Zone1 NY State's politically selectively prosecution of Trump?

Yes, we all understand that Trump was charged for writing a check and recording the check in the ledger which is not fraud of any sort.
34 felony convictions inform everyone to the contrary.

He also stated that he never met Stormy Daniels. Yet she described his small hands.
WW, if you do not have to make it look political, why are you bringing politics into the discussion?

I never said the GOP Commissioners rejecting the recommendation of their professional investigators wasn't political.

One count, one action, turned into 34 individual crimes? I am really surprised that they did not charge Trump with a crime for every single letter that Trump wrote on the perfectly legal, non-fraudulent checks and ledgers.

Why have no other criminals convicted of Fraud where there was an individual charge for each check written and the ledger that recorded the check. NONE!

So us a favor.

Write a known bad check at 7-11 once a month for 34 months. Let us know if the charges are 1 count of check fraud or 34 counts of check fraud.

Yes, we all understand that Trump was charged for writing a check and recording the check in the ledger which is not fraud of any sort.

Yes, we understand you misstate the charges and conviction.

Trump was convicted for felonious business record falsification due to the conspiracy to us the falsification to air in or conceal another crime (Cohen's). As such the conspiracy included the submission of false invoices for a retainer that didn't exist for work that wasn't performed resulting in checks being generated and then entered into business ledgers.
And here is the funny part. If Trump had simply taken the money out of his personal account, obtained a certified check (or did a direct wire transfer) and * * NOT * * attempted to launder the money through his business entity and just paid the money directly...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... He wouldn't be a felon today because he couldn't have violated business law if he hadn't laundered the money through his business.

As someone once said, it's not the crime that will get'cha, it's the coverup. A lesson Nixon learned the hard way.


Yes, we understand you misstate the charges and conviction.

Trump was convicted for felonious business record falsification due to the conspiracy to us the falsification to air in or conceal another crime (Cohen's). As such the conspiracy included the submission of false invoices for a retainer that didn't exist for work that wasn't performed resulting in checks being generated and then entered into business ledgers.
Yet, the documents you presented do not state that in any way.
There is also no charge of conspiracy.
There are no false invoices entered as evidence.

Now that you were proven wrong on the comments you stated earlier you come up with a new story.

spin away, spin away
How were the checks, fraudulent

They were generated as part of a conspiracy to falsify business records in a felonious manner to aid in and conceal the commission of another crime and the launder said payments through a business entity based on fraudulent invoices for a retainer that didn't exist and for work not performed.

Fraudulent not meaning the checks bounded, but fraudulent meaning the checks where to cover illegal activity.

Yup, they cashed to Stormy and landed him a convict.

Point taken.

Not quite.

Cohen paid Daniels the money out of his own pocket as part of campiagn fraud.

The checks cut through the Trump Organization as part of the conspiracy went to Cohen, not Daniels.

Not quite.

Cohen paid Daniels the money out of his own pocket as part of campiagn fraud.

The checks cut through the Trump Organization as part of the conspiracy went to Cohen, not Daniels.

Yup, as the trial showed for Cohen to pay the deed.

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