NYPD cop puts 7month pregnant woman in chokehold for grilling outside her apt.

Holy toledo! You can't make this shit up. Her baby daughter is watching all this go down. What's up with the police?

The pictures tell the story. This is wrong.

NYPD officer pictured 'putting seven-months pregnant woman into a chokehold for illegally grilling outside her apartment'

The incident happened Saturday afternoon, when Brooklyn resident Rosan Miller was caught illegally grilling outside her apartment
The arrest allegedly turned violent with an officer pictured wrapping his arm around pregnant Mrs Miller's neck in a chokehold
The NYPD told MailOnline that they are investigating the incident

More at the link.




NYPD officer pictured 'putting seven-months pregnant woman into a chokehold' | Mail Online

Where's the choke hold?

None in the pictures.

Also, no pictures of the entire interaction with cop before the struggle. What were the cops instructions, did she refuse to comply?
Clearly she is resisting arrest. Her husband & brother in law were also arrested for harassment and obstruction of justice. Seems the family has attitude problems. They are lucky they weren't tazered.

If they would have been polite & put the grill out, they may have got off with a warning or a ticket in worst case. I have been in the same situation. I immediately & politely put the fire out.

My friends (white) wife was tazered & arrested for assault when she mouthed off to police who told her to get out of the car & walk home because it was being impounded. The cop stood by the door so it "hit him" when she opened it to get out. Her husband was being arrested & car impounded for illegal possession of a gun after being stopped for a tail light out. He was later released & charges dropped, but she was charged & had to serve 2.5 years probation.
I think we can all agree that the MOST LIKELY SCENARIO is... she was being totally cool and cooperative, but then all of a sudden that cop decided he was going to show this pregnant woman who was boss, you know, cause he was having a bad day or whatever, so he takes his frustrations out on an innocent pregnant woman who was just grilling on her porch. I mean sure she was being cool, and she was innocent, but he wasn't in a good mood, so he choked a cooperative innocent pregnant woman with a club.
Fire and carbon monoxide poisoning are ridiculous? 'What an utterly ridiculous law' is ridiculous.

So i guess poor people just shouldn't be allowed to grill, Gotta keep those ******* in place, right Onepercenter?

People should follow the law. I'm a part-time resident of the city and I know you can't do what they did.

There are alot of things that are "illegal" in NYC that are idiotic. Evidently the entire rest of the country with certain small exceptions trusts people with things like fireworks, grills, backyard small fire pits, etc, but NY'ers are evidently too stupid to handle it. Whats ironic is that the people who enforce this crap mostly live OUTSIDE the city, and thus don't have to worry about this stuff.

New York City Government: We think you are dumber than people from Arkansas.
CaféAuLait;9527821 said:
Never heard of illegal grilling and often pictures don't show the whole story. I don't see a choke hold, I see someone struggling with someone. It is hard to even figure out the progression of the photos, some the gate is open, others they are on the stairs. This is a chokehold:


With that said, what an idiotic thing to be arrested for, looks like the entire family was arrested. There must be more to this story.

Of course there's more to it. "Police put pregnant woman in chokehold for grilling" sound like the whole story? Just as with the chokehold fatalty, there was a LOT more to it. That guy was huge and resisting a lawful order to submit being arrested. If he hadn't resisted they wouldn't have had to lay hands on him at all. Same with this woman. She escalated a simply situation into something the officer felt warranted arresting her, when he tried and she resisted he had to take her down to get the handcuffs on.

This stuff doesn't happen because cops are wannabe UFC fighters, it happens because people get an attitude and start resisting arrest.Otherwise they'd just accept they're getting arrested turn around, the cuffs go on and they go sit in the patrol car. Simple. More often than not the officer let's them out after they cool off a while. There's simply no reason to get beligerent and start resisting an officer. They have better things to do than take in every yocal for some local ordinance infraction believe me.
CaféAuLait;9527821 said:
With that said, what an idiotic thing to be arrested for, looks like the entire family was arrested. There must be more to this story.

In most states I have lived using a gas grill at a multi-unit residence is illegal due to the threat of a fire. When I lived in my condo in Charlotte I couldn't use my grill either. It sucked because I like to grill everything.

Buy an electric grill.

I did, but they aren't the same.
Looks like it's only ok for a man to hit a woman if you are a cop
Looks like it's only ok for a man to hit a woman if you are a cop

What makes you say that? Do you have evidence that he hit her, or are you just a dummy that doesnt think before typing?
CaféAuLait;9528823 said:
CaféAuLait;9527881 said:
Guess her hubby and brother did not "put out" too, since they both were arrested along with her.

Anyway, I found some laws about grilling there in NYC:

It is strictly prohibited and illegal in New York
City to:
�� store or use a propane grill on the roof of any building.
�� use a charcoal grill on the roof of any building.
�� store or use a propane grill on a residential property
with a three or more family residence.

�� store or use a propane grill on the terrace or balcony
of an apartment building.


So, am I reading the correctly? Those who reside in something like row homes or connected town homes can't grill? But CAN use charcoal to grill if in a row home or connected town home?

What an utterly ridiculous law.

Fire and carbon monoxide poisoning are ridiculous? 'What an utterly ridiculous law' is ridiculous.

The law does not make sense if they can use charcoal to grill, still a fire hazard, in fact more of a fire hazard than a propane tank IMO. People leave the hot coals and the flare ups with charcoal grilling. It makes no sense to me they can grill with charcoal, as long as it is not with propane in their yards.

Propane is a flammable gas, charcoal isn't.
Looks like it's only ok for a man to hit a woman if you are a cop

What makes you say that? Do you have evidence that he hit her, or are you just a dummy that doesnt think before typing?

well he is being physical with her and she is pregnant which to me is a dummy move

You said he hit her. If you had confidence in your point of veiw, you wouldnt have had to lie. So do you have any other thoughts on this subject that arent a lie?
What makes you say that? Do you have evidence that he hit her, or are you just a dummy that doesnt think before typing?

well he is being physical with her and she is pregnant which to me is a dummy move

You said he hit her. If you had confidence in your point of veiw, you wouldnt have had to lie. So do you have any other thoughts on this subject that arent a lie?

I want the officer to lose his job
I have always been pro police too, but with all the damn dog shootings....I'm pretty sure I would lock up my dog any time I thought about calling them for any reason...or if they show up for whatever reason...my dog would be locked in the bathroom and even then it might not be safe from being shot.
If she was doing something that wasn't allowed and then thumbed her nose at authority when they got to her, she only brought what was done to her after that all on herself. What do you think is going to happen when you choose to dig your hole deeper?

God bless you always!!!

If she was doing something that wasn't allowed and then thumbed her nose at authority when they got to her, she only brought what was done to her after that all on herself. What do you think is going to happen when you choose to dig your hole deeper?

God bless you always!!!


Just because you are a cop that doesn't give you the right to speak to adults like kids
^^^ Sadly they can be left with no other choice when they are given a reason to do such a thing. All that you have to do is be an adult if you want to be treated like one.

God bless you always!!!


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