NYC Adds 3700 to COVID-19 Death Stats Despite Never Being Tested For It

Explain to me how that works exactly? First state and countries all over the world self destruct their economies based on models that are astronomically off kilter. Now you have states padding their numbers?

While these so-called excess deaths were not explicitly linked to the virus, they might not have happened had the outbreak not occurred, in part because it overwhelmed the normal health care system.

Might not is inconclusive and continues to paint a distorted picture of just how serious this pandemic is or is not.

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Because the symptoms are easy to identify. It's not like other illnesses, in the exact way it attacks the lungs. It has a few other signatures, too, like redness around the eyes,the belabored breathing, etc.

That's a load of shit , FFI. Without testing, its impossible to distinguish coronavirus from influenza or other pathogens that might be around post mortem, particularly considering the number of comorbidities that the corpses present with.
Yep, FFI IS full of shit, sadly. It's a shame he embarrasses our wonderful RED state of Indiana EVERY time he posts. Very sad, but VERY preventable.
none of the hospital beds Trump sent them are being used

And you need to understand why they haven't been able to make good use the ship. You will have to step outside the bubble for that, though.
thanks to Trump thousands of ventilators they aren't using.
Those aren't "trump's". Goddamn, listen to yourself... And again, you would rather a shortage? Those ventilators are available to go where anyone needs them. It's you who needs to read up.
Explain to me how that works exactly? First state and countries all over the world self destruct their economies based on models that are astronomically off kilter. Now you have states padding their numbers?

While these so-called excess deaths were not explicitly linked to the virus, they might not have happened had the outbreak not occurred, in part because it overwhelmed the normal health care system.

Might not is inconclusive and continues to paint a distorted picture of just how serious this pandemic is or is not.

View attachment 323593
none of the hospital beds Trump sent them are being used

And you need to understand why they haven't been able to use the ship.
thanks to Trump thousands of ventilators they aren't using.
Those aren't "trump's", you cultist weirdo. Goddamn, listen to yourself... And again, you would rather a shortage? Those ventilators are available to go where anyone needs them. It's you who needs to read up.
Not at all...I'm happy they don't need the ventilators...and Trump said today they wanted to error on the side of caution...he also said they are starting a state by state stockpile with all of the ones he had contracted to be if this happens again we can be they are kind of a Trump ventilator stockpile.....he is doing the same thing with masks and gloves and everything else needed for a pandemic....too bad Obama didn't do that....
Explain to me how that works exactly? First state and countries all over the world self destruct their economies based on models that are astronomically off kilter. Now you have states padding their numbers?

While these so-called excess deaths were not explicitly linked to the virus, they might not have happened had the outbreak not occurred, in part because it overwhelmed the normal health care system.

Might not is inconclusive and continues to paint a distorted picture of just how serious this pandemic is or is not.

View attachment 323593

Its really about the money, and the state politicians working hard to try and get federal money for the hospitals. Fredo et al grossly overestimated the number of beds, equipment, staff needed for this, and they cancelled thousands of procedures. This is there way to get money back from the feds while scoring political points.
Explain to me how that works exactly? First state and countries all over the world self destruct their economies based on models that are astronomically off kilter. Now you have states padding their numbers?

While these so-called excess deaths were not explicitly linked to the virus, they might not have happened had the outbreak not occurred, in part because it overwhelmed the normal health care system.

Might not is inconclusive and continues to paint a distorted picture of just how serious this pandemic is or is not.

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More explanation:

Good article. Hope he reads it.
The numbers are inflated because this whole thing is a pretext for massive global power grabs, and numerous global agendas. People here need to turn off the idiot box and question everything. I mean, unless one has no problem with a "Paperz pleaze!" police state type of world, akin to North Korea. For those people, continue to believe the BS and continue bending over and taking whatever is coming to you.
none of the hospital beds Trump sent them are being used

And you need to understand why they haven't been able to use the ship.
thanks to Trump thousands of ventilators they aren't using.
Those aren't "trump's", you cultist weirdo. Goddamn, listen to yourself... And again, you would rather a shortage? Those ventilators are available to go where anyone needs them. It's you who needs to read up.
Not at all...I'm happy they don't need the ventilators...and Trump said today they wanted to error on the side of caution...he also said they are starting a state by state stockpile with all of the ones he had contracted to be if this happens again we can be they are kind of a Trump ventilator stockpile.....he is doing the same thing with masks and gloves and everything else needed for a pandemic....too bad Obama didn't do that....

Trump's reaction to send all the ships and field hospitals to New York was absolutely necessary, even if it wasn't used. The populace in New York City was freaking out, and Trump's Tremendous response helped to ease their anxiety caused by goofy demagogues like Fredo and Warren Wilhelm working to create panic.

Anxiety is no freaking joke, and I'm glad the President responded. I guess if he didn't have the hospital ships available he could have dosed the NYC water supply with Haldol to simmer them down instead. Maybe that would've been cheaper?
he also said they are starting a state by state stockpile with all of the ones he had contracted to be if this happens again we can be ready..
And now unveil the date of that quote. Haha...., leadership!
At today's the damn thing you sound like an uniformed moron....there is a thing called YouTube.....
As noted already, a number of physicians who have decades of experience writing death certificates indicate the CDC is telling them label deaths as the Kung Flu or whatever the establishment is calling it. And the CDC is involved in a plan to "re-open" the country? What in the fuck?

The CDC which helped stage this hoax has worked up a plan that has three phases...and has there ever been a vaccine for an RNA type virus like the flu that works?

1. Readying the country through a "communication campaign and community readiness assessment until May 1."

2. Manufacturing of testing kits and protective equipment would be stepped up and emergency funding increased. That would go through May 15.

3. "Staged reopenings" would start after that and would depend on conditions locally. Reopenings would not be before May 1.

Some restrictions will be necessary until vaccines are available or there is broad immunity, according to the plan, since models indicate "30-day shelter in place followed by 180 day lifting of all mitigation results in large rebound curve," according to the Post report.

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Explain to me how that works exactly? First state and countries all over the world self destruct their economies based on models that are astronomically off kilter. Now you have states padding their numbers?

While these so-called excess deaths were not explicitly linked to the virus, they might not have happened had the outbreak not occurred, in part because it overwhelmed the normal health care system.

Might not is inconclusive and continues to paint a distorted picture of just how serious this pandemic is or is not.

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I've been saying over and over that data isn't adding up.

For example, CDC estimated that 70% of Americans will get COVID-19. OK, that's plausible, just as it happened with previous viruses.

What doesn't check out is their current death count. If they try to explain away "well, asymptomatic cases" they still have a lot to explain. Because 0.1% lethality is what a bad flu season gets to.

If they say "70% of Americans will get coronavirus" but do not move their estimate above 100K deaths, they are saying coronavirus has a 0.04% lethality, well weaker than the flu and that demands another question of - Why they recommended such extreme measures?

Now coronavirus almost certainly is above 0.1% lethality, but then their numbers are completely disjoint from reality. The CDC needs to show some consistency, both between their own reports and with what reality is saying.
Explain to me how that works exactly? First state and countries all over the world self destruct their economies based on models that are astronomically off kilter. Now you have states padding their numbers?

While these so-called excess deaths were not explicitly linked to the virus, they might not have happened had the outbreak not occurred, in part because it overwhelmed the normal health care system.

Might not is inconclusive and continues to paint a distorted picture of just how serious this pandemic is or is not.

View attachment 323593
Because the symptoms are easy to identify. It's not like other illnesses, in the exact way it attacks the lungs. It has a few other signatures, too, like redness around the eyes,the belabored breathing, etc.

Without testing, no identification is valid, and shouldn't be counted as COVID-19 death. Period.
Explain to me how that works exactly? First state and countries all over the world self destruct their economies based on models that are astronomically off kilter. Now you have states padding their numbers?

While these so-called excess deaths were not explicitly linked to the virus, they might not have happened had the outbreak not occurred, in part because it overwhelmed the normal health care system.

Might not is inconclusive and continues to paint a distorted picture of just how serious this pandemic is or is not.

View attachment 323593
Because the symptoms are easy to identify. It's not like other illnesses, in the exact way it attacks the lungs. It has a few other signatures, too, like redness around the eyes,the belabored breathing, etc.

Without testing, no identification is valid, and shouldn't be counted as COVID-19 death. Period.

correctomundo. More than 90% of all COVID19 tests given in Pennsylvania are coming up negative, and this is among people who have symptoms and the doctor thinks its worth testing for. Pretending as if its "obvious" that someone is dying from or even has the virus, is absurd. Especially since exactly ZERO of the doctors practicing ever saw a case since the past few months.
Explain to me how that works exactly? First state and countries all over the world self destruct their economies based on models that are astronomically off kilter. Now you have states padding their numbers?

While these so-called excess deaths were not explicitly linked to the virus, they might not have happened had the outbreak not occurred, in part because it overwhelmed the normal health care system.

Might not is inconclusive and continues to paint a distorted picture of just how serious this pandemic is or is not.

View attachment 323593
Because the symptoms are easy to identify. It's not like other illnesses, in the exact way it attacks the lungs. It has a few other signatures, too, like redness around the eyes,the belabored breathing, etc.

Without testing, no identification is valid, and shouldn't be counted as COVID-19 death. Period.
Explain to me how that works exactly? First state and countries all over the world self destruct their economies based on models that are astronomically off kilter. Now you have states padding their numbers?

While these so-called excess deaths were not explicitly linked to the virus, they might not have happened had the outbreak not occurred, in part because it overwhelmed the normal health care system.

Might not is inconclusive and continues to paint a distorted picture of just how serious this pandemic is or is not.

View attachment 323593
Because the symptoms are easy to identify. It's not like other illnesses, in the exact way it attacks the lungs. It has a few other signatures, too, like redness around the eyes,the belabored breathing, etc.

Without testing, no identification is valid, and shouldn't be counted as COVID-19 death. Period.

How's wrong?

Someone who dies from ARDS (fluid in lungs) could have died from several reasons, including flu/pneumonia, cancer, COVID-19, with all the same symptoms.

If not tested for COVID-19, they should not be counted as COVID-19 deaths.
Meanwhile one of the best preventatives to defend against viruses is good nutrition with items like Vitamin D which can be taken by supplementation, or better yet, from being in the sun for a half hour a day or whatever. And the governors of states with beaches have closed the beaches. Sure you can get the sun anywhere it is sunny, but that is the eyebrow raiser that the intention of the establishment Deep State is to make citizens susceptible to the Kung Flu or Seasonal Flu, etc. The Deep State seems to want people to stay inside which undermines the immune system.

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