NYC Lib groups have hissy over $100m Hospital donation

Liberals would rather die or see someone else die to prove their point. Withdraw the gift. Keep the money. Burn it. Pay counter protesters to knock heads together.
Wow – a totally new low. To picket a hospital because it accepted a donation and you don’t like the source.


Can anyone find a reason that they are picketing? The story is all over the place but not a single outlet provides any other reason than the name attached to the check – fucking asinine. I can hardly believe that it is actually true.

Liberals, is this TRULY how you want to represent yourselves. This kind of hate is truly pathetic…

It doesn't really matter when they donated it. It was a generous and kind thing to do.

Liberals haven't changed and they will continue to act like complete fools when anything other than their lame ideas help people.

People aren't allowed to help others anymore. One group was stopped from feeding hungry people. Now they don't want anyone helping hospitals.

It's also a reminder that Republicans have always been more generous with charities than the left. Liberals hate that, but haven't improved any when it comes to giving up their own money to help others. It's just so much easier to use other people's money.
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WOAH, the NAACP and a couple of UNIONS picketed and got enraged that someone donated money to a hospital!

Protest last weekend by activist groups including the NAACP New York State Conference, the New York State Nurses’ Association and the hospital-employee Union SEIU Local 1199.


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WOAH, the NAACP and a couple of UNIONS picketed and got enraged that someone donated money to a hospital!

Protest last weekend by activist groups including the NAACP New York State Conference, the New York State Nurses’ Association and the hospital-employee Union SEIU Local 1199.



Damn straight the unions and NAACP protested this. They don't believe in direct donations to help people. Otherwise, do you know how many people can't get paid off? If an NY Liberal grabs money ( taxes) for a hospital, it is a money pot that can trickle through the unions, cronies, etc. and the leftovers go to the hospital. With a direct donation, that is a shit pile of money that cannot be touched by unions and others seeking their cut.
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They weren't protesting the Koch Brother's donation which occurred last year. That's asinine but very predictable. It had to do with their influence and changes that were being made. You think money comes without strings. How bloody naive.
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They weren't protesting the Koch Brother's donation which occurred last year. That's asinine but very predictable. It had to do with their influence and changes that were being made. You think money comes without strings. How bloody naive.

Strings are a lot thinner than layers of people that need to be paid off. They were protesting because they got their marching orders from their masters.
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They weren't protesting the Koch Brother's donation which occurred last year. That's asinine but very predictable. It had to do with their influence and changes that were being made. You think money comes without strings. How bloody naive.

Strings are a lot thinner than layers of people that need to be paid off.

Yes, I can see how that would justify lying about an event and spreading it through conservative media.............and not being able to utilize critical thinking skills. Most sane people would ask, "Why else might they be protesting?"
They weren't protesting the Koch Brother's donation which occurred last year. That's asinine but very predictable. It had to do with their influence and changes that were being made. You think money comes without strings. How bloody naive.

Even if it does it was given to a good cause and will be put to good use. Ask the people who run the hospital if they appreciate it and see what they say.

Besides if your statement is true its just as true about money that comes from sources on the left like that hedge fund guy who is going to waste $50 million on global warming candidates -- an issue the public doesnt give a crap about. At least the Koch brothers are effective.
They weren't protesting the Koch Brother's donation which occurred last year. That's asinine but very predictable. It had to do with their influence and changes that were being made. You think money comes without strings. How bloody naive.

Even if it does it was given to a good cause and will be put to good use. Ask the people who run the hospital if they appreciate it and see what they say.

Besides if your statement is true its just as true about money that comes from sources on the left like that hedge fund guy who is going to waste $50 million on global warming candidates -- an issue the public doesnt give a crap about. At least the Koch brothers are effective.

Yes, I can see how that justifies lying about an event and playing it through conservative media.
They weren't protesting the Koch Brother's donation which occurred last year. That's asinine but very predictable. It had to do with their influence and changes that were being made. You think money comes without strings. How bloody naive.

What strings? Other than he Koch name going on the wing?
You'd rather it be a taxation based funding with THOSE strings?
Get the fuck out of here, rookie.

And apparently these idiots are now just getting around to protesting...
These people who are up in arms...They are probably doing what they have been told to do.

That would be almost funny if it wasn't so sad. You took a story and didn't even question it and ran with it. You do what your told. You believe what you are told. You think what you are told. That's the reach of their influence. And you let them.
They weren't protesting the Koch Brother's donation which occurred last year. That's asinine but very predictable. It had to do with their influence and changes that were being made. You think money comes without strings. How bloody naive.

Strings are a lot thinner than layers of people that need to be paid off.

Yes, I can see how that would justify lying about an event and spreading it through conservative media.............and not being able to utilize critical thinking skills. Most sane people would ask, "Why else might they be protesting?"

Gee 8 posts and a flaming lib has whipped out the "it's a lie" card.
Pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.
All you are doing here is looking for your comfort zone.
You see the idiocy of this protest and cannot fathom it. So you deny its existence and of course conjure up excuses.
Also, you fell right in line with lib think. You don't like the facts, so you attack the source.
They weren't protesting the Koch Brother's donation which occurred last year. That's asinine but very predictable. It had to do with their influence and changes that were being made. You think money comes without strings. How bloody naive.

Even if it does it was given to a good cause and will be put to good use. Ask the people who run the hospital if they appreciate it and see what they say.

Besides if your statement is true its just as true about money that comes from sources on the left like that hedge fund guy who is going to waste $50 million on global warming candidates -- an issue the public doesnt give a crap about. At least the Koch brothers are effective.

Yes, I can see how that justifies lying about an event and playing it through conservative media.

Where is the "lie"?
Strings are a lot thinner than layers of people that need to be paid off.

Yes, I can see how that would justify lying about an event and spreading it through conservative media.............and not being able to utilize critical thinking skills. Most sane people would ask, "Why else might they be protesting?"

Gee 8 posts and a flaming lib has whipped out the "it's a lie" card.
Pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.
All you are doing here is looking for your comfort zone.
You see the idiocy of this protest and cannot fathom it. So you deny its existence and of course conjure up excuses.
Also, you fell right in line with lib think. You don't like the facts, so you attack the source.

Did I? That whole, "Why protest a donation that occurred that far back?" Are you quite sure that it wasn't timed for International Women's Day and the war against women or the doing their part to make sure that nobody has health care? How about Americans for Prosperity and Generation Opportunity (Koch machines)? Do you think they might have anything to do with it? How about the legislation that they back? Would that have anything to do with it?

Couldn't possibly be.

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