Zone1 NY State's politically selectively prosecution of Trump?

Your opinion is of no relevance. You stated a crime was proven, it has not been proven. Any crime that you think Trump committed, must be proven. To claim that because Cohen pleaded guilty hence that proves that Trump was guilty of the alleged crime denies Trump of due process.
34 convictions inform everyone on his guilty status.
Only in Marxist regimes
Thats very funny since Karl Marx never had a regime.
You just got carried away with yourself and posted a very silly response to my post.
Supposn, I do not have your luxury of making posts out of ignorance and no legal experience. I base my posts on facts, nothing more.

If you think it is silly to point out how the trial resembles trials during the period of Marxist Russia, again that is because of your ignorance. There are great books that one must read in order not to be ignorant of what I speak.

It is troubling that I must deal with people who are close minded and simply believe because that is what you heard on TV.

One day, you will realize the wisdom in which I post my facts with. My wisdom comes from experience. not the good kind of experience.

Listening to you, is very troubling, because you believe the courts are perfect. Except of course when you disagree like the Roe/Dobbs decision.

Yes, very troubling to see people polishing the jack boots of judges and politicians.

Your opinion is of no relevance. You stated a crime was proven, it has not been proven. Any crime that you think Trump committed, must be proven. To claim that because Cohen pleaded guilty hence that proves that Trump was guilty of the alleged crime denies Trump of due process.
Elektra, in my layman's legal opinion, the accusation of NY State in this case having politically selectively prosecuted Trump is not without some merit but if any portion of the trial or verdict is overturned, It would likely be based upon the drafting of the indictment or the judge's instructions to the jury. That would be due to the state's district attorney's office, or the presiding judge's faults. They're professionally held accountable for their work and I'm presuming their work's legally correct. Respectfully Supposn
Elektra, in my layman's legal opinion, the accusation of NY State in this case having politically selectively prosecuted Trump is not without some merit but if any portion of the trial or verdict is overturned, It would likely be based upon the drafting of the indictment or the judge's instructions to the jury. That would be due to the state's district attorney's office, or the presiding judge's faults. They're professionally held accountable for their work and I'm presuming their work's legally correct. Respectfully Supposn
Bragg stretched the law like a rubber band. Everyone knows it.
Bragg stretched the law like a rubber band. Everyone knows it.
Elektra, we can't further discuss anyone's faults unless we're more specific. What specific fault do you attribute to District Attorney Bragg? Respectfully, Supposn
Elektra, we can't further discuss anyone's faults unless we're more specific. What specific fault do you attribute to District Attorney Bragg? Respectfully, Supposn
We saw it all on display last night. Everything the Democrats do and tell us are lies. Democrats are willing to use a man suffering from Dementia, the late stages of Dementia. Telling us, "no, no, no, he has a cold." Democrats are willing to use and lie about the health of the president of the united states of america to retain power. And now we are to believe that democrats will not lie about someone they hate and loathe?

Democrats, totally exposed, pure lies and evil. Who uses a dying a man, who hides behind a man with dementia, who disrespects the office of the president of the united states of america by lying about if the president is fit for office. Democrats.

Now we are to believe that Democrats are not evil scumbag liars? We saw the lies exposed last night. Everything the Democrats have done that is associated with Trump is all lies.

Democrats, the tyrants of the world.
We saw it all on display last night. Everything the Democrats do and tell us are lies. ... We saw the lies exposed last night. Everything the Democrats have done that is associated with Trump is all lies.
Democrats, the tyrants of the world.
Elektra, I responded to your posted comment about District Attorney Bragg. Nowyou jump to last night's presidential debate. I'll respond regarding the debate in m y next E-mail.
You haven't yet responded to my question of what specific fault do you attribute to District Attorney Bragg?

I haven't been registered as a Democratic voter since 2010. But I never thought of myself, and do not now think of myself and all other Democrat voters and office holders as being tyrants. When you use hyperbolics such as that, your posts seem the reflect Trump's great paranoia.
We saw it all on display last night. Everything the Democrats do and tell us are lies. Democrats are willing to use a man suffering from Dementia, the late stages of Dementia. Telling us, "no, no, no, he has a cold." Democrats are willing to use and lie about the health of the president of the united states of america to retain power. And now we are to believe that democrats will not lie about someone they hate and loathe?

Democrats, totally exposed, pure lies and evil. Who uses a dying a man, who hides behind a man with dementia, who disrespects the office of the president of the united states of america by lying about if the president is fit for office. Democrats.

Now we are to believe that Democrats are not evil scumbag liars? We saw the lies exposed last night. Everything the Democrats have done that is associated with Trump is all lies.

Democrats, the tyrants of the world.
Elektra, what's pertinent is federal government's policies; what if any policies will the next administration try to instill and sustain, rather than to hinder, or terminate?

The next president's age and health is only a factor if we're concerned about the next vice president's willingness and ability to continue the next president's policies. The right candidate for the task may not survive to see the task completed, but nevertheless that's the right person for the job to be done. The character of the administration, it's integrity to uphold its promises and retain the confidence of other nation's governments are factors to consider.

Among the reasons I'm opposed to Trump is he personally has always, even when he was president, has sought and acted in his own interests with less regard for the best interests of our nation. I'm unconcerned about the sound of the candidate's voices.
Respectfully Supposn
We saw it all on display last night. Everything the Democrats do and tell us are lies. Democrats are willing to use a man suffering from Dementia, the late stages of Dementia. Telling us, "no, no, no, he has a cold." Democrats are willing to use and lie about the health of the president of the united states of america to retain power. And now we are to believe that democrats will not lie about someone they hate and loathe?

Democrats, totally exposed, pure lies and evil. Who uses a dying a man, who hides behind a man with dementia, who disrespects the office of the president of the united states of america by lying about if the president is fit for office. Democrats.

Now we are to believe that Democrats are not evil scumbag liars? We saw the lies exposed last night. Everything the Democrats have done that is associated with Trump is all lies.

Democrats, the tyrants of the world.

Elektra, we shouldn't choose a president based upon the candidate's eloquence. But I consider Trump's frequent hyperbolical adjectives to be a matter of concern.
When he speaks of groups agreeing with him, it's often in terms of “they all agree with me”, or “they all respect me”. In general, and particularly regarding political or other less factual and more subjective matters, there's seldom extreme degrees of concurrence among national governments', political parties, or even within the factions of a political party.

We're accustomed to many leaders' greater egos. But rather than just a lack of vocabulary, Trump's speeches indicate apparent self-delusion; the man that insists he fairly won the 2016 election, but the 2020 election was stolen from him, has lost, if he had any sense of reality.

If he isn't declared the 2024 winner, he's indicated a willingness to again urge his followers seditiously attack the U.S. Congress federal and attempt to overturn elections within the states. That's what I derive from his stating he'll accept a loss in2024 if he believes the election was fairly conducted. I doubt if he'll ever consider his loss as due to more voters favoring his opponent. Respectfully, Supposn
Among the reasons I'm opposed to Trump is he personally has always, even when he was president, has sought and acted in his own interests with less regard for the best interests of our nation. I'm unconcerned about the sound of the candidate's voices.
Respectfully Supposn
Last night the Democrats presented Biden as being mentally fit to be president of the USA. The Democrats are lying right to our faces as if we are complete idiots. Of course there are many that believe, all that is said.

Last night the Democrats gave us proof, that every negative issue involving Trump, is all lies.
supposn claims Trump act only for himself, we see that the Democrats are only acting to retain and gain power and wealth.
Last night the Democrats presented Biden as being mentally fit to be president of the USA. The Democrats are lying right to our faces as if we are complete idiots. Of course there are many that believe, all that is said.

Last night the Democrats gave us proof, that every negative issue involving Trump, is all lies.
supposn claims Trump act only for himself, we see that the Democrats are only acting to retain and gain power and wealth.
The only lying repeating himself was the felon.
Says the democrats who lied to the entire world last night by claiming Biden is mentally healthy when he is dying of Dementia.

The democrats are willing to use/abuse the old and dying, there is nothing more evil outside of murder and rape.

I saw the felon never answer a question and use the vocabulary of a third grader.

He set two course records on his golf course, so you know he can run fast…
Says the democrats who lied to the entire world last night by claiming Biden is mentally healthy when he is dying of Dementia.

The democrats are willing to use/abuse the old and dying, there is nothing more evil outside of murder and rape.
BTW Iwould vote for a cardboard cutout over that fat ass lying convict.

Who did have sex with a porn star just after his son was born.
... Democrats, totally exposed, pure lies and evil. Who uses a dying a man, who hides behind a man with dementia, who disrespects the office of the president of the united states of America by lying about if the president is fit for office. Democrats ... the tyrants of the world.

Elektra, a man who's devoted most of his life to public service is willing to work to an earlier grave for the benefit of his nation.
If Joseph Biden is re-elected, historians will likely honor him for denying an inferior opponent who once was president, the opportunity to do greater further damage to our nation. Respectfully, Supposn
Elektra, a man who's devoted most of his life to public service is willing to work to an earlier grave for the benefit of his nation.
If Joseph Biden is re-elected, historians will likely honor him for denying an inferior opponent who once was president, the opportunity to do greater further damage to our nation. Respectfully, Supposn
Democrats displayed that they are liars, presenting Biden as capable of being president.

The farce is over. Democrats are a disaster.

Biden devoted his life to himself, the easy way, as a lifelong politician.

You know nothing about Biden's career outside of a biased google search.

Biden, seriously, tells us all those times we were inspired by the man. Tell us his most inspiring senate accomishment.

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