NYC turning back to 70s crime

I'm sorry to hear it. Went down for a daytrip in the mid-80's; it was still pretty rough around the edges, but they made a LOT of inroads, cleaned it up a lot, made it a lot safer since then, they say.

It's sad it's experiencing this along with the Covid slam they took. NYC is the most frequent destination for foreign visitors in the US. It's got a lot going for it--Broadway, the Statue of Liberty, Tiffany's. A zillion things. Personally, I didn't like it. Too much everything, and it stunk, literally. I never saw such filthy water as New York Harbor. But it's a cultural mecca; you gotta give it that.
Shootings up 90 percent
Murder up 45 percent

Only safe zone is Italian Staten Island !!

Jews are facing near Daily pogroms

Very fun to watch such a crooked and sinister city just implode !!

Only Bronson was able to survive and thrive in the old New York.

A college chum of mine lived in Queens NY, President Trump's old neighborhood.

Took a Greyhound home, in the age before cellphones, he always called to make sure his boys were there waiting for him at the Port Authority when he went home, so could make it home. They had to fight their way back to the neighborhood.
Shootings up 90 percent
Murder up 45 percent

Only safe zone is Italian Staten Island !!

Jews are facing near Daily pogroms

Very fun to watch such a crooked and sinister city just implode !!

NOT much fun for the people living there. What the fuck is up with this trend of Americans wanting to abandon each other to die violently in democrat run shitholes. That's not what being American is about. Did we abandon our soldiers every time the Germans or Japanese encircled them during WWII battles? Enough with the whole "too bad, they voted for their own violent deaths" bullshit. We're Americans. We leave no fellow American behind.
DiBlasio is personally responsible for eradicating decades of steady of improvement in NYC. He will turn it back into the "Bronx is Burning" NYC. Disgusting.
Shootings up 90 percent
Murder up 45 percent

Only safe zone is Italian Staten Island !!

Jews are facing near Daily pogroms

Very fun to watch such a crooked and sinister city just implode !!

NOT much fun for the people living there. What the fuck is up with this trend of Americans wanting to abandon each other to die violently in democrat run shitholes. That's not what being American is about. Did we abandon our soldiers every time the Germans or Japanese encircled them during WWII battles? Enough with the whole "too bad, they voted for their own violent deaths" bullshit. We're Americans. We leave no fellow American behind.

Their are consequences to elections. They vote these fucking liberal shitasses into office because they promise them the world. But deliver nothing but a pile of dirt. It's known as "you reap what you sow."

So its not "leaving Americans behind" it's letting them wallow in the shithole they made for themselves. Maybe they'll learn a lesson.
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Shootings up 90 percent
Murder up 45 percent

Only safe zone is Italian Staten Island !!

Jews are facing near Daily pogroms

Very fun to watch such a crooked and sinister city just implode !!

NOT much fun for the people living there. What the fuck is up with this trend of Americans wanting to abandon each other to die violently in democrat run shitholes. That's not what being American is about. Did we abandon our soldiers every time the Germans or Japanese encircled them during WWII battles? Enough with the whole "too bad, they voted for their own violent deaths" bullshit. We're Americans. We leave no fellow American behind.

There are consequences to elections. They vote these fucking liberal shitasses into office because they promise them the world. But deliver nothing but a pile of dirt.

While I can't argue with your words, Americans do not abandon fellow Americans, particularly the elderly and young and others who cannot simply pull up stakes and move to greener pastures. We need to crusade into such places and make conditions livable again or evacuate those who want to leave and start over.
I feel so left out. I have never experienced this thing called Shit Hole. I am distant from a Semi- Shit Hole.

I'm not used to murder, rape, and muggings. Last murder was when an abused wife greased her husband.
Shootings up 90 percent
Murder up 45 percent

Only safe zone is Italian Staten Island !!

Jews are facing near Daily pogroms

Very fun to watch such a crooked and sinister city just implode !!
Vote democrat, that'll fix it!
Shootings up 90 percent
Murder up 45 percent

Only safe zone is Italian Staten Island !!

Jews are facing near Daily pogroms

Very fun to watch such a crooked and sinister city just implode !!

NOT much fun for the people living there. What the fuck is up with this trend of Americans wanting to abandon each other to die violently in democrat run shitholes. That's not what being American is about. Did we abandon our soldiers every time the Germans or Japanese encircled them during WWII battles? Enough with the whole "too bad, they voted for their own violent deaths" bullshit. We're Americans. We leave no fellow American behind.

There are consequences to elections. They vote these fucking liberal shitasses into office because they promise them the world. But deliver nothing but a pile of dirt.

While I can't argue with your words, Americans do not abandon fellow Americans, particularly the elderly and young and others who cannot simply pull up stakes and move to greener pastures. We need to crusade into such places and make conditions livable again or evacuate those who want to leave and start over.

Why do you refer to it as "abandoning Americans" when you allow them to have exactly the gov't they voted for? Unless you have proof voter fraud resulted in all the wrong people being elected they got exactly what they voted for. It's a free country, they voted in the bullshit they can wallow in it.
Shootings up 90 percent
Murder up 45 percent

Only safe zone is Italian Staten Island !!

Jews are facing near Daily pogroms

Very fun to watch such a crooked and sinister city just implode !!

Do you have a source for those statistics?
Shootings up 90 percent
Murder up 45 percent

Only safe zone is Italian Staten Island !!

Jews are facing near Daily pogroms

Very fun to watch such a crooked and sinister city just implode !!

Do you have a source for those statistics?

Is your fucking google broken? I found them in .0047 seconds according to google.

Damn you are so fucking lazy.

Last edited:
Shootings up 90 percent
Murder up 45 percent

Only safe zone is Italian Staten Island !!

Jews are facing near Daily pogroms

Very fun to watch such a crooked and sinister city just implode !!

Do you have a source for those statistics?
Sadly, it's been reported for weeks.

DiBlasio is personally responsible for eradicating decades of steady of improvement in NYC. He will turn it back into the "Bronx is Burning" NYC. Disgusting.

anyone out there remember the movie ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK------I am
a veteran of that era----it was hell-------and it is hell now
Shootings up 90 percent
Murder up 45 percent

Only safe zone is Italian Staten Island !!

Jews are facing near Daily pogroms

Very fun to watch such a crooked and sinister city just implode !!

NOT much fun for the people living there. What the fuck is up with this trend of Americans wanting to abandon each other to die violently in democrat run shitholes. That's not what being American is about. Did we abandon our soldiers every time the Germans or Japanese encircled them during WWII battles? Enough with the whole "too bad, they voted for their own violent deaths" bullshit. We're Americans. We leave no fellow American behind.

Your analogy is foolish if not downright stupid.

NONE of the soldiers surrounded at, for instance, Bastogne in the Battle of the Bulge VOTED to be surrounded by Nazis. NOT ONE! New York City and the other Democrat-run disasters VOTED FOR their current situation.
Shootings up 90 percent
Murder up 45 percent

Only safe zone is Italian Staten Island !!

Jews are facing near Daily pogroms

Very fun to watch such a crooked and sinister city just implode !!

Do you have a source for those statistics?
Sadly, it's been reported for weeks.

I thought there might be some new info, or something comparing the statistics to those in the 70s, but no. Incidently, there were a number of firearms law changes in NY during 2019, that could also have an affect:

I'm sorry to hear it. Went down for a daytrip in the mid-80's; it was still pretty rough around the edges, but they made a LOT of inroads, cleaned it up a lot, made it a lot safer since then, they say.

It's sad it's experiencing this along with the Covid slam they took. NYC is the most frequent destination for foreign visitors in the US. It's got a lot going for it--Broadway, the Statue of Liberty, Tiffany's. A zillion things. Personally, I didn't like it. Too much everything, and it stunk, literally. I never saw such filthy water as New York Harbor. But it's a cultural mecca; you gotta give it that.

The foreign tourist dont know any better.
They're told it's some great American destination by New Yorks travel bureau.
Went there when I was 14 and while it was kinda cool seeing a city that lived like they do I would never want that for myself.
No room to breath.
Shootings up 90 percent
Murder up 45 percent

Only safe zone is Italian Staten Island !!

Jews are facing near Daily pogroms

Very fun to watch such a crooked and sinister city just implode !!

Do you have a source for those statistics?
Sadly, it's been reported for weeks.

I thought there might be some new info, or something comparing the statistics to those in the 70s, but no. Incidently, there were a number of firearms law changes in NY during 2019, that could also have an affect:

I couldn't make heads nor tails of that article. Although it mentions something about allowing NYC residents to take their firearms outside the city, I couldn't figure out if it went through or not. And I don't know that that would cause such a rise in violence.

There have been some significant changes in policing and we know the Covid quarantines have led to a rise in domestic disputes -- I personally know two people who split up with their partners of years before May was out. But if it's happening in relationships, we know it's happening to all members of the family. None of us are immune to that stress. It put a lot of people out of work and some of those gun battles may be over stealing or dealing. NYC had it tougher than anywhere else, for months, with the quarantines and lockdowns. So maybe that's a factor too.

Mayor DeBlasio said they are NOT going back to the bad old days. Says he plans to get to the bottom of it with some community intervention programs instead of that unit that did all the stopping and frisking. That will take quite a bit of time, though. I would have kept what was working (that unit), made modifications if necessary, and done the community intervention programs at the same time. Why do people seem to feel it has to be one or the other?

I admit I'm no expert on NYC law enforcement. I probably don't have a great grasp on all the nuances. But if strict policing works and makes the city safer, maybe it's what's necessary, at least for now, because you don't change people's hearts, minds and behavior in a week with community intervention programs.

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