NYC Lib groups have hissy over $100m Hospital donation

Liberals are a joke unto themselves. Most of them simply cannot see how they are pawns. The sad part is most of them think they actually stand for something, when in actuality they stand for nothing.
Yes, I can see how that would justify lying about an event and spreading it through conservative media.............and not being able to utilize critical thinking skills. Most sane people would ask, "Why else might they be protesting?"

Gee 8 posts and a flaming lib has whipped out the "it's a lie" card.
Pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.
All you are doing here is looking for your comfort zone.
You see the idiocy of this protest and cannot fathom it. So you deny its existence and of course conjure up excuses.
Also, you fell right in line with lib think. You don't like the facts, so you attack the source.

Did I? That whole, "Why protest a donation that occurred that far back?" Are you quite sure that it wasn't timed for International Women's Day and the war against women or the doing their part to make sure that nobody has health care? How about Americans for Prosperity and Generation Opportunity (Koch machines)? Do you think they might have anything to do with it? How about the legislation that they back? Would that have anything to do with it?

Couldn't possibly be.


Are you aware that your post is filled with spin, hyperbole and left wing talking points?

I want us to take you seriously?

And apparently these idiots are now just getting around to protesting...
These people who are up in arms...They are probably doing what they have been told to do.

That would be almost funny if it wasn't so sad. You took a story and didn't even question it and ran with it. You do what your told. You believe what you are told. You think what you are told. That's the reach of their influence. And you let them.

Attacking the story won't wash here. You have a lot to learn.
Yes, I can see how that would justify lying about an event and spreading it through conservative media.............and not being able to utilize critical thinking skills. Most sane people would ask, "Why else might they be protesting?"

Gee 8 posts and a flaming lib has whipped out the "it's a lie" card.
Pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.
All you are doing here is looking for your comfort zone.
You see the idiocy of this protest and cannot fathom it. So you deny its existence and of course conjure up excuses.
Also, you fell right in line with lib think. You don't like the facts, so you attack the source.

Did I? That whole, "Why protest a donation that occurred that far back?" Are you quite sure that it wasn't timed for International Women's Day and the war against women or the doing their part to make sure that nobody has health care? How about Americans for Prosperity and Generation Opportunity (Koch machines)? Do you think they might have anything to do with it? How about the legislation that they back? Would that have anything to do with it?

Couldn't possibly be.
The questions are impertinent to the subject matter of the thread.
The facts are clear. Man donates $100 million. Idiots protest the donation's source.
You support the protest. You attempt to impugn the source of the story and take shots at the person donating the money.
Now you are flapping in the wind looking for a way out.
Here's your sign.
Gee 8 posts and a flaming lib has whipped out the "it's a lie" card.
Pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.
All you are doing here is looking for your comfort zone.
You see the idiocy of this protest and cannot fathom it. So you deny its existence and of course conjure up excuses.
Also, you fell right in line with lib think. You don't like the facts, so you attack the source.

Did I? That whole, "Why protest a donation that occurred that far back?" Are you quite sure that it wasn't timed for International Women's Day and the war against women or the doing their part to make sure that nobody has health care? How about Americans for Prosperity and Generation Opportunity (Koch machines)? Do you think they might have anything to do with it? How about the legislation that they back? Would that have anything to do with it?

Couldn't possibly be.


Are you aware that your post is filled with spin, hyperbole and left wing talking points?

I want us to take you seriously?

Actually, they are all cliches. The democrats have a script that has worked on these simple minds.

When liberal policies fail (they always do) they then blame the same old people.

Race Card
Big Oil
War against women
Fox News
War against war people
Man made global warming (related to big oil)
Koch brothers
White people (Race card)

It all works. Hell, when Lirch (Kerry) made his speech about man made global warming being a "wmd" and predictably blamed "big oil" on the myth, it should have been clear what they are about for any person that has even a rudimentary ability to think for themselves.

Unfortunately, for the liberal puppets, they fall right in line. Hold their little rallies, get drunk and high at their rallies, and believe they stand for something.

Watch folks, when Obamacare fails (like it has) the media will turn their howitzers at the insurance industry. They have their scapegoat. They will see the absolute fail of the Obamacare nightmare (the single payer trojan horse) will be dissolved and we will be pushed into single payer.

The democrats are communists. The morons on the left are nothing more than puppets or pawns. Take your pick which one you prefer.

They march to the same script, and the democrats will not relent. Look at how their morons on the left just blindly clap to their bullshit.
Gee 8 posts and a flaming lib has whipped out the "it's a lie" card.
Pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.
All you are doing here is looking for your comfort zone.
You see the idiocy of this protest and cannot fathom it. So you deny its existence and of course conjure up excuses.
Also, you fell right in line with lib think. You don't like the facts, so you attack the source.

Did I? That whole, "Why protest a donation that occurred that far back?" Are you quite sure that it wasn't timed for International Women's Day and the war against women or the doing their part to make sure that nobody has health care? How about Americans for Prosperity and Generation Opportunity (Koch machines)? Do you think they might have anything to do with it? How about the legislation that they back? Would that have anything to do with it?

Couldn't possibly be.


Are you aware that your post is filled with spin, hyperbole and left wing talking points?

I want us to take you seriously?

Frankly, I don't give a damn how you take me. What you will not do is lie to me.

Behind the Curtain Exclusive: The Koch brothers? secret bank -

And this:
The Koch Connection

RH Reality Check’s review of tax records filed by the Center to Protect Patient Rights (CPPR), taken together with a Politico report on the tax records of Freedom Partners, show these so-called free-market organizations, both linked to the Koch brothers, dispensing tens of millions of dollars to groups whose mission it is to end reproductive rights. CPPR was founded in 2009, and is described by the Los Angeles Times as “a primary conduit for anonymous political money in the 2010 midterm [congressional] election.” Freedom Partners was founded two years later, just in time to help shape the landscape of the 2012 presidential, congressional, and legislative races.

Anatomy of the War on Women: How the Koch Brothers Are Funding the Anti-Choice Agenda

Koch brothers are anti-union, anti worker, anti health and anti women.
Did I? That whole, "Why protest a donation that occurred that far back?" Are you quite sure that it wasn't timed for International Women's Day and the war against women or the doing their part to make sure that nobody has health care? How about Americans for Prosperity and Generation Opportunity (Koch machines)? Do you think they might have anything to do with it? How about the legislation that they back? Would that have anything to do with it?

Couldn't possibly be.


Are you aware that your post is filled with spin, hyperbole and left wing talking points?

I want us to take you seriously?

Actually, they are all cliches. The democrats have a script that has worked on these simple minds.

When liberal policies fail (they always do) they then blame the same old people.

Race Card
Big Oil
War against women
Fox News
War against war people
Man made global warming (related to big oil)
Koch brothers
White people (Race card)

It all works. Hell, when Lirch (Kerry) made his speech about man made global warming being a "wmd" and predictably blamed "big oil" on the myth, it should have been clear what they are about for any person that has even a rudimentary ability to think for themselves.

Unfortunately, for the liberal puppets, they fall right in line. Hold their little rallies, get drunk and high at their rallies, and believe they stand for something.

Watch folks, when Obamacare fails (like it has) the media will turn their howitzers at the insurance industry. They have their scapegoat. They will see the absolute fail of the Obamacare nightmare (the single payer trojan horse) will be dissolved and we will be pushed into single payer.

The democrats are communists. The morons on the left are nothing more than puppets or pawns. Take your pick which one you prefer.

They march to the same script, and the democrats will not relent. Look at how their morons on the left just blindly clap to their bullshit.

I'm not a democrat and I don't like their spin either. They aren't close even close to communist. That is a lie.
Wow – a totally new low. To picket a hospital because it accepted a donation and you don’t like the source.

So if Al Qaeda donated the money, that would be okay? Hannity wouldn't be all over Fox News saying the money should be rejected?
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Wow – a totally new low. To picket a hospital because it accepted a donation and you don’t like the source.

So if Al Qaeda donated the money, that would be okay? Hannity wouldn't be all over Fox News saying the money should be rejected?


I think you scumbags actually think Koch brothers are as dangerous to this country as Al Qaeda.

Are you aware that your post is filled with spin, hyperbole and left wing talking points?

I want us to take you seriously?

Actually, they are all cliches. The democrats have a script that has worked on these simple minds.

When liberal policies fail (they always do) they then blame the same old people.

Race Card
Big Oil
War against women
Fox News
War against war people
Man made global warming (related to big oil)
Koch brothers
White people (Race card)

It all works. Hell, when Lirch (Kerry) made his speech about man made global warming being a "wmd" and predictably blamed "big oil" on the myth, it should have been clear what they are about for any person that has even a rudimentary ability to think for themselves.

Unfortunately, for the liberal puppets, they fall right in line. Hold their little rallies, get drunk and high at their rallies, and believe they stand for something.

Watch folks, when Obamacare fails (like it has) the media will turn their howitzers at the insurance industry. They have their scapegoat. They will see the absolute fail of the Obamacare nightmare (the single payer trojan horse) will be dissolved and we will be pushed into single payer.

The democrats are communists. The morons on the left are nothing more than puppets or pawns. Take your pick which one you prefer.

They march to the same script, and the democrats will not relent. Look at how their morons on the left just blindly clap to their bullshit.

I'm not a democrat and I don't like their spin either. They aren't close even close to communist. That is a lie.

One, I never said you were a democrat. However, it sure seems to me that you defend many of their ideologies. I know I am not hallucinating. So, you pat yourself on the back for believing you are so independent. Most (if not all) people lean one direction or the other.

Also, no, the democrats are not "communist" now, however that is what most of them have been schooled in, and want this country to BECOME.

The middle class is the greatest obstacle to the left wing wet dream. Everything they are doing is to eliminate the middle class.

They have expanded the rich class, and expanded the poor class, and are destroying that annoying middle class. The small business owner. That is where the man made global warming scam comes in. They have free rein to put any and all regulation in the name of the environment. Want me to list the insidious regulations that has made it near to impossible for a small business to thrive? Let me know.

Everything the democrats stand for is about moving their agenda to a socialist/communist paradise. The praetorian media, who by and large espouse these same ideals, certainly insulate their leaders.

Us conservatives are pretty much peeing in the wind right now. This is your time. We will see how the media uses the insurance industry as their scapegoat when Obamacare utterly fails. We will see how the morons on the left fall right in line when this happens. Little to no ability to break the party line....that you claim you are not a part of. We will see.

Why is it mainly lefties that follow the ideology of the ACLU? Democrats.

"I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal."

Roger Nash Baldwin (founder of the ACLU)

Please do not sell me how the democrats are not communist, when we all know under the pathetic suits that they are true pinkos.
Wow – a totally new low. To picket a hospital because it accepted a donation and you don’t like the source.

So if Al Qaeda donated the money, that would be okay? Hannity wouldn't be all over Fox News saying the money should be rejected?


I think you scumbags actually think Koch brothers are as dangerous to this country as Al Qaeda.

I am playing devil's advocate.

So answer the question, please.

And by the way, I am a conservative. I am not some anti-Koch brothers rube.

If A-Q donated money, would you accept it? Would Fox News not complain?
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So if Al Qaeda donated the money, that would be okay? Hannity wouldn't be all over Fox News saying the money should be rejected?


I think you scumbags actually think Koch brothers are as dangerous to this country as Al Qaeda.

I am playing devil's advocate.

So answer the question, please.

And by the way, I am a conservative. I am not some anti-Koch brothers rube.

If A-Q donated money, would you accept it? Would Fox News not complain?

Yeah, you are playing devils advocate.

You fucking left wing gas bag. You think I will play your pathetic little dance? Keep making that pathetic analogy.
Play your game with someone else. Not me.
Actually, they are all cliches. The democrats have a script that has worked on these simple minds.

When liberal policies fail (they always do) they then blame the same old people.

Race Card
Big Oil
War against women
Fox News
War against war people
Man made global warming (related to big oil)
Koch brothers
White people (Race card)

It all works. Hell, when Lirch (Kerry) made his speech about man made global warming being a "wmd" and predictably blamed "big oil" on the myth, it should have been clear what they are about for any person that has even a rudimentary ability to think for themselves.

Unfortunately, for the liberal puppets, they fall right in line. Hold their little rallies, get drunk and high at their rallies, and believe they stand for something.

Watch folks, when Obamacare fails (like it has) the media will turn their howitzers at the insurance industry. They have their scapegoat. They will see the absolute fail of the Obamacare nightmare (the single payer trojan horse) will be dissolved and we will be pushed into single payer.

The democrats are communists. The morons on the left are nothing more than puppets or pawns. Take your pick which one you prefer.

They march to the same script, and the democrats will not relent. Look at how their morons on the left just blindly clap to their bullshit.

I'm not a democrat and I don't like their spin either. They aren't close even close to communist. That is a lie.

One, I never said you were a democrat. However, it sure seems to me that you defend many of their ideologies. I know I am not hallucinating. So, you pat yourself on the back for believing you are so independent. Most (if not all) people lean one direction or the other.

Also, no, the democrats are not "communist" now, however that is what most of them have been schooled in, and want this country to BECOME.

The middle class is the greatest obstacle to the left wing wet dream. Everything they are doing is to eliminate the middle class.

They have expanded the rich class, and expanded the poor class, and are destroying that annoying middle class. The small business owner. That is where the man made global warming scam comes in. They have free rein to put any and all regulation in the name of the environment. Want me to list the insidious regulations that has made it near to impossible for a small business to thrive? Let me know.

Everything the democrats stand for is about moving their agenda to a socialist/communist paradise. The praetorian media, who by and large espouse these same ideals, certainly insulate their leaders.

Us conservatives are pretty much peeing in the wind right now. This is your time. We will see how the media uses the insurance industry as their scapegoat when Obamacare utterly fails. We will see how the morons on the left fall right in line when this happens. Little to no ability to break the party line....that you claim you are not a part of. We will see.

Why is it mainly lefties that follow the ideology of the ACLU? Democrats.

"I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal."

Roger Nash Baldwin (founder of the ACLU)

Please do not sell me how the democrats are not communist, when we all know under the pathetic suits that they are true pinkos.

Until you actually look at the policies that they support and they are neoliberal policies. They moved to the right not the left. It's a question of which party is more neoliberal.

ACLU history:
The ACLU was established in 1920 to protect the constitutional freedoms granted in the Bill of Rights. It grew out of the Civil Liberties Bureau of the American Union Against Militarism (AUAM), which defended the rights of conscientious objectors and the free speech rights of war protesters. In October 1917, this group became an independent organization, the National Civil Liberties Bureau (NCLB), led by Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman. They formed the ACLU on January 19, 1920 to address postwar civil liberties violations and to secure amnesty for wartime dissidents, with Baldwin serving as executive director.

...Origins of the ACLU

The ACLU began as a part of the American Union Against Militarism (AUAM) which had been formed in New York in 1914 to oppose American entry into World War I. Following the declaration of war in 1917, Crystal Eastman, AUAM's Executive Secretary, and Roger Baldwin, a social worker involved in juvenile justice, established a Bureau of Conscientious Objectors to oppose the new draft law and to advise conscientious objectors. On July 1, 1917, the AUAM created a Civil Liberties Bureau that became an independent organization known as the National Civil Liberties Bureau (NCLB) on October 1, 1917. Once Eastman and Baldwin took their efforts to this new organization, the AUAM quickly folded.

The NCLB had two main tasks: to defend the rights of conscientious objectors imprisoned in camps around the country and to fight the increasing suppression of free speech by both government officials and conservative patriotic societies. Its leadership came from a mix of social workers like Baldwin and Eastman, Protestant clergy (Norman Thomas, Harry F. Ward and John Haynes Holmes) and lawyers (Walter Nelles, Albert DeSilver, L. Hollingsworth Wood and Clarence Darrow).

The NCLB sponsored three tests of free speech rights during wartime, all of which ended in failure for the organization. Socialist Party leader Charles T. Schenck was denied the right to mail antiwar and anti-draft literature in a case which established Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes' “clear and present danger” test. Also upheld were convictions of Eugene Debs for condemning war and capitalism in a speech and Jacob Abrams for distributing leaflets opposing the American intervention in Russia.

American Civil Liberties Union.

Let me remind you of what was going on at the time:
By the fall of 1917, German spy hysteria had spread from the superpatrioits to affect the entire country. The editor of a Providence, Rhode Island newspaper regularly warned that all German and Austrian-born Americans should be considered spies unless proved otherwise. Newspapers screamed headlines that Red Cross bandages had been sabotaged with chemicals and broken glass. German submarines supposedly landed spies who could be seen at night flashing signals back out to sea. Mysterious aircraft were reported violating American airspace. The omnipresent spies were allegedly poisoning water supplies, sabotaging the production of guns and ammunition, and even infecting whole communities with diarrhea-inducing germs. Hundreds of such reports were made to the justice department, and yet during the entire war, not a single genuine German spy was arrested, tried, and convicted. The failure to find any spies, rather than easing the tension, only served to heighten it. Thousands of Americans wrote to the government complaining that the Wilson Administration had been derelict in its duty to apprehend German-American spies.

Harassment of German-Americans became commonplace. Employers would receive telephone calls asking if they still had “that German spy” on the payroll. Persons reading German-language newspapers on public trains were verbally insulted and spat on. Just having a German name was cause enough for the American Protective League to launch an investigation into a person’s private affairs. When one German-American, having grown tired of the constant Liberty Loan drives, dismissed a salesman with “to Hell with Liberty bonds,” he was charged with disorderly conduct and fined. When a northern German-American vacationing in Florida was caught unprepared for a cold snap and exclaimed, “damn such a country as this,” he was arrested for having violated the Espionage Act.

Of all the German-Americans, none was persecuted as much as were the Mennonites. For centuries they had believed that warfare was contrary to God’s commandant to not kill. Ironically, many had immigrated to the United States in order to escape compulsory service in European armies, and to be free to practice their religion under the Constitutional protection of the First Amendment. Not surprisingly, they believed that the Selective Service Act was a deviation from historic American values. Drafted nevertheless, they were continually harassed, beaten, and even tortured. 130 Mennonites who refused the draft were court-martialed and sentenced to 10-30 years at Leavenworth. Four of them were placed in solitary confinement at Alcatraz, were denied adequate food and drink, and required to stand all day with their arms chained to bars above their heads. Forced to sleep on cold, damp stone floors, two of them died from pneumonia.
Eventually, the anti-German-American rhetoric reached dangerous levels. Elihu Root, a distinguished American statesman, remarked that there were men walking our streets “who ought to be taken out at sunrise and shot for treason.” John F. McGee, head of the Minnesota Safety Commission, urged the use of firing squads to wipe out “the disloyal element” of his state. Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels intoned that “we will put the fear of God into the hearts of those who live among us, and fatten upon us, and are not Americans.” California Representative Julius Kahn more bluntly stated that the nation would benefit from “a few prompt hangings.”

Not surprisingly, acts of violence increased dramatically during the winter months and reached a climax in the spring of 1918. In Pensacola Florida, a German-American was severely flogged by a citizens group. He was forced to shout, “To hell with the Kaiser,” and then ordered to leave the state. In Avoca, Pennsylvania, an Austrian-American was accused of criticizing the Red Cross. A group of superpatriots tied him up, hoisted him thirty feet in the air, and blasted him with water from a fire hose for a full hour. In Oakland, California, a German-American tailor was nearly lynched by a local organization called the Knights of Liberty. In San Jose, a German American named George Koetzer was tarred and feathered, and then chained to a cannon in the local park. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, a German-American was tarred and feathered, lashed fifty times, and forced to leave the city. Several Lutheran pastors were whipped for having delivered sermons in German. In Jefferson City, Missouri, a German-American named Fritz Monat was seized by a vigilante mob, stripped, beaten, and taken to the local movie theater, where the show in progress was interrupted in other for the audience to watch as Monat was forced to kneel and kiss the flag amid rousing rhetoric against disloyalists. In dozens of communities mobs disguised as patriotic organizations invaded homes and dragged suspects from their beds in order to interrogate, threaten, beat, and sometimes deport them.
War Hysteria & the Persecution of German-Americans

So, ya, the ACLU has even defended some of those groups that I hate like the KKK. They don't support the KKK. They support the First Amendment and that means even the knuckle heads. They would even defend you if it was warranted.
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They weren't protesting the Koch Brother's donation which occurred last year. That's asinine but very predictable. It had to do with their influence and changes that were being made. You think money comes without strings. How bloody naive.

Strings are a lot thinner than layers of people that need to be paid off.

Yes, I can see how that would justify lying about an event and spreading it through conservative media.............and not being able to utilize critical thinking skills. Most sane people would ask, "Why else might they be protesting?"

I did ask that question. I could not find anything at all that would point to a SINGLE instance of such being the case. Not even a statement from the parties concerned which should have been easy to find. They should be justifying their actions with something more than Koch. I not that through all your asinine posts blaming ‘strings’ and other such nonsense attacks against the Koch source, you have failed to provide ANYTHING that would justify such a sick action. ANYTHING.

That is why you appear so hyper partisan in this thread. When you blankly attack the source and post attack pieces against the Koch brothers but COMPLETELY ignore the problem here – they are actually protesting a donation. That is asinine in the extreme.
Wow – a totally new low. To picket a hospital because it accepted a donation and you don’t like the source.

So if Al Qaeda donated the money, that would be okay? Hannity wouldn't be all over Fox News saying the money should be rejected?

Hannity might – I don’t know nor do I justify my positions with asshattery from the talking heads. I think there are very few that actually would so that comment is both asinine and useless to your actual question.

As far as the donation, I would encourage Al Qaeda to immediately donate as much as they can to American hospitals (or hospitals anywhere). I have no problem with that whatsoever. The more cash they send to hospitals, the less they have to buy bombs, bullets or plane tickets. Why would a free and clear donation bother me?

The other side is, of course, if such a donation were coupled with requirements that were unsound or immoral. As I asked on the first page, I looked for such an example in this case because that would justify the protest. I can’t find it. That makes the protests despicable. The fact that these people would take time out of their day to come to a HOSPITAL and spew nothing but hate for a donation that will SAVE LIVES is pathetic in the extreme. Where is the reason for these protests?

Are you aware that your post is filled with spin, hyperbole and left wing talking points?

I want us to take you seriously?

Actually, they are all cliches. The democrats have a script that has worked on these simple minds.

When liberal policies fail (they always do) they then blame the same old people.

Race Card
Big Oil
War against women
Fox News
War against war people
Man made global warming (related to big oil)
Koch brothers
White people (Race card)

It all works. Hell, when Lirch (Kerry) made his speech about man made global warming being a "wmd" and predictably blamed "big oil" on the myth, it should have been clear what they are about for any person that has even a rudimentary ability to think for themselves.

Unfortunately, for the liberal puppets, they fall right in line. Hold their little rallies, get drunk and high at their rallies, and believe they stand for something.

Watch folks, when Obamacare fails (like it has) the media will turn their howitzers at the insurance industry. They have their scapegoat. They will see the absolute fail of the Obamacare nightmare (the single payer trojan horse) will be dissolved and we will be pushed into single payer.

The democrats are communists. The morons on the left are nothing more than puppets or pawns. Take your pick which one you prefer.

They march to the same script, and the democrats will not relent. Look at how their morons on the left just blindly clap to their bullshit.

I'm not a democrat and I don't like their spin either. They aren't close even close to communist. That is a lie.
No maybe not a registered democrat....But a flaming liberal nonetheless.
Did I? That whole, "Why protest a donation that occurred that far back?" Are you quite sure that it wasn't timed for International Women's Day and the war against women or the doing their part to make sure that nobody has health care? How about Americans for Prosperity and Generation Opportunity (Koch machines)? Do you think they might have anything to do with it? How about the legislation that they back? Would that have anything to do with it?

Couldn't possibly be.


Are you aware that your post is filled with spin, hyperbole and left wing talking points?

I want us to take you seriously?

Frankly, I don't give a damn how you take me. What you will not do is lie to me.

Behind the Curtain Exclusive: The Koch brothers? secret bank -

And this:
The Koch Connection

RH Reality Check’s review of tax records filed by the Center to Protect Patient Rights (CPPR), taken together with a Politico report on the tax records of Freedom Partners, show these so-called free-market organizations, both linked to the Koch brothers, dispensing tens of millions of dollars to groups whose mission it is to end reproductive rights. CPPR was founded in 2009, and is described by the Los Angeles Times as “a primary conduit for anonymous political money in the 2010 midterm [congressional] election.” Freedom Partners was founded two years later, just in time to help shape the landscape of the 2012 presidential, congressional, and legislative races.

Anatomy of the War on Women: How the Koch Brothers Are Funding the Anti-Choice Agenda

Koch brothers are anti-union, anti worker, anti health and anti women.

"What you will not do is lie to me. ".....Oh we're sorry mommy/ We won't let it happen again.
"Koch brothers are anti-union, anti worker, anti health and anti women."
Let us know when you will cease regurgitating liberal talking points.
BTW, you are anti-intelligence.
I'm not a democrat and I don't like their spin either. They aren't close even close to communist. That is a lie.

One, I never said you were a democrat. However, it sure seems to me that you defend many of their ideologies. I know I am not hallucinating. So, you pat yourself on the back for believing you are so independent. Most (if not all) people lean one direction or the other.

Also, no, the democrats are not "communist" now, however that is what most of them have been schooled in, and want this country to BECOME.

The middle class is the greatest obstacle to the left wing wet dream. Everything they are doing is to eliminate the middle class.

They have expanded the rich class, and expanded the poor class, and are destroying that annoying middle class. The small business owner. That is where the man made global warming scam comes in. They have free rein to put any and all regulation in the name of the environment. Want me to list the insidious regulations that has made it near to impossible for a small business to thrive? Let me know.

Everything the democrats stand for is about moving their agenda to a socialist/communist paradise. The praetorian media, who by and large espouse these same ideals, certainly insulate their leaders.

Us conservatives are pretty much peeing in the wind right now. This is your time. We will see how the media uses the insurance industry as their scapegoat when Obamacare utterly fails. We will see how the morons on the left fall right in line when this happens. Little to no ability to break the party line....that you claim you are not a part of. We will see.

Why is it mainly lefties that follow the ideology of the ACLU? Democrats.

"I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal."

Roger Nash Baldwin (founder of the ACLU)

Please do not sell me how the democrats are not communist, when we all know under the pathetic suits that they are true pinkos.

Until you actually look at the policies that they support and they are neoliberal policies. They moved to the right not the left. It's a question of which party is more neoliberal.

ACLU history:
The ACLU was established in 1920 to protect the constitutional freedoms granted in the Bill of Rights. It grew out of the Civil Liberties Bureau of the American Union Against Militarism (AUAM), which defended the rights of conscientious objectors and the free speech rights of war protesters. In October 1917, this group became an independent organization, the National Civil Liberties Bureau (NCLB), led by Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman. They formed the ACLU on January 19, 1920 to address postwar civil liberties violations and to secure amnesty for wartime dissidents, with Baldwin serving as executive director.

...Origins of the ACLU

The ACLU began as a part of the American Union Against Militarism (AUAM) which had been formed in New York in 1914 to oppose American entry into World War I. Following the declaration of war in 1917, Crystal Eastman, AUAM's Executive Secretary, and Roger Baldwin, a social worker involved in juvenile justice, established a Bureau of Conscientious Objectors to oppose the new draft law and to advise conscientious objectors. On July 1, 1917, the AUAM created a Civil Liberties Bureau that became an independent organization known as the National Civil Liberties Bureau (NCLB) on October 1, 1917. Once Eastman and Baldwin took their efforts to this new organization, the AUAM quickly folded.

The NCLB had two main tasks: to defend the rights of conscientious objectors imprisoned in camps around the country and to fight the increasing suppression of free speech by both government officials and conservative patriotic societies. Its leadership came from a mix of social workers like Baldwin and Eastman, Protestant clergy (Norman Thomas, Harry F. Ward and John Haynes Holmes) and lawyers (Walter Nelles, Albert DeSilver, L. Hollingsworth Wood and Clarence Darrow).

The NCLB sponsored three tests of free speech rights during wartime, all of which ended in failure for the organization. Socialist Party leader Charles T. Schenck was denied the right to mail antiwar and anti-draft literature in a case which established Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes' “clear and present danger” test. Also upheld were convictions of Eugene Debs for condemning war and capitalism in a speech and Jacob Abrams for distributing leaflets opposing the American intervention in Russia.

American Civil Liberties Union.

Let me remind you of what was going on at the time:
By the fall of 1917, German spy hysteria had spread from the superpatrioits to affect the entire country. The editor of a Providence, Rhode Island newspaper regularly warned that all German and Austrian-born Americans should be considered spies unless proved otherwise. Newspapers screamed headlines that Red Cross bandages had been sabotaged with chemicals and broken glass. German submarines supposedly landed spies who could be seen at night flashing signals back out to sea. Mysterious aircraft were reported violating American airspace. The omnipresent spies were allegedly poisoning water supplies, sabotaging the production of guns and ammunition, and even infecting whole communities with diarrhea-inducing germs. Hundreds of such reports were made to the justice department, and yet during the entire war, not a single genuine German spy was arrested, tried, and convicted. The failure to find any spies, rather than easing the tension, only served to heighten it. Thousands of Americans wrote to the government complaining that the Wilson Administration had been derelict in its duty to apprehend German-American spies.

Harassment of German-Americans became commonplace. Employers would receive telephone calls asking if they still had “that German spy” on the payroll. Persons reading German-language newspapers on public trains were verbally insulted and spat on. Just having a German name was cause enough for the American Protective League to launch an investigation into a person’s private affairs. When one German-American, having grown tired of the constant Liberty Loan drives, dismissed a salesman with “to Hell with Liberty bonds,” he was charged with disorderly conduct and fined. When a northern German-American vacationing in Florida was caught unprepared for a cold snap and exclaimed, “damn such a country as this,” he was arrested for having violated the Espionage Act.

Of all the German-Americans, none was persecuted as much as were the Mennonites. For centuries they had believed that warfare was contrary to God’s commandant to not kill. Ironically, many had immigrated to the United States in order to escape compulsory service in European armies, and to be free to practice their religion under the Constitutional protection of the First Amendment. Not surprisingly, they believed that the Selective Service Act was a deviation from historic American values. Drafted nevertheless, they were continually harassed, beaten, and even tortured. 130 Mennonites who refused the draft were court-martialed and sentenced to 10-30 years at Leavenworth. Four of them were placed in solitary confinement at Alcatraz, were denied adequate food and drink, and required to stand all day with their arms chained to bars above their heads. Forced to sleep on cold, damp stone floors, two of them died from pneumonia.
Eventually, the anti-German-American rhetoric reached dangerous levels. Elihu Root, a distinguished American statesman, remarked that there were men walking our streets “who ought to be taken out at sunrise and shot for treason.” John F. McGee, head of the Minnesota Safety Commission, urged the use of firing squads to wipe out “the disloyal element” of his state. Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels intoned that “we will put the fear of God into the hearts of those who live among us, and fatten upon us, and are not Americans.” California Representative Julius Kahn more bluntly stated that the nation would benefit from “a few prompt hangings.”

Not surprisingly, acts of violence increased dramatically during the winter months and reached a climax in the spring of 1918. In Pensacola Florida, a German-American was severely flogged by a citizens group. He was forced to shout, “To hell with the Kaiser,” and then ordered to leave the state. In Avoca, Pennsylvania, an Austrian-American was accused of criticizing the Red Cross. A group of superpatriots tied him up, hoisted him thirty feet in the air, and blasted him with water from a fire hose for a full hour. In Oakland, California, a German-American tailor was nearly lynched by a local organization called the Knights of Liberty. In San Jose, a German American named George Koetzer was tarred and feathered, and then chained to a cannon in the local park. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, a German-American was tarred and feathered, lashed fifty times, and forced to leave the city. Several Lutheran pastors were whipped for having delivered sermons in German. In Jefferson City, Missouri, a German-American named Fritz Monat was seized by a vigilante mob, stripped, beaten, and taken to the local movie theater, where the show in progress was interrupted in other for the audience to watch as Monat was forced to kneel and kiss the flag amid rousing rhetoric against disloyalists. In dozens of communities mobs disguised as patriotic organizations invaded homes and dragged suspects from their beds in order to interrogate, threaten, beat, and sometimes deport them.
War Hysteria & the Persecution of German-Americans

So, ya, the ACLU has even defended some of those groups that I hate like the KKK. They don't support the KKK. They support the First Amendment and that means even the knuckle heads. They would even defend you if it was warranted.

The ACLU was once an advocate for the rights of citizens in conflict with overbearing government. Today the ACLU defends liberal causes almost exclusively and is a large contributor to democrat candidates.
More or less the ACLU is a well funded advocate for liberalism.
They weren't protesting the Koch Brother's donation which occurred last year. That's asinine but very predictable. It had to do with their influence and changes that were being made. You think money comes without strings. How bloody naive.

Strings are a lot thinner than layers of people that need to be paid off.

Yes, I can see how that would justify lying about an event and spreading it through conservative media.............and not being able to utilize critical thinking skills. Most sane people would ask, "Why else might they be protesting?"

They objected to

"the soon-to-be-built David H. Koch Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital," for which the eponymous donor gave $100 million.

Best of the Web Today: Speak of the Devil -

In fact they had signs which was against such as well. Funny, not only will that wing help cure people, it will also employ MORE nurses! Unless they refuse to work in the EVIL Koch wing. They carried signs which said they were against Koch Care.



Tweets here:
Koch Brother Donates Money to Hospital, Liberals Protest (Not a Parody) | Washington Free Beacon

So, yeah they were protesting against the wing which was built with the 100 million dollar donation. Forget he is a cancer survivor, or that he sits on the board or that he has donated millions to other hospitals, let protest over a flippin name not the FACT jobs will be created and lives saved.
One, I never said you were a democrat. However, it sure seems to me that you defend many of their ideologies. I know I am not hallucinating. So, you pat yourself on the back for believing you are so independent. Most (if not all) people lean one direction or the other.

Also, no, the democrats are not "communist" now, however that is what most of them have been schooled in, and want this country to BECOME.

The middle class is the greatest obstacle to the left wing wet dream. Everything they are doing is to eliminate the middle class.

They have expanded the rich class, and expanded the poor class, and are destroying that annoying middle class. The small business owner. That is where the man made global warming scam comes in. They have free rein to put any and all regulation in the name of the environment. Want me to list the insidious regulations that has made it near to impossible for a small business to thrive? Let me know.

Everything the democrats stand for is about moving their agenda to a socialist/communist paradise. The praetorian media, who by and large espouse these same ideals, certainly insulate their leaders.

Us conservatives are pretty much peeing in the wind right now. This is your time. We will see how the media uses the insurance industry as their scapegoat when Obamacare utterly fails. We will see how the morons on the left fall right in line when this happens. Little to no ability to break the party line....that you claim you are not a part of. We will see.

Why is it mainly lefties that follow the ideology of the ACLU? Democrats.

"I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal."

Roger Nash Baldwin (founder of the ACLU)

Please do not sell me how the democrats are not communist, when we all know under the pathetic suits that they are true pinkos.

Until you actually look at the policies that they support and they are neoliberal policies. They moved to the right not the left. It's a question of which party is more neoliberal.

ACLU history:

American Civil Liberties Union.

Let me remind you of what was going on at the time:
By the fall of 1917, German spy hysteria had spread from the superpatrioits to affect the entire country. The editor of a Providence, Rhode Island newspaper regularly warned that all German and Austrian-born Americans should be considered spies unless proved otherwise. Newspapers screamed headlines that Red Cross bandages had been sabotaged with chemicals and broken glass. German submarines supposedly landed spies who could be seen at night flashing signals back out to sea. Mysterious aircraft were reported violating American airspace. The omnipresent spies were allegedly poisoning water supplies, sabotaging the production of guns and ammunition, and even infecting whole communities with diarrhea-inducing germs. Hundreds of such reports were made to the justice department, and yet during the entire war, not a single genuine German spy was arrested, tried, and convicted. The failure to find any spies, rather than easing the tension, only served to heighten it. Thousands of Americans wrote to the government complaining that the Wilson Administration had been derelict in its duty to apprehend German-American spies.

Harassment of German-Americans became commonplace. Employers would receive telephone calls asking if they still had “that German spy” on the payroll. Persons reading German-language newspapers on public trains were verbally insulted and spat on. Just having a German name was cause enough for the American Protective League to launch an investigation into a person’s private affairs. When one German-American, having grown tired of the constant Liberty Loan drives, dismissed a salesman with “to Hell with Liberty bonds,” he was charged with disorderly conduct and fined. When a northern German-American vacationing in Florida was caught unprepared for a cold snap and exclaimed, “damn such a country as this,” he was arrested for having violated the Espionage Act.

Of all the German-Americans, none was persecuted as much as were the Mennonites. For centuries they had believed that warfare was contrary to God’s commandant to not kill. Ironically, many had immigrated to the United States in order to escape compulsory service in European armies, and to be free to practice their religion under the Constitutional protection of the First Amendment. Not surprisingly, they believed that the Selective Service Act was a deviation from historic American values. Drafted nevertheless, they were continually harassed, beaten, and even tortured. 130 Mennonites who refused the draft were court-martialed and sentenced to 10-30 years at Leavenworth. Four of them were placed in solitary confinement at Alcatraz, were denied adequate food and drink, and required to stand all day with their arms chained to bars above their heads. Forced to sleep on cold, damp stone floors, two of them died from pneumonia.
Eventually, the anti-German-American rhetoric reached dangerous levels. Elihu Root, a distinguished American statesman, remarked that there were men walking our streets “who ought to be taken out at sunrise and shot for treason.” John F. McGee, head of the Minnesota Safety Commission, urged the use of firing squads to wipe out “the disloyal element” of his state. Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels intoned that “we will put the fear of God into the hearts of those who live among us, and fatten upon us, and are not Americans.” California Representative Julius Kahn more bluntly stated that the nation would benefit from “a few prompt hangings.”

Not surprisingly, acts of violence increased dramatically during the winter months and reached a climax in the spring of 1918. In Pensacola Florida, a German-American was severely flogged by a citizens group. He was forced to shout, “To hell with the Kaiser,” and then ordered to leave the state. In Avoca, Pennsylvania, an Austrian-American was accused of criticizing the Red Cross. A group of superpatriots tied him up, hoisted him thirty feet in the air, and blasted him with water from a fire hose for a full hour. In Oakland, California, a German-American tailor was nearly lynched by a local organization called the Knights of Liberty. In San Jose, a German American named George Koetzer was tarred and feathered, and then chained to a cannon in the local park. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, a German-American was tarred and feathered, lashed fifty times, and forced to leave the city. Several Lutheran pastors were whipped for having delivered sermons in German. In Jefferson City, Missouri, a German-American named Fritz Monat was seized by a vigilante mob, stripped, beaten, and taken to the local movie theater, where the show in progress was interrupted in other for the audience to watch as Monat was forced to kneel and kiss the flag amid rousing rhetoric against disloyalists. In dozens of communities mobs disguised as patriotic organizations invaded homes and dragged suspects from their beds in order to interrogate, threaten, beat, and sometimes deport them.
War Hysteria & the Persecution of German-Americans

So, ya, the ACLU has even defended some of those groups that I hate like the KKK. They don't support the KKK. They support the First Amendment and that means even the knuckle heads. They would even defend you if it was warranted.

The ACLU was once an advocate for the rights of citizens in conflict with overbearing government. Today the ACLU defends liberal causes almost exclusively and is a large contributor to democrat candidates.
More or less the ACLU is a well funded advocate for liberalism.

Because the rights that have been incorporated are now considered liberal? Okie dokie.

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