NY Times says Trump will win nomination outright

Joe, go find your brain.... The Hildebeast has been involved in so many scandals since she was fired from the Watergate trial that Trump will absolutely rip her to shreds, he'll have at least 8 of Blow Jobs sexually abused women, including Paula John's that got an $850K settlement out of court to talk up the Beasty's running Blow Jobs BIMBO ERUPTION team, then how many other scandals, and problems besides being the ONLY PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE EVER under FBI investigation when running for president...need more, silly Prog!

None of which anyone cares about. You guys have been rehashing these non-scandals for 25 years.

BTW, there has NEVER been a president with as much money as Trump to do the damage necessary to his opponent as The Donald.... She tried it ONCE with the sexual antics of Trump, and he absolutely CRUSHED HER, he will NOT STOP this time!

Guy, Trump isn't going to piss away his own money and the Koch Brothers and other sugar daddies of the right are going to close their checkbooks. Trump will lose, and he'll lose badly.

I'm assuming you are a supporter of Trump. What will happen if he gets to the convention short, let's say 90 delegates. Let's say that furious negotiations have gone on behind closed doors and in public there have been many loud and frantic demonstrations by Trump backers who have the feeling, rightly or wrongly, that they are about to be, what they will identify as being screwed, disenfranchised by the inner party power structure who seem willing to do anything to stop Trump from being nominated. What if...there are many scenarios that can probably be used that can "legally" be defended as being supported by party "rules," and many who might emerge from those back room deals as the Nominee, it doesn't have to be Cruz. In 1948 the "Dixiecrats" walked out of the Democratic convention and ran Strom Thurmond as their candidate for President. Can you foresee anything like that happening in the wake of my hypothetical musings?
The reason for my curiousity is - I'm starting to think it's going to take something radical, historically radical, to stop America from slipping all the way into the Corporate Oligarchy which right now seems to be incrementally approaching.
Trump WILL WIN the nomination.

End of story.

Um, no Crazy Lady. he won't.

Okay, i know math is a challenge for you, but what votes is trump going to get that Romney didn't?

I know a lot of Romney supporters who won't vote for Trump. Including Romney himself.
Those five links, put in context, demonstrate your "go home Pedro" program won't work. One, it's not feasible; two,the American people will vote out any politician who sides with a massive deportation bill. Gestapo tactics will not work here.

1. The first link did NOT show that it was not feasible. It raised SOME QUESTIONS about the exact number of deportations claimed. Hardly what you claim, and that diminishes your already feeble credibility for the other points.

2. The current laws are the democratically enacted Will of the People. OUr leaders have been failing to enforce that Will.

3. "Gestapo tactics"? Thanks for demonstrating the type of lying propaganda I was predicting from the LEft. But, seriously, sending people home is hardly the stuff of the "Gestapo". Try to be less hysterical.
Stay focused, please, and not hyperbolic. So our current laws that have turned back or deported 2mm illegals under Obama are OK now? That's a flip flop flip flop for you, so we will call you floppy from now on. You see, Floppy, your hyperbole in "sending people home is hardly the stuff of the 'Gestapo'" is not what Trump is suggesting. He is stating he wants massive style roundups, breaking up of families, leaving child citizens at the hands of the state -- yes, really the acts of Gestapo. Please, focus, mein little fuhrer.

Like I said, nothing but lies. If you libs managed to sell the Hitler Lie, then yes, you will have successfully sabotaged a policy that would be good for America.

Oh, for you.

I'm assuming you are a supporter of Trump. What will happen if he gets to the convention short, let's say 90 delegates. Let's say that furious negotiations have gone on behind closed doors and in public there have been many loud and frantic demonstrations by Trump backers who have the feeling, rightly or wrongly, that they are about to be, what they will identify as being screwed, disenfranchised by the inner party power structure who seem willing to do anything to stop Trump from being nominated. What if...there are many scenarios that can probably be used that can "legally" be defended as being supported by party "rules," and many who might emerge from those back room deals as the Nominee, it doesn't have to be Cruz. In 1948 the "Dixiecrats" walked out of the Democratic convention and ran Strom Thurmond as their candidate for President. Can you foresee anything like that happening in the wake of my hypothetical musings?
The reason for my curiousity is - I'm starting to think it's going to take something radical, historically radical, to stop America from slipping all the way into the Corporate Oligarchy which right now seems to be incrementally approaching.

the problem with the 1948 example is that Thrumond's goal was never to win the general election. It was to split the electoral college and toss the eletion into Congress where he hoped they select someone who wasn't Truman. This was actually the decline of the White Southern Democrat when Democrats realize they could win without them.

All that said, Trump won't have the option of third party. None of the existing their parties will nominate him and it's too late to get ballot access for his own run.
Well when you have an ILLEGAL ALIEN as president, you don't expect anything to be done, do you?.... My GOD, look at all those Socialist/DemoRAT voters...President Trump will take care of that, along with the much waited for indictment of the Hildebeast!

Guy, the thing is, Trump doesn't reasonate beyond your angry little group of racists. The rest of the country is embarrassed by him.

Nobody wins the Presidency against the wishes of his own party. Whether it be Goldwater in 1964 or McGovern in 1972, when you force a candidate the party doesn't want, you lose, big time.

And again your image validates your Alinksy type of racist tactics: identify, polarize, personalize, and attack. The difference here is that you are not at even the rank amateur level and fail miserably. Your attack is for grins and giggles, nothing more.

When you call ME, personally a racist, you are the one that is personalizing the debate, you moron.

I really think Cruz is in crash and burn territory

He can no longer win the majority of delegates outright. Cruz has shown he can win in low delegate red states like Wyoming while Trump wins NY and California

Even if Trump does not win 1243 delegates, what makes Cruz think the Republican Party that he has treated like shit for four years will rally around him and give him the nomination?

Cruz has very little political capital
Those five links, put in context, demonstrate your "go home Pedro" program won't work. One, it's not feasible; two,the American people will vote out any politician who sides with a massive deportation bill. Gestapo tactics will not work here.

1. The first link did NOT show that it was not feasible. It raised SOME QUESTIONS about the exact number of deportations claimed. Hardly what you claim, and that diminishes your already feeble credibility for the other points.

2. The current laws are the democratically enacted Will of the People. OUr leaders have been failing to enforce that Will.

3. "Gestapo tactics"? Thanks for demonstrating the type of lying propaganda I was predicting from the LEft. But, seriously, sending people home is hardly the stuff of the "Gestapo". Try to be less hysterical.
Stay focused, please, and not hyperbolic. So our current laws that have turned back or deported 2mm illegals under Obama are OK now? That's a flip flop flip flop for you, so we will call you floppy from now on. You see, Floppy, your hyperbole in "sending people home is hardly the stuff of the 'Gestapo'" is not what Trump is suggesting. He is stating he wants massive style roundups, breaking up of families, leaving child citizens at the hands of the state -- yes, really the acts of Gestapo. Please, focus, mein little fuhrer.

Like I said, nothing but lies. If you libs managed to sell the Hitler Lie, then yes, you will have successfully sabotaged a policy that would be good for America.

Oh, for you.

Hit a nerve, huh? Your lies for the Trumpster won't work, and for one thing, the women of America will not forgive him if he says "all of this is just politics, you know I think you are great." You guys live in la la land.
Well when you have an ILLEGAL ALIEN as president, you don't expect anything to be done, do you?.... My GOD, look at all those Socialist/DemoRAT voters...President Trump will take care of that, along with the much waited for indictment of the Hildebeast!

Guy, the thing is, Trump doesn't reasonate beyond your angry little group of racists. The rest of the country is embarrassed by him.

Nobody wins the Presidency against the wishes of his own party. Whether it be Goldwater in 1964 or McGovern in 1972, when you force a candidate the party doesn't want, you lose, big time.

And again your image validates your Alinksy type of racist tactics: identify, polarize, personalize, and attack. The difference here is that you are not at even the rank amateur level and fail miserably. Your attack is for grins and giggles, nothing more.

When you call ME, personally a racist, you are the one that is personalizing the debate, you moron.

You call names, you run around and shit in the corner, you jump up and down and scream, and then you cry when I slap you down for the little wimp you are.

You are pathetic, Cray Cray Correll.

Yes, you are a racist.
I really think Cruz is in crash and burn territory

He can no longer win the majority of delegates outright. Cruz has shown he can win in low delegate red states like Wyoming while Trump wins NY and California

Even if Trump does not win 1243 delegates, what makes Cruz think the Republican Party that he has treated like shit for four years will rally around him and give him the nomination?

Cruz has very little political capital

I fail to see how Cruz will be able to call in all those political "chips" he needs to steal the nomination from Trump. Almost all delegates will have to jump on his bandwagon

This is the same Ted Cruz that has been criticizing and undercutting his fellow Republicans for four years
RW, I agree.

Cruz has no way to get to the nomination.

Trump will become the nominee and 25 to 30% of the GOP will not vote for him while Bernie's supporters will vote for HRC.
Those five links, put in context, demonstrate your "go home Pedro" program won't work. One, it's not feasible; two,the American people will vote out any politician who sides with a massive deportation bill. Gestapo tactics will not work here.

1. The first link did NOT show that it was not feasible. It raised SOME QUESTIONS about the exact number of deportations claimed. Hardly what you claim, and that diminishes your already feeble credibility for the other points.

2. The current laws are the democratically enacted Will of the People. OUr leaders have been failing to enforce that Will.

3. "Gestapo tactics"? Thanks for demonstrating the type of lying propaganda I was predicting from the LEft. But, seriously, sending people home is hardly the stuff of the "Gestapo". Try to be less hysterical.
Stay focused, please, and not hyperbolic. So our current laws that have turned back or deported 2mm illegals under Obama are OK now? That's a flip flop flip flop for you, so we will call you floppy from now on. You see, Floppy, your hyperbole in "sending people home is hardly the stuff of the 'Gestapo'" is not what Trump is suggesting. He is stating he wants massive style roundups, breaking up of families, leaving child citizens at the hands of the state -- yes, really the acts of Gestapo. Please, focus, mein little fuhrer.

Like I said, nothing but lies. If you libs managed to sell the Hitler Lie, then yes, you will have successfully sabotaged a policy that would be good for America.

Oh, for you.

Hit a nerve, huh? Your lies for the Trumpster won't work, and for one thing, the women of America will not forgive him if he says "all of this is just politics, you know I think you are great." You guys live in la la land.

Mmm, no nerve. Just slamming your Godwin.

The rest of your post is nonsense filler.
Well when you have an ILLEGAL ALIEN as president, you don't expect anything to be done, do you?.... My GOD, look at all those Socialist/DemoRAT voters...President Trump will take care of that, along with the much waited for indictment of the Hildebeast!

Guy, the thing is, Trump doesn't reasonate beyond your angry little group of racists. The rest of the country is embarrassed by him.

Nobody wins the Presidency against the wishes of his own party. Whether it be Goldwater in 1964 or McGovern in 1972, when you force a candidate the party doesn't want, you lose, big time.

And again your image validates your Alinksy type of racist tactics: identify, polarize, personalize, and attack. The difference here is that you are not at even the rank amateur level and fail miserably. Your attack is for grins and giggles, nothing more.

When you call ME, personally a racist, you are the one that is personalizing the debate, you moron.

You call names, you run around and shit in the corner, you jump up and down and scream, and then you cry when I slap you down for the little wimp you are.

You are pathetic, Cray Cray Correll.

Yes, you are a racist.

You complain that I personalize the debate.

I point out that when you morons accuse me of personally being a racist that it is you morons that have personalized the debate.

Nothing in your post addressed that painfully obvious and simple point.

It appears you actually were so knee jerk that you seriously didn't realize that you were personally insulting someone.

But of course, you are too dishonest to admit that, so you insult me, lie some more and then accuse me of being a racist.

LIbs: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.

Oh, and for you.


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