NYC's Shoeless Beggar A Fraud


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[But that's kindee the way most of the Left's causes celebre' usually turn out after the wailing, the screaming, the caterwauling, the breast beating, and the crocodile tears subside. Meanwhile the American taxpayer gets stuck with the Obamaphone lady, of which a minimum of 40 per cent of those are frauds, and who can forget Solyndra? And the Volt? And Fisker? And howduya like the 32 per cent increase in your healthcare premium coming soon? We know, we know "If you like you current healthcare plan you can keep it" Somethin' familiar there about a movin mouth that's always spewing lies.]

"So it now turns out that Jeffrey Hillman, the barefoot beggar who famously received a free pair of boots from a big-hearted police officer, not only has an apartment but pockets as much as several hundred dollars a day while pretending to be homeless.

Hillman freely admitted as much to a team of Post reporters who followed him home on the subway Sunday — and then watched as he calmly counted a huge wad of bills. Not to mention that he seems to be the Imelda Marcos of the streets, with at least 30 pairs of shoes and boots.

Most New Yorkers will doubtless be disappointed to learn that the inspiring tale of a police officer’s kindness to a man in distress would have such a cynical denouement. Few, however, will be surprised. Even so, there is a moral to this story that is especially timely.

The beggar whose charade spurred Officer Larry DePrimo’s act of kindness is a fraud."

Hillman?s homeless gig | Power Line
The police officer's act was one of genuine caring. The fact that the recipient was a fraud does not diminish the officer's kindness.

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