NYC Lib groups have hissy over $100m Hospital donation

CaféAuLait;8791703 said:
Strings are a lot thinner than layers of people that need to be paid off.

Yes, I can see how that would justify lying about an event and spreading it through conservative media.............and not being able to utilize critical thinking skills. Most sane people would ask, "Why else might they be protesting?"

They objected to

"the soon-to-be-built David H. Koch Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital," for which the eponymous donor gave $100 million.

Best of the Web Today: Speak of the Devil -

In fact they had signs which was against such as well. Funny, not only will that wing help cure people, it will also employ MORE nurses! Unless they refuse to work in the EVIL Koch wing. They carried signs which said they were against Koch Care.



Tweets here:
Koch Brother Donates Money to Hospital, Liberals Protest (Not a Parody) | Washington Free Beacon

So, yeah they were protesting against the wing which was built with the 100 million dollar donation. Forget he is a cancer survivor, or that he sits on the board or that he has donated millions to other hospitals, let protest over a flippin name not the FACT jobs will be created and lives saved. :eusa_whistle:
Strings are a lot thinner than layers of people that need to be paid off.

Yes, I can see how that would justify lying about an event and spreading it through conservative media.............and not being able to utilize critical thinking skills. Most sane people would ask, "Why else might they be protesting?"

I did ask that question. I could not find anything at all that would point to a SINGLE instance of such being the case. Not even a statement from the parties concerned which should have been easy to find. They should be justifying their actions with something more than Koch. I not that through all your asinine posts blaming ‘strings’ and other such nonsense attacks against the Koch source, you have failed to provide ANYTHING that would justify such a sick action. ANYTHING.

That is why you appear so hyper partisan in this thread. When you blankly attack the source and post attack pieces against the Koch brothers but COMPLETELY ignore the problem here – they are actually protesting a donation. That is asinine in the extreme.
onnly extreme-left-wing losers would protest a guy donating $100 million for a children's hospital

Are you aware that your post is filled with spin, hyperbole and left wing talking points?

I want us to take you seriously?

Frankly, I don't give a damn how you take me. What you will not do is lie to me.

Behind the Curtain Exclusive: The Koch brothers? secret bank -

And this:
The Koch Connection

RH Reality Check’s review of tax records filed by the Center to Protect Patient Rights (CPPR), taken together with a Politico report on the tax records of Freedom Partners, show these so-called free-market organizations, both linked to the Koch brothers, dispensing tens of millions of dollars to groups whose mission it is to end reproductive rights. CPPR was founded in 2009, and is described by the Los Angeles Times as “a primary conduit for anonymous political money in the 2010 midterm [congressional] election.” Freedom Partners was founded two years later, just in time to help shape the landscape of the 2012 presidential, congressional, and legislative races.

Anatomy of the War on Women: How the Koch Brothers Are Funding the Anti-Choice Agenda

Koch brothers are anti-union, anti worker, anti health and anti women.

"What you will not do is lie to me. ".....Oh we're sorry mommy/ We won't let it happen again.
"Koch brothers are anti-union, anti worker, anti health and anti women."
Let us know when you will cease regurgitating liberal talking points.
BTW, you are anti-intelligence.

Koch Backed Organization Uses Cancer Victim To Run Deceptive Anti-Obamacare TV Ad-Violates FTC Law? - Forbes
Frankly, I don't give a damn how you take me. What you will not do is lie to me.

Behind the Curtain Exclusive: The Koch brothers? secret bank -

And this:

Anatomy of the War on Women: How the Koch Brothers Are Funding the Anti-Choice Agenda

Koch brothers are anti-union, anti worker, anti health and anti women.

"What you will not do is lie to me. ".....Oh we're sorry mommy/ We won't let it happen again.
"Koch brothers are anti-union, anti worker, anti health and anti women."
Let us know when you will cease regurgitating liberal talking points.
BTW, you are anti-intelligence.

Koch Backed Organization Uses Cancer Victim To Run Deceptive Anti-Obamacare TV Ad-Violates FTC Law? - Forbes

everything about obamacare is deceptive; virtually everything

rank hypocrisy
i dont think that "expose" is much of an expose. it says her ouit of pocket expenses and the premiums on here new insurance are less than the cost of her premiums alone on her old insurance; and that even with $5000 in decuctibles it is still cheaper than what she had. but it seems to count only the decuctibles and the premiums and not out of pocket expenses over and above the deductible which can arise from cancer treatment
Until you actually look at the policies that they support and they are neoliberal policies. They moved to the right not the left. It's a question of which party is more neoliberal.

ACLU history:

American Civil Liberties Union.

Let me remind you of what was going on at the time:
War Hysteria & the Persecution of German-Americans

So, ya, the ACLU has even defended some of those groups that I hate like the KKK. They don't support the KKK. They support the First Amendment and that means even the knuckle heads. They would even defend you if it was warranted.

The ACLU was once an advocate for the rights of citizens in conflict with overbearing government. Today the ACLU defends liberal causes almost exclusively and is a large contributor to democrat candidates.
More or less the ACLU is a well funded advocate for liberalism.

Because the rights that have been incorporated are now considered liberal? Okie dokie.
I don't know what you mean by "incorporated". Perhaps you were trying to go big and chose the incorrect synonym.
In any event. For the last 30 or so years, the ACLU has been picking it's battles selectively and invariably they come to the aid of liberal causes and the liberal ideology.
The ACLU is joined at the hip with the democrat party.
Done deal.
The ACLU has gone from a advocacy organization defending individual rights to a left wing money making political arm of the democrat party.
Actually, they are all cliches. The democrats have a script that has worked on these simple minds.

When liberal policies fail (they always do) they then blame the same old people.

Race Card
Big Oil
War against women
Fox News
War against war people
Man made global warming (related to big oil)
Koch brothers
White people (Race card)

It all works. Hell, when Lirch (Kerry) made his speech about man made global warming being a "wmd" and predictably blamed "big oil" on the myth, it should have been clear what they are about for any person that has even a rudimentary ability to think for themselves.

Unfortunately, for the liberal puppets, they fall right in line. Hold their little rallies, get drunk and high at their rallies, and believe they stand for something.

Watch folks, when Obamacare fails (like it has) the media will turn their howitzers at the insurance industry. They have their scapegoat. They will see the absolute fail of the Obamacare nightmare (the single payer trojan horse) will be dissolved and we will be pushed into single payer.

The democrats are communists. The morons on the left are nothing more than puppets or pawns. Take your pick which one you prefer.

They march to the same script, and the democrats will not relent. Look at how their morons on the left just blindly clap to their bullshit.

I'm not a democrat and I don't like their spin either. They aren't close even close to communist. That is a lie.[/QUOTE.
No maybe not a registered democrat....But a flaming liberal nonetheless.

I am liberal. However, and this is between you and I, that doesn't mean that every alleged liberal issue that comes along is a stance that I agree with or the reasons that are touted on their websites or emails for the issue are sufficient for me to go along with. In fact, some liberals choose a position that has not been thought out very well or leaves a gap that allows the very thing (or another thing) that they don't want to enter. I am not fond of what I call the elitist liberals or alleged liberals that spout neoliberal policies. Communism and Capitalism look beautiful on paper but that human component screws it all up. So, ya, I am a flaming liberal.
Wow – a totally new low. To picket a hospital because it accepted a donation and you don’t like the source.

So if Al Qaeda donated the money, that would be okay? Hannity wouldn't be all over Fox News saying the money should be rejected?

Umm....False comparison.
The Koch brothers philanthropic organizations can hardly be compared to an Islamo-fascist terror group...
If you want to regain your footing here, pick another group to compare.
So if Al Qaeda donated the money, that would be okay? Hannity wouldn't be all over Fox News saying the money should be rejected?


I think you scumbags actually think Koch brothers are as dangerous to this country as Al Qaeda.

I am playing devil's advocate.

So answer the question, please.

And by the way, I am a conservative. I am not some anti-Koch brothers rube.

If A-Q donated money, would you accept it? Would Fox News not complain?

no way! It's a pigeon hole question designed to elicit a predetermined response.
If you want to debate the issue, at least be honest.
I'm not a democrat and I don't like their spin either. They aren't close even close to communist. That is a lie.[/QUOTE.
No maybe not a registered democrat....But a flaming liberal nonetheless.

I am liberal. However, and this is between you and I, that doesn't mean that every alleged liberal issue that comes along is a stance that I agree with or the reasons that are touted on their websites or emails for the issue are sufficient for me to go along with. In fact, some liberals choose a position that has not been thought out very well or leaves a gap that allows the very thing (or another thing) that they don't want to enter. I am not fond of what I call the elitist liberals or alleged liberals that spout neoliberal policies. Communism and Capitalism look beautiful on paper but that human component screws it all up. So, ya, I am a flaming liberal.
Here's your problem. You and the rest of the flaming libs.
Your President's policies have inflicted great damage to the economic health of this country and weakened our presence as Super Power on the world stage.
Your side follows Obama with this blind loyalty so insidious that it brings intelligence and common sense to its knees.
On every issue, Obama and his close allies in the democrat party can do no wrong.
One every issue that does not make Obama look good, your side circles the wagons and almost in unison crescendo says "It's Bush's fault"....Or "you are a racist"...
Or finally..."Well your guy did so and so"...The last one being the worn out two wrongs make a right excuse.
Yes. You flaming libs can live with that.
The ACLU was once an advocate for the rights of citizens in conflict with overbearing government. Today the ACLU defends liberal causes almost exclusively and is a large contributor to democrat candidates.
More or less the ACLU is a well funded advocate for liberalism.

Because the rights that have been incorporated are now considered liberal? Okie dokie.
I don't know what you mean by "incorporated". Perhaps you were trying to go big and chose the incorrect synonym.
In any event. For the last 30 or so years, the ACLU has been picking it's battles selectively and invariably they come to the aid of liberal causes and the liberal ideology.
The ACLU is joined at the hip with the democrat party.
Done deal.
The ACLU has gone from a advocacy organization defending individual rights to a left wing money making political arm of the democrat party.

The Bill of Rights is aka the Bill of Federal Limitations because when it was created it had nothing to do with you and I as individuals. It was between the federal government and the states. You didn't have a first amendment right or a second amendment right. It didn't exist. There are still "rights" that do not pertain to you and I as individuals. Rights that have been incorporated are individual rights:you against the state. This is the Doctrine of Incorporation. Here:
Incorporation of the Bill of Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Incidentally, this is why ACLU is selective in what they take on.

And that whole Bill of Rights thingy is why I don't like the Koch Brothers/ALEC writing legislation and I think the Article V convention is a bunch of BS.
I am liberal. However, and this is between you and I, that doesn't mean that every alleged liberal issue that comes along is a stance that I agree with or the reasons that are touted on their websites or emails for the issue are sufficient for me to go along with. In fact, some liberals choose a position that has not been thought out very well or leaves a gap that allows the very thing (or another thing) that they don't want to enter. I am not fond of what I call the elitist liberals or alleged liberals that spout neoliberal policies. Communism and Capitalism look beautiful on paper but that human component screws it all up. So, ya, I am a flaming liberal.
Here's your problem. You and the rest of the flaming libs.
Your President's policies have inflicted great damage to the economic health of this country and weakened our presence as Super Power on the world stage.
Your side follows Obama with this blind loyalty so insidious that it brings intelligence and common sense to its knees.
On every issue, Obama and his close allies in the democrat party can do no wrong.
One every issue that does not make Obama look good, your side circles the wagons and almost in unison crescendo says "It's Bush's fault"....Or "you are a racist"...
Or finally..."Well your guy did so and so"...The last one being the worn out two wrongs make a right excuse.
Yes. You flaming libs can live with that.

No, that is your problem. Democrats are called Republican-lite both nationally and internationally. I am to the left of Democrats. Of course the Democrats can do no wrong........if you are a Democrat. Our foreign policy has not changed in a 100 years. Many of the issues that we are contending with now stem from Reagan and Clinton. Hell, I find it amusing that Carter is all about the peace process now, considering that a lot of problems in the ME stem from crap that he helped initiate.

It's just easier for you to point the finger at liberals.............because we all look alike.:blahblah:
Yes, I can see how that would justify lying about an event and spreading it through conservative media.............and not being able to utilize critical thinking skills. Most sane people would ask, "Why else might they be protesting?"

I did ask that question. I could not find anything at all that would point to a SINGLE instance of such being the case. Not even a statement from the parties concerned which should have been easy to find. They should be justifying their actions with something more than Koch. I not that through all your asinine posts blaming ‘strings’ and other such nonsense attacks against the Koch source, you have failed to provide ANYTHING that would justify such a sick action. ANYTHING.

That is why you appear so hyper partisan in this thread. When you blankly attack the source and post attack pieces against the Koch brothers but COMPLETELY ignore the problem here – they are actually protesting a donation. That is asinine in the extreme.
care to expound or do you not have any thoughts on this?

The 'reasoning' is extremely vapid. They are protesting Koch directly but claim that it is against monies influence in politics and healthcare. The venue is EXTREMELY suspect considering no such connection is drawn with the donation to that hospital or the way that they are using it.

I would support them IF the Koch donation came with a string attached, an attack on 'women's health' or anything at all that would support their assertions. Instead, nothing.

The protesters haven't got a clue. If they wanted to protest Koch donations they should have done so in a different venue. Stuck with his apartments or the local government. instead, they protested a large financial donation that was lacking the 'influence' that they were crying about. Epic fail.
I did ask that question. I could not find anything at all that would point to a SINGLE instance of such being the case. Not even a statement from the parties concerned which should have been easy to find. They should be justifying their actions with something more than Koch. I not that through all your asinine posts blaming ‘strings’ and other such nonsense attacks against the Koch source, you have failed to provide ANYTHING that would justify such a sick action. ANYTHING.

That is why you appear so hyper partisan in this thread. When you blankly attack the source and post attack pieces against the Koch brothers but COMPLETELY ignore the problem here – they are actually protesting a donation. That is asinine in the extreme.
care to expound or do you not have any thoughts on this?

The 'reasoning' is extremely vapid. They are protesting Koch directly but claim that it is against monies influence in politics and healthcare. The venue is EXTREMELY suspect considering no such connection is drawn with the donation to that hospital or the way that they are using it.

I would support them IF the Koch donation came with a string attached, an attack on 'women's health' or anything at all that would support their assertions. Instead, nothing.

The protesters haven't got a clue. If they wanted to protest Koch donations they should have done so in a different venue. Stuck with his apartments or the local government. instead, they protested a large financial donation that was lacking the 'influence' that they were crying about. Epic fail.

Why would a different venue make any difference? The Koch brothers bank roll the attack ads, astroturf organizations and write the legislation via ALEC. I find it very odd that all of sudden people are freaking out over another Koch rally. They are nation wide. I have a feeling that if you haven't supported the rallies in the past, you have no intention of doing so now. Further, I doubt that you have been paying attention to the nurses that have been striking for the past several years or listening to their reasons and you have no intention of doing so now. In addition, if you are unwilling to listen to the reasoning that unions protest or strike at any time then you have no intention of doing so now. Lastly, if you have been unwilling to consider that the legislation or ads are anti-woman and/or anti-healthcare, then you have no intention of doing so now.
care to expound or do you not have any thoughts on this?

The 'reasoning' is extremely vapid. They are protesting Koch directly but claim that it is against monies influence in politics and healthcare. The venue is EXTREMELY suspect considering no such connection is drawn with the donation to that hospital or the way that they are using it.

I would support them IF the Koch donation came with a string attached, an attack on 'women's health' or anything at all that would support their assertions. Instead, nothing.

The protesters haven't got a clue. If they wanted to protest Koch donations they should have done so in a different venue. Stuck with his apartments or the local government. instead, they protested a large financial donation that was lacking the 'influence' that they were crying about. Epic fail.

Why would a different venue make any difference? The Koch brothers bank roll the attack ads, astroturf organizations and write the legislation via ALEC. I find it very odd that all of sudden people are freaking out over another Koch rally. They are nation wide. I have a feeling that if you haven't supported the rallies in the past, you have no intention of doing so now. Further, I doubt that you have been paying attention to the nurses that have been striking for the past several years or listening to their reasons and you have no intention of doing so now. In addition, if you are unwilling to listen to the reasoning that unions protest or strike at any time then you have no intention of doing so now. Lastly, if you have been unwilling to consider that the legislation or ads are anti-woman and/or anti-healthcare, then you have no intention of doing so now.
Genius.. Nothing you posted has a ring of truth to it.
The protest was about the source of the donation. This was not a union sanctioned job action.
If the workers have been "striking for several years", this would have been the nation's longest strike. No doubt these recalcitrant people would have been replaced with people who actually WANT to work.
The people freaking out are the protesters. Not us. The protest is the ridiculous component.
Look, you oppose anything "Koch". You have beliefs about the Koch brothers based on what you've been told. So be it.
The question is, when will you stop posting the same thing over and over again?
You've made your point.
care to expound or do you not have any thoughts on this?

The 'reasoning' is extremely vapid. They are protesting Koch directly but claim that it is against monies influence in politics and healthcare. The venue is EXTREMELY suspect considering no such connection is drawn with the donation to that hospital or the way that they are using it.

I would support them IF the Koch donation came with a string attached, an attack on 'women's health' or anything at all that would support their assertions. Instead, nothing.

The protesters haven't got a clue. If they wanted to protest Koch donations they should have done so in a different venue. Stuck with his apartments or the local government. instead, they protested a large financial donation that was lacking the 'influence' that they were crying about. Epic fail.

Why would a different venue make any difference? The Koch brothers bank roll the attack ads, astroturf organizations and write the legislation via ALEC. I find it very odd that all of sudden people are freaking out over another Koch rally. They are nation wide. I have a feeling that if you haven't supported the rallies in the past, you have no intention of doing so now. Further, I doubt that you have been paying attention to the nurses that have been striking for the past several years or listening to their reasons and you have no intention of doing so now. In addition, if you are unwilling to listen to the reasoning that unions protest or strike at any time then you have no intention of doing so now. Lastly, if you have been unwilling to consider that the legislation or ads are anti-woman and/or anti-healthcare, then you have no intention of doing so now.
Genius.. Nothing you posted has a ring of truth to it.
The protest was about the source of the donation. This was not a union sanctioned job action.
If the workers have been "striking for several years", this would have been the nation's longest strike. No doubt these recalcitrant people would have been replaced with people who actually WANT to work.
The people freaking out are the protesters. Not us. The protest is the ridiculous component.
Look, you oppose anything "Koch". You have beliefs about the Koch brothers based on what you've been told. So be it.
The question is, when will you stop posting the same thing over and over again?
You've made your point.

Nice attempt to take it out of context. That is called a fail.

You can bullshit some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Go back to your master. Tell him you lost here too. I will continue to nail the Koch heads.
Anything could have been done with that money, but it was used to help out where help was needed. Anyone who has a problem with such a thing to me is in serious need of a brain transplant. :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Liberals would rather die or see someone else die to prove their point. Withdraw the gift. Keep the money. Burn it. Pay counter protesters to knock heads together.

you mean like them buying a college economics department so they can lie to students?

they shouldn't be allowed to touch anything. they just break things.
Why would a different venue make any difference? The Koch brothers bank roll the attack ads, astroturf organizations and write the legislation via ALEC. I find it very odd that all of sudden people are freaking out over another Koch rally. They are nation wide. I have a feeling that if you haven't supported the rallies in the past, you have no intention of doing so now. Further, I doubt that you have been paying attention to the nurses that have been striking for the past several years or listening to their reasons and you have no intention of doing so now. In addition, if you are unwilling to listen to the reasoning that unions protest or strike at any time then you have no intention of doing so now. Lastly, if you have been unwilling to consider that the legislation or ads are anti-woman and/or anti-healthcare, then you have no intention of doing so now.
Genius.. Nothing you posted has a ring of truth to it.
The protest was about the source of the donation. This was not a union sanctioned job action.
If the workers have been "striking for several years", this would have been the nation's longest strike. No doubt these recalcitrant people would have been replaced with people who actually WANT to work.
The people freaking out are the protesters. Not us. The protest is the ridiculous component.
Look, you oppose anything "Koch". You have beliefs about the Koch brothers based on what you've been told. So be it.
The question is, when will you stop posting the same thing over and over again?
You've made your point.

Nice attempt to take it out of context. That is called a fail.

You can bullshit some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Go back to your master. Tell him you lost here too. I will continue to nail the Koch heads.
Ahh. The context card..
Ya fucked up, buddy. That's all there is to it.
You're not nailing anyone.
You are shooting spit balls at an M1A1.
Yours are the rantings of a whiny complaining little liberal sweatshop worker.
You're a flyspeck

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