriage, whatever, he's not the first man to get divorced, multiple times. Trump Plaza Casinos failed like many properties in AC.

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