NYPD: Hatchet attack an act of terror


This Space for Rent
Oct 29, 2008
New York (CNN) -- A broad-daylight hatchet assault on a group of New York police officers -- leaving one critically injured with a head wound -- was carried out by a self-radicalized convert to Islam in what officials Friday termed a terrorist attack.

Officer Kenneth Healey, who remains in critical condition, and three of his on-duty colleagues were posing for a picture on the sidewalk Thursday afternoon when a hatchet-wielding man charged at them "unprovoked," according to Police Commissioner Bill Bratton.

The attacker, identified as Zale H. Thompson, was hiding behind a bus shelter as if he was waiting to attack the officers, according to a law enforcement official, who said it almost appeared as if he were stalking them.
"This was a terrorist act," Bratton said Friday.

Police Hatchet attack an act of terror - CNN.com

We have been on alert since the Canadian incident, and last night, early evening- stricter measures were in place for entering the base after the above attack. IMO authorities were aware yesterday, thus the tighter control of the gates.
We don't want to say anything negative or anything, but if we burned down a mosque and slashed a Muslim or two, that might end this. Not that I advocate such a hateful thing as that, but, it might send a message. But, don't do that, just throwing it out there. Muslims do this all the time, send out hateful destructive messages all the time and then claim to be "Respectful members of the community". Yeah, right. That is all I am doing.
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We don't want to say anything negative or anything, but if we burned down a mosque and slashed a Muslim or two, that might end this. Not that I advocate such a hateful thing as that, but, it might send a message. But, don't do that, just throwing it out there.

Um, just suggesting it alone is messed up if you ask me.
Even the Pink Panther could figure that out.

Liberals, ehh not so much. They have to check with their therapist first
We don't want to say anything negative or anything, but if we burned down a mosque and slashed a Muslim or two, that might end this. Not that I advocate such a hateful thing as that, but, it might send a message. But, don't do that, just throwing it out there. Muslims do this all the time, send out hateful destructive messages all the time and then claim to be "Respectful members of the community". Yeah, right. That is all I am doing.
Of course you are, otherwise you wouldn't have posted it.
Don't discriminate against the man. He's just doing what the Quran tells him to do - "Kill the infidels wherever you find them". Quran 2:191-193
Ok, I just have to ask this one question.

What the fuck are these moslems thinking? Do they really just want the the West and the U.S. to hate them? Because that is what they are trying to do.
Even the Pink Panther could figure that out.

Liberals, ehh not so much. They have to check with their therapist first
A manifestation of conservative 'political correctness,' if you will.

Now every such incident must be classified as a 'terrorist attack' even when it isn't, otherwise authorities will be inundated with the outrage of the partisan right.
New York (CNN) -- A broad-daylight hatchet assault on a group of New York police officers -- leaving one critically injured with a head wound -- was carried out by a self-radicalized convert to Islam in what officials Friday termed a terrorist attack.

Officer Kenneth Healey, who remains in critical condition, and three of his on-duty colleagues were posing for a picture on the sidewalk Thursday afternoon when a hatchet-wielding man charged at them "unprovoked," according to Police Commissioner Bill Bratton.

The attacker, identified as Zale H. Thompson, was hiding behind a bus shelter as if he was waiting to attack the officers, according to a law enforcement official, who said it almost appeared as if he were stalking them.
"This was a terrorist act," Bratton said Friday.

Police Hatchet attack an act of terror - CNN.com

We have been on alert since the Canadian incident, and last night, early evening- stricter measures were in place for entering the base after the above attack. IMO authorities were aware yesterday, thus the tighter control of the gates.
Did they consult Hussein Obama before the announcement?

Hussein seemed very uncertain when asked of the Canadian attack was terrorism.

I think he really wanted to call the guy a Freedom Fighter.
We don't want to say anything negative or anything, but if we burned down a mosque and slashed a Muslim or two, that might end this. Not that I advocate such a hateful thing as that, but, it might send a message. But, don't do that, just throwing it out there. Muslims do this all the time, send out hateful destructive messages all the time and then claim to be "Respectful members of the community". Yeah, right. That is all I am doing.
Let's invade and occupy Lebanon...kill a few more kids:confused-84:
We don't want to say anything negative or anything, but if we burned down a mosque and slashed a Muslim or two, that might end this. Not that I advocate such a hateful thing as that, but, it might send a message. But, don't do that, just throwing it out there. Muslims do this all the time, send out hateful destructive messages all the time and then claim to be "Respectful members of the community". Yeah, right. That is all I am doing.
Of course you are, otherwise you wouldn't have posted it.[/QUOTE
Really, given 9/11 and ISIS cutting off heads for nothing... Of course, why are you posting? Islam. 9/11, cutting of heads and posting it on line, those real hateful things....and we are supposed to ignore that, ya jerk?
We don't want to say anything negative or anything, but if we burned down a mosque and slashed a Muslim or two, that might end this. Not that I advocate such a hateful thing as that, but, it might send a message. But, don't do that, just throwing it out there. Muslims do this all the time, send out hateful destructive messages all the time and then claim to be "Respectful members of the community". Yeah, right. That is all I am doing.
Let's invade and occupy Lebanon...kill a few more kids:confused-84:

No, I think MaryL has it about right.
We don't want to say anything negative or anything, but if we burned down a mosque and slashed a Muslim or two, that might end this. Not that I advocate such a hateful thing as that, but, it might send a message. But, don't do that, just throwing it out there. Muslims do this all the time, send out hateful destructive messages all the time and then claim to be "Respectful members of the community". Yeah, right. That is all I am doing.
Let's invade and occupy Lebanon...kill a few more kids:confused-84:
What is the definition of an "act of terror"?


The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

To me it seems like an act of terror given ISIS call for exactly what has transpired in Canada, and NY.

ISIS calls for attacks in U.S. and allies - CNN.com
What is the definition of an "act of terror"?
There are several...
"Department of Defense Dictionary of Military Terms definesterrorism as: The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological."

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