NY Times says that Trump asked Comey to stop Flynn investigation. But why are all sources anonymous?

Really? You don't think there is anything inappropriate going on? You would have been cool with Obama doing this with Comey regarding the Clinton investigation?

If you objected to Bills meeting with Lynch you shouldn't be saying what you're saying right now. Makes you a complete hypocrite
bill and lynch met in secret in separate planes on a tarmac they thought no one could see.

where did trump and comey meet again? or are you saying they did the whole "hide in plain site" thing?
Oval Office, trump had the room cleared and is accused of tElling Comey to back off when they were one on one. You cool with that?

And no one has come out and said that excep for this secret memo Comey wrote. That's also a complete 180 from what I heard. I was under the impression Trump asked over dinner. Still, that's not to good for Comey because as an officer of the court and director of the FBI it was his suits to take that inappropriate behavior as well as his notes and memos to the powers that be. Why diddnt he do that?
The dinner is where Trump asked if he was being investigated and he also asked for Comey's loyalty. If Comey didn't feel like Trumps statement was obstructing justice or effecting his ability to do the investigation then why would he report it. He documented it because that was what he has done for years and it appears to be useful for him to now disclose them. Not very good for Trump though
dude, you fking write these things like you were there for every fking trump event. hly shit. WTF is wrong with you. You don't know shit about any of this tinkerbell.
Im speaking to whats being reported. I've also recognized that what is reported is not always true, in time I think more of the gaps will be filled in. Reread your last comment... talk about becoming unglued. get a mirror.
bill and lynch met in secret in separate planes on a tarmac they thought no one could see.

where did trump and comey meet again? or are you saying they did the whole "hide in plain site" thing?
Oval Office, trump had the room cleared and is accused of tElling Comey to back off when they were one on one. You cool with that?

And no one has come out and said that excep for this secret memo Comey wrote. That's also a complete 180 from what I heard. I was under the impression Trump asked over dinner. Still, that's not to good for Comey because as an officer of the court and director of the FBI it was his suits to take that inappropriate behavior as well as his notes and memos to the powers that be. Why diddnt he do that?
The dinner is where Trump asked if he was being investigated and he also asked for Comey's loyalty. If Comey didn't feel like Trumps statement was obstructing justice or effecting his ability to do the investigation then why would he report it. He documented it because that was what he has done for years and it appears to be useful for him to now disclose them. Not very good for Trump though
dude, you fking write these things like you were there for every fking trump event. hly shit. WTF is wrong with you. You don't know shit about any of this tinkerbell.
Im speaking to whats being reported. I've also recognized that what is reported is not always true, in time I think more of the gaps will be filled in. Reread your last comment... talk about becoming unglued. get a mirror.
and there is no memo. they haven't posted a memo, they didn't talk to comey. those two things ought to tell you it's a fairytale. but noooooooooooooooo you keep making stupid statements.
bill and lynch met in secret in separate planes on a tarmac they thought no one could see.

where did trump and comey meet again? or are you saying they did the whole "hide in plain site" thing?
Oval Office, trump had the room cleared and is accused of tElling Comey to back off when they were one on one. You cool with that?
let's not get ahead of ourselves -

are you comparing a secret tarmac meeting to be on par with a public oval office one where according to you he cleared the room first?

kinda freaking hard to hide the meeting itself if you kicked everyone out of the meeting isn't it?

there is no connection to these meetings in how they were setup. none. as for the content of the meetings, well we don't know what clinton and lynch talked about. we were told kids and golf. believe it?

we know what trump and comey talked about.

again - where's the connection naturally? you seem to be forcing it to fit your views.
Why do you keep bringing up this secret meeting. Trumps meeting with Comey doesn't have to be secret to be inappropriate. It is what was said that makes it inappropriate.
um...why do i? cause you keep saying they're on par with each other and if you're mad at one you must be mad at the other and i'm tired of people living in some jacked up fantasy land and getting pissed off when logic is presented and others don't wanna follow the hate trail.
You have a point that a secret meeting is worse than a publicly known meeting. But I'd hope you'd agree that an active president, the boss, asking the head investigator to back off is much more inappropriate than a husband meeting with the head prosecutor. Despite the optics Lynch recused herself because the meeting was inappropriate. I agree that it was. Why can't you agree that if these accusations are true, Trump is over the line as well?

and i hope you agree it's just fine to wait for accurate information to come out so we know what we're talking about vs. getting our collective anger boners up and waving and then as info does come out - make it fit.

i will however 100% agree that if we find trump did something wrong we found trump doing something wrong. until then, i've seen nothing but wishful speculation on it and then twisting every little detail as it comes out to fit the hate.

rest assured trump begs for the slapping - but that doesn't make the lies right regardless.
The dinner is where Trump asked if he was being investigated and he also asked for Comey's loyalty. If Comey didn't feel like Trumps statement was obstructing justice or effecting his ability to do the investigation then why would he report it. He documented it because that was what he has done for years and it appears to be useful for him to now disclose them. Not very good for Trump though

good. so we're done with the bullshit of trying to say the trump/comey meeting is on par with the clinton/lynch one. right? they're not. nothing to do with each other. i'll stop bringing it up if you stop trying to link 'em. deal?

now - we don't know what was said but much like we don't know what evidence ANYONE has on trump/russia - liberals don't give a fuck. trump is guilty and the evidence will come along soon and make me right.

WAH gimme binky!!!

WHEN we know what was said AND THE CONTEXT being it THEN we can have a rational discussion. until then we're bitching and whining at each other on nothing more than guesses, suppositions and wishing trump harm usually.

so anyone saying NOT GOOD FOR TRUMP is ONLY DOING IT cause they don't like trump and FUCK FACTS. they'll come along later.
I agree with what you said, except for non of this stuff as it stands is good for Trump. Part of politics is optics and ones ability to present confidence and security to the american people. You can blame the press all you want but Trump plays a part in all of this and the narrative after the landslide of controversies is bad for him and for our country.
bill and lynch met in secret in separate planes on a tarmac they thought no one could see.

where did trump and comey meet again? or are you saying they did the whole "hide in plain site" thing?
Oval Office, trump had the room cleared and is accused of tElling Comey to back off when they were one on one. You cool with that?

And no one has come out and said that excep for this secret memo Comey wrote. That's also a complete 180 from what I heard. I was under the impression Trump asked over dinner. Still, that's not to good for Comey because as an officer of the court and director of the FBI it was his suits to take that inappropriate behavior as well as his notes and memos to the powers that be. Why diddnt he do that?
The dinner is where Trump asked if he was being investigated and he also asked for Comey's loyalty. If Comey didn't feel like Trumps statement was obstructing justice or effecting his ability to do the investigation then why would he report it. He documented it because that was what he has done for years and it appears to be useful for him to now disclose them. Not very good for Trump though
dude, you fking write these things like you were there for every fking trump event. hly shit. WTF is wrong with you. You don't know shit about any of this tinkerbell.
Im speaking to whats being reported. I've also recognized that what is reported is not always true, in time I think more of the gaps will be filled in. Reread your last comment... talk about becoming unglued. get a mirror.

You are saying something was reported. Nothing was. Insinuations were made, a scandal a week was reported and so far all have come to nothing. Not falling for the bull shit or trying to appear reasonable is not coming in glued. Really, your not doing anything different then the other line telling lies on here. You are just trying to look scream less. You still have yet to point out any facts that were reported let alone proven.
The dinner is where Trump asked if he was being investigated and he also asked for Comey's loyalty. If Comey didn't feel like Trumps statement was obstructing justice or effecting his ability to do the investigation then why would he report it. He documented it because that was what he has done for years and it appears to be useful for him to now disclose them. Not very good for Trump though

good. so we're done with the bullshit of trying to say the trump/comey meeting is on par with the clinton/lynch one. right? they're not. nothing to do with each other. i'll stop bringing it up if you stop trying to link 'em. deal?

now - we don't know what was said but much like we don't know what evidence ANYONE has on trump/russia - liberals don't give a fuck. trump is guilty and the evidence will come along soon and make me right.

WAH gimme binky!!!

WHEN we know what was said AND THE CONTEXT being it THEN we can have a rational discussion. until then we're bitching and whining at each other on nothing more than guesses, suppositions and wishing trump harm usually.

so anyone saying NOT GOOD FOR TRUMP is ONLY DOING IT cause they don't like trump and FUCK FACTS. they'll come along later.
I agree with what you said, except for non of this stuff as it stands is good for Trump. Part of politics is optics and ones ability to present confidence and security to the american people. You can blame the press all you want but Trump plays a part in all of this and the narrative after the landslide of controversies is bad for him and for our country.
ok - it just doesn't matter what trump says or does at this point.

even if he says something cool and thoughtful, he's going to fuck up and start whining minutes later and doing the ME ME ME thing. then like pavlovs dogs liberals will come running to tell him he's being stupid OF WHICH he likely already knows. but whatever he says and does will be pushed without even evidence of it (RUSSIA!) to the worst possible light so we can all giggle and feel proud we slammed trump.

and yes, i hold the press accountable as much as i hold trump accountable. i won't do the "punish one child and let the other" off thing. both know better. period.
You are right, it is a he said he said situation. Comey is known for his documentation of meetings and also has much more credibility for honesty when compared to Trump. The memo is not hard evidence like a recording would be but it is enough to be taken seriously. In the end congress will have to make up their mind about what they believe and how they want to act.

no. fuck that. i'm not going to give you that one. i don't give a rats ass who wrote what and the cred they may or may not have. a written note about what may or may not have been said is not fact, not true until proven by facts, and only people who have one hellacious agenda up their ass will make it true but NEVER ALLOW that same fucktarted tactic to be used against them.

ie - anything goes for trump but not for the rest of us.

that entire mindset is bullshit. what goes for one goes for us all when it comes to the rights we have and share.
If he wrote notes of a meeting and shared or timestamped these notes back in February, then it gives more credibility to his story than if he made the statements now after he was fired by Trump. Do you agree with that?
The dinner is where Trump asked if he was being investigated and he also asked for Comey's loyalty. If Comey didn't feel like Trumps statement was obstructing justice or effecting his ability to do the investigation then why would he report it. He documented it because that was what he has done for years and it appears to be useful for him to now disclose them. Not very good for Trump though

good. so we're done with the bullshit of trying to say the trump/comey meeting is on par with the clinton/lynch one. right? they're not. nothing to do with each other. i'll stop bringing it up if you stop trying to link 'em. deal?

now - we don't know what was said but much like we don't know what evidence ANYONE has on trump/russia - liberals don't give a fuck. trump is guilty and the evidence will come along soon and make me right.

WAH gimme binky!!!

WHEN we know what was said AND THE CONTEXT being it THEN we can have a rational discussion. until then we're bitching and whining at each other on nothing more than guesses, suppositions and wishing trump harm usually.

so anyone saying NOT GOOD FOR TRUMP is ONLY DOING IT cause they don't like trump and FUCK FACTS. they'll come along later.
I agree with what you said, except for non of this stuff as it stands is good for Trump. Part of politics is optics and ones ability to present confidence and security to the american people. You can blame the press all you want but Trump plays a part in all of this and the narrative after the landslide of controversies is bad for him and for our country.
or you could man up and call out the fairytales. which are you?
Thank you! If you had a problem with Bill then you should have a problem with Trump! Bills meeting was inappropriate and Lynch recused herself as a result. Trumps meeting was inappropriate if true... what should his consequence be?
it would be if it was in secret. far as i know it was dinner in the usual places, was it not?

you're comparing a "let's hide over here" meeting to a "hey come to the whitehouse and let's talk" one. not to say what they talked about was appropriate - but the whole tarmac thing was bullshit and excusing herself to let her clone step in was pretty pointless.

so the meeting was inappropriate - but was comey meeting with trump also inappropriate? hidden?
I'm also comparing a husband meeting with the head prosecutor to the active president, the boss, meeting with the head investigator.

It wasn't the dinner meeting... That one was when Trump asked if HE was being investigated and asked for Comey's loyalty. What we are talking about was an oval office meeting with Comey, Pence, Trump and I believe a few others. After the meeting Trumped asked everybody but Comey to leave the room and then he asked Comey to back off the Flynn investigation. It was supposedly detailed in Comeys memo which we have only gotten a peak at, so there is much more info to be revealed. Comey needs to come forward. But it isn't looking good for Trump

not even getting to the content of the meetings. one we'll never know the other we'll never hear the end of. but to date, we still don't know for sure what was said and we have now found out that if you write down what someone said then it must be true. but only if it makes trump look bad. use that logic on the same liberal using it on trump they squeal like a pig still trying to get a part in deliverance.

all i'm saying is linking those 2 meetings as being the same thing is asinine.
You are right, it is a he said he said situation. Comey is known for his documentation of meetings and also has much more credibility for honesty when compared to Trump. The memo is not hard evidence like a recording would be but it is enough to be taken seriously. In the end congress will have to make up their mind about what they believe and how they want to act.
what memo? dude you keep making the statement as if you know what exists. WTF is wrong with you?
What memo?? Are you completely lost in this conversation? Google "Comey memo"
You are right, it is a he said he said situation. Comey is known for his documentation of meetings and also has much more credibility for honesty when compared to Trump. The memo is not hard evidence like a recording would be but it is enough to be taken seriously. In the end congress will have to make up their mind about what they believe and how they want to act.

no. fuck that. i'm not going to give you that one. i don't give a rats ass who wrote what and the cred they may or may not have. a written note about what may or may not have been said is not fact, not true until proven by facts, and only people who have one hellacious agenda up their ass will make it true but NEVER ALLOW that same fucktarted tactic to be used against them.

ie - anything goes for trump but not for the rest of us.

that entire mindset is bullshit. what goes for one goes for us all when it comes to the rights we have and share.
If he wrote notes of a meeting and shared or timestamped these notes back in February, then it gives more credibility to his story than if he made the statements now after he was fired by Trump. Do you agree with that?
so what if on that piece of paper he wrote "we never went to the moon, and i know where jimmy hoffa is"

does that timestamp make those true now? does him taking the minute to write it down matter? and what would he timestamp it with to be valid? i can write a date on any piece of paper i write. so did he write it and take a picture of it w/a date stamp?

my point is you can't write something down and go GOT HIM!!!! that's bullshit and you'd never allow it done to you and if tried and i saw it, i'd be just as pissed at someone doing it to you because it's wrong.

and THAT is what i care about.

in the end i don't give a shit about trump. i care we're just tearing our own rights apart for any nugget we need to satisfy some jacked up immediate desire that only sets a precedence for that same style to be used against you.
Oval Office, trump had the room cleared and is accused of tElling Comey to back off when they were one on one. You cool with that?

And no one has come out and said that excep for this secret memo Comey wrote. That's also a complete 180 from what I heard. I was under the impression Trump asked over dinner. Still, that's not to good for Comey because as an officer of the court and director of the FBI it was his suits to take that inappropriate behavior as well as his notes and memos to the powers that be. Why diddnt he do that?
The dinner is where Trump asked if he was being investigated and he also asked for Comey's loyalty. If Comey didn't feel like Trumps statement was obstructing justice or effecting his ability to do the investigation then why would he report it. He documented it because that was what he has done for years and it appears to be useful for him to now disclose them. Not very good for Trump though
dude, you fking write these things like you were there for every fking trump event. hly shit. WTF is wrong with you. You don't know shit about any of this tinkerbell.
Im speaking to whats being reported. I've also recognized that what is reported is not always true, in time I think more of the gaps will be filled in. Reread your last comment... talk about becoming unglued. get a mirror.
and there is no memo. they haven't posted a memo, they didn't talk to comey. those two things ought to tell you it's a fairytale. but noooooooooooooooo you keep making stupid statements.
AGAIN, i'm speaking to whats being reported. I"m recognizing that it could be true and could be false. Whats wrong with you and why do I have to keep repeating myself. Do you not understand? If you don't want to speculate then don't join the conversation. We are all working with the same limited intel.
AGAIN, i'm speaking to whats being reported. I"m recognizing that it could be true and could be false. Whats wrong with you and why do I have to keep repeating myself. Do you not understand? If you don't want to speculate then don't join the conversation. We are all working with the same limited intel.

why and for what purpose? you hate trump so any intel you get now is only going to be used to justify how you feel. however, i *do* greatly appreciate your keeping a civil tone in all this (doing better than me to be honest at times) and i fully respect that. thank you.
And no one has come out and said that excep for this secret memo Comey wrote. That's also a complete 180 from what I heard. I was under the impression Trump asked over dinner. Still, that's not to good for Comey because as an officer of the court and director of the FBI it was his suits to take that inappropriate behavior as well as his notes and memos to the powers that be. Why diddnt he do that?
The dinner is where Trump asked if he was being investigated and he also asked for Comey's loyalty. If Comey didn't feel like Trumps statement was obstructing justice or effecting his ability to do the investigation then why would he report it. He documented it because that was what he has done for years and it appears to be useful for him to now disclose them. Not very good for Trump though
dude, you fking write these things like you were there for every fking trump event. hly shit. WTF is wrong with you. You don't know shit about any of this tinkerbell.
Im speaking to whats being reported. I've also recognized that what is reported is not always true, in time I think more of the gaps will be filled in. Reread your last comment... talk about becoming unglued. get a mirror.
and there is no memo. they haven't posted a memo, they didn't talk to comey. those two things ought to tell you it's a fairytale. but noooooooooooooooo you keep making stupid statements.
AGAIN, i'm speaking to whats being reported. I"m recognizing that it could be true and could be false. Whats wrong with you and why do I have to keep repeating myself. Do you not understand? If you don't want to speculate then don't join the conversation. We are all working with the same limited intel.
why could it 'be' true? nothing has been true. it's all been faked. You are one truly whacked out individual. wow. you report on fiction.
The dinner is where Trump asked if he was being investigated and he also asked for Comey's loyalty. If Comey didn't feel like Trumps statement was obstructing justice or effecting his ability to do the investigation then why would he report it. He documented it because that was what he has done for years and it appears to be useful for him to now disclose them. Not very good for Trump though
dude, you fking write these things like you were there for every fking trump event. hly shit. WTF is wrong with you. You don't know shit about any of this tinkerbell.
Im speaking to whats being reported. I've also recognized that what is reported is not always true, in time I think more of the gaps will be filled in. Reread your last comment... talk about becoming unglued. get a mirror.
and there is no memo. they haven't posted a memo, they didn't talk to comey. those two things ought to tell you it's a fairytale. but noooooooooooooooo you keep making stupid statements.
AGAIN, i'm speaking to whats being reported. I"m recognizing that it could be true and could be false. Whats wrong with you and why do I have to keep repeating myself. Do you not understand? If you don't want to speculate then don't join the conversation. We are all working with the same limited intel.
why could it 'be' true? nothing has been true. it's all been faked. You are one truly whacked out individual. wow. you report on fiction.

seems to me he's more discussing the possibilities of what could happen based on what we know. i may disagree with him at times, but hell, seems we do agree on many points too. unless there's proof it's fake then it's still speculation and people will talk about it because it matters to them.
Oval Office, trump had the room cleared and is accused of tElling Comey to back off when they were one on one. You cool with that?

And no one has come out and said that excep for this secret memo Comey wrote. That's also a complete 180 from what I heard. I was under the impression Trump asked over dinner. Still, that's not to good for Comey because as an officer of the court and director of the FBI it was his suits to take that inappropriate behavior as well as his notes and memos to the powers that be. Why diddnt he do that?
The dinner is where Trump asked if he was being investigated and he also asked for Comey's loyalty. If Comey didn't feel like Trumps statement was obstructing justice or effecting his ability to do the investigation then why would he report it. He documented it because that was what he has done for years and it appears to be useful for him to now disclose them. Not very good for Trump though
dude, you fking write these things like you were there for every fking trump event. hly shit. WTF is wrong with you. You don't know shit about any of this tinkerbell.
Im speaking to whats being reported. I've also recognized that what is reported is not always true, in time I think more of the gaps will be filled in. Reread your last comment... talk about becoming unglued. get a mirror.
and there is no memo. they haven't posted a memo, they didn't talk to comey. those two things ought to tell you it's a fairytale. but noooooooooooooooo you keep making stupid statements.

That's the one thing NO ONE will acknowledge. No person as spoken to this "third person". No one.
And no one has come out and said that excep for this secret memo Comey wrote. That's also a complete 180 from what I heard. I was under the impression Trump asked over dinner. Still, that's not to good for Comey because as an officer of the court and director of the FBI it was his suits to take that inappropriate behavior as well as his notes and memos to the powers that be. Why diddnt he do that?
The dinner is where Trump asked if he was being investigated and he also asked for Comey's loyalty. If Comey didn't feel like Trumps statement was obstructing justice or effecting his ability to do the investigation then why would he report it. He documented it because that was what he has done for years and it appears to be useful for him to now disclose them. Not very good for Trump though
dude, you fking write these things like you were there for every fking trump event. hly shit. WTF is wrong with you. You don't know shit about any of this tinkerbell.
Im speaking to whats being reported. I've also recognized that what is reported is not always true, in time I think more of the gaps will be filled in. Reread your last comment... talk about becoming unglued. get a mirror.
and there is no memo. they haven't posted a memo, they didn't talk to comey. those two things ought to tell you it's a fairytale. but noooooooooooooooo you keep making stupid statements.

That's the one thing NO ONE will acknowledge. No person as spoken to this "third person". No one.
Hand written notes who's existence have yet to be proven.

and we have no evidence of russia either. press a liberal they simply say "under investigation they can't tell us!!!" then will turn around and swear it's there even though they just said there's zero way of knowing.

wild these kids today.

Evidence is collected during an investigation, some maybe exculpatory and some maybe incriminating. What is so hard about that to understand?

Trump is under investigation.

What the GOP and Trump fear is a non partisan investigation by a special prosecutor, as we saw in the lead up to the impeachment of President Clinton. Then it was fine for the GOP to allow all avenues to be explored by the investigators, and to allow that in a Trump investigation scares the crap out of The Donald, his pals and cronies: Taxes, and more may be uncovered and secrets only he and his co-conspirators know may be discovered. As the man said, if more than one person knows a secret, it is one no longer.
In fact, nearly every report purporting to make Trump look bad on any subject, comes from hard-left newspapers, and most have only anonymous sources. So there's nobody investigators can put on the stand and question about what they saw and heard.

How convenient.

BTW, how are the Democrats doing in finding the people in Russia who hacked our election? Any sources we can question? Any descriptions of which people they influenced, so we can question them?

Well, what do you know. No names. No specific actions found, no evidence at all.

Seems to be an emerging pattern in all these "blockbuster" reports from Democrat sources.

BTW, Comey had a chance to testify before Congress. Why didn't he mention any such request from Trump to shut down any investigation? Didn't even bring up the memo this "report" now points to as their chief (and only) source.

And why don't any of the screeching, outraged Democrats display any curiosity about these questions?

Because the source is their delusional dreams.
Hand written notes who's existence have yet to be proven.

and we have no evidence of russia either. press a liberal they simply say "under investigation they can't tell us!!!" then will turn around and swear it's there even though they just said there's zero way of knowing.

wild these kids today.

Evidence is collected during an investigation, some maybe exculpatory and some maybe incriminating. What is so hard about that to understand?

Trump is under investigation.

What the GOP and Trump fear is a non partisan investigation by a special prosecutor, as we saw in the lead up to the impeachment of President Clinton. Then it was fine for the GOP to allow all avenues to be explored by the investigators, and to allow that in a Trump investigation scares the crap out of The Donald, his pals and cronies: Taxes, and more may be uncovered and secrets only he and his co-conspirators know may be discovered. As the man said, if more than one person knows a secret, it is one no longer.

trump is not under investigation. why is that so hard to understand?

show me a valid link that says TRUMP IS UNDER INVESTIGATION and i'll go "oops, my bad" and frolic around in a brony outfit in my neighbors yard.

i'm pretty safe here.
Hand written notes who's existence have yet to be proven.

and we have no evidence of russia either. press a liberal they simply say "under investigation they can't tell us!!!" then will turn around and swear it's there even though they just said there's zero way of knowing.

wild these kids today.

Evidence is collected during an investigation, some maybe exculpatory and some maybe incriminating. What is so hard about that to understand?

Trump is under investigation.

What the GOP and Trump fear is a non partisan investigation by a special prosecutor, as we saw in the lead up to the impeachment of President Clinton. Then it was fine for the GOP to allow all avenues to be explored by the investigators, and to allow that in a Trump investigation scares the crap out of The Donald, his pals and cronies: Taxes, and more may be uncovered and secrets only he and his co-conspirators know may be discovered. As the man said, if more than one person knows a secret, it is one no longer.
no trump is not under investigation. have a nice day.

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