NYC: Fascist loses Mayor Race by 49 percent.

No, i think, like in everything else you type down on this messageoard, you're full of shit.

Okay tough guy.

We can take this offline.

Let's put your money where your mouth is.

I will wager you $1,000 bucks that I do indeed own an apartment.

It's a co-op on the upper east side I currently sublet.

PM me. We can reveal our true identities and I will show it to you online.

You game?

I do not want to partner up with you, guy. Our interactions will forever be limited to this messageboard. All the same, I dont care if you really do, or do not own property in NYC. With that, i still doubt it and for the discussion, it's of no value.
You're the one that questioned it.

And now?

You back off.

No worries.

I understand cowardice when I see it.


It's for breakfast.

How is supporting Charter schools like Fascism?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I wonder what the over/under is on this guy raising taxes the first 100 days of his term.

I am going to bet heavy on the under... :eek:

He can't raise taxes. He'd need Cuomo for that.

de Blahsio is nothing more than an empty suite who spewed the rhetoric morons like Shallow love to hear. He'll be a dismal failure liek the last progressive that was elected.

You don't own you?

I do.

And I had my property tax raised by the last Republican Mayor..Bloomberg.
You ain't seen nothin' yet, Skippy. :lmao:
This is New York. Ultra liberal. Now that they have a liberal dream as mayor see how long they like it. New York will become East Chicago with a dash of Detroit within a year.
NYC rejected the Tea Party Fascism of Joe Lhota by 49%.

:lol: Joe Lhota is hardly a tea party guy. It's amusing how everyone slightly to the right of a Marxist now gets labeled as such.

Personally, I wouldn't have voted for Lhota because of his support for Stop & Frisk, but you guys fucked up big time electing de Blasio. He is going to return your city to the suffering days of David Dinkins' reign. Good luck with that. You deserve it. :lol:
The Rise and Fall of New York

November 6, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Twenty years ago, New York’s long nightmare ended with a Giuliani victory over Mayor Dinkins. Now the nightmare returns as former Dinkins staffer and terrorist supporter Bill de Blasio will begin wrecking the city where Dinkins and his Democratic predecessors left off.

Bill de Blasio vowed to undo Giuliani’s reforms and turn back the clock on fighting crime and terrorism. Giuliani’s victory was a wake-up call to Democrats that one of the more dangerous cities in the country had rejected their liberal soft-on-crime policies that had made it unlivable. Bill de Blasio’s victory tells them that soft-on-crime is popular again.

Welcome back Michael Dukakis.

Part of the reason is that New York City has changed. The city’s politics have traditionally been middle class. Even Democratic politicians identified with the storeowner in Brooklyn, the fireman in Staten Island and the auto body mechanic in Queens.

Bill de Blasio breaks with that tradition. The former Warren Wilhelm Jr. did pick a name that opens more political doors for him among working class voters, but other than that his causes, building more housing projects, banning carriage horses in Central Park and ending police surveillance of Muslim terrorists are a grab bag of bad ideas from his two bases; liberal yuppies and welfare voters.


Media boycotts of the opposition are turning New York City elections into Soviet elections where there is only one choice.

Bill de Blasio’s victory isn’t an endorsement of his program, but of the manipulation of the political system by the powerful special interests bringing the city to the brink of bankruptcy and of the short memories of city residents voting in more of the same two decades after the Dinkins nightmare ended.

New York City’s meteoric rise from the slums was a national story. Its descent back to the slums will be local crime coverage.

The Rise and Fall of New York | FrontPage Magazine
Nice. You cut and paste a piece from a bat shit crazy conservative web site. Imagine what it would be like if you could actually think. Dipshit.

RUshe/mr, you must be of the liberal swill...:lol:
The Rise and Fall of New York

November 6, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Twenty years ago, New York’s long nightmare ended with a Giuliani victory over Mayor Dinkins. Now the nightmare returns as former Dinkins staffer and terrorist supporter Bill de Blasio will begin wrecking the city where Dinkins and his Democratic predecessors left off.

Bill de Blasio vowed to undo Giuliani’s reforms and turn back the clock on fighting crime and terrorism. Giuliani’s victory was a wake-up call to Democrats that one of the more dangerous cities in the country had rejected their liberal soft-on-crime policies that had made it unlivable. Bill de Blasio’s victory tells them that soft-on-crime is popular again.

Welcome back Michael Dukakis.

Part of the reason is that New York City has changed. The city’s politics have traditionally been middle class. Even Democratic politicians identified with the storeowner in Brooklyn, the fireman in Staten Island and the auto body mechanic in Queens.

Bill de Blasio breaks with that tradition. The former Warren Wilhelm Jr. did pick a name that opens more political doors for him among working class voters, but other than that his causes, building more housing projects, banning carriage horses in Central Park and ending police surveillance of Muslim terrorists are a grab bag of bad ideas from his two bases; liberal yuppies and welfare voters.


Media boycotts of the opposition are turning New York City elections into Soviet elections where there is only one choice.

Bill de Blasio’s victory isn’t an endorsement of his program, but of the manipulation of the political system by the powerful special interests bringing the city to the brink of bankruptcy and of the short memories of city residents voting in more of the same two decades after the Dinkins nightmare ended.

New York City’s meteoric rise from the slums was a national story. Its descent back to the slums will be local crime coverage.

The Rise and Fall of New York | FrontPage Magazine
Nice. You cut and paste a piece from a bat shit crazy conservative web site. Imagine what it would be like if you could actually think. Dipshit.

RUshe/mr, you must be of the liberal swill...:lol:
No. I just like rational arguments. Not drivel from far, far, far left sources or far, far, far right sources. Sorry you do not like impartial information.
Nice. You cut and paste a piece from a bat shit crazy conservative web site. Imagine what it would be like if you could actually think. Dipshit.

RUshe/mr, you must be of the liberal swill...:lol:
No. I just like rational arguments. Not drivel from far, far, far left sources or far, far, far right sources. Sorry you do not like impartial information.

ok, thats fair, so let me ask you; do you think his term will be a net plus or minus for the city, financials, crime....?
NYC rejected the Tea Party Fascism of Joe Lhota by 49%.

:lol: what a'll see, back to pre Giuliani days, when the city was a pit.....

here ya go, just go ahead and cut and paste de Blasios face in there.....keep it handy..



Dinkins actually was the one that turned the corner in New York.

Of course you missed it.

He got MetroTech up and running.
He did community policing which ultimately brought down the crime rate.
He built the Tennis stadium.
He cleaned out the shanty towns in city parks and under the FDR.

By the way, I've many times given Rudy credit for bringing down the mob and continuing Dinkin's focus on law enforcement.

Which definitely shows what a genuine hack you are..
NYC rejected the Tea Party Fascism of Joe Lhota by 49%.

:lol: Joe Lhota is hardly a tea party guy. It's amusing how everyone slightly to the right of a Marxist now gets labeled as such.

Personally, I wouldn't have voted for Lhota because of his support for Stop & Frisk, but you guys fucked up big time electing de Blasio. He is going to return your city to the suffering days of David Dinkins' reign. Good luck with that. You deserve it. :lol:


NY1 ItCH: The Tale Of Joe Lhota's Tea Party Tape - NY1
Word is he will ban toilet paper as part of the greenie movement. Stand by for the days of using the corn cobs again. You know, use the brown one first, and then the white one, to see if you need to use the brown one again.

Just sayin

Word is he will ban toilet paper as part of the greenie movement. Stand by for the days of using the corn cobs again. You know, use the brown one first, and then the white one, to see if you need to use the brown one again.

Just sayin


And horse and buggies will be reintroduced.

Oh wait..they never left.

Word is he will ban toilet paper as part of the greenie movement. Stand by for the days of using the corn cobs again. You know, use the brown one first, and then the white one, to see if you need to use the brown one again.

Just sayin


And horse and buggies will be reintroduced.

Oh wait..they never left.


De Blasio wants to ban them, actually, now that he's received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from special interests.

I thought you didn't like money in politics, or is it only Koch Bros. money that's bad?
Last edited:
I loved this bit of information too.

Meanwhile, de Blasio’s campaign yesterday released an ad castigating Mayor Bloomberg as too focused on the rich.

“If you live on Park Avenue, you got everything you need — nannies and housekeepers . . . Bloomberg’s taken care of Wall Street, not middle-class people, working-class people, poor people,” the ad says.

But de Blasio admitted his own family had employed household help.

De Blasio?s switch on Central Park carriage horses brings activists? dough | New York Post

Once again the left falls over themselves to elect a radical Marxist who runs around preaching class warfare and demonizing productive people while living high off the hog himself. Because only rich white liberal elitists who can afford to hire a housekeeper and a nanny truly understand the plight of the poor and middle class.

And you idiots fall for this shit over and over and over again. :lol: :lol:

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