NY Times Urges Biden To Hike Gas Prices To Fight Climate Change

Batteries are the answer. They figured out how to build them without mining, they also figured out how to generate electricity without fossil fuels, and they can now build electrical infrastructures to charge batteries without destroying the environment.

People won't stop driving if gas goes up...they will just get angrier when they are filling up....and if the dems want to lose with record breaking numbers go for it....do what the NY times says Joe....good idea....
That became my suspicion several months ago. THIS degree of abject fuckery CANNOT be laid at the door of incompetence. It is too targeted and too consistent. The whole 450K to illegals who got separated from their kids is just another slap in the face from the Obama/Rice regime.
This is like a playbook to deconstruct the United States of America. It is like we are becoming more regionalized and compartmentalized. Progs are just pure evil.
Batteries are the answer. They figured out how to build them without mining, they also figured out how to generate electricity without fossil fuels, and they can now build electrical infrastructures to charge batteries without destroying the environment.

by the time the US/etc goes green, we will be destroyed by taxes/debt/etc
Go ahead libs...kill your chances for ever winning another seat in DC....
It can go to $7.20 to $10.80 a gallon and be back to 1972 prices in adjusted dollars before the fake 'Energy Crisis' hit the Ford administration. It's a real bargain at any price less than that range; too bad most incomes haven't kept up to anywhere near inflation levels, even with all the cheap Red Chinese crap Americans subsidize and love.

It's hilarious how the Town Hall and FreeRepublic troll farm parrots are complaining about dirt cheap gas and will turn around and make all kinds of whining screeds about 'worthless fiat money' and the like in threads the very next day in many cases, as if the two aren't related. lol
Now the insane leftoids are beginning their attacks on Natural Gas too.

There is no "climate crisis", and the leftoids showed that when they flew to Scotland on hundreds of private planes, and Biden's 800-person retinue, putting out more carbon than Scotland does in a year.

It is all about control and power, period.
Joe had an 85 car procession while in Europe twice as many cars as Trump used...
They rely on stupid voters. Look at how many votes McCauliffe received, and that putz Murphy in NJ too.
I going to guess McAuliffe had thousands of fraudulent ballots cast for him...the Governor of NJ as well...we will see what happens in that recount....the dems will continue to cheat until they get busted and prison time gets handed out....
Russian collusion is the normal state of events for Biden and the Democrats.

Funny how the MSM ignores all of this, eh. They and the Democratic Party are the enemies of America; Maoists.

It can go to $7.20 to $10.80 a gallon and be back to 1972 prices in adjusted dollars before the fake 'Energy Crisis' hit the Ford administration. It's a real bargain at any price less than that range; too bad most incomes haven't kept up to anywhere near inflation levels, even with all the cheap Red Chinese crap Americans subsidize and love.

It's hilarious how the Town Hall and FreeRepublic troll farm parrots are complaining about dirt cheap gas and will turn around and make all kinds of whining screeds about 'worthless fiat money' and the like in threads the very next day in many cases, as if the two aren't related. lol

It can go to $7.20 to $10.80 a gallon and be back to 1972 prices in adjusted dollars before the fake 'Energy Crisis' hit the Ford administration.

That became my suspicion several months ago. THIS degree of abject fuckery CANNOT be laid at the door of incompetence. It is too targeted and too consistent. The whole 450K to illegals who got separated from their kids is just another slap in the face from the Obama/Rice regime.
I read yesterday that Biden said angrily that the separated families deserved some sort of compensation.


How about they obey the law and don't keep invading us?

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