NY Times Turns On Obama: “The Administration Has Now Lost All Credibility”…

Denialism is a strange disease. When media doesn't criticize The O'bama, all the weeping and gnashing of teeth blubbers "b-but but, Liburrul Media!". When it does criticize the weeping and gnashing shifts to "even the Liburrul Media is turning on him!".

In neither case does it ever occur to them that the LM premise was a crock in the first place. Because conservatism means never having to change your mind.


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Obama, Bush, I'm tired of governments over reach and this one is more intrusive than the last. Forget partisan politics, end it now.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
The President is legally using a tool that Republicans wrote for the executive branch to use, and in secret!

Republicans only have themselves to blame.

I appreciate some of the moves the President has made, like making the drone program public and shifting more to the Pentagon's control and away from the CIA and the executive branch.

In other small moves, the President has restricted a few provisions within the Patriot Act that gave the executive branch far-reaching powers, but it didn't go far enough because Republicans hope that one day soon they'll have their guy in power again, so they'll never get rid of that awful bill.

It's here to stay, and you can thank the George W. Bush administration and his neo-cons for warrantless spying on the American public.
The President is legally using a tool that Republicans wrote for the executive branch to use, and in secret!

Republicans only have themselves to blame.

I appreciate some of the moves the President has made, like making the drone program public and shifting more to the Pentagon's control and away from the CIA and the executive branch.

In other small moves, the President has restricted a few provisions within the Patriot Act that gave the executive branch far-reaching powers, but it didn't go far enough because Republicans hope that one day soon they'll have their guy in power again, so they'll never get rid of that awful bill.

It's here to stay, and you can thank the George W. Bush administration and his neo-cons for warrantless spying on the American public.


Blame Bush,

Never gets old.
The Patriot Act for dimocrats is much like the Iraq war. They voted for it originally, voted for its reauthorizations, and then bitch about it and say it's all the fault of the evil Republicans.

I'll give you asswipes credit for at least being consistent.
The NY Daily News which has always supported Hussein printed a scathing criticism of the recent scandal. We should number them to make it easier.
the NYslimes has been complicit in covering up for all his scandals with propaganda...

Yea, they did something right for a change, but I hope they go down with Obama

our lamestream has been an enemy to us under Obama

they should get no respect and a lot of hell from, we the people of this country
Denialism is a strange disease. When media doesn't criticize The O'bama, all the weeping and gnashing of teeth blubbers "b-but but, Liburrul Media!". When it does criticize the weeping and gnashing shifts to "even the Liburrul Media is turning on him!".

In neither case does it ever occur to them that the LM premise was a crock in the first place. Because conservatism means never having to change your mind.


Typical Pogo post, blame the other guy for pointing out the obvious and pretend it makes you look smarter than the roaches crawling all over your food.
Denialism is a strange disease. When media doesn't criticize The O'bama, all the weeping and gnashing of teeth blubbers "b-but but, Liburrul Media!". When it does criticize the weeping and gnashing shifts to "even the Liburrul Media is turning on him!".

In neither case does it ever occur to them that the LM premise was a crock in the first place. Because conservatism means never having to change your mind.



Typical Pogo post, blame the other guy for pointing out the obvious and pretend it makes you look smarter than the roaches crawling all over your food.

It's a simple (maybe too simple for some) observation of a certain contingent trying to have their rhetoric both ways.

And I know you get the point because you went to the trouble to strip out the illustration in my post. You even left the "center" command as you picked around it. That tells me it's making the point that's apparently too close for comfort, which means I hit it on the head. :thup:

I put it back in there so you can enjoy another look. You may thank me now. :D
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The President is legally using a tool that Republicans wrote for the executive branch to use, and in secret!

Republicans only have themselves to blame.

I appreciate some of the moves the President has made, like making the drone program public and shifting more to the Pentagon's control and away from the CIA and the executive branch.

In other small moves, the President has restricted a few provisions within the Patriot Act that gave the executive branch far-reaching powers, but it didn't go far enough because Republicans hope that one day soon they'll have their guy in power again, so they'll never get rid of that awful bill.

It's here to stay, and you can thank the George W. Bush administration and his neo-cons for warrantless spying on the American public.


Blame Bush,

Never gets old.

And then it's called "history". And there's that old saw about forgetting history and what that leads to. But don't get me wrong, I'm just as opposed to this Administrations over-reach as I was Bushes'. Damn the first guy who said "9/11 changes everything". That led us down a very dangerous road. I keep hoping we'll get back on the right track.
Denialism is a strange disease. When media doesn't criticize The O'bama, all the weeping and gnashing of teeth blubbers "b-but but, Liburrul Media!". When it does criticize the weeping and gnashing shifts to "even the Liburrul Media is turning on him!".

In neither case does it ever occur to them that the LM premise was a crock in the first place. Because conservatism means never having to change your mind.


Typical Pogo post, blame the other guy for pointing out the obvious and pretend it makes you look smarter than the roaches crawling all over your food.

It's a simple (maybe too simple for some) observation of a certain contingent trying to have their rhetoric both ways.

And I know you get the point because you went to the trouble to strip out the illustration in my post. You even left the "center" command as you picked around it. That tells me it's making the point that's apparently too close for comfort, which means I hit it on the head. :thup:

I put it back in there so you can enjoy another look. You may thank me now. :D

Would that be the idiots that keep claiming there is no bias in the media despite the abundant evidence of said bias? Have you noticed that, despite all my posts about media bias and your stupidity, I never once tried to argue that Fox was "Fair and balanced"? Could that be because I see them as biased, and take that into account when I actually argue with you using the one thing you cannot deal with, truth?

By the way, when was the last time you changed your mind in the face of actual facts? You went to the trouble of reposting the stupid Keynes quote in an attempt to prove how much smarter you are after I deleted it, wouldn't it e easier to simply stop eating the roaches?
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The President is legally using a tool that Republicans wrote for the executive branch to use, and in secret!

Republicans only have themselves to blame.

I appreciate some of the moves the President has made, like making the drone program public and shifting more to the Pentagon's control and away from the CIA and the executive branch.

In other small moves, the President has restricted a few provisions within the Patriot Act that gave the executive branch far-reaching powers, but it didn't go far enough because Republicans hope that one day soon they'll have their guy in power again, so they'll never get rid of that awful bill.

It's here to stay, and you can thank the George W. Bush administration and his neo-cons for warrantless spying on the American public.


Blame Bush,

Never gets old.

And then it's called "history". And there's that old saw about forgetting history and what that leads to. But don't get me wrong, I'm just as opposed to this Administrations over-reach as I was Bushes'. Damn the first guy who said "9/11 changes everything". That led us down a very dangerous road. I keep hoping we'll get back on the right track.

Not going to happen anytime soon.
Denialism is a strange disease. When media doesn't criticize The O'bama, all the weeping and gnashing of teeth blubbers "b-but but, Liburrul Media!". When it does criticize the weeping and gnashing shifts to "even the Liburrul Media is turning on him!".

In neither case does it ever occur to them that the LM premise was a crock in the first place. Because conservatism means never having to change your mind.



Typical Pogo post, blame the other guy for pointing out the obvious and pretend it makes you look smarter than the roaches crawling all over your food.

It's a simple (maybe too simple for some) observation of a certain contingent trying to have their rhetoric both ways.

And I know you get the point because you went to the trouble to strip out the illustration in my post. You even left the "center" command as you picked around it. That tells me it's making the point that's apparently too close for comfort, which means I hit it on the head. :thup:

I put it back in there so you can enjoy another look. You may thank me now. :D

Would that be the idiots that keep claiming there is no bias in the media despite the abundant evidence of said bias? Have you noticed that, despite all my posts about media bias and your stupidity, I never once tried to argue that Fox was "Fair and balanced"? Could that be because I see them as biased, and take that into account when I actually argue with you using the one thing you cannot deal with, truth?

By the way, when was the last time you changed your mind in the face of actual facts? You went to the trouble of reposting the stupid Keynes quote in an attempt to prove how much smarter you are after I deleted it, wouldn't it e easier to simply stop eating the roaches?

See? You just excised the quote again. Smatter, is it getting hot in here? Too close for comfort, is it? You don't get that by pulling the quote out you're actually drawing attention to it?

I didn't bring up "smart" so your butthurt over that is your own issue. I haven't mentioned Fox Noise either. I mentioned the myth of "liburrul media" and how it's used when convenient and when the evidence doesn't support the premise, is spun around on its head -- rather than question the veracity of the myth in the first place.

That point is not going away, regardless of "roaches".
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The President is legally using a tool that Republicans wrote for the executive branch to use, and in secret!

Republicans only have themselves to blame.

I appreciate some of the moves the President has made, like making the drone program public and shifting more to the Pentagon's control and away from the CIA and the executive branch.

In other small moves, the President has restricted a few provisions within the Patriot Act that gave the executive branch far-reaching powers, but it didn't go far enough because Republicans hope that one day soon they'll have their guy in power again, so they'll never get rid of that awful bill.

It's here to stay, and you can thank the George W. Bush administration and his neo-cons for warrantless spying on the American public.

The Patriot act? You mean the law that democrats voted for in 2008 through 2010 while they held both houses? You mean the law they voted for in 2011 2012 and 2013 when they controlled the Senate. that law?
It's a simple (maybe too simple for some) observation of a certain contingent trying to have their rhetoric both ways.

And I know you get the point because you went to the trouble to strip out the illustration in my post. You even left the "center" command as you picked around it. That tells me it's making the point that's apparently too close for comfort, which means I hit it on the head. :thup:

I put it back in there so you can enjoy another look. You may thank me now. :D

Would that be the idiots that keep claiming there is no bias in the media despite the abundant evidence of said bias? Have you noticed that, despite all my posts about media bias and your stupidity, I never once tried to argue that Fox was "Fair and balanced"? Could that be because I see them as biased, and take that into account when I actually argue with you using the one thing you cannot deal with, truth?

By the way, when was the last time you changed your mind in the face of actual facts? You went to the trouble of reposting the stupid Keynes quote in an attempt to prove how much smarter you are after I deleted it, wouldn't it e easier to simply stop eating the roaches?

See? You just excised the quote again. Smatter, is it getting hot in here? Too close for comfort, is it? You don't get that by pulling the quote out you're actually drawing attention to it?

I didn't bring up "smart" so your butthurt over that is your own issue. I haven't mentioned Fox Noise either. I mentioned the myth of "liburrul media" and how it's used when convenient and when the evidence doesn't support the premise, is spun around on its head -- rather than question the veracity of the myth in the first place.

That point is not going away, regardless of "roaches".

I took out a pointless picture of an someone being misused to make a stupid point by a guy that thinks roaches are garnish on his food.

The liberal media is not a myth, it is a fact of life. Bias is a very real, and human, condition. Pretending it doesn't exist simply because you like the end result does not negate the evidence.

Cable News Coverage and Online News Stories: A Large-Scale Comparison of Digital Media Content by Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Marcelo Mendoza, Nasir Khan, Carlos Castillo :: SSRN

How Pervasive Are Perceptions of Bias? Exploring Judgments of Media Bias in Financial News

There are, quite literally, hundreds of different articles exploring and outlining the bias, its causes, and its effect on the news cycle. I am the one laying out the facts, and admitting that there is bias from both sides. You insist that all the bias comes from the side you disagree with because you view roaches as a food garnish.

Facts are not your enemy, bias exists in all human beings, even me. The difference between us is I don't need a fake quote from a dead guy to make my point. Keynes never said what you posted, something you would know if you had ever read anything he wrote. I know this because, unlike you, I know that the facts do not change, that is why they are called facts. I also know that Keynes, despite his deification by some idiots who completely misrepresent his policies, understood that facts do not change.

So, once again, I present the facts, including the fact that you are misquoting someone. Will you change your mind, or will you continue to insist that you are right because those roaches look so tasty?
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