NYC Mayor wants half of a $billion$ for illegal aliens

Mayor Eric Adams is desperately seeking at least $500 million in federal funding to deal with the flood of migrants into the Big Apple — leading bipartisan critics to question why he just doesn’t demand that President Biden stop the flow from Mexico.

City Hall privately asked the White House for the emergency cash midway through the summer, saying it would cover just one year’s worth of spending on the migrants who Adams has said are straining the city’s shelter system to its “breaking point,” The Post has learned.

More than 13,600 asylum-seeking migrants have arrived in New York City since the spring, according to the city’s latest official estimate.

Discussions over the request — which followed an initial, public appeal by Adams in July — have continued since then but the Biden administration hasn’t given city officials a firm answer, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

The money would in part pay the $15 million-a-month cost of operating a new tent city in The Bronx that’s set to open soon in the parking lot at Orchard Beach parking, one source said Friday.

This looks like another case of Democrats exploiting a crisis to line their pockets.
Texas is not asking for half of a $billion$, and they have exponentially more illegal aliens.
Hold a bake sale and raise the funds.
Mayor Eric Adams is desperately seeking at least $500 million in federal funding to deal with the flood of migrants into the Big Apple — leading bipartisan critics to question why he just doesn’t demand that President Biden stop the flow from Mexico.

City Hall privately asked the White House for the emergency cash midway through the summer, saying it would cover just one year’s worth of spending on the migrants who Adams has said are straining the city’s shelter system to its “breaking point,” The Post has learned.

More than 13,600 asylum-seeking migrants have arrived in New York City since the spring, according to the city’s latest official estimate.

Discussions over the request — which followed an initial, public appeal by Adams in July — have continued since then but the Biden administration hasn’t given city officials a firm answer, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

The money would in part pay the $15 million-a-month cost of operating a new tent city in The Bronx that’s set to open soon in the parking lot at Orchard Beach parking, one source said Friday.

This looks like another case of Democrats exploiting a crisis to line their pockets.
Texas is not asking for half of a $billion$, and they have exponentially more illegal aliens.
They want it, they should pay for it.
$ 500 million for illegal aliens? The Democrats call that help?

I am a conservative, if I was a governor Iwould demand billions!

Democrats want illegal aliens because the democrats are the party of slavery. $500 million wont create jobs or give them freedom. $500 million will create more government agenciea, departments, where most the money will be used for offices and cubicles.
Mayor Eric Adams is desperately seeking at least $500 million in federal funding to deal with the flood of migrants into the Big Apple

Well, I see a problem here. With Trump in office, he wouldn't have that problem, and had Zuckerberg not spent that 500 million instead to steal Donald's reelection, Trump would still be in office.

Of course, the mayor has an alternative and just DEPORT those illegal aliens!

Maybe we should deport them to Newfoundland and see how they like it up there!
Near louisiana?

They go way farther west than the Louisiana border.
We have over 7000 square miles of pine forests.
The vast majority of the rest of the state is also woods just of a different type,there's actually very little desert in Texas.
If the border states would do their job, Adams wouldn’t be asking for the money to deal with their problem.

You are sooo unclean!

Are you working for the cartels and El Presidente??

You sound like it.
Protecting our borders is a federal issue, not a state issue. Our federal government has but restrictions on states on what they can and can’t do. Arizona was putting a law to help curtail the problem however the federal government sued the state of Arizona back in 2010 and the courts said it was a federal not a state issue. The federal government is to blame for the mess. The federal government isn’t enforcing our laws and is ignoring the issue.
that was obama

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