NYC seeing record homeless

Soon the failed city will have more homeless filth than Jews !!
NYC has high numbers of homeless because it offers so many incentives to the homeless. Same thing in happening in Ca. for the same reason.

That is the future of every American city and the homeless rates are mostly due to drug epidemics than the virus
Can we see the demographic stats you used to assert that opinion?
I prefer going with my intuition !!
Seems to work
I am not into math

That is the future of every American city and the homeless rates are mostly due to drug epidemics than the virus

If I were a bum and homeless, I would go to LA. New York is a little bit too cold to live outside.

Further, there are a lot of rich people in LA with change to spare.
In Sin francocisco the now retired former small business owner folks are purchasing super affordable family size(4 sleeping bags) "pop up" homes that they can construct in just minutes right on the sidewalk in front of the main door to their former business' they lost to taxes! Even with a family of four the family size pop up homes have plenty of room for a cooler & even a two burner Sterno powered porta-stove!!! 4/5 tins of Kipper Snacks & a family of four has a hot seafood dinner second to none!

That is the future of every American city and the homeless rates are mostly due to drug epidemics than the virus
So if we as a Country can so easily erect tent cities for immigrants why can't we do the same for our homeless Veterans and those without shelter?

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