NYC Lib groups have hissy over $100m Hospital donation

care to expound or do you not have any thoughts on this?

The 'reasoning' is extremely vapid. They are protesting Koch directly but claim that it is against monies influence in politics and healthcare. The venue is EXTREMELY suspect considering no such connection is drawn with the donation to that hospital or the way that they are using it.

I would support them IF the Koch donation came with a string attached, an attack on 'women's health' or anything at all that would support their assertions. Instead, nothing.

The protesters haven't got a clue. If they wanted to protest Koch donations they should have done so in a different venue. Stuck with his apartments or the local government. instead, they protested a large financial donation that was lacking the 'influence' that they were crying about. Epic fail.

Why would a different venue make any difference? The Koch brothers bank roll the attack ads, astroturf organizations and write the legislation via ALEC. I find it very odd that all of sudden people are freaking out over another Koch rally. They are nation wide. I have a feeling that if you haven't supported the rallies in the past, you have no intention of doing so now. Further, I doubt that you have been paying attention to the nurses that have been striking for the past several years or listening to their reasons and you have no intention of doing so now. In addition, if you are unwilling to listen to the reasoning that unions protest or strike at any time then you have no intention of doing so now. Lastly, if you have been unwilling to consider that the legislation or ads are anti-woman and/or anti-healthcare, then you have no intention of doing so now.

Why would a different venue have mattered? Are you kidding?

You chose the venue because it is THE POINT OF THE PROTEST. That is why a different venue matters. IOW, choosing THIS venue and THIS donation shows that the protesters are not protesting the things that they claim. Rather, they are protesting anything that the Koch brothers donate. It shows that they are completely ignorant in what they are doing. It shows that they really only care about the SOURCE rather than the actual problem.

I don’t really mind if they have an issue with the Koch brothers – they are VERY political and that is going to bring protesters who disagree with your worldview. The same would go for Soros on the other side of the fence. And the same idiocy would be applied to asshat conservative protesting a donation from a person like Soros to a hospital or park or a million other public works projects that are GOOD rather than political gerrymandering.

You realize that the cool 100mil that went to the hospital IS NOT UNAVAILABLE for political hackery. That alone should make the protesters happy about that particular donation. You would think that, as supporters of the rich paying more of their fair share, they would encourage people just like Koch to get out of politics and donate to the hospitals and community endeavors of their choice.

Instead, they protest free and clear cash donation for NOTHING MORE THAN HATE. That is all that this is – vile hate for the source rather than recognizing that this is NOT the type of activity that they should be attacking. It should be the donation that Koch gives to the local ‘war against women’ or the equivalent in their eyes. But they are not there, are they?

They might have done so in other protests and I commend those protests for standing up for what they believe in. I condemn THIS protest though because the protesters are acting like petulant children whining because the source and not because of any real action on the donations part.
Liberals would rather die or see someone else die to prove their point. Withdraw the gift. Keep the money. Burn it. Pay counter protesters to knock heads together.

you mean like them buying a college economics department so they can lie to students?

they shouldn't be allowed to touch anything. they just break things.

Interesting. Those rich people really need to pay their fair share. I mean, amassing all that wealth is destroying the nation and all.

Oh wait – they want to pay their fair share through donations to hospitals and education. Oh hell no. We didn’t mean that fair share – you are only allowed to do public works through TAXES.

The rank hypocrisy is pretty clear.
care to expound or do you not have any thoughts on this?

The 'reasoning' is extremely vapid. They are protesting Koch directly but claim that it is against monies influence in politics and healthcare. The venue is EXTREMELY suspect considering no such connection is drawn with the donation to that hospital or the way that they are using it.

I would support them IF the Koch donation came with a string attached, an attack on 'women's health' or anything at all that would support their assertions. Instead, nothing.

The protesters haven't got a clue. If they wanted to protest Koch donations they should have done so in a different venue. Stuck with his apartments or the local government. instead, they protested a large financial donation that was lacking the 'influence' that they were crying about. Epic fail.

Why would a different venue make any difference? The Koch brothers bank roll the attack ads, astroturf organizations and write the legislation via ALEC. I find it very odd that all of sudden people are freaking out over another Koch rally. They are nation wide. I have a feeling that if you haven't supported the rallies in the past, you have no intention of doing so now. Further, I doubt that you have been paying attention to the nurses that have been striking for the past several years or listening to their reasons and you have no intention of doing so now. In addition, if you are unwilling to listen to the reasoning that unions protest or strike at any time then you have no intention of doing so now. Lastly, if you have been unwilling to consider that the legislation or ads are anti-woman and/or anti-healthcare, then you have no intention of doing so now.

Why would a different venue have mattered? Are you kidding?

You chose the venue because it is THE POINT OF THE PROTEST. That is why a different venue matters. IOW, choosing THIS venue and THIS donation shows that the protesters are not protesting the things that they claim. Rather, they are protesting anything that the Koch brothers donate. It shows that they are completely ignorant in what they are doing. It shows that they really only care about the SOURCE rather than the actual problem.

I don’t really mind if they have an issue with the Koch brothers – they are VERY political and that is going to bring protesters who disagree with your worldview. The same would go for Soros on the other side of the fence. And the same idiocy would be applied to asshat conservative protesting a donation from a person like Soros to a hospital or park or a million other public works projects that are GOOD rather than political gerrymandering.

You realize that the cool 100mil that went to the hospital IS NOT UNAVAILABLE for political hackery. That alone should make the protesters happy about that particular donation. You would think that, as supporters of the rich paying more of their fair share, they would encourage people just like Koch to get out of politics and donate to the hospitals and community endeavors of their choice.

Instead, they protest free and clear cash donation for NOTHING MORE THAN HATE. That is all that this is – vile hate for the source rather than recognizing that this is NOT the type of activity that they should be attacking. It should be the donation that Koch gives to the local ‘war against women’ or the equivalent in their eyes. But they are not there, are they?

They might have done so in other protests and I commend those protests for standing up for what they believe in. I condemn THIS protest though because the protesters are acting like petulant children whining because the source and not because of any real action on the donations part.

You're in denial.
You know the Krotch's only donated for a tax write off against their gross income....

once again; only petty left-wing morons can have a problem with a $100 million donation to a children's hospital. childrens lives will be saved; and jobs will be created
Why would a different venue make any difference? The Koch brothers bank roll the attack ads, astroturf organizations and write the legislation via ALEC. I find it very odd that all of sudden people are freaking out over another Koch rally. They are nation wide. I have a feeling that if you haven't supported the rallies in the past, you have no intention of doing so now. Further, I doubt that you have been paying attention to the nurses that have been striking for the past several years or listening to their reasons and you have no intention of doing so now. In addition, if you are unwilling to listen to the reasoning that unions protest or strike at any time then you have no intention of doing so now. Lastly, if you have been unwilling to consider that the legislation or ads are anti-woman and/or anti-healthcare, then you have no intention of doing so now.

Why would a different venue have mattered? Are you kidding?

You chose the venue because it is THE POINT OF THE PROTEST. That is why a different venue matters. IOW, choosing THIS venue and THIS donation shows that the protesters are not protesting the things that they claim. Rather, they are protesting anything that the Koch brothers donate. It shows that they are completely ignorant in what they are doing. It shows that they really only care about the SOURCE rather than the actual problem.

I don’t really mind if they have an issue with the Koch brothers – they are VERY political and that is going to bring protesters who disagree with your worldview. The same would go for Soros on the other side of the fence. And the same idiocy would be applied to asshat conservative protesting a donation from a person like Soros to a hospital or park or a million other public works projects that are GOOD rather than political gerrymandering.

You realize that the cool 100mil that went to the hospital IS NOT UNAVAILABLE for political hackery. That alone should make the protesters happy about that particular donation. You would think that, as supporters of the rich paying more of their fair share, they would encourage people just like Koch to get out of politics and donate to the hospitals and community endeavors of their choice.

Instead, they protest free and clear cash donation for NOTHING MORE THAN HATE. That is all that this is – vile hate for the source rather than recognizing that this is NOT the type of activity that they should be attacking. It should be the donation that Koch gives to the local ‘war against women’ or the equivalent in their eyes. But they are not there, are they?

They might have done so in other protests and I commend those protests for standing up for what they believe in. I condemn THIS protest though because the protesters are acting like petulant children whining because the source and not because of any real action on the donations part.

You're in denial.

God, I already addressed this MULTIPLE times. I guess you don’t actually want to address the points because you have no argument. Fine then but don’t bother posting another link (without any thoughts) that has NOTHING to do with the points raised.

I figured you were able to articulate a point better than that. I guess I will just have to be disappointed again.
Why would a different venue have mattered? Are you kidding?

You chose the venue because it is THE POINT OF THE PROTEST. That is why a different venue matters. IOW, choosing THIS venue and THIS donation shows that the protesters are not protesting the things that they claim. Rather, they are protesting anything that the Koch brothers donate. It shows that they are completely ignorant in what they are doing. It shows that they really only care about the SOURCE rather than the actual problem.

I don’t really mind if they have an issue with the Koch brothers – they are VERY political and that is going to bring protesters who disagree with your worldview. The same would go for Soros on the other side of the fence. And the same idiocy would be applied to asshat conservative protesting a donation from a person like Soros to a hospital or park or a million other public works projects that are GOOD rather than political gerrymandering.

You realize that the cool 100mil that went to the hospital IS NOT UNAVAILABLE for political hackery. That alone should make the protesters happy about that particular donation. You would think that, as supporters of the rich paying more of their fair share, they would encourage people just like Koch to get out of politics and donate to the hospitals and community endeavors of their choice.

Instead, they protest free and clear cash donation for NOTHING MORE THAN HATE. That is all that this is – vile hate for the source rather than recognizing that this is NOT the type of activity that they should be attacking. It should be the donation that Koch gives to the local ‘war against women’ or the equivalent in their eyes. But they are not there, are they?

They might have done so in other protests and I commend those protests for standing up for what they believe in. I condemn THIS protest though because the protesters are acting like petulant children whining because the source and not because of any real action on the donations part.

You're in denial.

God, I already addressed this MULTIPLE times. I guess you don’t actually want to address the points because you have no argument. Fine then but don’t bother posting another link (without any thoughts) that has NOTHING to do with the points raised.

I figured you were able to articulate a point better than that. I guess I will just have to be disappointed again.

On page 2 and 3 I brought you the astroturf groups and the anti health care and anti women adverts and the funding via the Koch Brothers. I point out that it coincides with International Women's day. You then ask me to expand on a link that I provided-which was wonderful because I did that on page 1 and 2.

You want more? Here is the legislation models and the agenda from ALEC.
Health and Human Services - ALEC - American Legislative Exchange Council

But, it's the venue that your upset about.
Get back to me when your ready to deal with the finer points.

God, I already addressed this MULTIPLE times. I guess you don’t actually want to address the points because you have no argument. Fine then but don’t bother posting another link (without any thoughts) that has NOTHING to do with the points raised.

I figured you were able to articulate a point better than that. I guess I will just have to be disappointed again.

On page 2 and 3 I brought you the astroturf groups and the anti health care and anti women adverts and the funding via the Koch Brothers. I point out that it coincides with International Women's day. You then ask me to expand on a link that I provided-which was wonderful because I did that on page 1 and 2.

You want more? Here is the legislation models and the agenda from ALEC.
Health and Human Services - ALEC - American Legislative Exchange Council

But, it's the venue that your upset about.
Get back to me when your ready to deal with the finer points.
Finer points?
This is the problem you flaming libs have. You complicate everything.
It's a donation of $100 mil....Oh no, that's not good enough. On your side everything requires a microscope. And why is this? Because you people believe there is always an ulterior motive.
You should look in the mirror. Because the problem is YOU.
God, I already addressed this MULTIPLE times. I guess you don’t actually want to address the points because you have no argument. Fine then but don’t bother posting another link (without any thoughts) that has NOTHING to do with the points raised.

I figured you were able to articulate a point better than that. I guess I will just have to be disappointed again.

On page 2 and 3 I brought you the astroturf groups and the anti health care and anti women adverts and the funding via the Koch Brothers. I point out that it coincides with International Women's day. You then ask me to expand on a link that I provided-which was wonderful because I did that on page 1 and 2.

You want more? Here is the legislation models and the agenda from ALEC.
Health and Human Services - ALEC - American Legislative Exchange Council

But, it's the venue that your upset about.
Get back to me when your ready to deal with the finer points.
Finer points?
This is the problem you flaming libs have. You complicate everything.
It's a donation of $100 mil....Oh no, that's not good enough. On your side everything requires a microscope. And why is this? Because you people believe there is always an ulterior motive.
You should look in the mirror. Because the problem is YOU.

:smiliehug: Go take your medication. I'll wait.
You know the Krotch's only donated for a tax write off against their gross income....

Lets watch the double talking liberals shall we? The ones that supposedly want the rich to pay more in taxes.

Lets look at what Hollywood scumbags like Harvey Weinstein has to say about tax breaks. Shall we?

Producer Harvey Weinstein told LA Film Czar Ken Ziffren today that he needs to do whatever it takes to increase California’s $100 million Film and TV Tax Credit Program in order to keep production in the state. The remarks were made during Weinstein’s keynote address at today’s 38th annual UCLA Entertainment Symposium.

Weinstein argued that California does not have to offer the same discounts as, say, New Orleans as long as the state can provide enough of an incentive when weighed against the added travel and production costs called for by out-of-state production. He said producers can elevate the quality of production by tapping the superior Hollywood talent pool and prefer to avoid transportation hassles that “can turn scheduling into a nightmare.”

On February 19, legislation was introduced to expand the $100 million credit program, with nearly 60 co-sponsors from across the state. However, Gov. Jerry Brown has been weary about adding new expenditures to the state’s stable budget. “Please, whatever you can do with the governor…” Weinstein pleaded to Ziffren, who offered no immediate response. Ziffren, who was named the city’s Film Czar on February 10, mentioned in a conference call February 27 that he wants to see production in the state return to the lofty levels seen during the mid-1990s. Industry sources have said the the California program should aim for a target credit level of $400 million.

Lets take a look at Obama's best friend to his presidency Jeffrey Immelt and GE (NBC) avoids in taxes......shall we?

General Electric Avoids Taxes By Keeping $108 Billion Overseas

The company with the most profits parked overseas is General Electric, according to a new Bloomberg analysis of 83 corporations.

GE said in a Feb. 26 regulatory filing that it was holding $108 billion in profits overseas as of the end of last year. That is up from $102 billion a year before. GE said in the filing that it reinvested most of these profits in foreign business operations and does not intend to bring those profits back to the U.S.

The practice of holding profits overseas has been highlighted as a strategy to avoid paying taxes. GE paid no U.S. taxes at all in 2010, according to The New York Times -- an allegation GE spokesman Seth Martin called "untrue" in an email to The Huffington Post Monday.

GE did not comment on the $108 billion in profits overseas.

Sixty big U.S. companies analyzed by the Wall Street Journal kept on average more than 40 percent of their annual profits overseas last year. The companies have attributed a growing amount of their revenue to foreign sales, and they have assigned patents and licenses to foreign subsidiaries. Thanks to these practices, the U.S. is not only losing out on tax revenue, but it is also missing money kept overseas that will not be used to invest in the U.S. or pay dividends to shareholders.

It has become increasingly common for companies to move or keep their profits overseas. The biggest U.S. companies boosted their offshore cash hoards by 14 percent last year, according to a separate Bloomberg report. Apple, Microsoft and Google together have more than doubled their overseas holdings over the past two years. The drugmakers Merck and Johnson & Johnson each saved about $2 billion last year by shifting profits overseas, according to Bloomberg.


Interestingly, the fucking morons on the left say nothing about this. Why? Cause they trick you into thinking they give a shit about taxing the rich by attacking republicans or right wingers who argue we (the rich) are getting taxed too much. They of course do not hold it against American hating pieces of steaming shit like Harvey Weinstein who argues for more tax breaks. While he makes and promotes more movies with gratuitous violence with guns than any producer ever. Then blames the NRA and right wingers for the violence in the street, while the ignorant retarded sheep clap to his claims.

All of that means, like I have said over and over again, the left stand for nothing. What is more they are clearly dumber than dirt. They are truly nothing more than puppets/pawns.

Another example is Halliburton. Remember them attacking that company......cause of.......


Funny, I never remember any one of these ignorant piles of shit saying one fucking word about Clinton granting at least 4 no-bid contracts to Halliburton in the 90s......



Was vice president of the company. Just like when the liberals did not say one fucking word when Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs and proceeded to bomb them.

They stand for nothing. The only thing good about debating them is pointing to the few pieces of left wing shit what pieces of shit they are, how stupid they are, and then watch them get all pissed with nonsensical responses. Like kicking over a big liberal ants nest. Kind of fun.

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