NY times swoons over anti Israel "Jews"

It's notbisraels fault the Arabs attacked it. Palis would have a 60 something year old state today
Which doesn't change the facts on the ground today.
Jews rule over all land and airspace between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.
Every Jew is allowed a vote to determine who writes the laws they live under.
Less than half of all Arabs have the same privilege.
The question becomes: Jewish apartheid state or a democratic Semitic state where every citizen has the same rights as his or her neighbors.

Now liberals can say being virulently anti israel isn't antisemitic, singling out israel, holding up to a different standard, ignoring other occupations, etc... becaues they founds some jews outside of Natura Kartei that proclaim to be jewish and oppose Israel.

NK and similar ultra-orthodox anti-Israel Jews oppose Israel on the grounds that they believe only G-d and/or the Messiah should establish the state of Israel, not the UN or other secular means. They don't oppose it in the sense they hate the idea, just not the manner in which it's come to be.

In fact, they are the Jewish 'supremacists' - not the (mainstream and majority) Zionists....

Now liberals can say being virulently anti israel isn't antisemitic, singling out israel, holding up to a different standard, ignoring other occupations, etc... becaues they founds some jews outside of Natura Kartei that proclaim to be jewish and oppose Israel.

NK and similar ultra-orthodox anti-Israel Jews oppose Israel on the grounds that they believe only G-d and/or the Messiah should establish the state of Israel, not the UN or other secular means. They don't oppose it in the sense they hate the idea, just not the manner in which it's come to be.

In fact, they are the Jewish 'supremacists' - not the (mainstream and majority) Zionists....
What percentage of Israeli Jews favor apartheid?

"Israeli poll finds majority would be in favour of 'apartheid' policies
Two-thirds say Palestinians should not be allowed to vote if West Bank was annexed, while three in four favour segregated roads..."

"A commentary by Gideon Levy, which accompanied the results of the poll, described the findings as disturbing. 'Israelis themselves … are openly, shamelessly and guiltlessly defining themselves as nationalistic racists,' he wrote.

"It's good to live in this country, most Israelis say, not despite its racism, but perhaps because of it.

"If such a survey were released about the attitude to Jews in a European state, Israel would have raised hell.

"When it comes to us, the rules don't apply."

Israeli poll finds majority would be in favour of 'apartheid' policies | World news | theguardian.com
Of course we all know that the Middle East has been a bastion of Peace since Mohammed walked the earth, or actually rode on a Camel slaughtering Jews and Christians by the millions.
Oops! I forgot, THAT'S Ancient History.

Even Syrians murdering Syrians...That's Ancient History.
Shia murdering Suni...That's Ancient History.
Suni murdering Shia...That's Ancient History.

And other anti-Israel bullsh!t?
And the same NY Times, commandeered by Thomas L Friedman, who states that all Asians are geniuses and need to replace the non-skilled American.

You really oughta listen to this clown when he's on Imus in the Morning.
Of course we all know that the Middle East has been a bastion of Peace since Mohammed walked the earth, or actually rode on a Camel slaughtering Jews and Christians by the millions.
Oops! I forgot, THAT'S Ancient History.

Even Syrians murdering Syrians...That's Ancient History.
Shia murdering Suni...That's Ancient History.
Suni murdering Shia...That's Ancient History.

And other anti-Israel bullsh!t?

"More than two-thirds of Israeli Jews say that 2.5 million Palestinians living in the West Bank should be denied the right to vote if the area was annexed by Israel, in effect endorsing an apartheid state, according to an opinion poll reported in Haaretz.

"Three out of four are in favour of segregated roads for Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank, and 58% believe Israel already practises apartheid against Palestinians, the poll found.

"A third want Arab citizens within Israel to be banned from voting in elections to the country's parliament.

"Almost six out of 10 say Jews should be given preference to Arabs in government jobs, 49% say Jewish citizens should be treated better than Arabs, 42% would not want to live in the same building as Arabs and the same number do not want their children going to school with Arabs."

Israeli poll finds majority would be in favour of 'apartheid' policies | World news | theguardian.com

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